blob: d2df24682c565dcc971f6b1c0ffe378b06ab807a [file] [log] [blame]
= Toleration Trait
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This trait sets Tolerations over Integration pods. Tolerations allow (but do not require) the pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints.
See for more details.
The toleration should be expressed in a similar manner that of taints, i.e., `Key[=Value]:Effect[:Seconds]`, where values in square brackets are optional.
For examples:
- ``
- ``
- `disktype=ssd:PreferNoSchedule`
It's disabled by default.
This trait is available in the following profiles: **Kubernetes, Knative, OpenShift**.
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== Configuration
Trait properties can be specified when running any integration with the CLI:
$ kamel run --trait toleration.[key]=[value] --trait toleration.[key2]=[value2] integration.groovy
The following configuration options are available:
|Property | Type | Description
| toleration.enabled
| bool
| Can be used to enable or disable a trait. All traits share this common property.
| toleration.taints
| []string
| The list of taints to tolerate, in the form `Key[=Value]:Effect[:Seconds]`
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== Examples
* To tolerate the integration pod(s) to be scheduled on the master node:
$ kamel run -t toleration.taints="" ...
* To tolerate the integration pod(s) executing on a node with network not available for 300 seconds:
$ kamel run -t toleration.taints="" ...
* To tolerate the integration pod(s) to be scheduled on a node with a disk of SSD type:
$ kamel run -t toleration.taints="disktype=ssd:PreferNoSchedule" ...