blob: c4e1c908d32f6a0cf5633598e26edf0572d77b8d [file] [log] [blame]
== Camel Example Main XML
This example shows how to run Camel standalone (XML routes) via the built-in Main class.
The route is located in `src/main/resources/routes` as an XML file.
This example has been enabled with live reload, so while the Camel
application is running, then you can edit the route in the XML file,
and when saved Camel will auto update the route(s).
The application is configured in the `` file.
=== Build
First compile the example by executing:
$ mvn compile
=== How to run
You can run this example using
$ mvn camel:run
=== How to configure for Camel Textual Route debugging
Several IDEs are providing support for Camel Textual Route debugging. To enable this possibility, you need to launch this example with the profile `camel.debug`.
$ mvn camel:run -Pcamel.debug
This profile can also be activated with camel.debug property set to true. For instance, by setting the property from command-line:
$ mvn camel:run -Dcamel.debug=true
=== Help and contributions
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please[let us know].
We also love contributors, so[get involved] :-)
The Camel riders!