blob: fc7b630915cd80aec08beab2741287cf2919daca [file] [log] [blame]
= Writing Integrations in JavaScript
The JavaScript DSL is current in preview support level.
An integration written in JavaScript looks very similar to a Java one:
function proc(e) {
e.getIn().setBody('Hello Camel K!')
To run it, you need just to execute:
kamel run hello.js
For JavaScript integrations, Camel K does not yet provide an enhanced DSL, but you can access some global bounded objects such as a writable registry and the camel context so to set the property _exchangeFormatter_ of the _LogComponent_ as done in previous example, you can do something like:
l = context.getComponent('log', true, false)
l.exchangeFormatter = function(e) {
return "log - body=" + + ", headers=" +