blob: 7b66a7f484a80422fef91350a433f60513ee30aa [file] [log] [blame]
Feature: Alerts from Camel-K are propagated to Openshift Prometheus
Background: Prepare Thanos-ruler URL
Given URL: https://thanos-ruler.openshift-user-workload-monitoring:9091
Scenario: Integration gets the message from the timer
Given Camel-K integration metrics is running
Then Camel-K integration metrics should print Successfully processed
Then sleep 120000 ms
Scenario: Thanos-ruler is able to serve alerts based on metrics from Operator
Given HTTP request header Authorization is "Bearer ${openshift.token}"
When send GET /api/v1/rules
Then verify HTTP response expressions
| $..rules[?(@.labels.namespace == '${YAKS_NAMESPACE}' && @.state == 'pending')].name | CamelKBuildFailure |
And receive HTTP 200