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package trait
import (
infp ""
corev1 ""
k8sclient ""
v1 ""
// The JVM trait is used to configure the JVM that runs the integration.
// +camel-k:trait=jvm
type jvmTrait struct {
BaseTrait `property:",squash"`
// Activates remote debugging, so that a debugger can be attached to the JVM, e.g., using port-forwarding
Debug bool `property:"debug" json:"debug,omitempty"`
// Suspends the target JVM immediately before the main class is loaded
DebugSuspend bool `property:"debug-suspend" json:"debugSuspend,omitempty"`
// Prints the command used the start the JVM in the container logs (default `true`)
PrintCommand bool `property:"print-command" json:"printCommand,omitempty"`
// Transport address at which to listen for the newly launched JVM (default `*:5005`)
DebugAddress string `property:"debug-address" json:"debugAddress,omitempty"`
// A list of JVM options
Options []string `property:"options" json:"options,omitempty"`
func newJvmTrait() Trait {
return &jvmTrait{
BaseTrait: NewBaseTrait("jvm", 2000),
DebugAddress: "*:5005",
PrintCommand: true,
func (t *jvmTrait) Configure(e *Environment) (bool, error) {
if t.Enabled != nil && !*t.Enabled {
return false, nil
return e.InPhase(v1.IntegrationKitPhaseReady, v1.IntegrationPhaseDeploying) ||
e.InPhase(v1.IntegrationKitPhaseReady, v1.IntegrationPhaseRunning), nil
func (t *jvmTrait) Apply(e *Environment) error {
kit := e.IntegrationKit
if kit == nil && e.Integration.Status.Kit != "" {
name := e.Integration.Status.Kit
k := v1.NewIntegrationKit(e.Integration.Namespace, name)
key := k8sclient.ObjectKey{
Namespace: e.Integration.Namespace,
Name: name,
if err := t.Client.Get(t.Ctx, key, &k); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to find integration kit %s, %s", name, err)
kit = &k
if kit == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unable to find integration kit %s", e.Integration.Status.Kit)
classpath := strset.New()
for _, artifact := range kit.Status.Artifacts {
if kit.Labels[""] == v1.IntegrationKitTypeExternal {
// In case of an external created kit, we do not have any information about
// the classpath so we assume the all jars in /deployments/dependencies/ have
// to be taken into account
container := e.getIntegrationContainer()
if container == nil {
return nil
// Build the container command
// Other traits may have already contributed some arguments
args := container.Args
// Remote debugging
if t.Debug {
suspend := "n"
if t.DebugSuspend {
suspend = "y"
args = append(args,
suspend, t.DebugAddress))
hasHeapSizeOption := false
// Add JVM options
if len(t.Options) > 0 {
hasHeapSizeOption = util.StringSliceContainsAnyOf(t.Options, "-Xmx", "-XX:MaxHeapSize", "-XX:MinRAMPercentage", "-XX:MaxRAMPercentage")
args = append(args, t.Options...)
// Tune JVM maximum heap size based on the container memory limit, if any.
// This is configured off-container, thus is limited to explicit user configuration.
// We may want to inject a wrapper script into the container image, so that it can
// be performed in-container, based on CGroups memory resource control files.
if memory, hasLimit := container.Resources.Limits[corev1.ResourceMemory]; !hasHeapSizeOption && hasLimit {
// Simple heuristic that caps the maximum heap size to 50% of the memory limit
percentage := int64(50)
// Unless the memory limit is lower than 300M, in which case we leave more room for the non-heap memory
if resource.NewScaledQuantity(300, 6).Cmp(memory) > 0 {
percentage = 25
memory.AsDec().Mul(memory.AsDec(), infp.NewDec(percentage, 2))
args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("-Xmx%dM", memory.ScaledValue(resource.Mega)))
// Add mounted resources to the class path
for _, m := range container.VolumeMounts {
items := classpath.List()
// Keep class path sorted so that it's consistent over reconciliation cycles
args = append(args, "-cp", strings.Join(items, ":"))
args = append(args, e.CamelCatalog.Runtime.ApplicationClass)
if t.PrintCommand {
args = append([]string{"exec", "java"}, args...)
container.Command = []string{"/bin/sh", "-c"}
cmd := strings.Join(args, " ")
container.Args = []string{"echo " + cmd + " && " + cmd}
} else {
container.Command = []string{"java"}
container.Args = args
container.WorkingDir = "/deployments"
return nil
// IsPlatformTrait overrides base class method
func (t *jvmTrait) IsPlatformTrait() bool {
return true