blob: b3b045a6d317584d1900d40e88a019d6590765c2 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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<blueprint xmlns=""
<!-- a bean for user services -->
<bean id="userService" class=""/>
<camelContext id="myCamel" xmlns="">
<!-- configure rest to use the camel-servlet component, and use json binding mode -->
<!-- and tell to output json in pretty print mode -->
<!-- setup context path and port number that Apache Tomcat will deploy this application with,
as we use the servlet component, then we need to aid Camel to tell it these details so Camel
knows the url to the REST services.
Notice: This is optional, but needed if the RestRegistry should enlist accurate information.
You can access the RestRegistry from JMX at runtime -->
<!-- also enable swagger api, using the apiContextPath
and enable CORS so the swagger-ui web console can access the swagger api docs -->
<restConfiguration component="jetty" bindingMode="json"
contextPath="camel-example-swagger-osgi/rest" port="8080"
apiContextPath="api-docs" apiContextListing="true"
<!-- we want json output in pretty mode -->
<dataFormatProperty key="prettyPrint" value="true"/>
<!-- setup swagger api descriptions -->
<apiProperty key="base.path" value="rest"/>
<apiProperty key="api.version" value="1.2.3"/>
<apiProperty key="api.title" value="User Services"/>
<apiProperty key="api.description" value="Camel Rest Example with Swagger that provides an User REST service"/>
<apiProperty key="" value="The Apache Camel team"/>
<!-- defines the rest services using the context-path /user -->
<rest path="/user" consumes="application/json" produces="application/json">
<description>User rest service</description>
<!-- this is a rest GET to view an user by the given id -->
<get uri="/{id}" outType="">
<description>Find user by id</description>
<param name="id" type="path" description="The id of the user to get" dataType="integer"/>
<responseMessage message="The user that was found"/>
<responseMessage code="404" message="User not found"/>
<to uri="bean:userService?method=getUser(${})"/>
<simple>${body} == null</simple>
<setHeader name="Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE">
<!-- this is a rest PUT to create/update an user -->
<put type="">
<description>Updates or create a user</description>
<param name="body" type="body" description="The user to update or create"/>
<to uri="bean:userService?method=updateUser"/>
<!-- this is a rest GET to find all users -->
<get uri="/findAll" outType="[]">
<description>Find all users</description>
<responseMessage message="All the users"/>
<to uri="bean:userService?method=listUsers"/>
<!-- defines the rest services using the context-path /echo -->
<rest path="/echo" consumes="application/text" produces="application/text">
<description>Echo rest service</description>
<get uri="/ping">
<description>A ping service</description>