blob: 7e705d9fae87e2fcd1333b460a1204b36bab643e [file] [log] [blame]
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package trait
import (
passert ""
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
v1 ""
k8sutils ""
func TestCronFromURI(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
uri string
uri2 string
uri3 string
cron string
components string
// Timer only
uri: "timer:tick?period=60000&delay=12", // invalid
uri: "timer:tick?period=60000&repeatCount=10", // invalid
uri: "timer:tick?period=60000",
cron: "0/1 * * * ?",
components: "timer",
uri: "timer:tick?period=28800000",
cron: "0 0/8 * * ?",
components: "timer",
uri: "timer:tick?period=120000",
cron: "0/2 * * * ?",
components: "timer",
uri: "timer:tick?period=120001", // invalid
uri: "timer:tick?period=60000",
cron: "0/1 * * * ?",
components: "timer",
uri: "timer:tick?period=300000",
cron: "0/5 * * * ?",
components: "timer",
uri: "timer:tick?period=600000",
cron: "0/10 * * * ?",
components: "timer",
uri: "timer:tick?period=66000", // invalid
uri: "timer:tick?period=7200000",
cron: "0 0/2 * * ?",
components: "timer",
uri: "timer:tick?period=10800000",
cron: "0 0/3 * * ?",
components: "timer",
uri: "timer:tick?period=86400000",
cron: "0 0 * * ?",
components: "timer",
uri: "timer:tick?period=10860000", // invalid
uri: "timer:tick?period=14400000",
cron: "0 0/4 * * ?",
components: "timer",
// Quartz only
uri: "quartz:trigger?cron=0 0 0/4 * * ?",
cron: "0 0/4 * * ?",
components: "quartz",
uri: "quartz:trigger?cron=0+0+0/4+*+*+?",
cron: "0 0/4 * * ?",
components: "quartz",
uri: "quartz:trigger?cron=*+0+0/4+*+*+?", // invalid
uri: "quartz:trigger?cron=0+0+0/4+*+*+?+2020", // invalid
uri: "quartz:trigger?cron=1+0+0/4+*+*+?", // invalid
uri: "quartz:trigger?cron=0+0+0/4+*+*+?&fireNow=true", // invalid
// Cron only
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=1/2 * * * ?",
cron: "1/2 * * * ?",
components: "cron",
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=0 0 0/4 * * ?",
cron: "0 0/4 * * ?",
components: "cron",
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=0+0+0/4+*+*+?",
cron: "0 0/4 * * ?",
components: "cron",
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=*+0+0/4+*+*+?", // invalid
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=0+0,6+0/4+*+*+MON-THU",
cron: "0,6 0/4 * * MON-THU",
components: "cron",
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=0+0+0/4+*+*+?+2020", // invalid
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=1+0+0/4+*+*+?", // invalid
// Mixed scenarios
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=0/2 * * * ?",
uri2: "timer:tick?period=120000",
cron: "0/2 * * * ?",
components: "cron,timer",
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=0 0/2 * * ?",
uri2: "timer:tick?period=7200000",
uri3: "quartz:trigger?cron=0 0 0/2 * * ? ?",
cron: "0 0/2 * * ?",
components: "cron,timer,quartz",
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=1 0/2 * * ?",
uri2: "timer:tick?period=7200000",
uri3: "quartz:trigger?cron=0 0 0/2 * * ? ?",
// invalid
uri: "cron:tab?schedule=0 0/2 * * ?",
uri2: "timer:tick?period=10800000",
uri3: "quartz:trigger?cron=0 0 0/2 * * ? ?",
// invalid
for _, test := range tests {
thetest := test
t.Run(thetest.uri, func(t *testing.T) {
uris := []string{thetest.uri, thetest.uri2, thetest.uri3}
filtered := make([]string, 0, len(uris))
for _, uri := range uris {
if uri != "" {
filtered = append(filtered, uri)
res := getCronForURIs(filtered)
gotCron := ""
if res != nil {
gotCron = res.schedule
passert.Equal(t, gotCron, thetest.cron)
gotComponents := ""
if res != nil {
gotComponents = strings.Join(res.components, ",")
passert.Equal(t, gotComponents, thetest.components)
func TestCronDeps(t *testing.T) {
catalog, err := camel.DefaultCatalog()
assert.Nil(t, err)
traitCatalog := NewCatalog(context.TODO(), nil)
environment := Environment{
CamelCatalog: catalog,
Catalog: traitCatalog,
Integration: &v1.Integration{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "ns",
Status: v1.IntegrationStatus{
Phase: v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization,
Spec: v1.IntegrationSpec{
Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
Sources: []v1.SourceSpec{
DataSpec: v1.DataSpec{
Name: "",
Content: `from("cron:tab?schedule=0 0/2 * * ?").to("log:test")`,
Language: v1.LanguageJavaSource,
Resources: []v1.ResourceSpec{},
Traits: map[string]v1.TraitSpec{},
IntegrationKit: &v1.IntegrationKit{
Status: v1.IntegrationKitStatus{
Phase: v1.IntegrationKitPhaseReady,
Platform: &v1.IntegrationPlatform{
Spec: v1.IntegrationPlatformSpec{
Cluster: v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift,
Build: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildSpec{
PublishStrategy: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategyS2I,
Registry: v1.IntegrationPlatformRegistrySpec{Address: "registry"},
Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
EnvVars: make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0),
ExecutedTraits: make([]Trait, 0),
Resources: k8sutils.NewCollection(),
c, err := NewFakeClient("ns")
assert.Nil(t, err)
tc := NewCatalog(context.TODO(), c)
err = tc.apply(&environment)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotEmpty(t, environment.ExecutedTraits)
ct := environment.GetTrait("cron").(*cronTrait)
assert.NotNil(t, ct)
assert.Nil(t, ct.Fallback)
assert.True(t, util.StringSliceExists(environment.Integration.Status.Capabilities, v1.CapabilityCron))
assert.Contains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Dependencies, "mvn:org.apache.camel.k/camel-k-runtime-cron")
func TestCronDepsFallback(t *testing.T) {
catalog, err := camel.DefaultCatalog()
assert.Nil(t, err)
traitCatalog := NewCatalog(context.TODO(), nil)
environment := Environment{
CamelCatalog: catalog,
Catalog: traitCatalog,
Integration: &v1.Integration{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "ns",
Status: v1.IntegrationStatus{
Phase: v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization,
Spec: v1.IntegrationSpec{
Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
Sources: []v1.SourceSpec{
DataSpec: v1.DataSpec{
Name: "",
Content: `from("cron:tab?schedule=0 0/2 * * ?").to("log:test")`,
Language: v1.LanguageJavaSource,
Resources: []v1.ResourceSpec{},
Traits: map[string]v1.TraitSpec{
"cron": test.TraitSpecFromMap(t, map[string]interface{}{
"fallback": true,
IntegrationKit: &v1.IntegrationKit{
Status: v1.IntegrationKitStatus{
Phase: v1.IntegrationKitPhaseReady,
Platform: &v1.IntegrationPlatform{
Spec: v1.IntegrationPlatformSpec{
Cluster: v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift,
Build: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildSpec{
PublishStrategy: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategyS2I,
Registry: v1.IntegrationPlatformRegistrySpec{Address: "registry"},
Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
EnvVars: make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0),
ExecutedTraits: make([]Trait, 0),
Resources: k8sutils.NewCollection(),
c, err := NewFakeClient("ns")
assert.Nil(t, err)
tc := NewCatalog(context.TODO(), c)
err = tc.apply(&environment)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotEmpty(t, environment.ExecutedTraits)
ct := environment.GetTrait("cron").(*cronTrait)
assert.NotNil(t, ct)
assert.NotNil(t, ct.Fallback)
assert.True(t, util.StringSliceExists(environment.Integration.Status.Capabilities, v1.CapabilityCron))
assert.Contains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Dependencies, "camel:quartz")
assert.Contains(t, environment.Integration.Status.Dependencies, "mvn:org.apache.camel.k/camel-k-runtime-cron")
func TestCronWithMain(t *testing.T) {
catalog, err := camel.DefaultCatalog()
assert.Nil(t, err)
traitCatalog := NewCatalog(context.TODO(), nil)
environment := Environment{
CamelCatalog: catalog,
Catalog: traitCatalog,
Integration: &v1.Integration{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "ns",
Status: v1.IntegrationStatus{
Phase: v1.IntegrationPhaseDeploying,
Spec: v1.IntegrationSpec{
Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
Sources: []v1.SourceSpec{
DataSpec: v1.DataSpec{
Name: "",
Content: `from("cron:tab?schedule=0 0/2 * * ?").to("log:test")`,
Language: v1.LanguageJavaSource,
Resources: []v1.ResourceSpec{},
Traits: map[string]v1.TraitSpec{
"quarkus": test.TraitSpecFromMap(t, map[string]interface{}{
"enabled": false,
IntegrationKit: &v1.IntegrationKit{
Status: v1.IntegrationKitStatus{
Phase: v1.IntegrationKitPhaseReady,
Platform: &v1.IntegrationPlatform{
Spec: v1.IntegrationPlatformSpec{
Cluster: v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift,
Build: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildSpec{
PublishStrategy: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategyS2I,
Registry: v1.IntegrationPlatformRegistrySpec{Address: "registry"},
Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
EnvVars: make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0),
ExecutedTraits: make([]Trait, 0),
Resources: k8sutils.NewCollection(),
c, err := NewFakeClient("ns")
assert.Nil(t, err)
tc := NewCatalog(context.TODO(), c)
err = tc.apply(&environment)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotEmpty(t, environment.ExecutedTraits)
assert.Nil(t, environment.GetTrait("quarkus"))
ct := environment.GetTrait("cron").(*cronTrait)
assert.NotNil(t, ct)
assert.Nil(t, ct.Fallback)
assert.Contains(t, environment.Interceptors, "cron")
func TestCronWithQuarkus(t *testing.T) {
catalog, err := camel.DefaultCatalog()
assert.Nil(t, err)
traitCatalog := NewCatalog(context.TODO(), nil)
environment := Environment{
CamelCatalog: catalog,
Catalog: traitCatalog,
Integration: &v1.Integration{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "test",
Namespace: "ns",
Status: v1.IntegrationStatus{
Phase: v1.IntegrationPhaseDeploying,
Spec: v1.IntegrationSpec{
Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
Sources: []v1.SourceSpec{
DataSpec: v1.DataSpec{
Name: "",
Content: `from("cron:tab?schedule=0 0/2 * * ?").to("log:test")`,
Language: v1.LanguageJavaSource,
Resources: []v1.ResourceSpec{},
Traits: map[string]v1.TraitSpec{
"quarkus": test.TraitSpecFromMap(t, map[string]interface{}{
"enabled": true,
IntegrationKit: &v1.IntegrationKit{
Status: v1.IntegrationKitStatus{
Phase: v1.IntegrationKitPhaseReady,
Platform: &v1.IntegrationPlatform{
Spec: v1.IntegrationPlatformSpec{
Cluster: v1.IntegrationPlatformClusterOpenShift,
Build: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildSpec{
PublishStrategy: v1.IntegrationPlatformBuildPublishStrategyS2I,
Registry: v1.IntegrationPlatformRegistrySpec{Address: "registry"},
Profile: v1.TraitProfileKnative,
EnvVars: make([]corev1.EnvVar, 0),
ExecutedTraits: make([]Trait, 0),
Resources: k8sutils.NewCollection(),
c, err := NewFakeClient("ns")
assert.Nil(t, err)
tc := NewCatalog(context.TODO(), c)
err = tc.apply(&environment)
assert.Nil(t, err)
assert.NotEmpty(t, environment.ExecutedTraits)
assert.NotNil(t, environment.GetTrait("quarkus"))
ct := environment.GetTrait("cron").(*cronTrait)
assert.NotNil(t, ct)
assert.Nil(t, ct.Fallback)
assert.Contains(t, environment.Interceptors, "cron")