blob: 33a52409adf948f59d9524b6a4f32b8fdd269c4e [file] [log] [blame]
== Camel Cassandraql route on Kubernetes cluster
This quickstart run in a Java standalone container, using Spring with
Apache Camel (Cassandraql component).
This example is based on:
* Minikube 0.21.0 (Kubernetes version >= 1.7)
* Fabric8 Maven Plugin (version >= 3.5)
First thing you'll need to do is preparing the environment.
Don't forget to use a bit more memory for your Minikube for running this
$ minikube start --memory 5120 --cpus=4
Once your Minikube node is up and running you'll need to run the
following command. In your src/main/resource/fabric8/ folder you'll find
two yaml file. Run the following command using them:
$ kubectl create -f src/main/resources/fabric8/cassandra-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f src/main/resources/fabric8/cassandra-statefulset.yaml
To check the correct startup of the cluster run the following command:
$ kubectl get statefulsets
cassandra 2 2 2h
and check the status of the pods
$ kubectl get pods
cassandra-0 1/1 Running 0 2h
cassandra-1 1/1 Running 0 2h
You can also verify the health of your cluster by running
$ kubectl exec <pod_name> -it nodetool status
Datacenter: DC1-K8Demo
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 212.14 KiB 32 53.1% 9bf81ccd-4aa1-451b-b56e-c16c5ee04836 Rack1-K8Demo
UN 170.08 KiB 32 46.9% 69cc6f60-9ccf-439d-a298-b79b643c1586 Rack1-K8Demo
=== Building and running
Navigate to the project folder and the example can be built with
mvn clean -Pkubernetes-install fabric8:deploy
When the example runs in fabric8, you can use the Kubectl command tool
to inspect the status
To list all the running pods:
kubectl get pods
Then find the name of the pod that runs this quickstart, and output the
logs from the running pods with:
kubectl logs <name of pod>
and you should see something like this:
2017-08-06 10:43:52,209 [main ] INFO ClassPathXmlApplicationContext - Refreshing startup date [Sun Aug 06 10:43:52 UTC 2017]; root of context hierarchy
2017-08-06 10:43:52,244 [main ] INFO XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [META-INF/spring/camel-context.xml]
2017-08-06 10:43:53,425 [main ] INFO GuavaCompatibility - Detected Guava >= 19 in the classpath, using modern compatibility layer
2017-08-06 10:43:53,564 [main ] INFO ClockFactory - Using native clock to generate timestamps.
2017-08-06 10:43:53,639 [main ] INFO NettyUtil - Did not find Netty's native epoll transport in the classpath, defaulting to NIO.
2017-08-06 10:43:54,054 [main ] INFO DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy - Using data-center name 'DC1-K8Demo' for DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy (if this is incorrect, please provide the correct datacenter name with DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy constructor)
2017-08-06 10:43:54,056 [main ] INFO Cluster - New Cassandra host cassandra/ added
2017-08-06 10:43:54,056 [main ] INFO Cluster - New Cassandra host cassandra/ added
2017-08-06 10:43:56,845 [main ] INFO SpringCamelContext - Apache Camel 2.20.0-SNAPSHOT (CamelContext: camel-1) is starting
2017-08-06 10:43:56,846 [main ] INFO ManagedManagementStrategy - JMX is enabled
2017-08-06 10:43:57,105 [main ] INFO DefaultTypeConverter - Type converters loaded (core: 192, classpath: 1)
2017-08-06 10:43:57,225 [main ] INFO SpringCamelContext - StreamCaching is not in use. If using streams then its recommended to enable stream caching. See more details at
2017-08-06 10:43:57,230 [main ] INFO ClockFactory - Using native clock to generate timestamps.
2017-08-06 10:43:57,918 [main ] INFO DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy - Using data-center name 'DC1-K8Demo' for DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy (if this is incorrect, please provide the correct datacenter name with DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy constructor)
2017-08-06 10:43:57,920 [main ] INFO Cluster - New Cassandra host cassandra/ added
2017-08-06 10:43:57,920 [main ] INFO Cluster - New Cassandra host cassandra/ added
2017-08-06 10:43:58,488 [main ] INFO SpringCamelContext - Route: cassandra-route started and consuming from: timer://foo?period=5000
2017-08-06 10:43:58,489 [main ] INFO SpringCamelContext - Total 1 routes, of which 1 are started.
2017-08-06 10:43:58,489 [main ] INFO SpringCamelContext - Apache Camel 2.20.0-SNAPSHOT (CamelContext: camel-1) started in 1.645 seconds
2017-08-06 10:43:58,492 [main ] INFO DefaultLifecycleProcessor - Starting beans in phase 2147483646
2017-08-06 10:43:59,586 [2 - timer://foo] INFO cassandra-route - Query result set [Row[1, oscerd]]
2017-08-06 10:44:04,575 [2 - timer://foo] INFO cassandra-route - Query result set [Row[1, oscerd]]
2017-08-06 10:44:09,577 [2 - timer://foo] INFO cassandra-route - Query result set [Row[1, oscerd]]
=== Cleanup
Run following to undeploy the application and cassandra nodes
$ mvn -Pkubernetes-install fabric8:undeploy
$ kubectl create -f src/main/resources/fabric8/cassandra-service.yaml
$ kubectl create -f src/main/resources/fabric8/cassandra-statefulset.yaml
Make sure no pod is running
$ kubectl get pods
No resources found.
=== Help and contributions
If you hit any problem using Camel or have some feedback, then please[let us know].
We also love contributors, so[get involved] :-)
The Camel riders!