blob: 8149b22dad5dfa26f5cc0ce8a318bec669b703b9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.calcite.sql.type;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeFactory;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeFamily;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeField;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeFieldImpl;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelRecordType;
import org.apache.calcite.rex.RexUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlBasicTypeNameSpec;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCallBinding;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCollation;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCollectionTypeNameSpec;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlDataTypeSpec;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlIdentifier;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlMapTypeNameSpec;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlRowTypeNameSpec;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlTypeNameSpec;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParserPos;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlNameMatcher;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidator;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorScope;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.util.NumberUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Pair;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Util;
import org.apiguardian.api.API;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.EnsuresNonNullIf;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static;
import static org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeImpl.NON_NULLABLE_SUFFIX;
import static org.apache.calcite.sql.type.NonNullableAccessors.getCharset;
import static org.apache.calcite.sql.type.NonNullableAccessors.getCollation;
import static org.apache.calcite.sql.type.NonNullableAccessors.getComponentTypeOrThrow;
import static org.apache.calcite.util.Static.RESOURCE;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* Contains utility methods used during SQL validation or type derivation.
public abstract class SqlTypeUtil {
//~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Checks whether two types or more are char comparable.
* @return Returns true if all operands are of char type and if they are
* comparable, i.e. of the same charset and collation of same charset
public static boolean isCharTypeComparable(List<RelDataType> argTypes) {
assert argTypes != null;
assert argTypes.size() >= 2;
// Filter out ANY and NULL elements.
List<RelDataType> argTypes2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (RelDataType t : argTypes) {
if (!isAny(t) && !isNull(t)) {
for (Pair<RelDataType, RelDataType> pair : Pair.adjacents(argTypes2)) {
RelDataType t0 = pair.left;
RelDataType t1 = pair.right;
if (!inCharFamily(t0) || !inCharFamily(t1)) {
return false;
if (!getCharset(t0).equals(getCharset(t1))) {
return false;
if (!getCollation(t0).getCharset().equals(
getCollation(t1).getCharset())) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns whether the operands to a call are char type-comparable.
* @param binding Binding of call to operands
* @param operands Operands to check for compatibility; usually the
* operands of the bound call, but not always
* @param throwOnFailure Whether to throw an exception on failure
* @return whether operands are valid
public static boolean isCharTypeComparable(
SqlCallBinding binding,
List<SqlNode> operands,
boolean throwOnFailure) {
requireNonNull(operands, "operands");
assert operands.size() >= 2
: "operands.size() should be 2 or greater, actual: " + operands.size();
if (!isCharTypeComparable(SqlTypeUtil.deriveType(binding, operands))) {
if (throwOnFailure) {
String msg = String.join(", ", Util.transform(operands, String::valueOf));
throw binding.newError(RESOURCE.operandNotComparable(msg));
return false;
return true;
* Derives component type for ARRAY, MULTISET, MAP when input is sub-query.
* @param origin original component type
* @return component type
public static RelDataType deriveCollectionQueryComponentType(
SqlTypeName collectionType,
RelDataType origin) {
switch (collectionType) {
case ARRAY:
return origin.isStruct() && origin.getFieldCount() == 1
? origin.getFieldList().get(0).getType() : origin;
case MAP:
return origin;
throw new AssertionError(
"Impossible to derive component type for " + collectionType);
* Iterates over all operands, derives their types, and collects them into
* a list.
public static List<RelDataType> deriveAndCollectTypes(
SqlValidator validator,
SqlValidatorScope scope,
List<? extends SqlNode> operands) {
// NOTE: Do not use an AbstractList. Don't want to be lazy. We want
// errors.
List<RelDataType> types = new ArrayList<>();
for (SqlNode operand : operands) {
types.add(validator.deriveType(scope, operand));
return types;
* Derives type of the call via its binding.
* @param binding binding to derive the type from
* @return datatype of the call
@API(since = "1.26", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL)
public static RelDataType deriveType(SqlCallBinding binding) {
return deriveType(binding, binding.getCall());
* Derives type of the given call under given binding.
* @param binding binding to derive the type from
* @param node node type to derive
* @return datatype of the given node
@API(since = "1.26", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL)
public static RelDataType deriveType(SqlCallBinding binding, SqlNode node) {
return binding.getValidator().deriveType(
requireNonNull(binding.getScope(), () -> "scope of " + binding), node);
* Derives types for the list of nodes.
* @param binding binding to derive the type from
* @param nodes the list of nodes to derive types from
* @return the list of types of the given nodes
@API(since = "1.26", status = API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL)
public static List<RelDataType> deriveType(SqlCallBinding binding,
List<? extends SqlNode> nodes) {
return deriveAndCollectTypes(
requireNonNull(binding.getScope(), () -> "scope of " + binding),
* Promotes a type to a row type (does nothing if it already is one).
* @param type type to be promoted
* @param fieldName name to give field in row type; null for default of
* @return row type
public static RelDataType promoteToRowType(
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory,
RelDataType type,
@Nullable String fieldName) {
if (!type.isStruct()) {
if (fieldName == null) {
fieldName = "ROW_VALUE";
type = typeFactory.builder().add(fieldName, type).build();
return type;
* Recreates a given RelDataType with nullability iff any of the operands
* of a call are nullable.
public static RelDataType makeNullableIfOperandsAre(
final SqlValidator validator,
final SqlValidatorScope scope,
final SqlCall call,
RelDataType type) {
for (SqlNode operand : call.getOperandList()) {
RelDataType operandType = validator.deriveType(scope, operand);
if (containsNullable(operandType)) {
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory = validator.getTypeFactory();
type = typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(type, true);
return type;
* Recreates a given RelDataType with nullability iff any of the param
* argTypes are nullable.
public static RelDataType makeNullableIfOperandsAre(
final RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory,
final List<RelDataType> argTypes,
RelDataType type) {
requireNonNull(type, "type");
if (containsNullable(argTypes)) {
type = typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(type, true);
return type;
* Returns whether all of array of types are nullable.
public static boolean allNullable(List<RelDataType> types) {
for (RelDataType type : types) {
if (!containsNullable(type)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns whether one or more of an array of types is nullable.
public static boolean containsNullable(List<RelDataType> types) {
for (RelDataType type : types) {
if (containsNullable(type)) {
return true;
return false;
* Determines whether a type or any of its fields (if a structured type) are
* nullable.
public static boolean containsNullable(RelDataType type) {
if (type.isNullable()) {
return true;
if (!type.isStruct()) {
return false;
for (RelDataTypeField field : type.getFieldList()) {
if (containsNullable(field.getType())) {
return true;
return false;
* Creates a RelDataType having the same type of the sourceRelDataType,
* and the same nullability as the targetRelDataType.
public static RelDataType keepSourceTypeAndTargetNullability(RelDataType sourceRelDataType,
RelDataType targetRelDataType,
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
if (!targetRelDataType.isStruct()) {
return typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(
sourceRelDataType, targetRelDataType.isNullable());
List<RelDataTypeField> targetFields = targetRelDataType.getFieldList();
List<RelDataTypeField> sourceFields = sourceRelDataType.getFieldList();
ImmutableList.Builder<RelDataTypeField> newTargetField = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 0; i < targetRelDataType.getFieldCount(); i++) {
RelDataTypeField targetField = targetFields.get(i);
RelDataTypeField sourceField = sourceFields.get(i);
new RelDataTypeFieldImpl(
sourceField.getType(), targetField.getType(), typeFactory)));
RelDataType relDataType = typeFactory.createStructType(;
return typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(relDataType, targetRelDataType.isNullable());
* Returns typeName.equals(type.getSqlTypeName()). If
* typeName.equals(SqlTypeName.Any) true is always returned.
public static boolean isOfSameTypeName(
SqlTypeName typeName,
RelDataType type) {
return SqlTypeName.ANY == typeName
|| typeName == type.getSqlTypeName();
* Returns true if any element in <code>typeNames</code> matches
* type.getSqlTypeName().
* @see #isOfSameTypeName(SqlTypeName, RelDataType)
public static boolean isOfSameTypeName(
Collection<SqlTypeName> typeNames,
RelDataType type) {
for (SqlTypeName typeName : typeNames) {
if (isOfSameTypeName(typeName, type)) {
return true;
return false;
/** Returns whether a type is DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP. */
public static boolean isDatetime(RelDataType type) {
return SqlTypeFamily.DATETIME.contains(type);
/** Returns whether a type is DATE. */
public static boolean isDate(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return type.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.DATE;
/** Returns whether a type is TIMESTAMP. */
public static boolean isTimestamp(RelDataType type) {
return SqlTypeFamily.TIMESTAMP.contains(type);
/** Returns whether a type is some kind of INTERVAL. */
@EnsuresNonNullIf(expression = "#1.getIntervalQualifier()", result = true)
public static boolean isInterval(RelDataType type) {
return SqlTypeFamily.DATETIME_INTERVAL.contains(type);
/** Returns whether a type is in SqlTypeFamily.Character. */
@EnsuresNonNullIf(expression = "#1.getCharset()", result = true)
@EnsuresNonNullIf(expression = "#1.getCollation()", result = true)
public static boolean inCharFamily(RelDataType type) {
return type.getFamily() == SqlTypeFamily.CHARACTER;
/** Returns whether a type name is in SqlTypeFamily.Character. */
public static boolean inCharFamily(SqlTypeName typeName) {
return typeName.getFamily() == SqlTypeFamily.CHARACTER;
/** Returns whether a type is in SqlTypeFamily.Boolean. */
public static boolean inBooleanFamily(RelDataType type) {
return type.getFamily() == SqlTypeFamily.BOOLEAN;
/** Returns whether two types are in same type family. */
public static boolean inSameFamily(RelDataType t1, RelDataType t2) {
return t1.getFamily() == t2.getFamily();
/** Returns whether two types are in same type family, or one or the other is
* of type {@link SqlTypeName#NULL}. */
public static boolean inSameFamilyOrNull(RelDataType t1, RelDataType t2) {
return (t1.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.NULL)
|| (t2.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.NULL)
|| (t1.getFamily() == t2.getFamily());
/** Returns whether a type family is either character or binary. */
public static boolean inCharOrBinaryFamilies(RelDataType type) {
return (type.getFamily() == SqlTypeFamily.CHARACTER)
|| (type.getFamily() == SqlTypeFamily.BINARY);
/** Returns whether a type is a LOB of some kind. */
public static boolean isLob(RelDataType type) {
// TODO jvs 9-Dec-2004: once we support LOB types
return false;
/** Returns whether a type is variable width with bounded precision. */
public static boolean isBoundedVariableWidth(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
switch (typeName) {
// TODO angel 8-June-2005: Multiset should be LOB
return true;
return false;
/** Returns whether a type is one of the integer types. */
public static boolean isIntType(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
switch (typeName) {
case BIGINT:
return true;
return false;
/** Returns whether a type is DECIMAL. */
public static boolean isDecimal(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return typeName == SqlTypeName.DECIMAL;
/** Returns whether a type is numeric with exact precision. */
public static boolean isExactNumeric(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
switch (typeName) {
case BIGINT:
return true;
return false;
/** Returns whether a type's scale is set. */
public static boolean hasScale(RelDataType type) {
return type.getScale() != Integer.MIN_VALUE;
/** Returns the maximum value of an integral type, as a long value. */
public static long maxValue(RelDataType type) {
assert SqlTypeUtil.isIntType(type);
switch (type.getSqlTypeName()) {
return Byte.MAX_VALUE;
return Short.MAX_VALUE;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
case BIGINT:
return Long.MAX_VALUE;
throw Util.unexpected(type.getSqlTypeName());
/** Returns whether a type is numeric with approximate precision. */
public static boolean isApproximateNumeric(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
switch (typeName) {
case FLOAT:
case REAL:
case DOUBLE:
return true;
return false;
/** Returns whether a type is numeric. */
public static boolean isNumeric(RelDataType type) {
return isExactNumeric(type) || isApproximateNumeric(type);
/** Returns whether a type is the NULL type. */
public static boolean isNull(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return typeName == SqlTypeName.NULL;
* Tests whether two types have the same name and structure, possibly with
* differing modifiers. For example, VARCHAR(1) and VARCHAR(10) are
* considered the same, while VARCHAR(1) and CHAR(1) are considered
* different. Likewise, VARCHAR(1) MULTISET and VARCHAR(10) MULTISET are
* considered the same.
* @return true if types have same name and structure
public static boolean sameNamedType(RelDataType t1, RelDataType t2) {
if (t1.isStruct() || t2.isStruct()) {
if (!t1.isStruct() || !t2.isStruct()) {
return false;
if (t1.getFieldCount() != t2.getFieldCount()) {
return false;
List<RelDataTypeField> fields1 = t1.getFieldList();
List<RelDataTypeField> fields2 = t2.getFieldList();
for (int i = 0; i < fields1.size(); ++i) {
if (!sameNamedType(
fields2.get(i).getType())) {
return false;
return true;
RelDataType comp1 = t1.getComponentType();
RelDataType comp2 = t2.getComponentType();
if ((comp1 != null) || (comp2 != null)) {
if ((comp1 == null) || (comp2 == null)) {
return false;
if (!sameNamedType(comp1, comp2)) {
return false;
return t1.getSqlTypeName() == t2.getSqlTypeName();
* Computes the maximum number of bytes required to represent a value of a
* type having user-defined precision. This computation assumes no overhead
* such as length indicators and NUL-terminators. Complex types for which
* multiple representations are possible (e.g. DECIMAL or TIMESTAMP) return
* 0.
* @param type type for which to compute storage
* @return maximum bytes, or 0 for a fixed-width type or type with unknown
* maximum
public static int getMaxByteSize(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return 0;
switch (typeName) {
case CHAR:
return (int) Math.ceil(
((double) type.getPrecision())
* getCharset(type).newEncoder().maxBytesPerChar());
case BINARY:
return type.getPrecision();
// TODO Wael Jan-24-2005: Need a better way to tell fennel this
// number. This a very generic place and implementation details like
// this doesnt belong here. Waiting to change this once we have blob
// support
return 4096;
return 0;
/** Returns the minimum unscaled value of a numeric type.
* @param type a numeric type
public static long getMinValue(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
switch (typeName) {
return Byte.MIN_VALUE;
return Short.MIN_VALUE;
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
case BIGINT:
return NumberUtil.getMinUnscaled(type.getPrecision()).longValue();
throw new AssertionError("getMinValue(" + typeName + ")");
/** Returns the maximum unscaled value of a numeric type.
* @param type a numeric type
public static long getMaxValue(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
switch (typeName) {
return Byte.MAX_VALUE;
return Short.MAX_VALUE;
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
case BIGINT:
return NumberUtil.getMaxUnscaled(type.getPrecision()).longValue();
throw new AssertionError("getMaxValue(" + typeName + ")");
/** Returns whether a type has a representation as a Java primitive (ignoring
* nullability). */
@Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0
public static boolean isJavaPrimitive(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
switch (typeName) {
case BIGINT:
case FLOAT:
case REAL:
case DOUBLE:
case SYMBOL:
return true;
return false;
/** Returns the class name of the wrapper for the primitive data type. */
@Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0
public static @Nullable String getPrimitiveWrapperJavaClassName(@Nullable RelDataType type) {
if (type == null) {
return null;
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return null;
switch (typeName) {
return "Boolean";
//noinspection deprecation
return getNumericJavaClassName(type);
/** Returns the class name of a numeric data type. */
@Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0
public static @Nullable String getNumericJavaClassName(@Nullable RelDataType type) {
if (type == null) {
return null;
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return null;
switch (typeName) {
return "Byte";
return "Short";
return "Integer";
case BIGINT:
return "Long";
case REAL:
return "Float";
case FLOAT:
case DOUBLE:
return "Double";
return null;
private static boolean isAny(RelDataType t) {
return t.getFamily() == SqlTypeFamily.ANY;
public static boolean isMeasure(RelDataType t) {
return t instanceof MeasureSqlType;
* Tests whether a value can be assigned to a site.
* @param toType type of the target site
* @param fromType type of the source value
* @return true iff assignable
public static boolean canAssignFrom(
RelDataType toType,
RelDataType fromType) {
if (isAny(toType) || isAny(fromType)) {
return true;
// TODO jvs 2-Jan-2005: handle all the other cases like
// rows, collections, UDT's
if (fromType.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.NULL) {
// REVIEW jvs 4-Dec-2008: We allow assignment from NULL to any
// type, including NOT NULL types, since in the case where no
// rows are actually processed, the assignment is legal
// (FRG-365). However, it would be better if the validator's
// NULL type inference guaranteed that we had already
// assigned a real (nullable) type to every NULL literal.
return true;
if (fromType.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.ARRAY) {
if (toType.getSqlTypeName() != SqlTypeName.ARRAY) {
return false;
return canAssignFrom(getComponentTypeOrThrow(toType), getComponentTypeOrThrow(fromType));
if (areCharacterSetsMismatched(toType, fromType)) {
return false;
return toType.getFamily() == fromType.getFamily();
* Determines whether two types both have different character sets. If one
* or the other type has no character set (e.g. in cast from INT to
* VARCHAR), that is not a mismatch.
* @param t1 first type
* @param t2 second type
* @return true iff mismatched
public static boolean areCharacterSetsMismatched(
RelDataType t1,
RelDataType t2) {
if (isAny(t1) || isAny(t2)) {
return false;
Charset cs1 = t1.getCharset();
Charset cs2 = t2.getCharset();
if ((cs1 != null) && (cs2 != null)) {
if (!cs1.equals(cs2)) {
return true;
return false;
* Compares two types and returns whether {@code fromType} can be cast to
* {@code toType}, using either coercion or assignment.
* <p>REVIEW jvs 17-Dec-2004: the coerce param below shouldn't really be
* necessary. We're using it as a hack because
* {@link SqlTypeFactoryImpl#leastRestrictive} isn't complete enough
* yet. Once it is, this param (and the non-coerce rules of
* {@link SqlTypeAssignmentRule}) should go away.
* @param toType target of assignment
* @param fromType source of assignment
* @param coerce if true, the SQL rules for CAST are used; if false, the
* rules are similar to Java; e.g. you can't assign short x =
* (int) y, and you can't assign int x = (String) z.
* @return whether cast is legal
public static boolean canCastFrom(
RelDataType toType,
RelDataType fromType,
boolean coerce) {
return canCastFrom(toType, fromType,
coerce ? SqlTypeCoercionRule.instance()
: SqlTypeAssignmentRule.instance());
* Compares two types and returns whether {@code fromType} can be cast to
* {@code toType}.
* <p>A type mapping rule (i.e. {@link SqlTypeCoercionRule}
* or {@link SqlTypeAssignmentRule}) controls what types are allowed to be
* cast from/to.
* @param toType target of assignment
* @param fromType source of assignment
* @param typeMappingRule SqlTypeMappingRule
* @return whether cast is legal
public static boolean canCastFrom(
RelDataType toType,
RelDataType fromType,
SqlTypeMappingRule typeMappingRule) {
if (toType.equals(fromType)) {
return true;
// If fromType is a measure, you should compare the inner type otherwise it will
// always return TRUE because the SqlTypeFamily of MEASURE is ANY
if (isMeasure(fromType)) {
return canCastFrom(toType, requireNonNull(fromType.getMeasureElementType()),
if (isAny(toType) || isAny(fromType)) {
return true;
final SqlTypeName fromTypeName = fromType.getSqlTypeName();
final SqlTypeName toTypeName = toType.getSqlTypeName();
if (toTypeName == SqlTypeName.UNKNOWN) {
return true;
if (toType.isStruct() || fromType.isStruct()) {
if (toTypeName == SqlTypeName.DISTINCT) {
if (fromTypeName == SqlTypeName.DISTINCT) {
// can't cast between different distinct types
return false;
return canCastFrom(
toType.getFieldList().get(0).getType(), fromType, typeMappingRule);
} else if (fromTypeName == SqlTypeName.DISTINCT) {
return canCastFrom(
toType, fromType.getFieldList().get(0).getType(), typeMappingRule);
} else if (toTypeName == SqlTypeName.ROW) {
if (fromTypeName != SqlTypeName.ROW) {
return fromTypeName == SqlTypeName.NULL;
int n = toType.getFieldCount();
if (fromType.getFieldCount() != n) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
RelDataTypeField toField = toType.getFieldList().get(i);
RelDataTypeField fromField = fromType.getFieldList().get(i);
if (!canCastFrom(
typeMappingRule)) {
return false;
return true;
} else if (toTypeName == SqlTypeName.MULTISET) {
if (!fromType.isStruct()) {
return false;
if (fromTypeName != SqlTypeName.MULTISET) {
return false;
return canCastFrom(
} else if (fromTypeName == SqlTypeName.MULTISET) {
return false;
} else {
return toType.getFamily() == fromType.getFamily();
RelDataType c1 = toType.getComponentType();
if (c1 != null) {
RelDataType c2 = fromType.getComponentType();
if (c2 != null) {
return canCastFrom(c1, c2, typeMappingRule);
if ((isInterval(fromType) && isExactNumeric(toType))
|| (isInterval(toType) && isExactNumeric(fromType))) {
IntervalSqlType intervalType =
(IntervalSqlType) (isInterval(fromType) ? fromType : toType);
if (!intervalType.getIntervalQualifier().isSingleDatetimeField()) {
// Casts between intervals and exact numerics must involve
// intervals with a single datetime field.
return false;
if (toTypeName == null || fromTypeName == null) {
return false;
return typeMappingRule.canApplyFrom(toTypeName, fromTypeName);
* Flattens a record type by recursively expanding any fields which are
* themselves record types. For each record type, a representative null
* value field is also prepended (with state NULL for a null value and FALSE
* for non-null), and all component types are asserted to be nullable, since
* SQL doesn't allow NOT NULL to be specified on attributes.
* @param typeFactory factory which should produced flattened type
* @param recordType type with possible nesting
* @param flatteningMap if non-null, receives map from unflattened ordinal
* to flattened ordinal (must have length at least
* recordType.getFieldList().size())
* @return flattened equivalent
public static RelDataType flattenRecordType(
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory,
RelDataType recordType,
int @Nullable [] flatteningMap) {
if (!recordType.isStruct()) {
return recordType;
List<RelDataTypeField> fieldList = new ArrayList<>();
boolean nested =
if (!nested) {
return recordType;
List<RelDataType> types = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Long> fieldCnt =
.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));
int i = -1;
for (RelDataTypeField field : fieldList) {
String oriFieldName = field.getName();
// Patch up the field name with index if there are duplicates.
// There is still possibility that the patched name conflicts with existing ones,
// but that should be rare case.
Long fieldCount = fieldCnt.get(oriFieldName);
String fieldName = fieldCount != null && fieldCount > 1
? oriFieldName + "_" + i
: oriFieldName;
return typeFactory.createStructType(types, fieldNames);
public static boolean needsNullIndicator(RelDataType recordType) {
// NOTE jvs 9-Mar-2005: It would be more storage-efficient to say that
// no null indicator is required for structured type columns declared
// as NOT NULL. However, the uniformity of always having a null
// indicator makes things cleaner in many places.
return recordType.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.STRUCTURED;
private static boolean flattenFields(
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory,
RelDataType type,
List<RelDataTypeField> list,
int @Nullable [] flatteningMap) {
boolean nested = false;
for (RelDataTypeField field : type.getFieldList()) {
if (flatteningMap != null) {
flatteningMap[field.getIndex()] = list.size();
if (field.getType().isStruct()) {
nested = true;
} else if (field.getType().getComponentType() != null) {
nested = true;
// TODO jvs 14-Feb-2005: generalize to any kind of
// collection type
RelDataType flattenedCollectionType =
if (field.getType() instanceof ArraySqlType) {
flattenedCollectionType =
field =
new RelDataTypeFieldImpl(
} else {
return nested;
* Converts an instance of RelDataType to an instance of SqlDataTypeSpec.
* @param type type descriptor
* @param charSetName charSet name
* @param maxPrecision The max allowed precision.
* @param maxScale max allowed scale
* @return corresponding parse representation
public static SqlDataTypeSpec convertTypeToSpec(RelDataType type,
@Nullable String charSetName, int maxPrecision, int maxScale) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
// TODO jvs 28-Dec-2004: support row types, user-defined types,
// interval types, multiset types, etc
assert typeName != null;
final SqlTypeNameSpec typeNameSpec;
if (isAtomic(type) || isNull(type)
|| type.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.UNKNOWN
|| type.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.GEOMETRY) {
int precision = typeName.allowsPrec() ? type.getPrecision() : -1;
// fix up the precision.
if (maxPrecision > 0 && precision > maxPrecision) {
precision = maxPrecision;
int scale = typeName.allowsScale() ? type.getScale() : -1;
if (maxScale > 0 && scale > maxScale) {
scale = maxScale;
typeNameSpec =
new SqlBasicTypeNameSpec(typeName, precision, scale, charSetName,
} else if (isCollection(type)) {
typeNameSpec =
new SqlCollectionTypeNameSpec(
typeName, SqlParserPos.ZERO);
} else if (isRow(type)) {
RelRecordType recordType = (RelRecordType) type;
List<RelDataTypeField> fields = recordType.getFieldList();
List<SqlIdentifier> fieldNames =
.map(f -> new SqlIdentifier(f.getName(), SqlParserPos.ZERO))
List<SqlDataTypeSpec> fieldTypes =
.map(f -> convertTypeToSpec(f.getType()))
typeNameSpec = new SqlRowTypeNameSpec(SqlParserPos.ZERO, fieldNames, fieldTypes);
} else if (isMap(type)) {
final RelDataType keyType =
requireNonNull(type.getKeyType(), () -> "keyType of " + type);
final RelDataType valueType =
requireNonNull(type.getValueType(), () -> "valueType of " + type);
final SqlDataTypeSpec keyTypeSpec = convertTypeToSpec(keyType);
final SqlDataTypeSpec valueTypeSpec = convertTypeToSpec(valueType);
typeNameSpec = new SqlMapTypeNameSpec(keyTypeSpec, valueTypeSpec, SqlParserPos.ZERO);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Unsupported type when convertTypeToSpec: " + typeName);
// REVIEW jvs 28-Dec-2004: discriminate between precision/scale
// zero and unspecified?
// REVIEW angel 11-Jan-2006:
// Use neg numbers to indicate unspecified precision/scale
return new SqlDataTypeSpec(typeNameSpec, SqlParserPos.ZERO);
* Converts an instance of RelDataType to an instance of SqlDataTypeSpec.
* @param type type descriptor
* @return corresponding parse representation
public static SqlDataTypeSpec convertTypeToSpec(RelDataType type) {
// TODO jvs 28-Dec-2004: collation
String charSetName = inCharFamily(type) ? type.getCharset().name() : null;
return convertTypeToSpec(type, charSetName, -1, -1);
public static RelDataType createMultisetType(
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory,
RelDataType type,
boolean nullable) {
RelDataType ret = typeFactory.createMultisetType(type, -1);
return typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(ret, nullable);
public static RelDataType createArrayType(
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory,
RelDataType type,
boolean nullable) {
RelDataType ret = typeFactory.createArrayType(type, -1);
return typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(ret, nullable);
public static RelDataType createMapType(
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory,
RelDataType keyType,
RelDataType valueType,
boolean nullable) {
RelDataType ret = typeFactory.createMapType(keyType, valueType);
return typeFactory.createTypeWithNullability(ret, nullable);
/** Creates a MAP type from a record type. The record type must have exactly
* two fields. */
public static RelDataType createMapTypeFromRecord(
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, RelDataType type) {
checkArgument(type.getFieldCount() == 2,
"MAP requires exactly two fields, got %s; row type %s",
type.getFieldCount(), type);
return createMapType(typeFactory, type.getFieldList().get(0).getType(),
type.getFieldList().get(1).getType(), false);
/** Creates a ROW type from a map type. The record type will have two fields. */
public static RelDataType createRecordTypeFromMap(
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, RelDataType type) {
RelDataType keyType = requireNonNull(type.getKeyType(), () -> "keyType of " + type);
RelDataType valueType = requireNonNull(type.getValueType(), () -> "valueType of " + type);
return typeFactory.createStructType(
Arrays.asList(keyType, valueType), Arrays.asList("f0", "f1"));
* Adds collation and charset to a character type, returns other types
* unchanged.
* @param type Type
* @param typeFactory Type factory
* @return Type with added charset and collation, or unchanged type if it is
* not a char type.
public static RelDataType addCharsetAndCollation(
RelDataType type,
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
if (!inCharFamily(type)) {
return type;
Charset charset = type.getCharset();
if (charset == null) {
charset = typeFactory.getDefaultCharset();
SqlCollation collation = type.getCollation();
if (collation == null) {
collation = SqlCollation.IMPLICIT;
// todo: should get the implicit collation from repository
// instead of null
type =
return type;
* Returns whether two types are equal, ignoring nullability.
* <p>They need not come from the same factory.
* @param factory Type factory
* @param type1 First type
* @param type2 Second type
* @return whether types are equal, ignoring nullability
public static boolean equalSansNullability(
RelDataTypeFactory factory,
RelDataType type1,
RelDataType type2) {
if (type1.isNullable() == type2.isNullable()) {
return type1.equals(type2);
return type1.equals(
factory.createTypeWithNullability(type2, type1.isNullable()));
* This is a poorman's
* {@link #equalSansNullability(RelDataTypeFactory, RelDataType, RelDataType)}.
* <p>We assume that "not null" is represented in the type's digest
* as a trailing "NOT NULL" (case sensitive).
* <p>If you got a type factory, {@link #equalSansNullability(RelDataTypeFactory, RelDataType, RelDataType)}
* is preferred.
* @param type1 First type
* @param type2 Second type
* @return true if the types are equal or the only difference is nullability
public static boolean equalSansNullability(RelDataType type1, RelDataType type2) {
if (type1 == type2) {
return true;
String x = type1.getFullTypeString();
String y = type2.getFullTypeString();
if (x.length() < y.length()) {
String c = x;
x = y;
y = c;
return (x.length() == y.length()
|| x.length() == y.length() + NON_NULLABLE_SUFFIX.length()
&& x.endsWith(NON_NULLABLE_SUFFIX)) && x.startsWith(y);
* Returns whether two collection types are equal, ignoring nullability.
* <p>They need not come from the same factory.
* @param factory Type factory
* @param type1 First type
* @param type2 Second type
* @return Whether types are equal, ignoring nullability
public static boolean equalAsCollectionSansNullability(
RelDataTypeFactory factory,
RelDataType type1,
RelDataType type2) {
checkArgument(isCollection(type1), "Input type1 must be collection type");
checkArgument(isCollection(type2), "Input type2 must be collection type");
return (type1 == type2)
|| (type1.getSqlTypeName() == type2.getSqlTypeName()
&& equalSansNullability(
factory, getComponentTypeOrThrow(type1), getComponentTypeOrThrow(type2)));
* Returns whether two map types are equal, ignoring nullability.
* <p>They need not come from the same factory.
* @param factory Type factory
* @param type1 First type
* @param type2 Second type
* @return Whether types are equal, ignoring nullability
public static boolean equalAsMapSansNullability(
RelDataTypeFactory factory,
RelDataType type1,
RelDataType type2) {
checkArgument(isMap(type1), "Input type1 must be map type");
checkArgument(isMap(type2), "Input type2 must be map type");
MapSqlType mType1 = (MapSqlType) type1;
MapSqlType mType2 = (MapSqlType) type2;
return (type1 == type2)
|| (equalSansNullability(factory, mType1.getKeyType(), mType2.getKeyType())
&& equalSansNullability(factory, mType1.getValueType(), mType2.getValueType()));
* Returns whether two struct types are equal, ignoring nullability.
* <p>They do not need to come from the same factory.
* @param factory Type factory
* @param type1 First type
* @param type2 Second type
* @param nameMatcher Name matcher used to compare the field names, if null,
* the field names are also ignored
* @return Whether types are equal, ignoring nullability
public static boolean equalAsStructSansNullability(
RelDataTypeFactory factory,
RelDataType type1,
RelDataType type2,
@Nullable SqlNameMatcher nameMatcher) {
checkArgument(type1.isStruct(), "Input type1 must be struct type");
checkArgument(type2.isStruct(), "Input type2 must be struct type");
if (type1 == type2) {
return true;
if (type1.getFieldCount() != type2.getFieldCount()) {
return false;
for (Pair<RelDataTypeField, RelDataTypeField> pair
:, type2.getFieldList())) {
if (nameMatcher != null
&& !nameMatcher.matches(pair.left.getName(), pair.right.getName())) {
return false;
if (!equalSansNullability(factory, pair.left.getType(), pair.right.getType())) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns the ordinal of a given field in a record type, or -1 if the field
* is not found.
* <p>The {@code fieldName} is always simple, if the field is nested within a record field,
* returns index of the outer field instead. i.g. for row type
* (a int, b (b1 bigint, b2 varchar(20) not null)), returns 1 for both simple name "b1" and "b2".
* @param type Record type
* @param fieldName Name of field
* @return Ordinal of field
public static int findField(RelDataType type, String fieldName) {
List<RelDataTypeField> fields = type.getFieldList();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {
RelDataTypeField field = fields.get(i);
if (field.getName().equals(fieldName)) {
return i;
final RelDataType fieldType = field.getType();
if (fieldType.isStruct() && findField(fieldType, fieldName) != -1) {
return i;
return -1;
* Selects data types of the specified fields from an input row type.
* This is useful when identifying data types of a function that is going
* to operate on inputs that are specified as field ordinals (e.g.
* aggregate calls).
* @param rowType input row type
* @param requiredFields ordinals of the projected fields
* @return list of data types that are requested by requiredFields
public static List<RelDataType> projectTypes(final RelDataType rowType,
final List<? extends Number> requiredFields) {
final List<RelDataTypeField> fields = rowType.getFieldList();
return new AbstractList<RelDataType>() {
@Override public RelDataType get(int index) {
return fields.get(requiredFields.get(index).intValue()).getType();
@Override public int size() {
return requiredFields.size();
* Records a struct type with no fields.
* @param typeFactory Type factory
* @return Struct type with no fields
public static RelDataType createEmptyStructType(
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
return typeFactory.createStructType(
/** Returns whether a type is flat. It is not flat if it is a record type that
* has one or more fields that are themselves record types. */
public static boolean isFlat(RelDataType type) {
if (type.isStruct()) {
for (RelDataTypeField field : type.getFieldList()) {
if (field.getType().isStruct()) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns whether two types are comparable. They need to be scalar types of
* the same family, or struct types whose fields are pairwise comparable.
* @param type1 First type
* @param type2 Second type
* @return Whether types are comparable
public static boolean isComparable(RelDataType type1, RelDataType type2) {
if (type1.isStruct() != type2.isStruct()) {
return false;
if (type1.isStruct()) {
int n = type1.getFieldCount();
if (n != type2.getFieldCount()) {
return false;
for (Pair<RelDataTypeField, RelDataTypeField> pair
:, type2.getFieldList())) {
if (!isComparable(pair.left.getType(), pair.right.getType())) {
return false;
return true;
final RelDataTypeFamily family1 = family(type1);
final RelDataTypeFamily family2 = family(type2);
if (family1 == family2) {
return true;
// If one of the arguments is of type 'ANY', return true.
if (family1 == SqlTypeFamily.ANY
|| family2 == SqlTypeFamily.ANY) {
return true;
// If one of the arguments is of type 'NULL', return true.
if (family1 == SqlTypeFamily.NULL
|| family2 == SqlTypeFamily.NULL) {
return true;
// We can implicitly convert from character to date
if (family1 == SqlTypeFamily.CHARACTER
&& canConvertStringInCompare(family2)
|| family2 == SqlTypeFamily.CHARACTER
&& canConvertStringInCompare(family1)) {
return true;
return false;
/** Returns the least restrictive type T, such that a value of type T can be
* compared with values of type {@code type1} and {@code type2} using
* {@code =}. */
public static @Nullable RelDataType leastRestrictiveForComparison(
RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, RelDataType type1, RelDataType type2) {
final RelDataType type =
typeFactory.leastRestrictive(ImmutableList.of(type1, type2));
if (type != null) {
return type;
final RelDataTypeFamily family1 = family(type1);
final RelDataTypeFamily family2 = family(type2);
// If one of the arguments is of type 'ANY', we can compare.
if (family1 == SqlTypeFamily.ANY) {
return type2;
if (family2 == SqlTypeFamily.ANY) {
return type1;
// If one of the arguments is of type 'NULL', we can compare.
if (family1 == SqlTypeFamily.NULL) {
return type2;
if (family2 == SqlTypeFamily.NULL) {
return type1;
// We can implicitly convert from character to date, numeric, etc.
if (family1 == SqlTypeFamily.CHARACTER
&& canConvertStringInCompare(family2)) {
return type2;
if (family2 == SqlTypeFamily.CHARACTER
&& canConvertStringInCompare(family1)) {
return type1;
return null;
protected static RelDataTypeFamily family(RelDataType type) {
// REVIEW jvs 2-June-2005: This is needed to keep
// the Saffron type system happy.
RelDataTypeFamily family = null;
if (type.getSqlTypeName() != null) {
family = type.getSqlTypeName().getFamily();
if (family == null) {
family = type.getFamily();
return family;
* Returns whether all types in a collection have the same family, as
* determined by {@link #isSameFamily(RelDataType, RelDataType)}.
* @param types Types to check
* @return true if all types are of the same family
public static boolean areSameFamily(Iterable<RelDataType> types) {
final List<RelDataType> typeList = ImmutableList.copyOf(types);
if (Sets.newHashSet(RexUtil.families(typeList)).size() < 2) {
return true;
for (Pair<RelDataType, RelDataType> adjacent : Pair.adjacents(typeList)) {
if (!isSameFamily(adjacent.left, adjacent.right)) {
return false;
return true;
* Returns whether two types are scalar types of the same family, or struct types whose fields
* are pairwise of the same family.
* @param type1 First type
* @param type2 Second type
* @return Whether types have the same family
private static boolean isSameFamily(RelDataType type1, RelDataType type2) {
if (type1.isStruct() != type2.isStruct()) {
return false;
if (type1.isStruct()) {
int n = type1.getFieldCount();
if (n != type2.getFieldCount()) {
return false;
for (Pair<RelDataTypeField, RelDataTypeField> pair
:, type2.getFieldList())) {
if (!isSameFamily(pair.left.getType(), pair.right.getType())) {
return false;
return true;
final RelDataTypeFamily family1 = family(type1);
final RelDataTypeFamily family2 = family(type2);
return family1 == family2;
/** Returns whether a character data type can be implicitly converted to a
* given family in a compare operation. */
private static boolean canConvertStringInCompare(RelDataTypeFamily family) {
if (family instanceof SqlTypeFamily) {
SqlTypeFamily sqlTypeFamily = (SqlTypeFamily) family;
switch (sqlTypeFamily) {
case DATE:
case TIME:
return true;
return false;
* Checks whether a type represents Unicode character data.
* @param type type to test
* @return whether type represents Unicode character data
public static boolean isUnicode(RelDataType type) {
Charset charset = type.getCharset();
if (charset == null) {
return false;
/** Returns the larger of two precisions, treating
* {@link RelDataType#PRECISION_NOT_SPECIFIED} as infinity. */
public static int maxPrecision(int p0, int p1) {
return (p0 == RelDataType.PRECISION_NOT_SPECIFIED
|| p0 >= p1
&& p1 != RelDataType.PRECISION_NOT_SPECIFIED) ? p0 : p1;
/** Returns whether a precision is greater or equal than another,
* treating {@link RelDataType#PRECISION_NOT_SPECIFIED} as infinity. */
public static int comparePrecision(int p0, int p1) {
if (p0 == p1) {
return 0;
if (p0 == RelDataType.PRECISION_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
return 1;
if (p1 == RelDataType.PRECISION_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
return -1;
return, p1);
/** Returns whether a type is ARRAY. */
public static boolean isArray(RelDataType type) {
return type.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.ARRAY;
/** Returns whether a type is ROW. */
public static boolean isRow(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return type.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.ROW;
/** Returns whether a type is MAP. */
public static boolean isMap(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return type.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.MAP;
/** Returns whether a type is MULTISET. */
public static boolean isMultiset(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return type.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.MULTISET;
/** Returns whether a type is ARRAY or MULTISET. */
public static boolean isCollection(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return type.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.ARRAY
|| type.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.MULTISET;
/** Returns whether a type is CHARACTER. */
public static boolean isCharacter(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return SqlTypeFamily.CHARACTER.contains(type);
/** Returns whether a type is a CHARACTER or contains a CHARACTER type.
* @deprecated Use {@link #hasCharacter(RelDataType)} */
@Deprecated // to be removed before 2.0
public static boolean hasCharactor(RelDataType type) {
return hasCharacter(type);
/** Returns whether a type is a CHARACTER or contains a CHARACTER type. */
public static boolean hasCharacter(RelDataType type) {
if (isCharacter(type)) {
return true;
if (isArray(type)) {
return hasCharacter(getComponentTypeOrThrow(type));
return false;
/** Returns whether a type is STRING. */
public static boolean isString(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return SqlTypeFamily.STRING.contains(type);
/** Returns whether a type is BOOLEAN. */
public static boolean isBoolean(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return SqlTypeFamily.BOOLEAN.contains(type);
/** Returns whether a type is BINARY. */
public static boolean isBinary(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return SqlTypeFamily.BINARY.contains(type);
/** Returns whether a type is atomic (datetime, numeric, string or
* BOOLEAN). */
public static boolean isAtomic(RelDataType type) {
SqlTypeName typeName = type.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName == null) {
return false;
return SqlTypeUtil.isDatetime(type)
|| SqlTypeUtil.isNumeric(type)
|| SqlTypeUtil.isString(type)
|| SqlTypeUtil.isBoolean(type);
/** Returns a DECIMAL type with the maximum precision for the current
* type system. */
public static RelDataType getMaxPrecisionScaleDecimal(RelDataTypeFactory factory) {
int maxPrecision = factory.getTypeSystem().getMaxNumericPrecision();
int maxScale = factory.getTypeSystem().getMaxNumericScale();
// scale should not greater than precision.
int scale = Math.min(maxPrecision / 2, maxScale);
return factory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.DECIMAL, maxPrecision, scale);
* Keeps only the last N fields and returns the new struct type.
public static RelDataType extractLastNFields(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory,
RelDataType type, int numToKeep) {
assert type.isStruct();
assert type.getFieldCount() >= numToKeep;
final int fieldsCnt = type.getFieldCount();
return typeFactory.createStructType(
type.getFieldList().subList(fieldsCnt - numToKeep, fieldsCnt));
* Returns whether the decimal value is valid for the type. For example, 1111.11 is not
* valid for DECIMAL(3, 1) since it overflows.
* @param value Value of literal
* @param toType Type of the literal
* @return whether the value is valid for the type
public static boolean isValidDecimalValue(@Nullable BigDecimal value, RelDataType toType) {
if (value == null) {
return true;
switch (toType.getSqlTypeName()) {
final int intDigits = value.precision() - value.scale();
final int maxIntDigits = toType.getPrecision() - toType.getScale();
return intDigits <= maxIntDigits;
return true;