blob: 8b3e167f12217e869356d0018a0a7d09b14b9908 [file] [log] [blame]
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package maven
import (
// NewProject --
func NewProject() Project {
return Project{
XMLName: xml.Name{Local: "project"},
XMLNs: "",
XMLNsXsi: "",
XsiSchemaLocation: "",
ModelVersion: "4.0.0",
// NewProjectWithGAV --
func NewProjectWithGAV(group string, artifact string, version string) Project {
p := NewProject()
p.GroupID = group
p.ArtifactID = artifact
p.Version = version
return p
// MarshalBytes --
func (p Project) MarshalBytes() ([]byte, error) {
w := &bytes.Buffer{}
e := xml.NewEncoder(w)
e.Indent("", " ")
err := e.Encode(p)
if err != nil {
return []byte{}, err
return w.Bytes(), nil
// LookupDependency --
func (p *Project) LookupDependency(dep Dependency) *Dependency {
for i := range p.Dependencies {
// Check if the given dependency is already included in the dependency list
if p.Dependencies[i].GroupID == dep.GroupID && p.Dependencies[i].ArtifactID == dep.ArtifactID {
return &p.Dependencies[i]
return nil
// ReplaceDependency --
func (p *Project) ReplaceDependency(dep Dependency) {
for i, d := range p.Dependencies {
// Check if the given dependency is already included in the dependency list
if d.GroupID == dep.GroupID && d.ArtifactID == dep.ArtifactID {
p.Dependencies[i] = dep
// AddDependency adds a dependency to maven's dependencies
func (p *Project) AddDependency(dep Dependency) {
for _, d := range p.Dependencies {
// Check if the given dependency is already included in the dependency list
if d.GroupID == dep.GroupID && d.ArtifactID == dep.ArtifactID {
p.Dependencies = append(p.Dependencies, dep)
// AddDependencies adds dependencies to maven's dependencies
func (p *Project) AddDependencies(deps ...Dependency) {
for _, d := range deps {
// AddDependencyGAV a dependency to maven's dependencies
func (p *Project) AddDependencyGAV(groupID string, artifactID string, version string) {
p.AddDependency(NewDependency(groupID, artifactID, version))
// AddEncodedDependencyGAV a dependency to maven's dependencies
func (p *Project) AddEncodedDependencyGAV(gav string) {
if d, err := ParseGAV(gav); err == nil {
// TODO: error handling
// AddDependencyExclusion --
func (p *Project) AddDependencyExclusion(dep Dependency, exclusion Exclusion) {
if t := p.LookupDependency(dep); t != nil {
if t.Exclusions == nil {
exclusions := make([]Exclusion, 0)
t.Exclusions = &exclusions
for _, e := range *t.Exclusions {
if e.ArtifactID == exclusion.ArtifactID && e.GroupID == exclusion.GroupID {
*t.Exclusions = append(*t.Exclusions, exclusion)
// AddDependencyExclusions --
func (p *Project) AddDependencyExclusions(dep Dependency, exclusions ...Exclusion) {
for _, e := range exclusions {
p.AddDependencyExclusion(dep, e)
// NewDependency create an new dependency from the given gav info
func NewDependency(groupID string, artifactID string, version string) Dependency {
return Dependency{
GroupID: groupID,
ArtifactID: artifactID,
Version: version,
Type: "",
Classifier: "",
// NewRepository parse the given repo url ang generated the related struct.
// The repository can be customized by appending @instruction to the repository
// uri, as example:
// http://my-nexus:8081/repository/publicc@id=my-repo@snapshots
// Will enable snapshots and sets the repo it to my-repo
func NewRepository(repo string) Repository {
r := Repository{
URL: repo,
Releases: RepositoryPolicy{
Enabled: true,
ChecksumPolicy: "fail",
Snapshots: RepositoryPolicy{
Enabled: false,
ChecksumPolicy: "fail",
if idx := strings.Index(repo, "@"); idx != -1 {
r.URL = repo[:idx]
for _, attribute := range strings.Split(repo[idx+1:], "@") {
switch {
case attribute == "snapshots":
r.Snapshots.Enabled = true
case attribute == "noreleases":
r.Releases.Enabled = false
case strings.HasPrefix(attribute, "id="):
r.ID = attribute[3:]
case strings.HasPrefix(attribute, "checksumpolicy="):
r.Snapshots.ChecksumPolicy = attribute[15:]
r.Releases.ChecksumPolicy = attribute[15:]
return r