blob: a35235921f060b8a3b07d9b4843dd2861a12c51d [file] [log] [blame]
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package trait
import (
corev1 ""
v1 ""
traitv1 ""
const (
quarkusTraitID = "quarkus"
var kitPriority = map[traitv1.QuarkusPackageType]string{
traitv1.FastJarPackageType: "1000",
traitv1.NativePackageType: "2000",
type quarkusTrait struct {
traitv1.QuarkusTrait `property:",squash"`
func newQuarkusTrait() Trait {
return &quarkusTrait{
BaseTrait: NewBaseTrait(quarkusTraitID, 1700),
// IsPlatformTrait overrides base class method.
func (t *quarkusTrait) IsPlatformTrait() bool {
return true
// InfluencesKit overrides base class method.
func (t *quarkusTrait) InfluencesKit() bool {
return true
var _ ComparableTrait = &quarkusTrait{}
func (t *quarkusTrait) Matches(trait Trait) bool {
qt, ok := trait.(*quarkusTrait)
if !ok {
return false
if pointer.BoolDeref(t.Enabled, true) && !pointer.BoolDeref(qt.Enabled, true) {
return false
if len(t.PackageTypes) == 0 && len(qt.PackageTypes) != 0 && !containsPackageType(qt.PackageTypes, traitv1.FastJarPackageType) {
return false
for _, pt := range t.PackageTypes {
if pt == traitv1.FastJarPackageType && len(qt.PackageTypes) == 0 {
if containsPackageType(qt.PackageTypes, pt) {
return false
return true
func (t *quarkusTrait) Configure(e *Environment) (bool, error) {
if !pointer.BoolDeref(t.Enabled, true) {
return false, nil
return e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseBuildingKit) ||
e.IntegrationKitInPhase(v1.IntegrationKitPhaseBuildSubmitted) ||
e.IntegrationKitInPhase(v1.IntegrationKitPhaseReady) && e.IntegrationInRunningPhases(),
func (t *quarkusTrait) Apply(e *Environment) error {
if e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseBuildingKit) {
return nil
switch e.IntegrationKit.Status.Phase {
case v1.IntegrationKitPhaseBuildSubmitted:
if err := t.applyWhenBuildSubmitted(e); err != nil {
return err
case v1.IntegrationKitPhaseReady:
if err := t.applyWhenKitReady(e); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *quarkusTrait) applyWhileBuildingKit(e *Environment) {
if containsPackageType(t.PackageTypes, traitv1.NativePackageType) {
// Native compilation is only supported for a subset of languages,
// so let's check for compatibility, and fail-fast the Integration,
// to save compute resources and user time.
if !t.validateNativeSupport(e) {
// Let the calling controller handle the Integration update
switch len(t.PackageTypes) {
case 0:
kit := t.newIntegrationKit(e, traitv1.FastJarPackageType)
e.IntegrationKits = append(e.IntegrationKits, *kit)
case 1:
kit := t.newIntegrationKit(e, t.PackageTypes[0])
e.IntegrationKits = append(e.IntegrationKits, *kit)
for _, pt := range t.PackageTypes {
packageType := pt
kit := t.newIntegrationKit(e, packageType)
if kit.Spec.Traits.Quarkus == nil {
kit.Spec.Traits.Quarkus = &traitv1.QuarkusTrait{}
kit.Spec.Traits.Quarkus.PackageTypes = []traitv1.QuarkusPackageType{packageType}
e.IntegrationKits = append(e.IntegrationKits, *kit)
func (t *quarkusTrait) validateNativeSupport(e *Environment) bool {
for _, source := range e.Integration.Sources() {
if language := source.InferLanguage(); language != v1.LanguageKamelet &&
language != v1.LanguageYaml &&
language != v1.LanguageXML {
t.L.ForIntegration(e.Integration).Infof("Integration %s/%s contains a %s source that cannot be compiled to native executable", e.Integration.Namespace, e.Integration.Name, language)
e.Integration.Status.Phase = v1.IntegrationPhaseError
fmt.Sprintf("native compilation for language %q is not supported", language))
return false
return true
func (t *quarkusTrait) newIntegrationKit(e *Environment, packageType traitv1.QuarkusPackageType) *v1.IntegrationKit {
integration := e.Integration
kit := v1.NewIntegrationKit(integration.GetIntegrationKitNamespace(e.Platform), fmt.Sprintf("kit-%s", xid.New()))
kit.Labels = map[string]string{
v1.IntegrationKitTypeLabel: v1.IntegrationKitTypePlatform,
"": integration.Status.RuntimeVersion,
"": string(integration.Status.RuntimeProvider),
v1.IntegrationKitLayoutLabel: string(packageType),
v1.IntegrationKitPriorityLabel: kitPriority[packageType],
kubernetes.CamelCreatorLabelKind: v1.IntegrationKind,
kubernetes.CamelCreatorLabelName: integration.Name,
kubernetes.CamelCreatorLabelNamespace: integration.Namespace,
kubernetes.CamelCreatorLabelVersion: integration.ResourceVersion,
if v, ok := integration.Annotations[v1.PlatformSelectorAnnotation]; ok {
v1.SetAnnotation(&kit.ObjectMeta, v1.PlatformSelectorAnnotation, v)
operatorID := defaults.OperatorID()
if operatorID != "" {
kit.Spec = v1.IntegrationKitSpec{
Dependencies: e.Integration.Status.Dependencies,
Repositories: e.Integration.Spec.Repositories,
Traits: propagateKitTraits(e),
return kit
func propagateKitTraits(e *Environment) v1.IntegrationKitTraits {
traits := e.Integration.Spec.Traits
kitTraits := v1.IntegrationKitTraits{
Builder: traits.Builder.DeepCopy(),
Quarkus: traits.Quarkus.DeepCopy(),
Registry: traits.Registry.DeepCopy(),
// propagate addons that influence kits too
if len(traits.Addons) > 0 {
kitTraits.Addons = make(map[string]v1.AddonTrait)
for id, addon := range traits.Addons {
if t := e.Catalog.GetTrait(id); t != nil && t.InfluencesKit() {
kitTraits.Addons[id] = *addon.DeepCopy()
return kitTraits
func (t *quarkusTrait) applyWhenBuildSubmitted(e *Environment) error {
build := getBuilderTask(e.BuildTasks)
if build == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to find builder task: %s", e.Integration.Name)
if build.Maven.Properties == nil {
build.Maven.Properties = make(map[string]string)
steps, err := builder.StepsFrom(build.Steps...)
if err != nil {
return err
steps = append(steps, builder.Quarkus.CommonSteps...)
native, err := t.isNativeKit(e)
if err != nil {
return err
if native {
build.Maven.Properties["quarkus.package.type"] = string(traitv1.NativePackageType)
steps = append(steps, builder.Image.NativeImageContext)
// Spectrum does not rely on Dockerfile to assemble the image
if e.Platform.Status.Build.PublishStrategy != v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategySpectrum {
steps = append(steps, builder.Image.ExecutableDockerfile)
} else {
build.Maven.Properties["quarkus.package.type"] = string(traitv1.FastJarPackageType)
steps = append(steps, builder.Quarkus.ComputeQuarkusDependencies, builder.Image.IncrementalImageContext)
// Spectrum does not rely on Dockerfile to assemble the image
if e.Platform.Status.Build.PublishStrategy != v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategySpectrum {
steps = append(steps, builder.Image.JvmDockerfile)
// Sort steps by phase
sort.SliceStable(steps, func(i, j int) bool {
return steps[i].Phase() < steps[j].Phase()
build.Steps = builder.StepIDsFor(steps...)
return nil
func (t *quarkusTrait) isNativeKit(e *Environment) (bool, error) {
switch types := t.PackageTypes; len(types) {
case 0:
return false, nil
case 1:
return types[0] == traitv1.NativePackageType, nil
return false, fmt.Errorf("kit %q has more than one package type", e.IntegrationKit.Name)
func (t *quarkusTrait) applyWhenKitReady(e *Environment) error {
if e.IntegrationInRunningPhases() && t.isNativeIntegration(e) {
container := e.GetIntegrationContainer()
if container == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to find integration container: %s", e.Integration.Name)
container.Command = []string{"./camel-k-integration-" + defaults.Version + "-runner"}
container.WorkingDir = builder.DeploymentDir
return nil
func (t *quarkusTrait) isNativeIntegration(e *Environment) bool {
// The current IntegrationKit determines the Integration runtime type
return e.IntegrationKit.Labels[v1.IntegrationKitLayoutLabel] == v1.IntegrationKitLayoutNative
func containsPackageType(types []traitv1.QuarkusPackageType, t traitv1.QuarkusPackageType) bool {
for _, ti := range types {
if t == ti {
return true
return false