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package docker
import (
// CreateBaseImageDockerFile --
func CreateBaseImageDockerFile() error {
dockerFile := []string{}
// Base image is a java-only image since the integration command is just a java command.
dockerFile = append(dockerFile, FROM(defaults.BaseImage))
// Ensure Maven is already installed.
dockerFile = append(dockerFile, RUNMavenInstall())
// Write <BaseWorkingDirectory>/Dockerfile
baseDockerFilePath := path.Join(BaseWorkingDirectory, "Dockerfile")
err := util.WriteToFile(baseDockerFilePath, strings.Join(dockerFile, "\n"))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// CreateIntegrationImageDockerFile --
func CreateIntegrationImageDockerFile(integrationRunCmd *exec.Cmd) error {
dockerFile := []string{}
// Start from the base image that contains the maven install: <RegistryName>/<BaseImageName>
dockerFile = append(dockerFile, FROM(GetFullDockerImage(BaseImageName, latestTag)))
// Create container workspace directory.
dockerFile = append(dockerFile, RUNMakeDir(GetContainerWorkspaceDir()))
// Set workspace directory.
dockerFile = append(dockerFile, WORKDIR(GetContainerWorkspaceDir()))
// Copy files from local directory to container directories.
dockerFile = append(dockerFile, COPY(util.DefaultRoutesDirectoryName, util.DefaultRoutesDirectoryName))
dockerFile = append(dockerFile, COPY(util.DefaultPropertiesDirectoryName, util.DefaultPropertiesDirectoryName))
dockerFile = append(dockerFile, COPY(util.DefaultDependenciesDirectoryName, util.DefaultDependenciesDirectoryName))
// All Env variables the command requires need to be set in the container.
for _, keyValue := range integrationRunCmd.Env {
values := strings.Split(keyValue, "=")
dockerFile = append(dockerFile, ENV(values[0], strings.Join(values[1:], "=")))
// Compose command line.
dockerFile = append(dockerFile, CMDShellWrap(strings.Join(integrationRunCmd.Args, " ")))
// Write <IntegrationWorkingDirectory>/Dockerfile
integrationDockerFilePath := path.Join(IntegrationWorkingDirectory, "Dockerfile")
err := util.WriteToFile(integrationDockerFilePath, strings.Join(dockerFile, "\n"))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// BuildBaseImageArgs --
func BuildBaseImageArgs() []string {
// Construct the docker command:
// docker build -f <BaseWorkingDirectory>/Dockerfile -t <dockerRegistry>/<BaseImageName> <BaseWorkingDirectory>
return BuildImageArgs(BaseWorkingDirectory, BaseImageName, BaseWorkingDirectory)
// BuildIntegrationImageArgs --
func BuildIntegrationImageArgs(imageName string) []string {
// Construct the docker command:
// docker build -f <BaseWorkingDirectory>/Dockerfile -t <dockerRegistry>/<ImageName> <MavenWorkingDirectory>
return BuildImageArgs(IntegrationWorkingDirectory, imageName, util.MavenWorkingDirectory)
// RunIntegrationImageArgs --
func RunIntegrationImageArgs(imagePath string) []string {
// Construct the docker command:
// docker run --network="host" <dockerRegistry>/<ImageName>
return RunImageArgs(imagePath, latestTag)
// GetContainerWorkspaceDir -- directory inside the container where all the integration files are copied.
func GetContainerWorkspaceDir() string {
return containerFileSeparator + util.DefaultWorkingDirectoryName
// GetContainerPropertiesDir -- directory inside the container where all the integration property files are copied.
func GetContainerPropertiesDir() string {
return GetContainerWorkspaceDir() + containerFileSeparator + util.DefaultPropertiesDirectoryName
// GetContainerDependenciesDir -- directory inside the container where all the integration dependencies are copied.
func GetContainerDependenciesDir() string {
return GetContainerWorkspaceDir() + containerFileSeparator + util.DefaultDependenciesDirectoryName
// GetContainerRoutesDir -- directory inside the container where all the integration routes are copied.
func GetContainerRoutesDir() string {
return GetContainerWorkspaceDir() + containerFileSeparator + util.DefaultRoutesDirectoryName
// ContainerizeFilePaths -- make paths valid container paths given a valid container directory in newDir.
func ContainerizeFilePaths(currentFilePaths []string, newDir string) []string {
newFilePaths := []string{}
for _, currentFilePath := range currentFilePaths {
newFilePaths = append(newFilePaths, newDir+containerFileSeparator+path.Base(currentFilePath))
return newFilePaths
// ExtractRegistryName -- Extract registry name from image path.
func ExtractRegistryName(image string) (string, error) {
pathComponents := strings.Split(image, containerFileSeparator)
// There must be at least two components in the path:
// -
// - registry/imageName
if len(pathComponents) < 2 {
return "", errors.New("image path is too short, usage: or registry/imageName")
// Check if path starts with if not, add it.
if pathComponents[0] == "" {
return strings.Join(pathComponents[0:2], containerFileSeparator), nil
return "" + containerFileSeparator + pathComponents[1], nil