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OPERATOR Lifecycle manager (OLM) installation

Camel K supports as default an installation procedure in order to get all the features offered by OLM. We have in place a default mechanism to discover the presence of OLM installed on your cluster.

NOTE: You can disable the feature by providing the --olm=false during the installation procedure.

Install on Minikube

An interesting way to test locally the OLM is to use the Minikube OLM addon. If you have a local Minikube, you can proceed with the following steps to install the OLM:

minikube addons enable olm

As soon as all the resources are installed, you can now proceed by installing Camel K operator as you used to do, ie:

kamel install --global

In order to verify the installation, you can check the ClusterServiceVersion (CSV) custom resource:

kubectl get csv
NAME                      DISPLAY            VERSION   REPLACES                  PHASE
camel-k-operator.v1.8.2   Camel K Operator   1.8.2     camel-k-operator.v1.8.1   Succeeded

You can now run any integration as you used to do.