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package trait
import (
corev1 ""
v1 ""
// The Jolokia trait activates and configures the Jolokia Java agent.
// See
// +camel-k:trait=jolokia
type jolokiaTrait struct {
BaseTrait `property:",squash"`
// The PEM encoded CA certification file path, used to verify client certificates,
// applicable when `protocol` is `https` and `use-ssl-client-authentication` is `true`
// (default `/var/run/secrets/` for OpenShift).
CaCert *string `property:"ca-cert" json:"CACert,omitempty"`
// The principal(s) which must be given in a client certificate to allow access to the Jolokia endpoint,
// applicable when `protocol` is `https` and `use-ssl-client-authentication` is `true`
// (default `clientPrincipal=cn=system:master-proxy`, `cn=hawtio-online.hawtio.svc` and `cn=fuse-console.fuse.svc` for OpenShift).
ClientPrincipal []string `property:"client-principal" json:"clientPrincipal,omitempty"`
// Listen for multicast requests (default `false`)
DiscoveryEnabled *bool `property:"discovery-enabled" json:"discoveryEnabled,omitempty"`
// Mandate the client certificate contains a client flag in the extended key usage section,
// applicable when `protocol` is `https` and `use-ssl-client-authentication` is `true`
// (default `true` for OpenShift).
ExtendedClientCheck *bool `property:"extended-client-check" json:"extendedClientCheck,omitempty"`
// The Host address to which the Jolokia agent should bind to. If `"\*"` or `""` is given,
// the servers binds to every network interface (default `"*"`).
Host *string `property:"host" json:"host,omitempty"`
// The password used for authentication, applicable when the `user` option is set.
Password *string `property:"password" json:"password,omitempty"`
// The Jolokia endpoint port (default `8778`).
Port int `property:"port" json:"port,omitempty"`
// The protocol to use, either `http` or `https` (default `https` for OpenShift)
Protocol *string `property:"protocol" json:"protocol,omitempty"`
// The user to be used for authentication
User *string `property:"user" json:"user,omitempty"`
// Whether client certificates should be used for authentication (default `true` for OpenShift).
UseSslClientAuthentication *bool `property:"use-ssl-client-authentication" json:"useSSLClientAuthentication,omitempty"`
// A list of additional Jolokia options as defined
// in[JVM agent configuration options]
Options []string `property:"options" json:"options,omitempty"`
func newJolokiaTrait() Trait {
return &jolokiaTrait{
BaseTrait: NewBaseTrait("jolokia", 1800),
Port: 8778,
func (t *jolokiaTrait) Configure(e *Environment) (bool, error) {
return t.Enabled != nil && *t.Enabled && e.IntegrationInPhase(
), nil
func (t *jolokiaTrait) Apply(e *Environment) (err error) {
if e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization) {
// Add the Camel management and Jolokia agent dependencies
// Also add the Camel JAXB dependency, that's required by Hawtio
switch e.CamelCatalog.Runtime.Provider {
case v1.RuntimeProviderQuarkus:
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Dependencies, "mvn:org.apache.camel.quarkus/camel-quarkus-management")
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Dependencies, "camel-quarkus:jaxb")
// TODO: We may want to make the Jolokia version configurable
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Dependencies, "mvn:org.jolokia/jolokia-jvm:jar:agent:1.6.2")
return nil
container := e.getIntegrationContainer()
if container == nil {
return nil
// Configure the Jolokia Java agent, first with the extra options
options, err := keyValuePairArrayAsStringMap(t.Options)
if err != nil {
return err
t.setDefaultJolokiaOption(options, &t.Host, "host", "*")
t.setDefaultJolokiaOption(options, &t.DiscoveryEnabled, "discoveryEnabled", false)
// Configure HTTPS by default for OpenShift
if e.DetermineProfile() == v1.TraitProfileOpenShift {
t.setDefaultJolokiaOption(options, &t.Protocol, "protocol", "https")
t.setDefaultJolokiaOption(options, &t.CaCert, "caCert", "/var/run/secrets/")
t.setDefaultJolokiaOption(options, &t.ExtendedClientCheck, "extendedClientCheck", true)
t.setDefaultJolokiaOption(options, &t.UseSslClientAuthentication, "useSslClientAuthentication", true)
t.setDefaultJolokiaOption(options, &t.ClientPrincipal, "clientPrincipal", []string{
// Master API proxy for OpenShift 3
// Default Hawtio and Fuse consoles for OpenShift 4
// Then add explicitly set trait configuration properties
t.addToJolokiaOptions(options, "caCert", t.CaCert)
t.addToJolokiaOptions(options, "clientPrincipal", t.ClientPrincipal)
t.addToJolokiaOptions(options, "discoveryEnabled", t.DiscoveryEnabled)
t.addToJolokiaOptions(options, "extendedClientCheck", t.ExtendedClientCheck)
t.addToJolokiaOptions(options, "host", t.Host)
t.addToJolokiaOptions(options, "password", t.Password)
t.addToJolokiaOptions(options, "port", t.Port)
t.addToJolokiaOptions(options, "protocol", t.Protocol)
t.addToJolokiaOptions(options, "user", t.User)
t.addToJolokiaOptions(options, "useSslClientAuthentication", t.UseSslClientAuthentication)
// Options must be sorted so that the environment variable value is consistent over iterations,
// otherwise the value changes which results in triggering a new deployment.
optionValues := make([]string, len(options))
for i, k := range util.SortedStringMapKeys(options) {
optionValues[i] = k + "=" + options[k]
container.Args = append(container.Args, "-javaagent:dependencies/org.jolokia.jolokia-jvm-1.6.2-agent.jar="+strings.Join(optionValues, ","))
containerPort := corev1.ContainerPort{
Name: "jolokia",
ContainerPort: int32(t.Port),
Protocol: corev1.ProtocolTCP,
fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s/%d)", container.Name, containerPort.Name, containerPort.ContainerPort),
container.Ports = append(container.Ports, containerPort)
return nil
func (t *jolokiaTrait) setDefaultJolokiaOption(options map[string]string, option interface{}, key string, value interface{}) {
// Do not override existing option
if _, ok := options[key]; ok {
switch o := option.(type) {
case **bool:
if *o == nil {
v := value.(bool)
*o = &v
case **int:
if *o == nil {
v := value.(int)
*o = &v
case **string:
if *o == nil {
v := value.(string)
*o = &v
case *[]string:
if len(*o) == 0 {
*o = value.([]string)
func (t *jolokiaTrait) addToJolokiaOptions(options map[string]string, key string, value interface{}) {
switch v := value.(type) {
case *bool:
if v != nil {
options[key] = strconv.FormatBool(*v)
case *int:
if v != nil {
options[key] = strconv.Itoa(*v)
case int:
options[key] = strconv.Itoa(v)
case *string:
if v != nil {
options[key] = *v
case string:
if v != "" {
options[key] = v
case []string:
if len(v) == 1 {
options[key] = v[0]
} else {
for i, vi := range v {
options[key+"."+strconv.Itoa(i+1)] = vi