blob: c0285d2a682633d4ca8156670c4cb5fd20378691 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.calcite.plan;
import org.apache.calcite.runtime.Utilities;
* RelOptCostImpl provides a default implementation for the {@link RelOptCost}
* interface. It it defined in terms of a single scalar quantity; somewhat
* arbitrarily, it returns this scalar for rows processed and zero for both CPU
* and I/O.
public class RelOptCostImpl implements RelOptCost {
public static final RelOptCostFactory FACTORY = new Factory();
//~ Instance fields --------------------------------------------------------
private final double value;
//~ Constructors -----------------------------------------------------------
public RelOptCostImpl(double value) {
this.value = value;
//~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
// implement RelOptCost
public double getRows() {
return value;
// implement RelOptCost
public double getIo() {
return 0;
// implement RelOptCost
public double getCpu() {
return 0;
// implement RelOptCost
public boolean isInfinite() {
return Double.isInfinite(value);
// implement RelOptCost
public boolean isLe(RelOptCost other) {
return getRows() <= other.getRows();
// implement RelOptCost
public boolean isLt(RelOptCost other) {
return getRows() < other.getRows();
@Override public int hashCode() {
return Utilities.hashCode(getRows());
// implement RelOptCost
public boolean equals(RelOptCost other) {
return getRows() == other.getRows();
// implement RelOptCost
public boolean isEqWithEpsilon(RelOptCost other) {
return Math.abs(getRows() - other.getRows()) < RelOptUtil.EPSILON;
// implement RelOptCost
public RelOptCost minus(RelOptCost other) {
return new RelOptCostImpl(getRows() - other.getRows());
// implement RelOptCost
public RelOptCost plus(RelOptCost other) {
return new RelOptCostImpl(getRows() + other.getRows());
// implement RelOptCost
public RelOptCost multiplyBy(double factor) {
return new RelOptCostImpl(getRows() * factor);
public double divideBy(RelOptCost cost) {
RelOptCostImpl that = (RelOptCostImpl) cost;
return this.getRows() / that.getRows();
// implement RelOptCost
public String toString() {
if (value == Double.MAX_VALUE) {
return "huge";
} else {
return Double.toString(value);
/** Implementation of {@link RelOptCostFactory} that creates
* {@link RelOptCostImpl}s. */
private static class Factory implements RelOptCostFactory {
// implement RelOptPlanner
public RelOptCost makeCost(
double dRows,
double dCpu,
double dIo) {
return new RelOptCostImpl(dRows);
// implement RelOptPlanner
public RelOptCost makeHugeCost() {
return new RelOptCostImpl(Double.MAX_VALUE);
// implement RelOptPlanner
public RelOptCost makeInfiniteCost() {
return new RelOptCostImpl(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
// implement RelOptPlanner
public RelOptCost makeTinyCost() {
return new RelOptCostImpl(1.0);
// implement RelOptPlanner
public RelOptCost makeZeroCost() {
return new RelOptCostImpl(0.0);
// End