Camel-AWS Examples: Added notes about Credentials
diff --git a/examples/aws/main-endpointdsl-kafka-aws2-s3/README.adoc b/examples/aws/main-endpointdsl-kafka-aws2-s3/README.adoc
index f107f64..e5614e7 100644
--- a/examples/aws/main-endpointdsl-kafka-aws2-s3/README.adoc
+++ b/examples/aws/main-endpointdsl-kafka-aws2-s3/README.adoc
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@
 Notice how you can configure Camel in the `` file.
-Don't forget to add your AWS Credentials and the bucket name (already created ahead of time) and point to the correct topic.
+This example will use the AWS default credentials Provider:
+Set your credentials accordingly.
+Don't forget to add the bucket name (already created ahead of time) and point to the correct topic.
 You'll need also a running kafka broker.
 You'll need to have kafkacat installed.