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package repository
import (
v1 ""
camel ""
metav1 ""
const (
// NoneRepository is a marker used to indicate that no repository should be used
NoneRepository = "none"
var DefaultRemoteRepository = "github:apache/camel-kamelets"
// KameletRepository can be used to obtain a Kamelet definition, looking it up in one or more physical locations
type KameletRepository interface {
// List the kamelets available in the repository
List(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error)
// Get the Kamelet corresponding to the given name, or nil if not found
Get(ctx context.Context, name string) (*v1alpha1.Kamelet, error)
// String information about the repository
String() string
// New creates a KameletRepository for the given namespaces.
// Kamelets are first looked up in all the given namespaces, in the order they appear.
// If one namespace defines an IntegrationPlatform (only the first IntegrationPlatform in state "Ready" found),
// then all kamelet repository URIs defined in the IntegrationPlatform are included.
func New(ctx context.Context, client camel.Interface, namespaces ...string) (KameletRepository, error) {
namespaces = makeDistinctNonEmpty(namespaces)
platform, err := lookupPlatform(ctx, client, namespaces...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return NewForPlatform(ctx, client, platform, namespaces...)
// NewForPlatform creates a KameletRepository for the given namespaces and platform.
// Kamelets are first looked up in all the given namespaces, in the order they appear,
// then repositories defined in the platform are looked up.
func NewForPlatform(ctx context.Context, client camel.Interface, platform *v1.IntegrationPlatform, namespaces ...string) (KameletRepository, error) {
namespaces = makeDistinctNonEmpty(namespaces)
repoImpls := make([]KameletRepository, 0)
for _, namespace := range namespaces {
// Add first a namespace local repository for each namespace
repoImpls = append(repoImpls, newKubernetesKameletRepository(client, namespace))
if platform != nil {
repos := getRepositoriesFromPlatform(platform)
for _, repoURI := range repos {
repoImpl, err := newFromURI(repoURI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repoImpls = append(repoImpls, repoImpl)
} else {
// Add default repo
defaultRepoImpl, err := newFromURI(DefaultRemoteRepository)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
repoImpls = append(repoImpls, defaultRepoImpl)
return newCompositeKameletRepository(repoImpls...), nil
// NewStandalone creates a KameletRepository that can be used in cases where there's no connection to a Kubernetes cluster.
// The given uris are used to construct the repositories.
// If the uris parameter is nil, then only the DefaultRemoteRepository will be included.
func NewStandalone(uris ...string) (KameletRepository, error) {
repoImpls := make([]KameletRepository, 0, len(uris)+1)
for _, repoURI := range uris {
repoImpl, err := newFromURI(repoURI)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if repoImpl != nil {
repoImpls = append(repoImpls, repoImpl)
if len(repoImpls) == 0 {
defaultRepoImpl, err := newFromURI(DefaultRemoteRepository)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if defaultRepoImpl != nil {
repoImpls = append(repoImpls, defaultRepoImpl)
return newCompositeKameletRepository(repoImpls...), nil
func lookupPlatform(ctx context.Context, client camel.Interface, namespaces ...string) (*v1.IntegrationPlatform, error) {
for _, namespace := range namespaces {
pls, err := client.CamelV1().IntegrationPlatforms(namespace).List(ctx, metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, pl := range pls.Items {
if pl.Status.Phase == v1.IntegrationPlatformPhaseReady {
return &pl, nil
if len(pls.Items) > 0 {
// If none is ready, return the first one
return &pls.Items[0], nil
return nil, nil
func getRepositoriesFromPlatform(platform *v1.IntegrationPlatform) []string {
if platform == nil {
return nil
repos := platform.Status.Kamelet.Repositories
if len(repos) == 0 {
// Maybe not reconciled yet
repos = platform.Spec.Kamelet.Repositories
res := make([]string, 0, len(repos))
for _, repo := range repos {
res = append(res, repo.URI)
return res
func newFromURI(uri string) (KameletRepository, error) {
if uri == NoneRepository {
return newEmptyKameletRepository(), nil
} else if strings.HasPrefix(uri, "github:") {
desc := strings.TrimPrefix(uri, "github:")
var version string
if strings.Contains(desc, "@") {
pos := strings.LastIndex(desc, "@")
version = desc[pos+1:]
desc = desc[0:pos]
parts := strings.Split(desc, "/")
if len(parts) < 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expected format is github:owner/repo[/path][@version], got: %s", uri)
owner := parts[0]
repo := parts[1]
var path string
if len(parts) >= 3 {
path = strings.Join(parts[2:], "/")
return newGithubKameletRepository(owner, repo, path, version), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid uri: %s", uri)
func makeDistinctNonEmpty(names []string) []string {
res := make([]string, 0, len(names))
presence := make(map[string]bool, len(names))
for _, n := range names {
if n == "" || presence[n] {
presence[n] = true
res = append(res, n)
return res