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package build
import (
k8sclient ""
// NewScheduleRoutineAction creates a new schedule routine action
func NewScheduleRoutineAction(reader k8sclient.Reader, b builder.Builder, r *sync.Map) Action {
return &scheduleRoutineAction{
reader: reader,
builder: b,
routines: r,
type scheduleRoutineAction struct {
lock sync.Mutex
reader k8sclient.Reader
builder builder.Builder
routines *sync.Map
// Name returns a common name of the action
func (action *scheduleRoutineAction) Name() string {
return "schedule-routine"
// CanHandle tells whether this action can handle the build
func (action *scheduleRoutineAction) CanHandle(build *v1alpha1.Build) bool {
return build.Status.Phase == v1alpha1.BuildPhaseScheduling &&
build.Spec.Platform.Build.BuildStrategy == v1alpha1.IntegrationPlatformBuildStrategyRoutine
// Handle handles the builds
func (action *scheduleRoutineAction) Handle(ctx context.Context, build *v1alpha1.Build) (*v1alpha1.Build, error) {
// Enter critical section
defer action.lock.Unlock()
builds := &v1alpha1.BuildList{}
options := &k8sclient.ListOptions{Namespace: build.Namespace}
// We use the non-caching client as informers cache is not invalidated nor updated
// atomically by write operations
err := action.reader.List(ctx, options, builds)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Emulate a serialized working queue to only allow one build to run at a given time.
// This is currently necessary for the incremental build to work as expected.
hasScheduledBuild := false
for _, b := range builds.Items {
if b.Status.Phase == v1alpha1.BuildPhasePending || b.Status.Phase == v1alpha1.BuildPhaseRunning {
hasScheduledBuild = true
if hasScheduledBuild {
// Let's requeue the build in case one is already running
return nil, nil
// Transition the build to running state
target := build.DeepCopy()
target.Status.Phase = v1alpha1.BuildPhaseRunning
action.L.Info("Build state transition", "phase", target.Status.Phase)
err = action.client.Status().Update(ctx, target)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// and run it asynchronously to avoid blocking the reconcile loop
action.routines.Store(build.Name, true)
go, build)
return nil, nil
func (action *scheduleRoutineAction) build(ctx context.Context, build *v1alpha1.Build) {
defer action.routines.Delete(build.Name)
status := action.builder.Build(build.Spec)
err := UpdateBuildStatus(ctx, build, status, action.client, action.L)
if err != nil {
action.L.Errorf(err, "Error while running build: %s", build.Name)