blob: 669e62b8dc3cfef1af691563ffd1c63406292fb4 [file] [log] [blame]
= Writing Integrations in Groovy
An integration written in Groovy looks very similar to a Java one except it can leverages Groovy's language enhancements over Java such as closures:
.process { = 'Hello Camel K!' }
You can run it with the standard command:
kamel run example.groovy
== Configuring the Application
Camel K extends the Camel Java DSL making it easier to configure Camel's behavior using the top level _camel_ block
camel {
// configure camel here
The _camel_ block allows to configure the following Camel features:
- **Components**
camel {
components {
seda { // <1>
queueSize = 1234
concurrentConsumers = 12
log { // <2>
exchangeFormatter = {
'body ==> ' +
} as org.apache.camel.spi.ExchangeFormatter
mySeda(SedaComponent) { // <3>
queueSize = 4321
concurrentConsumers = 21
<1> configure the properties of the component whit name _seda_
<2> configure the properties of the component whit name _log_
<3> creates and configure a component of type `SedaComponent` whose name is _mySeda_
Setting the property _exchangeFormatter_ looks a little ugly as you have to declare the type of your closure. For demonstration purpose, we have created a Groovy extension module that simplifies configuring the _exchangeFormatter_ so you can rewrite your DSL as
camel {
components {
log {
formatter {
'body ==> ' +
which is much better.
You can provide your custom extensions by packaging them in a dependency you declare for your integration.
- **Languages **
camel {
languages {
language("bean") { // <1>
beanType = String.class
method = "toUpperCase"
myBean(BeanLanguage) { // <2>
beanType = String.class
method = "toLowerCase"
simple { // <3>
<1> configure the properties of the language whit name _bean_
<2> creates and configure a language of type `BeanLanguage` whose name is _myBean_
<3> configure the properties of the language whit name _simple_
- **DataFormats**
camel {
dataFormats {
dataFormat("json-jackson") { // <1>
unmarshalType = Map.class
prettyPrint = true
myJackson(JacksonDataFormat) { // <2>
unmarshalType = String.class
prettyPrint = false
csv { // <3>
<1> configure the properties of the data format whit name _json-jackson_
<2> creates and configure a data format of type `JacksonDataFormat` whose name is _myJackson_
<3> configure the properties of the data format whit name _csv_
== Beans
Beans can be bound to the _registry_ using a dedicated _bean DSL_ :
beans {
myCache = Caffeine.newBuilder().build() // <1>
myProcessor = processor { // <2> = 'Hello Camel K!'
myPredicate = predicate { // <3> != null
dataSource(org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource) { //<4>
driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver"
url = "jdbc:h2:mem:camel"
username = "sa"
password = ""
<1> define a bean
<2> define a custom processor
<3> define a custom predicate
<4> define a custom bean with name `dataSource` and type `org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource`
== Rest Support
Integrations REST endpoints can be configured using the top level _rest_ block:
rest {
configuration { // <1>
host = 'my-host'
port '9192'
path('/my/path') {
get('/get') { // <2>
consumes 'application/json'
produces 'application/json'
to 'direct:get'
post { // <3>
path '/post'
consumes 'application/json'
produces 'application/json'
to 'direct:post'
<1> Configure the rest engine
<2> Configure the behavior of the method GET for the path '/my/path/get' and invoke the endpoint 'direct:get'
<3> Configure the behavior of the method POST for the path '/post' and invoke the endpoint 'direct:post'