diff --git a/examples/README.adoc b/examples/README.adoc
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 == Examples
 // examples: START
+Number of Examples: 88 (0 deprecated)
+| Example | Category | Description
+| link:micrometer/README.adoc[Micrometer] (micrometer) | Advanced | An example showing how to work with Camel, Spring Java Config and Micrometer monitoring
+| link:any23/README.adoc[Any23 example] (any23) | Beginner | An example that uses the Any23 dataformat
+| link:as2/README.adoc[AS2 Example] (as2) | Beginner | An example which demonstrates the use of the Camel AS2 component
+| link:aws-secrets-manager/README.adoc[Aws Secrets Manager] (aws-secrets-manager) | Beginner | An example for showing AWS Secrets Manager Camel component
+| link:azure-storage-blob/README.adoc[Azure Storage Blob] (azure-storage-blob) | Beginner | Azure Storage Blob example
+| link:basic/README.adoc[Basic] (basic) | Beginner | Basic example
+| link:cdi/README.adoc[CDI] (cdi) | Beginner | An example showing how to work with Camel and CDI for dependency injection
+| link:cdi-properties/README.adoc[CDI Properties] (cdi-properties) | Beginner | DeltaSpike configuration properties CDI example
+| link:cdi-xml/README.adoc[CDI Camel XML] (cdi-xml) | Beginner | CDI and Camel XML example
+| link:console/README.adoc[Console] (console) | Beginner | An example that reads input from the console
+| link:csimple/readme.adoc[Csimple] (csimple) | Beginner | Shows using compiled simple language
+| link:csimple-joor/readme.adoc[Csimple Joor] (csimple-joor) | Beginner | Shows using compiled simple language with jOOR compiler
+| link:ftp/README.adoc[FTP] (ftp) | Beginner | An example for showing Camel FTP integration
+| link:java8/README.adoc[Java8] (java8) | Beginner | An example for showing Camel DSL for Java 8
+| link:kamelet/README.adoc[Kamelet] (kamelet) | Beginner | How to use Kamelets
+| link:main/README.adoc[Main] (main) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel
+| link:main-endpointdsl/README.adoc[Main Endpointdsl] (main-endpointdsl) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel with Endpoint DSL
+| link:main-endpointdsl-aws2-s3/README.adoc[Main Endpointdsl Aws2 S3] (main-endpointdsl-aws2-s3) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel with Endpoint DSL and AWS2-S3
+| link:main-endpointdsl-aws2-s3-kafka/README.adoc[Main Endpointdsl Aws2 S3 Kafka] (main-endpointdsl-aws2-s3-kafka) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel with Endpoint DSL and AWS2-S3 and Kafka
+| link:main-endpointdsl-google-pubsub/README.adoc[Main Endpointdsl Google Pubsub] (main-endpointdsl-google-pubsub) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel with Endpoint DSL and Google Pubsub component
+| link:main-health/README.adoc[Main Health] (main-health) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel with Health Checks
+| link:main-joor/README.adoc[Main Joor] (main-joor) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel with jOOR runtime Java compiled
+| link:main-lambda/README.adoc[Main Lambda] (main-lambda) | Beginner | Camel routes lambda style
+| link:main-tiny/README.adoc[Main Tiny] (main-tiny) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel with as few JARs on classpath as possible
+| link:main-xml/README.adoc[Main Xml] (main-xml) | Beginner | An example for showing standalone Camel using XML
+| link:oaipmh/README.adoc[OAIPMH example] (oaipmh) | Beginner | An example with OAIPMH component
+| link:pojo-messaging/README.adoc[POJO Routing] (pojo-messaging) | Beginner | An example showing how to produce and consume messages from Camel endpoints using annotated POJOs
+| link:routeloader/README.adoc[Routeloader] (routeloader) | Beginner | Example loading and compiling Java routes on startup
+| link:routetemplate/README.adoc[Routetemplate] (routetemplate) | Beginner | How to use route templates (parameterized routes)
+| link:servlet-tomcat/README.adoc[Servlet Tomcat] (servlet-tomcat) | Beginner | An example using Camel Servlet with Apache Tomcat
+| link:spring/README.adoc[Spring] (spring) | Beginner | An example showing how to work with Camel and Spring
+| link:spring-javaconfig/README.adoc[Spring Java Config] (spring-javaconfig) | Beginner | An example showing how to work with Camel and Spring Java Config
+| link:spring-xquery/README.adoc[Spring XQuery] (spring-xquery) | Beginner | An example using Spring XML to transform a message using XQuery
+| link:cassandra-kubernetes/README.adoc[Cassandra Kubernetes] (cassandra-kubernetes) | Cloud | An example with Camel and Cassandra running on Kubernetes
+| link:cdi-kubernetes/README.adoc[CDI Kubernetes] (cdi-kubernetes) | Cloud | An example running Camel CDI on Kubernetes
+| link:cdi-minio/README.adoc[CDI Minio] (cdi-minio) | Cloud | Minio CDI example
+| link:hazelcast-kubernetes/README.adoc[Hazelcast Kubernetes] (hazelcast-kubernetes) | Cloud | An example with Camel and Hazelcast running on Kubernetes
+| link:main-endpointdsl-aws2/README.adoc[Main Endpointdsl Aws2] (main-endpointdsl-aws2) | Cloud | An example for showing standalone Camel with multiple AWS2 components
+| link:cdi-cassandraql/README.adoc[CDI Cassandra] (cdi-cassandraql) | Database | Cassandraql CDI example
+| link:debezium/README.adoc[Debezium] (debezium) | Database | An example for Debezium Component
+| link:debezium-eventhubs-blob/README.adoc[Debezium Eventhubs Blob] (debezium-eventhubs-blob) | Database | An example for Debezium Component with Azure Event Hubs and Azure Storage Blob
+| link:jdbc/README.adoc[JDBC] (jdbc) | Database | An example for showing Camel using JDBC component
+| link:jooq/README.adoc[JOOQ] (jooq) | Database | An example for showing Camel using JOOQ component
+| link:mongodb/README.adoc[Mongodb] (mongodb) | Database | An example that uses Camel MongoDB component
+| link:aggregate/README.adoc[Aggregate] (aggregate) | EIP | Demonstrates the persistent support for the Camel aggregator
+| link:aggregate-dist/README.adoc[Aggregate Dist] (aggregate-dist) | EIP | How to use the JdbcAggregationRepository in a distributed environment
+| link:artemis/README.adoc[Widget Gadget using Apache ActiveMQ Artemis] (artemis) | EIP | The widget and gadget example from the EIP book using Apache ActiveMQ Artemis
+| link:bigxml-split/README.adoc[Bigxml Split] (bigxml-split) | EIP | How to deal with big XML files in Camel
+| link:billboard-aggregate/README.adoc[Billboard Aggregate] (billboard-aggregate) | EIP | Billboard aggregation example
+| link:cafe/README.adoc[Cafe] (cafe) | EIP | A cafe example showing how to work with Camel
+| link:cafe-endpointdsl/README.adoc[Cafe Endpointdsl] (cafe-endpointdsl) | EIP | A cafe example showing how to work with Camel and the Endpoint DSL
+| link:loadbalancing/README.adoc[Load Balancing] (loadbalancing) | EIP | An example that demonstrate load balancing messaging with mina servers (TCP/IP)
+| link:loan-broker-cxf/README.adoc[Loan Broker WebService] (loan-broker-cxf) | EIP | An example that shows the EIP's loan broker demo
+| link:loan-broker-jms/README.adoc[Loan Broker JMS] (loan-broker-jms) | EIP | An example that shows the EIP's loan broker demo using JMS
+| link:route-throttling/README.adoc[Route Throttling] (route-throttling) | EIP | A client-server example using JMS transport where we on the server side can throttle the Camel
+        route dynamically based on the flow of messages
+| link:widget-gadget-cdi/README.adoc[Widget Gadget CDI] (widget-gadget-cdi) | EIP | The widget and gadget example from the EIP book
+| link:widget-gadget-java/README.adoc[Widget Gadget Java] (widget-gadget-java) | EIP | The widget and gadget example from the EIP book
+| link:widget-gadget-xml/README.adoc[Widget Gadget XML] (widget-gadget-xml) | EIP | The widget and gadget example from the EIP book
+| link:fhir/README.adoc[FHIR] (fhir) | Health Care | An example running Camel FHIR using Camel CDI
+| link:transformer-cdi/README.adoc[Transformer CDI] (transformer-cdi) | Input/Output Type Contract | An example demonstrating declarative transformation along data type declaration using Java DSL and CDI
+| link:transformer-demo/README.adoc[Transformer and Validator Spring XML] (transformer-demo) | Input/Output Type Contract | An example demonstrating declarative transformation and validation along data type declaration using
+        Spring DSL
+| link:cdi-metrics/README.adoc[CDI Metrics] (cdi-metrics) | Management and Monitoring | Dropwizard Metrics CDI example
+| link:flight-recorder/README.adoc[Flight Recorder] (flight-recorder) | Management and Monitoring | Diagnosing Camel with Java Flight Recorder
+| link:jmx/README.adoc[JMX] (jmx) | Management and Monitoring | An example showing how to work with Camel and JMX
+| link:management/README.adoc[Management] (management) | Management and Monitoring | An example for showing Camel JMX management
+| link:splunk/README.adoc[Splunk] (splunk) | Management and Monitoring | An example using Splunk
+| link:activemq-tomcat/README.adoc[ActiveMQ Tomcat] (activemq-tomcat) | Messaging | An example using ActiveMQ Broker and Camel with Apache Tomcat
+| link:artemis-large-messages/README.adoc[Artemis Large Messages] (artemis-large-messages) | Messaging | Demonstrates sending large messages (handles GBs in size) between Apache Camel and ActiveMQ Artemis in
+        streaming mode
+| link:jms-file/README.adoc[JMS-File] (jms-file) | Messaging | An example that persists messages from JMS to files
+| link:kafka/README.adoc[Kafka] (kafka) | Messaging | An example for Kafka
+| link:main-artemis/README.adoc[Main Artemis] (main-artemis) | Messaging | An example for showing standalone Camel with ActiveMQ Artemis
+| link:netty-custom-correlation/README.adoc[Netty Custom Correlation] (netty-custom-correlation) | Messaging | An example for showing Camel Netty with custom codec and correlation id
+| link:spring-pulsar/README.adoc[Spring Pulsar] (spring-pulsar) | Messaging | An example using Spring XML to talk to the Pulsar server from different kind of client techniques
+| link:vertx-kafka/README.adoc[Vertx Kafka] (vertx-kafka) | Messaging | An example for Vertx Kafka
+| link:kotlin/README.adoc[Kotlin] (kotlin) | Other Languages | A Camel route using Kotlin
+| link:reactive-executor-vertx/README.adoc[Reactive Executor Vertx] (reactive-executor-vertx) | Reactive | An example for showing using VertX as reactive executor with standalone Camel
+| link:cdi-rest-servlet/README.adoc[CDI Rest] (cdi-rest-servlet) | Rest | Rest DSL using Servlet with CDI example
+| link:openapi-cdi/README.adoc[OpenApi CDI] (openapi-cdi) | Rest | An example using REST DSL and OpenApi Java with CDI
+| link:swagger-cdi/README.adoc[Swagger CDI] (swagger-cdi) | Rest | An example using REST DSL and Swagger Java with CDI
+| link:spring-security/README.adoc[Spring Security] (spring-security) | Security | An example showing how to work with Camel and Spring Security
+| link:salesforce-consumer/README.adoc[Salesforce Consumer] (salesforce-consumer) | Social | An example that uses Salesforce Rest Streaming API
+| link:telegram/README.adoc[Telegram] (telegram) | Social | An example that uses Telegram API
+| link:twitter-websocket/README.adoc[Twitter Websocket] (twitter-websocket) | Social | An example that pushes new tweets to a web page using web-socket
+| link:cdi-test/README.adoc[CDI Test] (cdi-test) | Testing | An example illustrating Camel CDI testing features
+| link:cxf/README.adoc[CXF] (cxf) | WebService | An example which demonstrates the use of the Camel CXF component
+| link:cxf-proxy/README.adoc[CXF Proxy] (cxf-proxy) | WebService | An example which uses Camel to proxy a web service
+| link:cxf-tomcat/README.adoc[CXF Tomcat] (cxf-tomcat) | WebService | An example using Camel CXF (code first) with Apache Tomcat
+| link:spring-ws/README.adoc[Spring WebService] (spring-ws) | WebService | An example showing how to work with Camel and Spring Web Services
 // examples: END
 == Help and contributions