blob: 04072f4cd98a98f8a9cc8b4bb3fd541500228654 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.calcite.schema.impl;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.Expression;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelProtoDataType;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.Function;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.Schema;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.SchemaFactory;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.SchemaPlus;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.SchemaVersion;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.Schemas;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.Table;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* Abstract implementation of {@link Schema}.
* <p>Behavior is as follows:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>The schema has no tables unless you override
* {@link #getTableMap()}.</li>
* <li>The schema has no functions unless you override
* {@link #getFunctionMultimap()}.</li>
* <li>The schema has no sub-schemas unless you override
* {@link #getSubSchemaMap()}.</li>
* <li>The schema is mutable unless you override
* {@link #isMutable()}.</li>
* <li>The name and parent schema are as specified in the constructor
* arguments.</li>
* </ul>
public class AbstractSchema implements Schema {
public AbstractSchema() {
@Override public boolean isMutable() {
return true;
@Override public Schema snapshot(SchemaVersion version) {
return this;
@Override public Expression getExpression(@Nullable SchemaPlus parentSchema, String name) {
requireNonNull(parentSchema, "parentSchema");
return Schemas.subSchemaExpression(parentSchema, name, getClass());
* Returns a map of tables in this schema by name.
* <p>The implementations of {@link #getTableNames()}
* and {@link #getTable(String)} depend on this map.
* The default implementation of this method returns the empty map.
* Override this method to change their behavior.</p>
* @return Map of tables in this schema by name
protected Map<String, Table> getTableMap() {
return ImmutableMap.of();
@Override public final Set<String> getTableNames() {
//noinspection RedundantCast
return (Set<String>) getTableMap().keySet();
@Override public final @Nullable Table getTable(String name) {
return getTableMap().get(name);
* Returns a map of types in this schema by name.
* <p>The implementations of {@link #getTypeNames()}
* and {@link #getType(String)} depend on this map.
* The default implementation of this method returns the empty map.
* Override this method to change their behavior.</p>
* @return Map of types in this schema by name
protected Map<String, RelProtoDataType> getTypeMap() {
return ImmutableMap.of();
@Override public @Nullable RelProtoDataType getType(String name) {
return getTypeMap().get(name);
@Override public Set<String> getTypeNames() {
//noinspection RedundantCast
return (Set<String>) getTypeMap().keySet();
* Returns a multi-map of functions in this schema by name.
* It is a multi-map because functions are overloaded; there may be more than
* one function in a schema with a given name (as long as they have different
* parameter lists).
* <p>The implementations of {@link #getFunctionNames()}
* and {@link Schema#getFunctions(String)} depend on this map.
* The default implementation of this method returns the empty multi-map.
* Override this method to change their behavior.</p>
* @return Multi-map of functions in this schema by name
protected Multimap<String, Function> getFunctionMultimap() {
return ImmutableMultimap.of();
@Override public final Collection<Function> getFunctions(String name) {
return getFunctionMultimap().get(name); // never null
@Override public final Set<String> getFunctionNames() {
return getFunctionMultimap().keySet();
* Returns a map of sub-schemas in this schema by name.
* <p>The implementations of {@link #getSubSchemaNames()}
* and {@link #getSubSchema(String)} depend on this map.
* The default implementation of this method returns the empty map.
* Override this method to change their behavior.</p>
* @return Map of sub-schemas in this schema by name
protected Map<String, Schema> getSubSchemaMap() {
return ImmutableMap.of();
@Override public final Set<String> getSubSchemaNames() {
//noinspection RedundantCast
return (Set<String>) getSubSchemaMap().keySet();
@Override public final @Nullable Schema getSubSchema(String name) {
return getSubSchemaMap().get(name);
/** Schema factory that creates an
* {@link org.apache.calcite.schema.impl.AbstractSchema}. */
public static class Factory implements SchemaFactory {
public static final Factory INSTANCE = new Factory();
private Factory() {}
@Override public Schema create(SchemaPlus parentSchema, String name,
Map<String, Object> operand) {
return new AbstractSchema();