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package trait
import (
batchv1 ""
corev1 ""
metav1 ""
v1 ""
// The Cron trait can be used to customize the behaviour of periodic timer/cron based integrations.
// While normally an integration requires a pod to be always up and running, some periodic tasks, such as batch jobs,
// require to be activated at specific hours of the day or with a periodic delay of minutes.
// For such tasks, the cron trait can materialize the integration as a Kubernetes CronJob instead of a standard deployment,
// in order to save resources when the integration does not need to be executed.
// Integrations that start from the following components are evaluated by the cron trait: `timer`, `cron`, `quartz`.
// The rules for using a Kubernetes CronJob are the following:
// - `timer`: when periods can be written as cron expressions. E.g. `timer:tick?period=1m`.
// - `cron`, `quartz`: when the cron expression does not contain seconds (or the "seconds" part is set to 0). E.g.
// `cron:tab?schedule=0/2+*+*+*+?` or `quartz:trigger?cron=0+0/2+*+*+*+?`.
// +camel-k:trait=cron
type cronTrait struct {
BaseTrait `property:",squash"`
// The CronJob schedule for the whole integration. If multiple routes are declared, they must have the same schedule for this
// mechanism to work correctly.
Schedule string `property:"schedule"`
// A comma separated list of the Camel components that need to be customized in order for them to work when the schedule is triggered externally by Kubernetes.
// A specific customizer is activated for each specified component. E.g. for the `timer` component, the `cron-timer` customizer is
// activated (it's present in the `org.apache.camel.k:camel-k-runtime-cron` library).
// Supported components are currently: `cron`, `timer` and `quartz`.
Components string `property:"components"`
// Use the default Camel implementation of the `cron` endpoint (`quartz`) instead of trying to materialize the integration
// as Kubernetes CronJob.
Fallback *bool `property:"fallback"`
// Specifies how to treat concurrent executions of a Job.
// Valid values are:
// - "Allow": allows CronJobs to run concurrently;
// - "Forbid" (default): forbids concurrent runs, skipping next run if previous run hasn't finished yet;
// - "Replace": cancels currently running job and replaces it with a new one
ConcurrencyPolicy string `property:"concurrency-policy"`
// Automatically deploy the integration as CronJob when all routes are
// either starting from a periodic consumer (only `cron`, `timer` and `quartz` are supported) or a passive consumer (e.g. `direct` is a passive consumer).
// It's required that all periodic consumers have the same period and it can be expressed as cron schedule (e.g. `1m` can be expressed as `0/1 * * * *`,
// while `35m` or `50s` cannot).
Auto *bool `property:"auto"`
deployer deployerTrait
var _ ControllerStrategySelector = &cronTrait{}
// cronInfo contains information about cron schedules present in the code
type cronInfo struct {
components []string
schedule string
// cronExtractor extracts cron information from a Camel URI
type cronExtractor func(string) *cronInfo
const (
genericCronComponent = "cron"
genericCronComponentFallback = "camel:quartz"
var (
camelTimerPeriodMillis = regexp.MustCompile(`^[0-9]+$`)
camelTimerPeriodHumanReadable = regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:([0-9]+)h)?(?:([0-9]+)m)?(?:([0-9]+)s)?$`)
supportedCamelComponents = map[string]cronExtractor{
"timer": timerToCronInfo,
"quartz": quartzToCronInfo,
"cron": cronToCronInfo,
func newCronTrait() Trait {
return &cronTrait{
BaseTrait: NewBaseTrait("cron", 1000),
func (t *cronTrait) Configure(e *Environment) (bool, error) {
if t.Enabled != nil && !*t.Enabled {
return false, nil
if !e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization) && !e.InPhase(v1.IntegrationKitPhaseReady, v1.IntegrationPhaseDeploying) {
return false, nil
if t.Auto == nil || *t.Auto {
globalCron, err := t.getGlobalCron(e)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if t.Schedule == "" && globalCron != nil {
t.Schedule = globalCron.schedule
if globalCron != nil {
configuredComponents := strings.FieldsFunc(t.Components, func(c rune) bool { return c == ',' })
for _, c := range globalCron.components {
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&configuredComponents, c)
t.Components = strings.Join(configuredComponents, ",")
if t.ConcurrencyPolicy == "" {
t.ConcurrencyPolicy = string(v1beta1.ForbidConcurrent)
if t.Schedule == "" && t.Components == "" && t.Fallback == nil {
// If there's at least a `cron` endpoint, add a fallback implementation
fromURIs, err := t.getSourcesFromURIs(e)
if err != nil {
return false, err
for _, fromURI := range fromURIs {
if uri.GetComponent(fromURI) == genericCronComponent {
_true := true
t.Fallback = &_true
dt := e.Catalog.GetTrait("deployer")
if dt != nil {
t.deployer = *dt.(*deployerTrait)
// Fallback strategy can be implemented in any other controller
if t.Fallback != nil && *t.Fallback {
return true, nil
// CronJob strategy requires common schedule
strategy, err := e.DetermineControllerStrategy(t.ctx, t.client)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if strategy != ControllerStrategyCronJob {
return false, nil
return t.Schedule != "", nil
func (t *cronTrait) Apply(e *Environment) error {
if t.Fallback != nil && *t.Fallback {
if e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization) {
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Dependencies, genericCronComponentFallback)
} else {
if e.IntegrationInPhase(v1.IntegrationPhaseInitialization) {
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&e.Integration.Status.Dependencies, "mvn:org.apache.camel.k/camel-k-runtime-cron")
} else if e.InPhase(v1.IntegrationKitPhaseReady, v1.IntegrationPhaseDeploying) {
cronJob := t.getCronJobFor(e)
maps := e.ComputeConfigMaps()
envvar.SetVal(&e.EnvVars, "CAMEL_K_CRON_OVERRIDE", t.Components)
return nil
func (t *cronTrait) getCronJobFor(e *Environment) *v1beta1.CronJob {
labels := map[string]string{
"": e.Integration.Name,
annotations := make(map[string]string)
// Copy annotations from the integration resource
if e.Integration.Annotations != nil {
for k, v := range FilterTransferableAnnotations(e.Integration.Annotations) {
annotations[k] = v
cronjob := v1beta1.CronJob{
TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{
Kind: "CronJob",
APIVersion: v1beta1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: e.Integration.Name,
Namespace: e.Integration.Namespace,
Labels: labels,
Annotations: e.Integration.Annotations,
Spec: v1beta1.CronJobSpec{
Schedule: t.Schedule,
ConcurrencyPolicy: v1beta1.ConcurrencyPolicy(t.ConcurrencyPolicy),
JobTemplate: v1beta1.JobTemplateSpec{
Spec: batchv1.JobSpec{
Template: corev1.PodTemplateSpec{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Labels: labels,
Annotations: annotations,
Spec: corev1.PodSpec{
ServiceAccountName: e.Integration.Spec.ServiceAccountName,
RestartPolicy: corev1.RestartPolicyNever,
return &cronjob
// SelectControllerStrategy can be used to check if a CronJob can be generated given the integration and trait settings
func (t *cronTrait) SelectControllerStrategy(e *Environment) (*ControllerStrategy, error) {
cronStrategy := ControllerStrategyCronJob
if t.Enabled != nil && !*t.Enabled {
return nil, nil
if t.Fallback != nil && *t.Fallback {
return nil, nil
if t.Schedule != "" {
return &cronStrategy, nil
if t.Auto == nil || *t.Auto {
globalCron, err := t.getGlobalCron(e)
if err == nil && globalCron != nil {
return &cronStrategy, nil
return nil, nil
func (t *cronTrait) ControllerStrategySelectorOrder() int {
return 1000
// Gathering cron information
func newCronInfo() *cronInfo {
return &cronInfo{}
func (c *cronInfo) withComponents(components ...string) *cronInfo {
for _, comp := range components {
util.StringSliceUniqueAdd(&c.components, comp)
return c
func (c *cronInfo) withSchedule(schedule string) *cronInfo {
c.schedule = schedule
return c
func (t *cronTrait) getGlobalCron(e *Environment) (*cronInfo, error) {
fromURIs, err := t.getSourcesFromURIs(e)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
passiveComponents := make(map[string]bool)
e.CamelCatalog.VisitSchemes(func(id string, scheme v1.CamelScheme) bool {
if scheme.Passive {
passiveComponents[id] = true
return true
var cron []string
for _, from := range fromURIs {
comp := uri.GetComponent(from)
if supportedCamelComponents[comp] != nil {
cron = append(cron, from)
} else if !passiveComponents[comp] {
return nil, nil
globalCron := getCronForURIs(cron)
return globalCron, nil
func (t *cronTrait) getSourcesFromURIs(e *Environment) ([]string, error) {
var sources []v1.SourceSpec
var err error
if sources, err = kubernetes.ResolveIntegrationSources(t.ctx, t.client, e.Integration, e.Resources); err != nil {
return nil, err
meta := metadata.ExtractAll(e.CamelCatalog, sources)
return meta.FromURIs, nil
func getCronForURIs(camelURIs []string) (globalCron *cronInfo) {
for _, camelURI := range camelURIs {
cr := getCronForURI(camelURI)
if cr == nil {
return nil
if globalCron == nil {
globalCron = cr
} else {
if !cronEquivalent(globalCron.schedule, cr.schedule) {
return nil
globalCron = globalCron.withComponents(cr.components...)
return globalCron
func getCronForURI(camelURI string) *cronInfo {
comp := uri.GetComponent(camelURI)
extractor := supportedCamelComponents[comp]
return extractor(camelURI)
// Specific extractors
// timerToCronInfo converts a timer endpoint to a Kubernetes cron schedule
// nolint: gocritic
func timerToCronInfo(camelURI string) *cronInfo {
if uri.GetQueryParameter(camelURI, "delay") != "" ||
uri.GetQueryParameter(camelURI, "repeatCount") != "" ||
uri.GetQueryParameter(camelURI, "time") != "" {
return nil
periodStr := uri.GetQueryParameter(camelURI, "period")
var period uint64
if camelTimerPeriodMillis.MatchString(periodStr) {
period = checkedStringToUint64(periodStr)
} else if camelTimerPeriodHumanReadable.MatchString(periodStr) {
res := camelTimerPeriodHumanReadable.FindStringSubmatch(periodStr)
if len(res) == 4 {
period = 0
if res[1] != "" { // hours
period += checkedStringToUint64(res[1]) * 3600000
if res[2] != "" { // minutes
period += checkedStringToUint64(res[2]) * 60000
if res[3] != "" { // seconds
period += checkedStringToUint64(res[3]) * 1000
} else {
return nil
if period == 0 || period%1000 != 0 {
return nil
seconds := period / 1000
if seconds%3600 == 0 {
hours := seconds / 3600
if hours == 24 {
return newCronInfo().withComponents("timer").withSchedule("0 0 * * ?")
} else if hours < 24 && 24%hours == 0 {
return newCronInfo().withComponents("timer").withSchedule(fmt.Sprintf("0 0/%d * * ?", hours))
} else if seconds%60 == 0 {
minutes := seconds / 60
if minutes < 60 && 60%minutes == 0 {
return newCronInfo().withComponents("timer").withSchedule(fmt.Sprintf("0/%d * * * ?", minutes))
return nil
// quartzToCronInfo converts a quartz endpoint to a Kubernetes cron schedule
func quartzToCronInfo(camelURI string) *cronInfo {
if uri.GetQueryParameter(camelURI, "fireNow") != "" ||
uri.GetQueryParameter(camelURI, "customCalendar") != "" ||
uri.GetQueryParameter(camelURI, "startDelayedSeconds") != "" {
return nil
// Quartz URI has 6 or 7 components instead of the 5 expected by Kubernetes (starts with seconds, ends with year).
cron := uri.GetQueryParameter(camelURI, "cron")
normalized := toKubernetesCronSchedule(cron)
if normalized != "" {
return newCronInfo().withComponents("quartz").withSchedule(normalized)
return nil
// cronToCronInfo converts a cron endpoint to a Kubernetes cron schedule
func cronToCronInfo(camelURI string) *cronInfo {
// Camel cron URIs have 5 to 7 components.
schedule := uri.GetQueryParameter(camelURI, "schedule")
normalized := toKubernetesCronSchedule(schedule)
if normalized != "" {
return newCronInfo().withComponents("cron").withSchedule(normalized)
return nil
// Utility
func cronEquivalent(cron1, cron2 string) bool {
// best effort to determine if two crons are equivalent
cron1 = strings.ReplaceAll(cron1, "?", "*")
cron2 = strings.ReplaceAll(cron2, "?", "*")
return cron1 == cron2
func toKubernetesCronSchedule(cron string) string {
parts := strings.Split(cron, " ")
if len(parts) > 5 {
// drop seconds if they can be ignored
if parts[0] == "0" {
parts = parts[1:]
} else {
return ""
if len(parts) == 6 && (parts[5] == "*" || parts[5] == "?") {
// drop year if present
parts = parts[0:5]
if len(parts) == 5 {
return strings.Join(parts, " ")
return ""
func checkedStringToUint64(str string) uint64 {
res, err := strconv.ParseUint(str, 10, 0)
if err != nil {
return res