blob: 41c6b4587fe3cf83b553190911114fcf9a8fc54e [file] [log] [blame]
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package threescale
import (
v1 ""
metav1 ""
// The 3scale trait can be used to automatically create annotations that allow
// 3scale to discover the generated service and make it available for API management.
// The 3scale trait is disabled by default.
// +camel-k:trait=3scale
type threeScaleTrait struct {
trait.BaseTrait `property:",squash"`
// Enables automatic configuration of the trait.
Auto *bool `property:"auto" json:"auto,omitempty"`
// The scheme to use to contact the service (default `http`)
Scheme string `property:"scheme" json:"scheme,omitempty"`
// The path where the API is published (default `/`)
Path string `property:"path" json:"path,omitempty"`
// The port where the service is exposed (default `80`)
Port int `property:"port" json:"port,omitempty"`
// The path where the Open-API specification is published (default `/openapi.json`)
DescriptionPath *string `property:"description-path" json:"descriptionPath,omitempty"`
const (
// ThreeScaleSchemeAnnotation --
ThreeScaleSchemeAnnotation = ""
// ThreeScaleSchemeDefaultValue --
ThreeScaleSchemeDefaultValue = "http"
// ThreeScalePortAnnotation --
ThreeScalePortAnnotation = ""
// ThreeScalePortDefaultValue --
ThreeScalePortDefaultValue = 80
// ThreeScalePathAnnotation --
ThreeScalePathAnnotation = ""
// ThreeScalePathDefaultValue --
ThreeScalePathDefaultValue = "/"
// ThreeScaleDescriptionPathAnnotation --
ThreeScaleDescriptionPathAnnotation = ""
// ThreeScaleDescriptionPathDefaultValue --
ThreeScaleDescriptionPathDefaultValue = "/openapi.json"
// ThreeScaleDiscoveryLabel --
ThreeScaleDiscoveryLabel = ""
// ThreeScaleDiscoveryLabelEnabled --
ThreeScaleDiscoveryLabelEnabled = "true"
// NewThreeScaleTrait --
func NewThreeScaleTrait() trait.Trait {
return &threeScaleTrait{
BaseTrait: trait.NewBaseTrait("3scale", trait.TraitOrderPostProcessResources),
func (t *threeScaleTrait) Configure(e *trait.Environment) (bool, error) {
if t.Enabled == nil || !*t.Enabled {
// disabled by default
return false, nil
if !e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseDeploying) {
return false, nil
if t.Auto == nil || *t.Auto {
if t.Scheme == "" {
t.Scheme = ThreeScaleSchemeDefaultValue
if t.Path == "" {
t.Path = ThreeScalePathDefaultValue
if t.Port == 0 {
t.Port = ThreeScalePortDefaultValue
if t.DescriptionPath == nil {
openAPI := ThreeScaleDescriptionPathDefaultValue
t.DescriptionPath = &openAPI
return true, nil
func (t *threeScaleTrait) Apply(e *trait.Environment) error {
if svc := e.Resources.GetServiceForIntegration(e.Integration); svc != nil {
return nil
func (t *threeScaleTrait) addLabelsAndAnnotations(obj *metav1.ObjectMeta) {
if obj.Labels == nil {
obj.Labels = make(map[string]string)
obj.Labels[ThreeScaleDiscoveryLabel] = ThreeScaleDiscoveryLabelEnabled
if obj.Annotations == nil {
obj.Annotations = make(map[string]string)
if t.Scheme != "" {
obj.Annotations[ThreeScaleSchemeAnnotation] = t.Scheme
if t.Path != "" {
obj.Annotations[ThreeScalePathAnnotation] = t.Path
if t.Port != 0 {
obj.Annotations[ThreeScalePortAnnotation] = strconv.Itoa(t.Port)
if t.DescriptionPath != nil && *t.DescriptionPath != "" {
obj.Annotations[ThreeScaleDescriptionPathAnnotation] = *t.DescriptionPath