blob: bf99839d75fb55da347e8fa4e49c2d4f939875cc [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- The basics. -->
<!-- More project information. -->
<description>Calcite is a dynamic data management framework</description>
<name>Apache Calcite developers list</name>
<!-- Don't fail the build for vulnerabilities below this threshold. -->
<!-- This list is in alphabetical order. -->
<!-- We support (and test against) Guava versions between
19.0 and 23.0. Default is 19.0 due to Cassandra adapter. -->
<!-- Require Hadoop 2.7.4+ due to HADOOP-14586 -->
<!-- Apache 19 has 2.10.4, but need 3.0.1 for [LANG-1365] and [MJAVADOC-517]. -->
<!-- Apache 19 has 2.20.1, but need 2.21.0+ for [MPOM-184] -->
<!-- Other properties (not version numbers) -->
<!-- No dependencies here. Declare dependency VERSIONS in
dependencyManagement, below, and each dependency in the module that uses
it. -->
<dependencies />
<!-- Sorted by groupId, artifactId; calcite (and avatica) dependencies first. -->
<!-- Now third-party dependencies, sorted by groupId and artifactId. -->
<!-- if the used Java version is too new, don't fail, just do nothing: -->
This will automatically choose the right
signatures based on '':
<!-- disallow undocumented classes like sun.misc.Unsafe: -->
<!-- The following files have file formats that do not
admit comments, and therefore cannot contain
license notices. -->
<!-- Do not exclude site/target; it should not exist
in any sandbox from which you are making a
release. Also, do not exclude site/.sass-cache. -->
<!-- Files generated by Jekyll. -->
<!-- Images -->
<!-- Not source files, generated during the release process -->
<!-- This is the configuration used by "mvn javadoc:javadoc". It is
configured strict, so that it shows errors such as broken links in
javadoc on private methods. The configuration for "mvn site" is
under "reporting", and is more lenient. -->
<!-- Override apache parent POM's definition of release
plugin. If we don't specify gitexe version, git doesn't
commit during release process. -->
<!-- Make sure every sub-project has LICENSE, NOTICE and in its jar's META-INF directory. -->
<!-- Sorted by groupId, artifactId. -->
<!--<argLine>-Xmx1536m -Duser.timezone=${user.timezone}${} -Duser.language=${user.language}</argLine>-->
<windowtitle>Apache Calcite API</windowtitle>
<name>Central Repository</name>
<!-- This profile adds/overrides few features of the 'apache-release'
profile in the parent pom. -->
<!-- Apache-RAT checks for files without headers.
If run on a messy developer's sandbox, it will fail.
This serves as a reminder to only build a release in a clean
sandbox! -->
<!-- Override the parent assembly execution to customize the assembly
descriptor and final name. -->
<!-- CALCITE-537: workaround for MRRESOURCES-91
Avoid overwrite of the destination file if the produced
contents is the same.
Apache pom overwrites NOTICE, DEPENDENCIES, and LICENSE files, however
we do not want recompile the module every time. -->
<!-- Generate on first build -->
<!-- Note: <missing> here does NOT support interpolation,
so technically, this profile is active for sub-modules.
It would be nice to use ${top.dir}/target/... here, but
it is not possible.
However sub-modules lack .git folder, so no
is generated. -->
<!-- Extra checks that are disabled in the regular build, enabled for
releases and on demand. -->