blob: f13b60f555b3f7b7abba6cc41e5fc1120a43dacd [file] [log] [blame]
= Installing Camel K on OpenShift
Installation of Camel K on OpenShift requires that you execute first some specific actions as cluster-admin.
OpenShift does not always provide full cluster-admin rights to all users, so you may need to contact an administrator to install the
Kubernetes custom resources and roles needed by Camel K.
You need to get the *kamel* CLI (_camel-k-client_) tool the from[release page]
and put it on your system path (e.g. on `/usr/bin/kamel` on Linux).
To install the custom resource definitions and related roles, just execute (with **cluster-admin role**):
kamel install --cluster-setup
Once you've done this **only once per the whole cluster**, you can **login as a standard user** and
continue with the xref:installation/installation.adoc#procedure[standard Camel K installation procedure].