blob: 1d40db3b06eae5ab7244fdafe306c095751f6cf1 [file] [log] [blame]
= Camel K CLI (kamel)
The Camel K command line interface (kamel) is the main entry point for running integrations on a Kubernetes cluster.
Releases of the Camel K CLI are available on:
- Apache Mirrors (official):
- Github Releases:
- Homebrew (Mac and Linux):
== Available Commands
Some of the most used commands are:
.Useful Commands
|Name |Description |Example
|Obtain the full list of available commands
|`kamel help`
|Initialize empty Camel K files (besides Java you can also do this for other languages like Groovy, Kotlin, XML, YMAL)
|`kamel init`
|Run an integration on Kubernetes
|`kamel run`
|Debug a remote integration using a local debugger
|`kamel debug myintegration`
|Get integrations deployed on Kubernetes
|`kamel get`
|Get detailed information on a resource
|`kamel describe integration routes`
|Print the logs of a running integration
|`kamel log routes`
|Delete integrations deployed on Kubernetes
|`kamel delete routes`
The list above is not the full list of available commands. You can run `kamel help` to obtain the full list.
And each command also takes `--help` as parameter to output more information, eg
kamel run --help
== Global Flags
While each command has a dedicated set of flags, there are global flags that are available to every command.
.Global Flags
|Flag |Description |Example
|`--config` string
|Path to the config file to use for CLI requests
|`kamel install --config ~/.kube/config`
|`-h` or `--help`
|Help for kamel or the command
|`kamel run --help`
|`-n` or `--namespace` string
|Namespace to use for all operations
|`kamel get --namespace myspace`
For command-specific flags, run `--help` with the command to obtain the full list as follows:
kamel <command> --help
== Modeline
Some command options in the CLI can be also specified as modeline in the source file, take a look at the xref:cli/modeline.adoc[Modeline section]
for more information.