blob: 17ccad2d7e2c81efcece8afaf997f7407ca4a69a [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package cmd
import (
metav1 ""
v1 ""
corev1 ""
k8serrors ""
func newCmdInstall(rootCmdOptions *RootCmdOptions) (*cobra.Command, *installCmdOptions) {
options := installCmdOptions{
RootCmdOptions: rootCmdOptions,
cmd := cobra.Command{
Use: "install",
Short: "Installs Camel K on a Kubernetes cluster",
Long: `Installs Camel K on a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster.`,
PreRunE: options.decode,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if err := options.validate(cmd, args); err != nil {
return err
if err := options.install(cmd, args); err != nil {
return err
return nil
cmd.Flags().BoolP("wait", "w", false, "Waits for the platform to be running")
cmd.Flags().Bool("cluster-setup", false, "Execute cluster-wide operations only (may require admin rights)")
cmd.Flags().String("cluster-type", "", "Set explicitly the cluster type to Kubernetes or OpenShift")
cmd.Flags().Bool("skip-operator-setup", false, "Do not install the operator in the namespace (in case there's a global one)")
cmd.Flags().Bool("skip-cluster-setup", false, "Skip the cluster-setup phase")
cmd.Flags().Bool("example", false, "Install example integration")
cmd.Flags().Bool("global", false, "Configure the operator to watch all namespaces. No integration platform is created.")
cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "", "Output format. One of: json|yaml")
cmd.Flags().String("organization", "", "A organization on the Docker registry that can be used to publish images")
cmd.Flags().String("registry", "", "A Docker registry that can be used to publish images")
cmd.Flags().String("registry-secret", "", "A secret used to push/pull images to the Docker registry")
cmd.Flags().Bool("registry-insecure", false, "Configure to configure registry access in insecure mode or not")
cmd.Flags().String("registry-auth-server", "", "The docker registry authentication server")
cmd.Flags().String("registry-auth-username", "", "The docker registry authentication username")
cmd.Flags().String("registry-auth-password", "", "The docker registry authentication password")
cmd.Flags().StringArrayP("property", "p", nil, "Add a camel property")
cmd.Flags().String("camel-version", "", "Set the camel version")
cmd.Flags().String("runtime-version", "", "Set the camel-k runtime version")
cmd.Flags().String("base-image", "", "Set the base Image used to run integrations")
cmd.Flags().String("operator-image", "", "Set the operator Image used for the operator deployment")
cmd.Flags().StringArray("kit", nil, "Add an integration kit to build at startup")
cmd.Flags().String("build-strategy", "", "Set the build strategy")
cmd.Flags().String("build-timeout", "", "Set how long the build process can last")
cmd.Flags().String("trait-profile", "", "The profile to use for traits")
cmd.Flags().Bool("kaniko-build-cache", false, "To enable or disable the Kaniko cache")
cmd.Flags().String("http-proxy-secret", "", "Configure the source of the secret holding HTTP proxy server details "+
// maven settings
cmd.Flags().String("local-repository", "", "Location of the local maven repository")
cmd.Flags().String("maven-settings", "", "Configure the source of the maven settings (configmap|secret:name[/key])")
cmd.Flags().StringArray("maven-repository", nil, "Add a maven repository")
// completion support
cobra.BashCompCustom: {"__kamel_kubectl_get_known_integrationcontexts"},
return &cmd, &options
type installCmdOptions struct {
Wait bool `mapstructure:"wait"`
ClusterSetupOnly bool `mapstructure:"cluster-setup"`
SkipOperatorSetup bool `mapstructure:"skip-operator-setup"`
SkipClusterSetup bool `mapstructure:"skip-cluster-setup"`
ExampleSetup bool `mapstructure:"example"`
Global bool `mapstructure:"global"`
KanikoBuildCache bool `mapstructure:"kaniko-build-cache"`
ClusterType string `mapstructure:"cluster-type"`
OutputFormat string `mapstructure:"output"`
CamelVersion string `mapstructure:"camel-version"`
RuntimeVersion string `mapstructure:"runtime-version"`
BaseImage string `mapstructure:"base-image"`
OperatorImage string `mapstructure:"operator-image"`
LocalRepository string `mapstructure:"local-repository"`
BuildStrategy string `mapstructure:"build-strategy"`
BuildTimeout string `mapstructure:"build-timeout"`
MavenRepositories []string `mapstructure:"maven-repositories"`
MavenSettings string `mapstructure:"maven-settings"`
Properties []string `mapstructure:"properties"`
Kits []string `mapstructure:"kits"`
TraitProfile string `mapstructure:"trait-profile"`
HTTPProxySecret string `mapstructure:"http-proxy-secret"`
registry v1.IntegrationPlatformRegistrySpec
registryAuth registry.Auth
// nolint: gocyclo
func (o *installCmdOptions) install(cobraCmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
var collection *kubernetes.Collection
if o.OutputFormat != "" {
collection = kubernetes.NewCollection()
if !o.SkipClusterSetup {
// Let's use a client provider during cluster installation, to eliminate the problem of CRD object caching
clientProvider := client.Provider{Get: o.NewCmdClient}
err := install.SetupClusterWideResourcesOrCollect(o.Context, clientProvider, collection)
if err != nil && k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
fmt.Println("Current user is not authorized to create cluster-wide objects like custom resource definitions or cluster roles: ", err)
meg := `please login as cluster-admin and execute "kamel install --cluster-setup" to install cluster-wide resources (one-time operation)`
return errors.New(meg)
} else if err != nil {
return err
if o.ClusterSetupOnly {
if collection == nil {
fmt.Println("Camel K cluster setup completed successfully")
} else {
c, err := o.GetCmdClient()
if err != nil {
return err
namespace := o.Namespace
if !o.SkipOperatorSetup {
cfg := install.OperatorConfiguration{
CustomImage: o.OperatorImage,
Namespace: namespace,
Global: o.Global,
ClusterType: o.ClusterType,
err = install.OperatorOrCollect(o.Context, c, cfg, collection)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
fmt.Println("Camel K operator installation skipped")
generatedSecretName := ""
if o.registryAuth.IsSet() {
regData := o.registryAuth
regData.Registry = o.registry.Address
generatedSecretName, err = install.RegistrySecretOrCollect(o.Context, c, namespace, regData, collection)
if err != nil {
return err
platform, err := install.PlatformOrCollect(o.Context, c, o.ClusterType, namespace, o.registry, collection)
if err != nil {
return err
if generatedSecretName != "" {
platform.Spec.Build.Registry.Secret = generatedSecretName
if len(o.Properties) > 0 {
platform.Spec.Build.Properties = make(map[string]string)
for _, property := range o.Properties {
kv := strings.Split(property, "=")
if len(kv) == 2 {
platform.Spec.Build.Properties[kv[0]] = kv[1]
if o.LocalRepository != "" {
platform.Spec.Build.Maven.LocalRepository = o.LocalRepository
if o.CamelVersion != "" {
platform.Spec.Build.CamelVersion = o.CamelVersion
if o.RuntimeVersion != "" {
platform.Spec.Build.RuntimeVersion = o.RuntimeVersion
if o.BaseImage != "" {
platform.Spec.Build.BaseImage = o.BaseImage
if o.BuildStrategy != "" {
switch s := o.BuildStrategy; s {
case v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildStrategyPod:
platform.Spec.Build.BuildStrategy = v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildStrategyPod
case v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildStrategyRoutine:
platform.Spec.Build.BuildStrategy = v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildStrategyRoutine
return fmt.Errorf("unknown build strategy: %s", s)
if o.BuildTimeout != "" {
d, err := time.ParseDuration(o.BuildTimeout)
if err != nil {
return err
platform.Spec.Build.Timeout = &metav1.Duration{
Duration: d,
if o.TraitProfile != "" {
platform.Spec.Profile = v1.TraitProfileByName(o.TraitProfile)
if len(o.MavenRepositories) > 0 {
for _, r := range o.MavenRepositories {
platform.AddConfiguration("repository", r)
if o.MavenSettings != "" {
mavenSettings, err := decodeMavenSettings(o.MavenSettings)
if err != nil {
return err
platform.Spec.Build.Maven.Settings = mavenSettings
if o.HTTPProxySecret != "" {
platform.Spec.Build.HTTPProxySecret = o.HTTPProxySecret
if o.ClusterType != "" {
for _, c := range v1.AllIntegrationPlatformClusters {
if strings.EqualFold(string(c), o.ClusterType) {
platform.Spec.Cluster = c
kanikoBuildCacheFlag := cobraCmd.Flags().Lookup("kaniko-build-cache")
if kanikoBuildCacheFlag.Changed {
platform.Spec.Build.KanikoBuildCache = &o.KanikoBuildCache
platform.Spec.Resources.Kits = o.Kits
// Do not create an integration platform in global mode as platforms are expected
// to be created in other namespaces
if !o.Global {
err = install.RuntimeObjectOrCollect(o.Context, c, namespace, collection, platform)
if err != nil {
return err
if o.ExampleSetup {
err = install.ExampleOrCollect(o.Context, c, namespace, collection)
if err != nil {
return err
if collection == nil {
if o.Wait {
err = o.waitForPlatformReady(platform)
if err != nil {
return err
if o.Global {
fmt.Println("Camel K installed in namespace", namespace, "(global mode)")
} else {
fmt.Println("Camel K installed in namespace", namespace)
if collection != nil {
return o.printOutput(collection)
return nil
func (o *installCmdOptions) printOutput(collection *kubernetes.Collection) error {
lst := collection.AsKubernetesList()
switch o.OutputFormat {
case "yaml":
data, err := kubernetes.ToYAML(lst)
if err != nil {
return err
case "json":
data, err := kubernetes.ToJSON(lst)
if err != nil {
return err
return errors.New("unknown output format: " + o.OutputFormat)
return nil
func (o *installCmdOptions) waitForPlatformReady(platform *v1.IntegrationPlatform) error {
handler := func(i *v1.IntegrationPlatform) bool {
if i.Status.Phase != "" {
fmt.Println("platform \""+platform.Name+"\" in phase", i.Status.Phase)
if i.Status.Phase == v1.IntegrationPlatformPhaseReady {
// TODO display some error info when available in the status
return false
if i.Status.Phase == v1.IntegrationPlatformPhaseError {
fmt.Println("platform installation failed")
return false
return true
return watch.HandlePlatformStateChanges(o.Context, platform, handler)
func (o *installCmdOptions) decode(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
path := pathToRoot(cmd)
if err := decodeKey(o, path); err != nil {
return err
o.registry.Address = viper.GetString(path + ".registry")
o.registry.Organization = viper.GetString(path + ".organization")
o.registry.Secret = viper.GetString(path + ".registry-secret")
o.registry.Insecure = viper.GetBool(path + ".registry-insecure")
o.registryAuth.Username = viper.GetString(path + ".registry-auth-username")
o.registryAuth.Password = viper.GetString(path + ".registry-auth-password")
o.registryAuth.Server = viper.GetString(path + ".registry-auth-server")
return nil
func (o *installCmdOptions) validate(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
var result error
// Let's register only our own APIs
schema := runtime.NewScheme()
if err := apis.AddToScheme(schema); err != nil {
return err
for _, kit := range o.Kits {
err := errorIfKitIsNotAvailable(schema, kit)
result = multierr.Append(result, err)
if len(o.MavenRepositories) > 0 && o.MavenSettings != "" {
err := fmt.Errorf("incompatible options combinations: you cannot set both mavenRepository and mavenSettings")
result = multierr.Append(result, err)
if o.TraitProfile != "" {
tp := v1.TraitProfileByName(o.TraitProfile)
if tp == v1.TraitProfile("") {
err := fmt.Errorf("unknown trait profile %s", o.TraitProfile)
result = multierr.Append(result, err)
if o.registry.Secret != "" && o.registryAuth.IsSet() {
err := fmt.Errorf("incompatible options combinations: you cannot set both registry-secret and registry-auth-[*] settings")
result = multierr.Append(result, err)
return result
func errorIfKitIsNotAvailable(schema *runtime.Scheme, kit string) error {
for _, resource := range deploy.Resources {
resource, err := kubernetes.LoadResourceFromYaml(schema, resource)
if err != nil {
// Not one of our registered schemas
kind := resource.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind()
if kind.Kind != "IntegrationKit" {
integrationKit := resource.(*v1.IntegrationKit)
if integrationKit.Name == kit {
return nil
return errors.Errorf("Unknown kit '%s'", kit)
func decodeMavenSettings(mavenSettings string) (v1.ValueSource, error) {
sub := make([]string, 0)
rex := regexp.MustCompile(`^(configmap|secret):([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]*)(/([a-zA-Z0-9].*))?$`)
hits := rex.FindAllStringSubmatch(mavenSettings, -1)
for _, hit := range hits {
if len(hit) > 1 {
sub = append(sub, hit[1:]...)
if len(sub) >= 2 {
key := "settings.xml"
if len(sub) == 4 {
key = sub[3]
if sub[0] == "configmap" {
return v1.ValueSource{
ConfigMapKeyRef: &corev1.ConfigMapKeySelector{
LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{
Name: sub[1],
Key: key,
}, nil
if sub[0] == "secret" {
return v1.ValueSource{
SecretKeyRef: &corev1.SecretKeySelector{
LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{
Name: sub[1],
Key: key,
}, nil
return v1.ValueSource{}, fmt.Errorf("illegal maven setting definition, syntax: configmap|secret:resource-name[/settings path]")