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= Camel K Integration Monitoring
NOTE: The Camel K monitoring architecture relies on[Prometheus] and the eponymous operator. Make sure you've checked the xref:observability/monitoring.adoc#prerequisites[Camel K monitoring prerequisites].
== Instrumentation
The xref:traits:prometheus.adoc[Prometheus trait] automates the configuration of integration pods to expose a _metrics_ endpoint, that can be discovered and scraped by a Prometheus server.
The Prometheus trait can be enabled when running an integration, e.g.:
$ kamel run -t prometheus.enabled=true ...
Alternatively, the Prometheus trait can be enabled globally once, by updating the integration platform, e.g.:
$ kubectl patch ip camel-k --type=merge -p '{"spec":{"traits":{"prometheus":{"configuration":{"enabled":"true"}}}}}'
The underlying instrumentation mechanism depends on the configured integration runtime.
As a result, the set of registered metrics, as well as the naming convention they follow, also depends on it.
=== Main
When the default, a.k.a. _main_, runtime is configured for the integration, the[JMX exporter] is responsible for collecting and exposing metrics from JMX mBeans.
A custom configuration for the JMX exporter can be used by setting the `prometheus.configmap` parameter from the Prometheus trait with the name of a ConfigMap containing a `prometheus-jmx-exporter.yaml` key, e.g.:
$ kamel run -t prometheus.enabled=true -t prometheus.configmap=<jmx_exporter_config>...
Otherwise, the Prometheus trait uses a default configuration.
=== Quarkus
When the Quarkus runtime is configured for the integration, the xref:latest@camel-quarkus::reference/extensions/microprofile-metrics.adoc[Camel Quarkus MicroProfile Metrics extension] is responsible for collecting and exposing metrics in the[OpenMetrics] text format.
The MicroProfile Metrics extension registers and exposes the following metrics out-of-the-box:
*[JVM and operating system related metrics]
* xref:latest@camel-quarkus::reference/extensions/microprofile-metrics.adoc#_camel_route_metrics[Camel specific metrics]
It is possible to extend this set of metrics by using either, or both:
* The xref:latest@components::microprofile-metrics-component.adoc[MicroProfile Metrics component]
* The[MicroProfile Metrics annotations], in external dependencies
== Discovery
The Prometheus trait automatically configures the resources necessary for the Prometheus Operator to reconcile, so that the managed Prometheus instance can scrape the integration _metrics_ endpoint.
By default, the Prometheus trait creates a `ServiceMonitor` resource, with the `` label, which must match the `serviceMonitorSelector` field from the `Prometheus` resource.
Additional labels can be specified with the `service-monitor-labels` parameter from the Prometheus trait, e.g.:
$ kamel run -t prometheus.service-monitor-labels="label_to_be_match_by=prometheus_selector" ...
The creation of the `ServiceMonitor` resource can be disabled using the `service-monitor` parameter, e.g.:
$ kamel run -t prometheus.service-monitor=false ...
More information can be found in the xref:traits:prometheus.adoc[Prometheus trait] documentation.
The Prometheus Operator[getting started] guide documents the discovery mechanism, as well as the relationship between the operator resources.
In case your integration metrics are not discovered, you may want to rely on[Troubleshooting `ServiceMonitor` changes].
== Alerting
The Prometheus Operator declares the `AlertManager` resource that can be used to configure _Alertmanager_ instances, along with `Prometheus` instances.
Assuming an `AlertManager` resource already exists in your cluster, you can register a `PrometheusRule` resource that is used by Prometheus to trigger alerts, e.g.:
$ cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: PrometheusRule
prometheus: example
role: alert-rules
name: prometheus-rules
- name: camel-k.rules
- alert: CamelKAlert
expr: application_camel_context_exchanges_failed_total > 0
More information can be found in the Prometheus Operator[Alerting] user guide.
You can also find more details in[Creating alerting rules] from the OpenShift documentation.