tree: 2cbef28000c78fc010ba5f707c96dd4c0e58c72a [path history] [tgz]
  1. artemis-amqp.yaml
  2. artemis-service.yaml

How to deploy a simple JMS/AMQP Broker to Kubernetes cluster

This is a very simple example to show how to create a JMS/AMQP broker. Note, this is not ready for any production purpose.

Create a Kubernetes Deployment

You can install ActiveMQ Artemis Operator on Kubernetes thanks to It would be enough to execute steps 1 and 2 of the linked tutorial post.
Note: Openshift environments may require some adjustments, see Installing the AMQ Broker Operator

Create an AMQP broker instance

Once the operator is up and running, you can proceed by creating a basic install of a broker accepting amqp protocol:

kubectl apply -f artemis-amqp.yaml

Expose the Broker via service

We need to make the broker accessible from the Integration. Let's do that via a Service:

kubectl apply -f artemis-service.yaml

We're now ready to use the Broker.