blob: 80d2a3805ee5102662dac57bb5d5decd23dc4a6b [file] [log] [blame]
== Camel-SSH using Key Example
=== Introduction
This examples shows how to use the Camel-SSH component to call Apache
Karaf using Public Key versus password. It can be run using Maven.
=== Requirements
*[Apache Maven] version 3.x
*[Apache Karaf] version 2.3.1
=== Setup Karaf
We will need to make 2 changes to Karaf for this example to work.
. Register the Bouncy Castle Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) with
. Add a user and public key to Karafs identity store.
==== Register Bouncy Castle
We need the Bouncy Castle JCE as Karafs included Mina SSHD server uses
this to handle Public Key files.
Install the following jars into the `+<karaf_home>/lib/ext+` directory.
curl -O
curl -O
curl -O
Edit the `+<karaf_home>/etc/` file, making 2 changes
. add the following line
+ =
. update the `+org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation+` property, appending
`+,org.bouncycastle.*+` to the end. It should look something like the
following when done
==== Add a user and public key
Edit the `+<karaf_home>/etc/` file, appending a new user
`+scott+`. The format of the file is as follows
<user name>=<public key>,<role>
For this example you will need to add a new user `+scott+` with the key
value from the included `+src/main/resources/` file. The
included Camel route uses the associated private key
`+src/main/resources/test_rsa+` when connecting to the updated Karaf
Append the following to the `+<karaf_home>/etc/` file
=== Build
To build, run the following command
mvn clean install
=== Run with maven
To test locally, assuming you have Setup Karaf and have it running, run
the following command
mvn camel:run
To stop the example hit ctrl+c
=== Run with Karaf
Karaf should be all configured at this point so start up an instance by
running the `+bin/karaf+` from the `+<karaf_home>+` directory.
From the running Karaf console, run the following commands to install
this example into your running Karaf server.
feature:repo-add mvn:org.apache.camel.example/camel-example-ssh-security/${version}/xml/features
feature:install camel-example-ssh-security
This example outputs into the Karaf log file so you can either
`+tail -f <karaf_home>data/log/karaf.log+` or from the Karaf console run
the following command
=== Help and contributions
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please[let us know].
We also love contributors, so[get involved] :-)
The Camel riders!