blob: 05d3a6c57ca80542e864b773a5ed97e1068f8101 [file] [log] [blame]
== Camel Example AWS Secrets Manager
This example shows how to use AWS Secrets Manager to retrieve an API key and call a secured rest service.
Also notice how you can configure Camel in the `` file.
=== Setup
- Store the secret
Login into your AWS Account and create a secret called "finnhub_token" with the token value, you retrieved from finnhub_token.
- Setting up the AWS credentials
Open the `` file and set the correct values for accessKey, secretKey and region
=== Build
First compile the example by executing:
$ mvn compile
=== How to run
Then you can run this example using
$ mvn camel:run
At this point you should see:
07:28:51.140 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport - Auto-configuration summary
07:28:51.142 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport -
07:28:51.143 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport - camel.main.jmxEnabled=false
07:28:51.143 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport - camel.main.beanIntrospectionLoggingLevel=INFO
07:28:51.143 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport - camel.main.fileConfigurations=src/main/data/*.properties
07:28:51.143 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport -
07:28:51.143 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport -
07:28:51.143 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.apache.camel.main.BaseMainSupport -
07:28:51.699 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.a.c.i.engine.AbstractCamelContext - Routes startup summary (total:1 started:1)
07:28:51.699 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.a.c.i.engine.AbstractCamelContext - Started route1 (timer://myTimer)
07:28:51.699 [org.apache.camel.example.MyApplication.main()] INFO o.a.c.i.engine.AbstractCamelContext - Apache Camel 3.15.0-SNAPSHOT (AWS-secrets-manager) started in 537ms (build:27ms init:112ms start:398ms)
07:28:53.429 [Camel (AWS-secrets-manager) thread #0 - timer://myTimer] INFO o.a.c.component.http.HttpComponent - Created ClientConnectionManager org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager@7d5604cb
07:28:54.128 [Camel (AWS-secrets-manager) thread #0 - timer://myTimer] INFO route1 - Current Amazon price: 3135.73 $
=== Help and contributions
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please[let us know].
We also love contributors, so[get involved] :-)
The Camel riders!