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package v1
import (
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
const IntegrationLabel = ""
// NewIntegration --
func NewIntegration(namespace string, name string) Integration {
return Integration{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
APIVersion: SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
Kind: IntegrationKind,
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Namespace: namespace,
Name: name,
// NewIntegrationList --
func NewIntegrationList() IntegrationList {
return IntegrationList{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
APIVersion: SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
Kind: IntegrationKind,
// Sources return a new slice containing all the sources associated to the integration
func (in *Integration) Sources() []SourceSpec {
sources := make([]SourceSpec, 0, len(in.Spec.Sources)+len(in.Status.GeneratedSources))
sources = append(sources, in.Spec.Sources...)
sources = append(sources, in.Status.GeneratedSources...)
return sources
// Resources return a new slice containing all the resources associated to the integration
func (in *Integration) Resources() []ResourceSpec {
resources := make([]ResourceSpec, 0, len(in.Spec.Resources)+len(in.Status.GeneratedResources))
resources = append(resources, in.Spec.Resources...)
resources = append(resources, in.Status.GeneratedResources...)
return resources
// AddSource --
func (in *IntegrationSpec) AddSource(name string, content string, language Language) {
in.Sources = append(in.Sources, NewSourceSpec(name, content, language))
// AddSources --
func (in *IntegrationSpec) AddSources(sources ...SourceSpec) {
in.Sources = append(in.Sources, sources...)
// AddResources --
func (in *IntegrationSpec) AddResources(resources ...ResourceSpec) {
in.Resources = append(in.Resources, resources...)
// AddFlows --
func (in *IntegrationSpec) AddFlows(flows ...Flow) {
in.Flows = append(in.Flows, flows...)
// AddConfiguration --
func (in *IntegrationSpec) AddConfiguration(confType string, confValue string) {
in.Configuration = append(in.Configuration, ConfigurationSpec{
Type: confType,
Value: confValue,
// AddDependency --
func (in *IntegrationSpec) AddDependency(dependency string) {
if in.Dependencies == nil {
in.Dependencies = make([]string, 0)
newDep := dependency
if strings.HasPrefix(newDep, "camel-quarkus") {
newDep = "camel-quarkus:" + strings.TrimPrefix(dependency, "camel-quarkus-")
} else if strings.HasPrefix(newDep, "camel-") {
newDep = "camel:" + strings.TrimPrefix(dependency, "camel-")
for _, d := range in.Dependencies {
if d == newDep {
in.Dependencies = append(in.Dependencies, newDep)
// AddOrReplaceGeneratedResources --
func (in *IntegrationStatus) AddOrReplaceGeneratedResources(resources ...ResourceSpec) {
newResources := make([]ResourceSpec, 0)
for _, resource := range resources {
replaced := false
for i, r := range in.GeneratedResources {
if r.Name == resource.Name {
in.GeneratedResources[i] = resource
replaced = true
if !replaced {
newResources = append(newResources, resource)
in.GeneratedResources = append(in.GeneratedResources, newResources...)
// AddOrReplaceGeneratedSources --
func (in *IntegrationStatus) AddOrReplaceGeneratedSources(sources ...SourceSpec) {
newSources := make([]SourceSpec, 0)
for _, source := range sources {
replaced := false
for i, r := range in.GeneratedSources {
if r.Name == source.Name {
in.GeneratedSources[i] = source
replaced = true
if !replaced {
newSources = append(newSources, source)
in.GeneratedSources = append(in.GeneratedSources, newSources...)
// AddConfigurationsIfMissing --
func (in *IntegrationStatus) AddConfigurationsIfMissing(configurations ...ConfigurationSpec) {
for _, config := range configurations {
alreadyPresent := false
for _, r := range in.Configuration {
if r.Type == config.Type && r.Value == config.Value {
alreadyPresent = true
if !alreadyPresent {
in.Configuration = append(in.Configuration, config)
// Configurations --
func (in *IntegrationSpec) Configurations() []ConfigurationSpec {
if in == nil {
return []ConfigurationSpec{}
return in.Configuration
// Configurations --
func (in *IntegrationStatus) Configurations() []ConfigurationSpec {
if in == nil {
return []ConfigurationSpec{}
return in.Configuration
// Configurations --
func (in *Integration) Configurations() []ConfigurationSpec {
if in == nil {
return []ConfigurationSpec{}
answer := make([]ConfigurationSpec, 0)
answer = append(answer, in.Status.Configuration...)
answer = append(answer, in.Spec.Configuration...)
return answer
// NewSourceSpec --
func NewSourceSpec(name string, content string, language Language) SourceSpec {
return SourceSpec{
DataSpec: DataSpec{
Name: name,
Content: content,
Language: language,
// NewResourceSpec --
func NewResourceSpec(name string, content string, destination string, resourceType ResourceType) ResourceSpec {
return ResourceSpec{
DataSpec: DataSpec{
Name: name,
Content: content,
Type: resourceType,
// InferLanguage returns the language of the source or discovers it from file extension if not set
func (in *SourceSpec) InferLanguage() Language {
if in.Language != "" {
return in.Language
for _, l := range Languages {
if strings.HasSuffix(in.Name, "."+string(l)) {
return l
return ""
// SetIntegrationPlatform --
func (in *Integration) SetIntegrationPlatform(platform *IntegrationPlatform) {
cs := corev1.ConditionTrue
if platform.Status.Phase != IntegrationPlatformPhaseReady {
cs = corev1.ConditionFalse
in.Status.SetCondition(IntegrationConditionPlatformAvailable, cs, IntegrationConditionPlatformAvailableReason, platform.Name)
in.Status.Platform = platform.Name
// SetIntegrationKit --
func (in *Integration) SetIntegrationKit(kit *IntegrationKit) {
cs := corev1.ConditionTrue
message := kit.Name
if kit.Status.Phase != IntegrationKitPhaseReady {
cs = corev1.ConditionFalse
if kit.Status.Phase == IntegrationKitPhaseNone {
message = fmt.Sprintf("creating a new integration kit")
} else {
message = fmt.Sprintf("integration kit %s is in state %q", kit.Name, kit.Status.Phase)
in.Status.SetCondition(IntegrationConditionKitAvailable, cs, IntegrationConditionKitAvailableReason, message)
in.Status.Kit = kit.Name
in.Status.Image = kit.Status.Image
// GetCondition returns the condition with the provided type.
func (in *IntegrationStatus) GetCondition(condType IntegrationConditionType) *IntegrationCondition {
for i := range in.Conditions {
c := in.Conditions[i]
if c.Type == condType {
return &c
return nil
// SetCondition --
func (in *IntegrationStatus) SetCondition(condType IntegrationConditionType, status corev1.ConditionStatus, reason string, message string) {
Type: condType,
Status: status,
Reason: reason,
Message: message,
// SetErrorCondition --
func (in *IntegrationStatus) SetErrorCondition(condType IntegrationConditionType, reason string, err error) {
Type: condType,
Status: corev1.ConditionFalse,
Reason: reason,
Message: err.Error(),
// SetConditions updates the resource to include the provided conditions.
// If a condition that we are about to add already exists and has the same status and
// reason then we are not going to update.
func (in *IntegrationStatus) SetConditions(conditions ...IntegrationCondition) {
now := metav1.Now()
for _, condition := range conditions {
currentCond := in.GetCondition(condition.Type)
if currentCond != nil && currentCond.Status == condition.Status && currentCond.Reason == condition.Reason {
if condition.LastUpdateTime.IsZero() {
condition.LastUpdateTime = now
if condition.LastTransitionTime.IsZero() {
// We may want not to set it when the current condition is nil
condition.LastTransitionTime = now
if (condition.FirstTruthyTime == nil || condition.FirstTruthyTime.IsZero()) && condition.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
condition.FirstTruthyTime = &now
if currentCond != nil {
if currentCond.Status == condition.Status {
// Do not update LastTransitionTime if the status of the condition doesn't change
condition.LastTransitionTime = currentCond.LastTransitionTime
if !(currentCond.FirstTruthyTime != nil || currentCond.FirstTruthyTime.IsZero()) {
// Preserve FirstTruthyTime
condition.FirstTruthyTime = currentCond.FirstTruthyTime.DeepCopy()
in.Conditions = append(in.Conditions, condition)
// RemoveCondition removes the resource condition with the provided type.
func (in *IntegrationStatus) RemoveCondition(condType IntegrationConditionType) {
newConditions := in.Conditions[:0]
for _, c := range in.Conditions {
if c.Type != condType {
newConditions = append(newConditions, c)
in.Conditions = newConditions
var _ ResourceCondition = IntegrationCondition{}
// GetConditions --
func (in *IntegrationStatus) GetConditions() []ResourceCondition {
res := make([]ResourceCondition, 0, len(in.Conditions))
for _, c := range in.Conditions {
res = append(res, c)
return res
// GetType --
func (c IntegrationCondition) GetType() string {
return string(c.Type)
// GetStatus --
func (c IntegrationCondition) GetStatus() corev1.ConditionStatus {
return c.Status
// GetLastUpdateTime --
func (c IntegrationCondition) GetLastUpdateTime() metav1.Time {
return c.LastUpdateTime
// GetLastTransitionTime --
func (c IntegrationCondition) GetLastTransitionTime() metav1.Time {
return c.LastTransitionTime
// GetReason --
func (c IntegrationCondition) GetReason() string {
return c.Reason
// GetMessage --
func (c IntegrationCondition) GetMessage() string {
return c.Message