blob: b372e18fbb82f42a76d40f3f3e48250730f8e6aa [file] [log] [blame]
= Prometheus Trait
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The Prometheus trait configures a Prometheus-compatible endpoint. It also creates a `PodMonitor` resource,
so that the endpoint can be scraped automatically, when using the Prometheus operator.
The metrics are exposed using MicroProfile Metrics.
WARNING: The creation of the `PodMonitor` resource requires the[Prometheus Operator]
custom resource definition to be installed.
You can set `pod-monitor` to `false` for the Prometheus trait to work without the Prometheus Operator.
The Prometheus trait is disabled by default.
This trait is available in the following profiles: **Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift**.
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== Configuration
Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:
$ kamel run --trait prometheus.[key]=[value] --trait prometheus.[key2]=[value2] integration.groovy
The following configuration options are available:
|Property | Type | Description
| prometheus.enabled
| bool
| Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.
| prometheus.pod-monitor
| bool
| Whether a `PodMonitor` resource is created (default `true`).
| prometheus.pod-monitor-labels
| []string
| The `PodMonitor` resource labels, applicable when `pod-monitor` is `true`.
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