blob: 1c1c4df7b199ef11641aa5e54b9d0b6d3c7222d5 [file] [log] [blame]
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limitations under the License.
package trait
import (
corev1 ""
v1 ""
const builderDir = "/builder"
// The builder trait is internally used to determine the best strategy to
// build and configure IntegrationKits.
// +camel-k:trait=builder
type builderTrait struct {
BaseTrait `property:",squash"`
// Enable verbose logging on build components that support it (e.g. Kaniko build pod).
Verbose bool `property:"verbose" json:"verbose,omitempty"`
func newBuilderTrait() Trait {
return &builderTrait{
BaseTrait: NewBaseTrait("builder", 600),
// IsPlatformTrait overrides base class method
func (t *builderTrait) IsPlatformTrait() bool {
return true
// InfluencesKit overrides base class method
func (t *builderTrait) InfluencesKit() bool {
return true
func (t *builderTrait) Configure(e *Environment) (bool, error) {
if t.Enabled != nil && !*t.Enabled {
return false, nil
return e.IntegrationKitInPhase(v1.IntegrationKitPhaseBuildSubmitted), nil
func (t *builderTrait) Apply(e *Environment) error {
builderTask := t.builderTask(e)
e.BuildTasks = append(e.BuildTasks, v1.Task{Builder: builderTask})
switch e.Platform.Status.Build.PublishStrategy {
case v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategyBuildah:
imageTask, err := t.buildahTask(e)
if err != nil {
return err
t.addVolumeMounts(builderTask, imageTask)
e.BuildTasks = append(e.BuildTasks, v1.Task{Image: imageTask})
case v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategyKaniko:
imageTask, err := t.kanikoTask(e)
if err != nil {
return err
if e.Platform.Status.Build.IsKanikoCacheEnabled() {
// Co-locate with the Kaniko warmer pod for sharing the host path volume as the current
// persistent volume claim uses the default storage class which is likely relying
// on the host path provisioner.
// This has to be done manually by retrieving the Kaniko warmer pod node name and using
// node affinity as pod affinity only works for running pods and the Kaniko warmer pod
// has already completed at that stage.
// Locate the kaniko warmer pod
pods := &corev1.PodList{}
err := e.Client.List(e.C, pods,
"": "kaniko-warmer",
if err != nil {
return err
if len(pods.Items) != 1 {
return errors.New("failed to locate the Kaniko cache warmer pod")
// Use node affinity with the Kaniko warmer pod node name
imageTask.Affinity = &corev1.Affinity{
NodeAffinity: &corev1.NodeAffinity{
RequiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: &corev1.NodeSelector{
NodeSelectorTerms: []corev1.NodeSelectorTerm{
MatchExpressions: []corev1.NodeSelectorRequirement{
Key: "",
Operator: "In",
Values: []string{pods.Items[0].Spec.NodeName},
// Mount the PV used to warm the Kaniko cache into the Kaniko image build
imageTask.Volumes = append(imageTask.Volumes, corev1.Volume{
Name: "kaniko-cache",
VolumeSource: corev1.VolumeSource{
PersistentVolumeClaim: &corev1.PersistentVolumeClaimVolumeSource{
ClaimName: e.Platform.Status.Build.PersistentVolumeClaim,
imageTask.VolumeMounts = append(imageTask.VolumeMounts, corev1.VolumeMount{
Name: "kaniko-cache",
MountPath: kaniko.CacheDir,
t.addVolumeMounts(builderTask, imageTask)
e.BuildTasks = append(e.BuildTasks, v1.Task{Image: imageTask})
return nil
func (t *builderTrait) addVolumeMounts(builderTask *v1.BuilderTask, imageTask *v1.ImageTask) {
mount := corev1.VolumeMount{Name: "camel-k-builder", MountPath: builderDir}
builderTask.VolumeMounts = append(builderTask.VolumeMounts, mount)
imageTask.VolumeMounts = append(imageTask.VolumeMounts, mount)
// Use an emptyDir volume to coordinate the Maven build and the image build
builderTask.Volumes = append(builderTask.Volumes, corev1.Volume{
Name: "camel-k-builder",
VolumeSource: corev1.VolumeSource{
EmptyDir: &corev1.EmptyDirVolumeSource{},
func (t *builderTrait) builderTask(e *Environment) *v1.BuilderTask {
task := &v1.BuilderTask{
BaseTask: v1.BaseTask{
Name: "builder",
Meta: e.IntegrationKit.ObjectMeta,
BaseImage: e.Platform.Status.Build.BaseImage,
Runtime: e.CamelCatalog.Runtime,
Dependencies: e.IntegrationKit.Spec.Dependencies,
Properties: e.Platform.Status.Build.Properties,
Timeout: e.Platform.Status.Build.GetTimeout(),
Maven: e.Platform.Status.Build.Maven,
steps := make([]builder.Step, 0)
steps = append(steps, builder.DefaultSteps...)
switch e.Platform.Status.Build.PublishStrategy {
case v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategyBuildah, v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategyKaniko:
task.BuildDir = path.Join(builderDir, e.IntegrationKit.Name)
case v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategyS2I:
steps = append(steps, s2i.S2iSteps...)
case v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategySpectrum:
steps = append(steps, spectrum.SpectrumSteps...)
quarkus := e.Catalog.GetTrait("quarkus").(*quarkusTrait)
// sort steps by phase
sort.SliceStable(steps, func(i, j int) bool {
return steps[i].Phase() < steps[j].Phase()
task.Steps = builder.StepIDsFor(steps...)
return task
func (t *builderTrait) buildahTask(e *Environment) (*v1.ImageTask, error) {
image := getImageName(e)
bud := []string{
push := []string{
"docker://" + image,
if t.Verbose {
bud = append(bud[:2], append([]string{"--log-level=debug"}, bud[2:]...)...)
push = append(push[:2], append([]string{"--log-level=debug"}, push[2:]...)...)
env := make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0)
volumes := make([]corev1.Volume, 0)
volumeMounts := make([]corev1.VolumeMount, 0)
if e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.CA != "" {
config, err := getRegistryConfigMapFor(e, buildahRegistryConfigMaps)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mountRegistryConfigMap(e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.CA, config, &volumes, &volumeMounts)
// This is easier to use the --cert-dir option, otherwise Buildah defaults to looking up certificates
// into a directory named after the registry address
bud = append(bud[:2], append([]string{"--cert-dir=/etc/containers/certs.d"}, bud[2:]...)...)
push = append(push[:2], append([]string{"--cert-dir=/etc/containers/certs.d"}, push[2:]...)...)
var auth string
if e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.Secret != "" {
secret, err := getRegistrySecretFor(e, buildahRegistrySecrets)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if secret == plainDockerBuildahRegistrySecret {
// Handle old format and make it compatible with Buildah
auth = "(echo '{ \"auths\": ' ; cat /buildah/.docker/config.json ; echo \"}\") > /tmp/.dockercfg"
env = append(env, corev1.EnvVar{
Value: "/tmp/.dockercfg",
mountRegistrySecret(e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.Secret, secret, &volumes, &volumeMounts, &env)
} else if e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.Insecure {
bud = append(bud[:2], append([]string{"--tls-verify=false"}, bud[2:]...)...)
push = append(push[:2], append([]string{"--tls-verify=false"}, push[2:]...)...)
env = append(env, proxySecretEnvVars(e)...)
args := []string{
strings.Join(bud, " "),
strings.Join(push, " "),
if auth != "" {
args = append([]string{auth}, args...)
var sc *corev1.SecurityContext
if e.Platform.Status.Cluster == v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift {
// This requires the builder service account to have privileged SCC on OpenShift
// It should be removed when Buildah fully supports unprivileged build
sc = &corev1.SecurityContext{
Capabilities: &corev1.Capabilities{
Add: []corev1.Capability{
return &v1.ImageTask{
ContainerTask: v1.ContainerTask{
BaseTask: v1.BaseTask{
Name: "buildah",
Volumes: volumes,
VolumeMounts: volumeMounts,
Image: fmt.Sprintf("", defaults.BuildahVersion),
Command: []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"},
Args: []string{strings.Join(args, " && ")},
Env: env,
WorkingDir: path.Join(builderDir, e.IntegrationKit.Name, "context"),
SecurityContext: sc,
BuiltImage: image,
}, nil
func (t *builderTrait) kanikoTask(e *Environment) (*v1.ImageTask, error) {
image := getImageName(e)
args := []string{
"--context=" + path.Join(builderDir, e.IntegrationKit.Name, "context"),
"--destination=" + image,
"--cache=" + strconv.FormatBool(e.Platform.Status.Build.IsKanikoCacheEnabled()),
"--cache-dir=" + kaniko.CacheDir,
if t.Verbose {
args = append(args, "-v=debug")
env := make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0)
volumes := make([]corev1.Volume, 0)
volumeMounts := make([]corev1.VolumeMount, 0)
if e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.Secret != "" {
secret, err := getRegistrySecretFor(e, kanikoRegistrySecrets)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
mountRegistrySecret(e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.Secret, secret, &volumes, &volumeMounts, &env)
} else if e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.Insecure {
args = append(args, "--insecure")
args = append(args, "--insecure-pull")
env = append(env, proxySecretEnvVars(e)...)
return &v1.ImageTask{
ContainerTask: v1.ContainerTask{
BaseTask: v1.BaseTask{
Name: "kaniko",
Volumes: volumes,
VolumeMounts: volumeMounts,
Image: fmt.Sprintf("", defaults.KanikoVersion),
Args: args,
Env: env,
BuiltImage: image,
}, nil
type registrySecret struct {
fileName string
mountPath string
destination string
refEnv string
var (
plainDockerBuildahRegistrySecret = registrySecret{
fileName: corev1.DockerConfigKey,
mountPath: "/buildah/.docker",
destination: "config.json",
standardDockerBuildahRegistrySecret = registrySecret{
fileName: corev1.DockerConfigJsonKey,
mountPath: "/buildah/.docker",
destination: "config.json",
buildahRegistrySecrets = []registrySecret{
var (
gcrKanikoRegistrySecret = registrySecret{
fileName: "kaniko-secret.json",
mountPath: "/secret",
destination: "kaniko-secret.json",
plainDockerKanikoRegistrySecret = registrySecret{
fileName: "config.json",
mountPath: "/kaniko/.docker",
destination: "config.json",
standardDockerKanikoRegistrySecret = registrySecret{
fileName: corev1.DockerConfigJsonKey,
mountPath: "/kaniko/.docker",
destination: "config.json",
kanikoRegistrySecrets = []registrySecret{
type registryConfigMap struct {
fileName string
mountPath string
destination string
var (
serviceCABuildahRegistryConfigMap = registryConfigMap{
fileName: "service-ca.crt",
mountPath: "/etc/containers/certs.d",
destination: "service-ca.crt",
buildahRegistryConfigMaps = []registryConfigMap{
func proxySecretEnvVars(e *Environment) []corev1.EnvVar {
if e.Platform.Status.Build.HTTPProxySecret == "" {
return []corev1.EnvVar{}
return []corev1.EnvVar{
proxySecretEnvVar("HTTP_PROXY", e.Platform.Status.Build.HTTPProxySecret),
proxySecretEnvVar("HTTPS_PROXY", e.Platform.Status.Build.HTTPProxySecret),
proxySecretEnvVar("NO_PROXY", e.Platform.Status.Build.HTTPProxySecret),
func proxySecretEnvVar(name string, secret string) corev1.EnvVar {
optional := true
return corev1.EnvVar{
Name: name,
ValueFrom: &corev1.EnvVarSource{
SecretKeyRef: &corev1.SecretKeySelector{
LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{
Name: secret,
Key: name,
Optional: &optional,
func getRegistrySecretFor(e *Environment, registrySecrets []registrySecret) (registrySecret, error) {
secret := corev1.Secret{}
err := e.Client.Get(e.C, client.ObjectKey{Namespace: e.Platform.Namespace, Name: e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.Secret}, &secret)
if err != nil {
return registrySecret{}, err
for _, k := range registrySecrets {
if _, ok := secret.Data[k.fileName]; ok {
return k, nil
return registrySecret{}, errors.New("unsupported secret type for registry authentication")
func mountRegistrySecret(name string, secret registrySecret, volumes *[]corev1.Volume, volumeMounts *[]corev1.VolumeMount, env *[]corev1.EnvVar) {
*volumes = append(*volumes, corev1.Volume{
Name: "registry-secret",
VolumeSource: corev1.VolumeSource{
Secret: &corev1.SecretVolumeSource{
SecretName: name,
Items: []corev1.KeyToPath{
Key: secret.fileName,
Path: secret.destination,
*volumeMounts = append(*volumeMounts, corev1.VolumeMount{
Name: "registry-secret",
MountPath: secret.mountPath,
ReadOnly: true,
if secret.refEnv != "" {
*env = append(*env, corev1.EnvVar{
Name: secret.refEnv,
Value: path.Join(secret.mountPath, secret.destination),
func getRegistryConfigMapFor(e *Environment, registryConfigMaps []registryConfigMap) (registryConfigMap, error) {
config := corev1.ConfigMap{}
err := e.Client.Get(e.C, client.ObjectKey{Namespace: e.Platform.Namespace, Name: e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.CA}, &config)
if err != nil {
return registryConfigMap{}, err
for _, k := range registryConfigMaps {
if _, ok := config.Data[k.fileName]; ok {
return k, nil
return registryConfigMap{}, errors.New("unsupported registry config map")
func mountRegistryConfigMap(name string, config registryConfigMap, volumes *[]corev1.Volume, volumeMounts *[]corev1.VolumeMount) {
*volumes = append(*volumes, corev1.Volume{
Name: "registry-config",
VolumeSource: corev1.VolumeSource{
ConfigMap: &corev1.ConfigMapVolumeSource{
LocalObjectReference: corev1.LocalObjectReference{
Name: name,
Items: []corev1.KeyToPath{
Key: config.fileName,
Path: config.destination,
*volumeMounts = append(*volumeMounts, corev1.VolumeMount{
Name: "registry-config",
MountPath: config.mountPath,
ReadOnly: true,
func getImageName(e *Environment) string {
organization := e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.Organization
if organization == "" {
organization = e.Platform.Namespace
return e.Platform.Status.Build.Registry.Address + "/" + organization + "/camel-k-" + e.IntegrationKit.Name + ":" + e.IntegrationKit.ResourceVersion