chore(trait): Migrate the Master trait to structured serialization
diff --git a/addons/master/master.go b/addons/master/master.go
index e9ca949..967a5f0 100644
--- a/addons/master/master.go
+++ b/addons/master/master.go
@@ -43,18 +43,18 @@
 type masterTrait struct {
 	trait.BaseTrait `property:",squash"`
 	// Enables automatic configuration of the trait.
-	Auto *bool `property:"auto"`
+	Auto *bool `property:"auto" json:"auto,omitempty"`
 	// When this flag is active, the operator analyzes the source code to add dependencies required by delegate endpoints.
 	// E.g. when using `master:lockname:timer`, then `camel:timer` is automatically added to the set of dependencies.
 	// It's enabled by default.
-	IncludeDelegateDependencies *bool `property:"include-delegate-dependencies"`
+	IncludeDelegateDependencies *bool `property:"include-delegate-dependencies" json:"includeDelegateDependencies,omitempty"`
 	// Name of the configmap that will be used to store the lock. Defaults to "<integration-name>-lock".
-	Configmap *string `property:"configmap"`
+	Configmap *string `property:"configmap" json:"configmap,omitempty"`
 	// Label that will be used to identify all pods contending the lock. Defaults to "".
-	LabelKey *string `property:"label-key"`
+	LabelKey *string `property:"label-key" json:"labelKey,omitempty"`
 	// Label value that will be used to identify all pods contending the lock. Defaults to the integration name.
-	LabelValue           *string `property:"label-value"`
-	delegateDependencies []string
+	LabelValue           *string  `property:"label-value" json:"labelValue,omitempty"`
+	delegateDependencies []string `json:"-"`
 // NewMasterTrait --