blob: c9013c1b7366dcb64b1f4d91871007a7b1f96a77 [file] [log] [blame]
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package trait
import (
k8serrors ""
metav1 ""
v1 ""
util ""
var (
toFileName = regexp.MustCompile(`[^(\w/\.)]`)
diskCachedDiscoveryClient discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface
memoryCachedDiscoveryClient discovery.CachedDiscoveryInterface
discoveryClientLock sync.Mutex
type discoveryCacheType string
const (
disabledDiscoveryCache discoveryCacheType = "disabled"
diskDiscoveryCache discoveryCacheType = "disk"
memoryDiscoveryCache discoveryCacheType = "memory"
// The GC Trait garbage-collects all resources that are no longer necessary upon integration updates.
// +camel-k:trait=gc
type garbageCollectorTrait struct {
BaseTrait `property:",squash"`
// Discovery client cache to be used, either `disabled`, `disk` or `memory` (default `memory`)
DiscoveryCache *discoveryCacheType `property:"discovery-cache"`
func newGarbageCollectorTrait() Trait {
return &garbageCollectorTrait{
BaseTrait: NewBaseTrait("gc", 1200),
func (t *garbageCollectorTrait) Configure(e *Environment) (bool, error) {
if t.Enabled != nil && !*t.Enabled {
return false, nil
if t.DiscoveryCache == nil {
s := memoryDiscoveryCache
t.DiscoveryCache = &s
return e.IntegrationInPhase(
func (t *garbageCollectorTrait) Apply(e *Environment) error {
switch e.Integration.Status.Phase {
case v1.IntegrationPhaseRunning:
// Register a post action that deletes the existing resources that are labelled
// with the previous integration generations.
// TODO: this should be refined so that it's run when all the replicas for the newer generation
// are ready. This is to be added when the integration scale status is refined with ready replicas
e.PostActions = append(e.PostActions, func(env *Environment) error {
// The collection and deletion are performed asynchronously to avoid blocking
// the reconcile loop.
go t.garbageCollectResources(env)
return nil
// Register a post processor that adds the required labels to the new resources
e.PostProcessors = append(e.PostProcessors, func(env *Environment) error {
generation := strconv.FormatInt(env.Integration.GetGeneration(), 10)
env.Resources.VisitMetaObject(func(resource metav1.Object) {
labels := resource.GetLabels()
// Label the resource with the current integration generation
labels[""] = generation
// Make sure the integration label is set
labels[""] = env.Integration.Name
return nil
return nil
func (t *garbageCollectorTrait) garbageCollectResources(e *Environment) {
integration, _ := labels.NewRequirement("", selection.Equals, []string{e.Integration.Name})
generation, err := labels.NewRequirement("", selection.LessThan, []string{strconv.FormatInt(e.Integration.GetGeneration(), 10)})
if err != nil {
t.L.ForIntegration(e.Integration).Errorf(err, "cannot determine generation requirement")
selector := labels.NewSelector().
collectionGVKs, deletableGVKs, err := t.getDeletableTypes(e)
if err != nil {
t.L.ForIntegration(e.Integration).Errorf(err, "cannot discover GVK types")
t.deleteAllOf(collectionGVKs, e, selector)
// TODO: DeleteCollection is currently not supported for Service resources, so we have to keep
// client-side collection deletion around until it becomes supported.
t.deleteEachOf(deletableGVKs, e, selector)
func (t *garbageCollectorTrait) deleteAllOf(gvks map[schema.GroupVersionKind]struct{}, e *Environment, selector labels.Selector) {
for gvk := range gvks {
err := e.Client.DeleteAllOf(context.TODO(),
Object: map[string]interface{}{
"apiVersion": gvk.GroupVersion().String(),
"kind": gvk.Kind,
"metadata": map[string]interface{}{
"namespace": e.Integration.Namespace,
// FIXME: The unstructured client doesn't take the namespace option into account
util.MatchingSelector{Selector: selector},
if err != nil {
if !k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
t.L.ForIntegration(e.Integration).Errorf(err, "cannot delete child resources: %v", gvk)
} else {
t.L.ForIntegration(e.Integration).Debugf("child resources deleted: %v", gvk)
func (t *garbageCollectorTrait) deleteEachOf(gvks map[schema.GroupVersionKind]struct{}, e *Environment, selector labels.Selector) {
for gvk := range gvks {
resources := unstructured.UnstructuredList{
Object: map[string]interface{}{
"apiVersion": gvk.GroupVersion().String(),
"kind": gvk.Kind,
options := []client.ListOption{
util.MatchingSelector{Selector: selector},
if err := t.client.List(context.TODO(), &resources, options...); err != nil {
if !k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) && !k8serrors.IsForbidden(err) {
t.L.ForIntegration(e.Integration).Errorf(err, "cannot list child resources: %v", gvk)
for _, resource := range resources.Items {
r := resource
err := t.client.Delete(context.TODO(), &r, client.PropagationPolicy(metav1.DeletePropagationBackground))
if err != nil {
// The resource may have already been deleted
if !k8serrors.IsNotFound(err) {
t.L.ForIntegration(e.Integration).Errorf(err, "cannot delete child resource: %s/%s", resource.GetKind(), resource.GetName())
} else {
t.L.ForIntegration(e.Integration).Debugf("child resource deleted: %s/%s", resource.GetKind(), resource.GetName())
func (t *garbageCollectorTrait) getDeletableTypes(e *Environment) (map[schema.GroupVersionKind]struct{}, map[schema.GroupVersionKind]struct{}, error) {
// We rely on the discovery API to retrieve all the resources GVK,
// that results in an unbounded set that can impact garbage collection latency when scaling up.
discoveryClient, err := t.discoveryClient(e)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
resources, err := discoveryClient.ServerPreferredNamespacedResources()
// Swallow group discovery errors, e.g., Knative serving exposes
// an aggregated API for that requires special
// authentication scheme while discovering preferred resources
if err != nil && !discovery.IsGroupDiscoveryFailedError(err) {
return nil, nil, err
// We only take types that support the "delete" and "deletecollection" verbs,
// to prevents from performing queries that we know are going to return "MethodNotAllowed".
return groupVersionKinds(discovery.FilteredBy(discovery.SupportsAllVerbs{Verbs: []string{"deletecollection"}}, resources)),
groupVersionKinds(discovery.FilteredBy(supportsDeleteVerbOnly{}, resources)),
func groupVersionKinds(rls []*metav1.APIResourceList) map[schema.GroupVersionKind]struct{} {
GVKs := map[schema.GroupVersionKind]struct{}{}
for _, rl := range rls {
for _, r := range rl.APIResources {
GVKs[schema.FromAPIVersionAndKind(rl.GroupVersion, r.Kind)] = struct{}{}
return GVKs
// supportsDeleteVerbOnly is a predicate matching a resource if it supports the delete verb, but not deletecollection.
type supportsDeleteVerbOnly struct{}
func (p supportsDeleteVerbOnly) Match(groupVersion string, r *metav1.APIResource) bool {
verbs := sets.NewString([]string(r.Verbs)...)
return verbs.Has("delete") && !verbs.Has("deletecollection")
func (t *garbageCollectorTrait) discoveryClient(e *Environment) (discovery.DiscoveryInterface, error) {
defer discoveryClientLock.Unlock()
switch *t.DiscoveryCache {
case diskDiscoveryCache:
if diskCachedDiscoveryClient != nil {
return diskCachedDiscoveryClient, nil
config := t.client.GetConfig()
httpCacheDir := filepath.Join(mustHomeDir(), ".kube", "http-cache")
diskCacheDir := filepath.Join(mustHomeDir(), ".kube", "cache", "discovery", toHostDir(config.Host))
var err error
diskCachedDiscoveryClient, err = disk.NewCachedDiscoveryClientForConfig(config, diskCacheDir, httpCacheDir, 10*time.Minute)
return diskCachedDiscoveryClient, err
case memoryDiscoveryCache:
if memoryCachedDiscoveryClient != nil {
return memoryCachedDiscoveryClient, nil
memoryCachedDiscoveryClient = memory.NewMemCacheClient(t.client.Discovery())
return memoryCachedDiscoveryClient, nil
case disabledDiscoveryCache, "":
return t.client.Discovery(), nil
t.L.ForIntegration(e.Integration).Infof("unsupported discovery cache type: %s", *t.DiscoveryCache)
return t.client.Discovery(), nil