blob: a3af111c3875d9d6064d4437caa2f434b6756ba0 [file] [log] [blame]
title: Provided Kamelets
- "@nicolaferraro"
creation-date: 2021-01-29
last-updated: 2021-01-29
status: implementable
see-also: []
replaces: []
superseded-by: []
= Provided Kamelets
== Summary
As Apache Camel, we offer several components (300+) that can be used out-of-the-box in Camel K. Each one of them implements connection for a single
system/protocol and usually provides access to several features (hence the component configuration is usually over-complicated).
We also have defined the concept of Kamelet, that differently from a component, is an higher level resource and satisfies a single use case and provides a
simple configuration. A Kamelet can also use one or more components in its definition, to make the distinction clearer.
In parallel to the component catalog, I think it's a good idea to offer also a catalog of **"Apache Camel Kamelets"**.
== Motivation
There are several platforms that may benefit from a Kamelet Catalog that is embedded in Camel K:
- The Knative team is[thinking to integrate Kamelets into the `kn` CLI]: that plugin would query the
kamelets present in a Cluster and allow to instantiate sources from them.
- The OpenShift console[has already merged support for Kamelets in next 4.7 release]: the console will display
Kamelets among available sources and allow users to configure them and bind them to a destination.
- Other platforms are encouraged to use the Kamelet model for ingress/egress use cases.
As we move forward, we may want to build together a Catalog of curated Kamelets that people can leverage when using any platform that is powered by Camel K.
== Goals
- Involve the community into the creation of a Kamelet catalog, giving them means and examples on how to contribute new Kamelets and related tests,
to ensure we don't break them as we move forward.
- Make sure that when Camel K is installed on a cluster, tools and platforms can query the Kubernetes API to find installed Kamelets and use them.
- Make sure that Kamelets can be also used in `local run` executions.
== Non-Goals
- We don't want to auto-generate Kamelets from components, the Kamelet catalog should focus on common use-cases and grow with users needs.
== Current state
There's a procedure to embed Kamelets in the operator, but it's not used.
The current implementation currently looks up Kamelets in the current namespace first, then in the operator namespace (in case it's different), then
it does a lookup on the `master` branch in to search for a specific Kamelet when used.
This causes problems because it's not difficult to hit rate limiting on using the Github APIs. There's a cache to avoid too many requests, but it's not always sufficient.
== Proposal
We should start to add Kamelets to, and help people contributing their own.
The Kamelet Catalog can be periodically versioned upon need by different projects that use Kamelets. We can use semantic version to signal
when there's some breaking change in one or more Kamelets, or when a Kamelet uses a feature that is not present in the current version of Camel K (or other projects, when they'll support Kamelets).
A Camel K release should always reference a specific tag of the Kamelet catalog. At release time (or before, to let the CI test them),
the Catalog from the git repository is embedded into the `kamel` binary (both CLI and operator).
When the operator starts, it should sync the embedded Kamelet catalog into the operator namespace, replacing
old Kamelets in case of name clash (e.g. upgrade).
In case of `kamel local run`, the CLI will use the catalog embedded in the CLI.
The option to use a remote git catalog can be left as optional to let users plug their own Kamelets.
== Problems and alternatives
In this proposal, the Kamelet catalog is the same for the lifetime of a specific Camel K release, there's no way to upgrade the catalog without a new release
(talking about the provided Kamelets here, people are always free to `kubectl apply` their own Kamelets into the cluster).
We can leave the dynamic lookup on Github (implemented in 1.3), but multiple users will hit rate limits.
Another issue of dynamic lookup is that tools and platforms cannot query the Kubernetes API to obtain the list of Kamelets, but they need to
query Github as well.
We can think of a different packaging mechanism for the Kamelet catalog, e.g. an additional container image, but the `local run` use case would be worse.