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package trait
import (
v1 ""
knativeapi ""
knativeutil ""
corev1 ""
k8serrors ""
eventing ""
serving ""
// The Knative trait automatically discovers addresses of Knative resources and inject them into the
// running integration.
// The full Knative configuration is injected in the CAMEL_KNATIVE_CONFIGURATION in JSON format.
// The Camel Knative component will then use the full configuration to configure the routes.
// The trait is enabled by default when the Knative profile is active.
// +camel-k:trait=knative
type knativeTrait struct {
BaseTrait `property:",squash"`
// Can be used to inject a Knative complete configuration in JSON format.
Configuration string `property:"configuration" json:"configuration,omitempty"`
// List of channels used as source of integration routes.
// Can contain simple channel names or full Camel URIs.
ChannelSources []string `property:"channel-sources" json:"channelSources,omitempty"`
// List of channels used as destination of integration routes.
// Can contain simple channel names or full Camel URIs.
ChannelSinks []string `property:"channel-sinks" json:"channelSinks,omitempty"`
// List of channels used as source of integration routes.
EndpointSources []string `property:"endpoint-sources" json:"endpointSources,omitempty"`
// List of endpoints used as destination of integration routes.
// Can contain simple endpoint names or full Camel URIs.
EndpointSinks []string `property:"endpoint-sinks" json:"endpointSinks,omitempty"`
// List of event types that the integration will be subscribed to.
// Can contain simple event types or full Camel URIs (to use a specific broker different from "default").
EventSources []string `property:"event-sources" json:"eventSources,omitempty"`
// List of event types that the integration will produce.
// Can contain simple event types or full Camel URIs (to use a specific broker).
EventSinks []string `property:"event-sinks" json:"eventSinks,omitempty"`
// Enables filtering on events based on the header "ce-knativehistory". Since this is an experimental header
// that can be removed in a future version of Knative, filtering is enabled only when the integration is
// listening from more than 1 channel.
FilterSourceChannels *bool `property:"filter-source-channels" json:"filterSourceChannels,omitempty"`
// Enables Knative CamelSource pre 0.15 compatibility fixes (will be removed in future versions).
CamelSourceCompat *bool `property:"camel-source-compat" json:"camelSourceCompat,omitempty"`
// Allows binding the integration to a sink via a Knative SinkBinding resource.
// This can be used when the integration targets a single sink.
// It's disabled by default.
SinkBinding *bool `property:"sink-binding" json:"sinkBinding,omitempty"`
// Enable automatic discovery of all trait properties.
Auto *bool `property:"auto" json:"auto,omitempty"`
const (
knativeHistoryHeader = "ce-knativehistory"
func newKnativeTrait() Trait {
t := &knativeTrait{
BaseTrait: NewBaseTrait("knative", 400),
return t
// IsAllowedInProfile overrides default
func (t *knativeTrait) IsAllowedInProfile(profile v1.TraitProfile) bool {
return profile == v1.TraitProfileKnative
func (t *knativeTrait) Configure(e *Environment) (bool, error) {
if t.Enabled != nil && !*t.Enabled {
return false, nil
if !e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization, v1.IntegrationPhaseDeploying, v1.IntegrationPhaseRunning) {
return false, nil
if t.Auto == nil || *t.Auto {
if len(t.ChannelSources) == 0 {
items := make([]string, 0)
sources, err := kubernetes.ResolveIntegrationSources(e.C, e.Client, e.Integration, e.Resources)
if err != nil {
return false, err
metadata.Each(e.CamelCatalog, sources, func(_ int, meta metadata.IntegrationMetadata) bool {
items = append(items, knativeutil.FilterURIs(meta.FromURIs, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeChannel)...)
return true
t.ChannelSources = items
if len(t.ChannelSinks) == 0 {
items := make([]string, 0)
sources, err := kubernetes.ResolveIntegrationSources(e.C, e.Client, e.Integration, e.Resources)
if err != nil {
return false, err
metadata.Each(e.CamelCatalog, sources, func(_ int, meta metadata.IntegrationMetadata) bool {
items = append(items, knativeutil.FilterURIs(meta.ToURIs, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeChannel)...)
return true
t.ChannelSinks = items
if len(t.EndpointSources) == 0 {
items := make([]string, 0)
sources, err := kubernetes.ResolveIntegrationSources(e.C, e.Client, e.Integration, e.Resources)
if err != nil {
return false, err
metadata.Each(e.CamelCatalog, sources, func(_ int, meta metadata.IntegrationMetadata) bool {
items = append(items, knativeutil.FilterURIs(meta.FromURIs, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEndpoint)...)
return true
t.EndpointSources = items
if len(t.EndpointSinks) == 0 {
items := make([]string, 0)
sources, err := kubernetes.ResolveIntegrationSources(e.C, e.Client, e.Integration, e.Resources)
if err != nil {
return false, err
metadata.Each(e.CamelCatalog, sources, func(_ int, meta metadata.IntegrationMetadata) bool {
items = append(items, knativeutil.FilterURIs(meta.ToURIs, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEndpoint)...)
return true
t.EndpointSinks = items
if len(t.EventSources) == 0 {
items := make([]string, 0)
sources, err := kubernetes.ResolveIntegrationSources(e.C, e.Client, e.Integration, e.Resources)
if err != nil {
return false, err
metadata.Each(e.CamelCatalog, sources, func(_ int, meta metadata.IntegrationMetadata) bool {
items = append(items, knativeutil.FilterURIs(meta.FromURIs, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEvent)...)
return true
t.EventSources = items
if len(t.EventSinks) == 0 {
items := make([]string, 0)
sources, err := kubernetes.ResolveIntegrationSources(e.C, e.Client, e.Integration, e.Resources)
if err != nil {
return false, err
metadata.Each(e.CamelCatalog, sources, func(_ int, meta metadata.IntegrationMetadata) bool {
items = append(items, knativeutil.FilterURIs(meta.ToURIs, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEvent)...)
return true
t.EventSinks = items
if len(t.ChannelSources) > 1 {
// Always filter channels when the integration subscribes to more than one
// Using Knative experimental header:
// TODO: filter automatically all source channels when the feature becomes stable
filter := true
t.FilterSourceChannels = &filter
return true, nil
func (t *knativeTrait) Apply(e *Environment) error {
// To be removed when Knative CamelSources < 0.15 will no longer be supported
// Older versions of Knative Sources use a loader rather than an interceptor
if t.CamelSourceCompat == nil || *t.CamelSourceCompat {
for i, s := range e.Integration.Spec.Sources {
if s.Loader == "knative-source" {
s.Loader = ""
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&s.Interceptors, "knative-source")
e.Integration.Spec.Sources[i] = s
// End of temporary code
if e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization) {
// Interceptor may have been set by a Knative CamelSource
if util.StringSliceExists(e.getAllInterceptors(), "knative-source") {
// Adding required libraries for Camel sources
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Dependencies, "mvn:org.apache.camel.k/camel-knative")
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Dependencies, "mvn:org.apache.camel.k/camel-k-runtime-knative")
// Adding platform HTTP
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Capabilities, v1.CapabilityPlatformHTTP)
if t.SinkBinding != nil && *t.SinkBinding {
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Dependencies, "mvn:org.apache.camel.k/camel-k-runtime-knative")
if len(t.ChannelSources) > 0 || len(t.EndpointSources) > 0 || len(t.EventSources) > 0 {
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Capabilities, v1.CapabilityPlatformHTTP)
if len(t.ChannelSinks) > 0 || len(t.EndpointSinks) > 0 || len(t.EventSinks) > 0 {
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Capabilities, v1.CapabilityPlatformHTTP)
if e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseDeploying, v1.IntegrationPhaseRunning) {
env := knativeapi.NewCamelEnvironment()
if t.Configuration != "" {
if err := env.Deserialize(t.Configuration); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.configureChannels(e, &env); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.configureEndpoints(e, &env); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.configureEvents(e, &env); err != nil {
return err
if err := t.configureSinkBinding(e, &env); err != nil {
return err
conf, err := env.Serialize()
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unable to fetch environment configuration")
envvar.SetVal(&e.EnvVars, "CAMEL_KNATIVE_CONFIGURATION", conf)
return nil
func (t *knativeTrait) configureChannels(e *Environment, env *knativeapi.CamelEnvironment) error {
// Sources
err := t.ifServiceMissingDo(e, env, t.ChannelSources, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeChannel, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSource,
func(ref *corev1.ObjectReference, serviceURI string, urlProvider func() (*url.URL, error)) error {
loc, err := urlProvider()
if err != nil {
return err
meta := map[string]string{
knativeapi.CamelMetaServicePath: "/",
knativeapi.CamelMetaEndpointKind: string(knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSource),
knativeapi.CamelMetaKnativeAPIVersion: ref.APIVersion,
knativeapi.CamelMetaKnativeKind: ref.Kind,
knativeapi.CamelMetaKnativeReply: "false",
if t.FilterSourceChannels != nil && *t.FilterSourceChannels {
meta[knativeapi.CamelMetaFilterPrefix+knativeHistoryHeader] = loc.Host
svc := knativeapi.CamelServiceDefinition{
Name: ref.Name,
ServiceType: knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeChannel,
Metadata: meta,
env.Services = append(env.Services, svc)
if err := t.createSubscription(e, ref); err != nil {
return err
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
if t.SinkBinding == nil || !*t.SinkBinding {
// Sinks
err = t.ifServiceMissingDo(e, env, t.ChannelSinks, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeChannel, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSink,
func(ref *corev1.ObjectReference, serviceURI string, urlProvider func() (*url.URL, error)) error {
loc, err := urlProvider()
if err != nil {
return err
svc, err := knativeapi.BuildCamelServiceDefinition(ref.Name, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSink,
knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeChannel, *loc, ref.APIVersion, ref.Kind)
if err != nil {
return err
env.Services = append(env.Services, svc)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *knativeTrait) createSubscription(e *Environment, ref *corev1.ObjectReference) error {
sub := knativeutil.CreateSubscription(*ref, e.Integration.Name)
return nil
func (t *knativeTrait) configureEndpoints(e *Environment, env *knativeapi.CamelEnvironment) error {
// Sources
serviceSources := t.extractServices(t.EndpointSources, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEndpoint)
for _, endpoint := range serviceSources {
ref, err := knativeutil.ExtractObjectReference(endpoint)
if err != nil {
return err
if env.ContainsService(endpoint, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSource, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEndpoint,
serving.SchemeGroupVersion.String(), "Service") {
svc := knativeapi.CamelServiceDefinition{
Name: ref.Name,
ServiceType: knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEndpoint,
Metadata: map[string]string{
knativeapi.CamelMetaServicePath: "/",
knativeapi.CamelMetaEndpointKind: string(knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSource),
knativeapi.CamelMetaKnativeAPIVersion: serving.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
knativeapi.CamelMetaKnativeKind: "Service",
// knative.reply is left to default ("true") in case of simple service
env.Services = append(env.Services, svc)
// Sinks
if t.SinkBinding == nil || !*t.SinkBinding {
err := t.ifServiceMissingDo(e, env, t.EndpointSinks, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEndpoint, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSink,
func(ref *corev1.ObjectReference, serviceURI string, urlProvider func() (*url.URL, error)) error {
loc, err := urlProvider()
if err != nil {
return err
svc, err := knativeapi.BuildCamelServiceDefinition(ref.Name, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSink,
knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEndpoint, *loc, ref.APIVersion, ref.Kind)
if err != nil {
return err
env.Services = append(env.Services, svc)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *knativeTrait) configureEvents(e *Environment, env *knativeapi.CamelEnvironment) error {
// Sources
err := t.withServiceDo(false, e, env, t.EventSources, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEvent, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSource,
func(ref *corev1.ObjectReference, serviceURI string, _ func() (*url.URL, error)) error {
// Iterate over all, without skipping duplicates
eventType := knativeutil.ExtractEventType(serviceURI)
t.createTrigger(e, ref, eventType)
if !env.ContainsService(ref.Name, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSource, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEvent, ref.APIVersion, ref.Kind) {
svc := knativeapi.CamelServiceDefinition{
Name: ref.Name,
ServiceType: knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEvent,
Metadata: map[string]string{
knativeapi.CamelMetaServicePath: "/",
knativeapi.CamelMetaEndpointKind: string(knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSource),
knativeapi.CamelMetaKnativeAPIVersion: ref.APIVersion,
knativeapi.CamelMetaKnativeKind: ref.Kind,
knativeapi.CamelMetaKnativeReply: "false",
env.Services = append(env.Services, svc)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
// Sinks
if t.SinkBinding == nil || !*t.SinkBinding {
err = t.ifServiceMissingDo(e, env, t.EventSinks, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEvent, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSink,
func(ref *corev1.ObjectReference, serviceURI string, urlProvider func() (*url.URL, error)) error {
loc, err := urlProvider()
if err != nil {
return err
svc, err := knativeapi.BuildCamelServiceDefinition(ref.Name, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSink,
knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEvent, *loc, ref.APIVersion, ref.Kind)
if err != nil {
return err
env.Services = append(env.Services, svc)
return nil
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *knativeTrait) configureSinkBinding(e *Environment, env *knativeapi.CamelEnvironment) error {
if t.SinkBinding == nil || !*t.SinkBinding {
return nil
var serviceType knativeapi.CamelServiceType
services := t.extractServices(t.ChannelSinks, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeChannel)
if len(services) > 0 {
serviceType = knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeChannel
services = append(services, t.extractServices(t.EndpointSinks, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEndpoint)...)
if len(serviceType) == 0 && len(services) > 0 {
serviceType = knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEndpoint
services = append(services, t.extractServices(t.EventSinks, knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEvent)...)
if len(serviceType) == 0 && len(services) > 0 {
serviceType = knativeapi.CamelServiceTypeEvent
if len(services) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("sinkbinding can only be used with a single sink: found %d sinks", len(services))
err := t.withServiceDo(false, e, env, services, serviceType, knativeapi.CamelEndpointKindSink, func(ref *corev1.ObjectReference, serviceURI string, _ func() (*url.URL, error)) error {
e.ApplicationProperties["camel.k.customizer.sinkbinding.enabled"] = "true"
e.ApplicationProperties[""] = ref.Name
e.ApplicationProperties["camel.k.customizer.sinkbinding.type"] = string(serviceType)
e.ApplicationProperties["camel.k.customizer.sinkbinding.kind"] = ref.Kind
e.ApplicationProperties["camel.k.customizer.sinkbinding.api-version"] = ref.APIVersion
if e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseDeploying) {
e.PostStepProcessors = append(e.PostStepProcessors, func(e *Environment) error {
sinkBindingInjected := false
e.Resources.Visit(func(object runtime.Object) {
gvk := object.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind()
if gvk.Kind == "SinkBinding" && strings.Contains(gvk.Group, "knative") {
sinkBindingInjected = true
if sinkBindingInjected {
return nil
controller := e.Resources.GetController(func(object runtime.Object) bool {
return true
if controller != nil && !reflect.ValueOf(controller).IsNil() {
gvk := controller.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind()
av, k := gvk.ToAPIVersionAndKind()
source := corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: k,
Namespace: e.Integration.Namespace,
Name: e.Integration.Name,
APIVersion: av,
target := corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: ref.Kind,
Namespace: e.Integration.Namespace,
Name: ref.Name,
APIVersion: ref.APIVersion,
e.Resources.AddFirst(knativeutil.CreateSinkBinding(source, target))
return nil
return nil
return err
func (t *knativeTrait) createTrigger(e *Environment, ref *corev1.ObjectReference, eventType string) {
// TODO extend to additional filters too, to filter them at source and not at destination
found := e.Resources.HasKnativeTrigger(func(trigger *eventing.Trigger) bool {
return trigger.Spec.Broker == ref.Name &&
trigger.Spec.Filter != nil &&
trigger.Spec.Filter.Attributes["type"] == eventType
if !found {
trigger := knativeutil.CreateTrigger(*ref, e.Integration.Name, eventType)
func (t *knativeTrait) ifServiceMissingDo(
e *Environment,
env *knativeapi.CamelEnvironment,
serviceURIs []string,
serviceType knativeapi.CamelServiceType,
endpointKind knativeapi.CamelEndpointKind,
gen func(ref *corev1.ObjectReference, serviceURI string, urlProvider func() (*url.URL, error)) error) error {
return t.withServiceDo(true, e, env, serviceURIs, serviceType, endpointKind, gen)
func (t *knativeTrait) withServiceDo(
skipDuplicates bool,
e *Environment,
env *knativeapi.CamelEnvironment,
serviceURIs []string,
serviceType knativeapi.CamelServiceType,
endpointKind knativeapi.CamelEndpointKind,
gen func(ref *corev1.ObjectReference, serviceURI string, urlProvider func() (*url.URL, error)) error) error {
for _, serviceURI := range t.extractServices(serviceURIs, serviceType) {
ref, err := knativeutil.ExtractObjectReference(serviceURI)
if err != nil {
return err
if skipDuplicates && env.ContainsService(ref.Name, endpointKind, serviceType, ref.APIVersion, ref.Kind) {
possibleRefs := knativeutil.FillMissingReferenceData(serviceType, ref)
var actualRef *corev1.ObjectReference
if len(possibleRefs) == 1 {
actualRef = &possibleRefs[0]
} else {
actualRef, err = knativeutil.GetAddressableReference(t.Ctx, t.Client, possibleRefs, e.Integration.Namespace, ref.Name)
if err != nil && k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return errors.Errorf("cannot find %s", serviceType.ResourceDescription(ref.Name))
} else if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "error looking up %s", serviceType.ResourceDescription(ref.Name))
urlProvider := func() (*url.URL, error) {
targetURL, err := knativeutil.GetSinkURL(t.Ctx, t.Client, actualRef, e.Integration.Namespace)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "cannot determine address of %s", serviceType.ResourceDescription(ref.Name))
t.L.Infof("Found URL for %s: %s", serviceType.ResourceDescription(ref.Name), targetURL.String())
return targetURL, nil
err = gen(actualRef, serviceURI, urlProvider)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unexpected error while executing handler for %s", serviceType.ResourceDescription(ref.Name))
return nil
func (t *knativeTrait) extractServices(names []string, serviceType knativeapi.CamelServiceType) []string {
answer := make([]string, 0)
for _, item := range names {
i := strings.Trim(item, " \t\"")
if i != "" {
i = knativeutil.NormalizeToURI(serviceType, i)
answer = append(answer, i)
return answer