blob: 038201bbd150531814c9bc2a16b2d46a9f61f48c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.calcite.sql;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.pretty.SqlPrettyWriter;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.immutables.value.Value;
/** Configuration for {@link SqlWriter} and {@link SqlPrettyWriter}. */
public interface SqlWriterConfig {
/** Returns the dialect. */
@Nullable SqlDialect dialect();
/** Sets {@link #dialect()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withDialect(@Nullable SqlDialect dialect);
/** Returns whether to print keywords (SELECT, AS, etc.) in lower-case.
* Default is false: keywords are printed in upper-case. */
@Value.Default default boolean keywordsLowerCase() {
return false;
/** Sets {@link #keywordsLowerCase}. */
SqlWriterConfig withKeywordsLowerCase(boolean keywordsLowerCase);
/** Returns whether to quote all identifiers, even those which would be
* correct according to the rules of the {@link SqlDialect} if quotation
* marks were omitted. Default is true. */
@Value.Default default boolean quoteAllIdentifiers() {
return true;
/** Sets {@link #quoteAllIdentifiers}. */
SqlWriterConfig withQuoteAllIdentifiers(boolean quoteAllIdentifiers);
/** Returns the number of spaces indentation. Default is 4. */
@Value.Default default int indentation() {
return 4;
/** Sets {@link #indentation}. */
SqlWriterConfig withIndentation(int indentation);
/** Returns whether a clause (FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, WINDOW,
* ORDER BY) starts a new line. Default is true. SELECT is always at the
* start of a line. */
@Value.Default default boolean clauseStartsLine() {
return true;
/** Sets {@link #clauseStartsLine}. */
SqlWriterConfig withClauseStartsLine(boolean clauseStartsLine);
/** Returns whether a clause (FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, WINDOW,
* ORDER BY) is followed by a new line. Default is false. */
@Value.Default default boolean clauseEndsLine() {
return false;
/** Sets {@link #clauseEndsLine()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withClauseEndsLine(boolean clauseEndsLine);
/** Returns whether each item in a SELECT list, GROUP BY list, or ORDER BY
* list is on its own line.
* <p>Default is false;
* this property is superseded by {@link #selectFolding()},
* {@link #groupByFolding()}, {@link #orderByFolding()}. */
@Value.Default default boolean selectListItemsOnSeparateLines() {
return false;
/** Sets {@link #selectListItemsOnSeparateLines}. */
SqlWriterConfig withSelectListItemsOnSeparateLines(
boolean selectListItemsOnSeparateLines);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for lists in the SELECT, GROUP BY and
* ORDER clauses, for items in the SET clause of UPDATE, and for items in
* @see #foldLength()
* <p>If not set, the values of
* {@link #selectListItemsOnSeparateLines()},
* {@link #valuesListNewline()},
* {@link #updateSetListNewline()},
* {@link #windowDeclListNewline()} are used. */
@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding();
/** Sets {@link #lineFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withLineFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the SELECT clause.
* If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Nullable LineFolding selectFolding();
/** Sets {@link #selectFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withSelectFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the FROM clause (and JOIN).
* If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Value.Default default LineFolding fromFolding() {
return LineFolding.TALL;
/** Sets {@link #fromFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withFromFolding(LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the WHERE clause.
* If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Nullable LineFolding whereFolding();
/** Sets {@link #whereFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withWhereFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the GROUP BY clause.
* If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Nullable LineFolding groupByFolding();
/** Sets {@link #groupByFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withGroupByFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the HAVING clause.
* If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Nullable LineFolding havingFolding();
/** Sets {@link #havingFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withHavingFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the WINDOW clause.
* If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Nullable LineFolding windowFolding();
/** Sets {@link #windowFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withWindowFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause.
* If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Nullable LineFolding matchFolding();
/** Sets {@link #matchFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withMatchFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the ORDER BY clause.
* If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Nullable LineFolding orderByFolding();
/** Sets {@link #orderByFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withOrderByFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the OVER clause or a window
* declaration. If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Nullable LineFolding overFolding();
/** Sets {@link #overFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withOverFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the VALUES expression.
* If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Nullable LineFolding valuesFolding();
/** Sets {@link #valuesFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withValuesFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
/** Returns the line-folding policy for the SET clause of an UPDATE statement.
* If not set, the value of {@link #lineFolding()} is used. */
@Nullable LineFolding updateSetFolding();
/** Sets {@link #updateSetFolding()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withUpdateSetFolding(@Nullable LineFolding lineFolding);
* Returns whether to use a fix for SELECT list indentations.
* <ul>
* <li>If set to "false":
* <blockquote><pre>
* A as A,
* B as B,
* C as C,
* D
* </pre></blockquote>
* <li>If set to "true" (the default):
* <blockquote><pre>
* A as A,
* B as B,
* C as C,
* D
* </pre></blockquote>
* </ul>
@Value.Default default boolean selectListExtraIndentFlag() {
return true;
/** Sets {@link #selectListExtraIndentFlag}. */
SqlWriterConfig withSelectListExtraIndentFlag(boolean selectListExtraIndentFlag);
/** Returns whether each declaration in a WINDOW clause should be on its own
* line.
* <p>Default is true;
* this property is superseded by {@link #windowFolding()}. */
@Value.Default default boolean windowDeclListNewline() {
return true;
/** Sets {@link #windowDeclListNewline}. */
SqlWriterConfig withWindowDeclListNewline(boolean windowDeclListNewline);
/** Returns whether each row in a VALUES clause should be on its own
* line.
* <p>Default is true;
* this property is superseded by {@link #valuesFolding()}. */
@Value.Default default boolean valuesListNewline() {
return true;
/** Sets {@link #valuesListNewline}. */
SqlWriterConfig withValuesListNewline(boolean valuesListNewline);
/** Returns whether each assignment in the SET clause of an UPDATE or MERGE
* statement should be on its own line.
* <p>Default is true;
* this property is superseded by {@link #updateSetFolding()}. */
@Value.Default default boolean updateSetListNewline() {
return true;
/** Sets {@link #updateSetListNewline}. */
SqlWriterConfig withUpdateSetListNewline(boolean updateSetListNewline);
/** Returns whether a WINDOW clause should start its own line. */
@Value.Default default boolean windowNewline() {
return false;
/** Sets {@link #windowNewline}. */
SqlWriterConfig withWindowNewline(boolean windowNewline);
/** Returns whether commas in SELECT, GROUP BY and ORDER clauses should
* appear at the start of the line. Default is false. */
@Value.Default default boolean leadingComma() {
return false;
/** Sets {@link #leadingComma()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withLeadingComma(boolean leadingComma);
/** Returns the sub-query style.
* Default is {@link SqlWriter.SubQueryStyle#HYDE}. */
@Value.Default default SqlWriter.SubQueryStyle subQueryStyle() {
return SqlWriter.SubQueryStyle.HYDE;
/** Sets {@link #subQueryStyle}. */
SqlWriterConfig withSubQueryStyle(SqlWriter.SubQueryStyle subQueryStyle);
/** Returns whether to print a newline before each AND or OR (whichever is
* higher level) in WHERE clauses.
* <p>NOTE: Ignored when alwaysUseParentheses is set to true. */
@Value.Default default boolean whereListItemsOnSeparateLines() {
return false;
/** Sets {@link #whereListItemsOnSeparateLines}. */
SqlWriterConfig withWhereListItemsOnSeparateLines(
boolean whereListItemsOnSeparateLines);
/** Returns whether expressions should always be included in parentheses.
* Default is false. */
@Value.Default default boolean alwaysUseParentheses() {
return false;
/** Sets {@link #alwaysUseParentheses}. */
SqlWriterConfig withAlwaysUseParentheses(boolean alwaysUseParentheses);
/** Returns the maximum line length. Default is zero, which means there is
* no maximum. */
@Value.Default default int lineLength() {
return 0;
/** Sets {@link #lineLength}. */
SqlWriterConfig withLineLength(int lineLength);
/** Returns the line length at which items are chopped or folded (for clauses
* that have chosen {@link LineFolding#CHOP} or {@link LineFolding#FOLD}).
* Default is 80. */
@Value.Default default int foldLength() {
return 80;
/** Sets {@link #foldLength()}. */
SqlWriterConfig withFoldLength(int lineLength);
/** Returns whether the WHEN, THEN and ELSE clauses of a CASE expression
* appear at the start of a new line. The default is false. */
@Value.Default default boolean caseClausesOnNewLines() {
return false;
/** Sets {@link #caseClausesOnNewLines}. */
SqlWriterConfig withCaseClausesOnNewLines(boolean caseClausesOnNewLines);
/** Policy for how to do deal with long lines.
* <p>The following examples all have
* {@link #clauseEndsLine ClauseEndsLine=true},
* {@link #indentation Indentation=4}, and
* {@link #foldLength FoldLength=25} (so that the long {@code SELECT}
* clause folds but the shorter {@code GROUP BY} clause does not).
* <p>Note that {@link #clauseEndsLine ClauseEndsLine} is observed in
* STEP and TALL modes, and in CHOP mode when a line is long.
* <table border=1>
* <caption>SQL formatted with each Folding value</caption>
* <tr>
* <th>Folding</th>
* <th>Example</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>WIDE</td>
* <td><pre>
* SELECT abc, def, ghi, jkl, mno, pqr
* FROM t
* GROUP BY abc, def</pre></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>STEP</td>
* <td><pre>
* abc, def, ghi, jkl, mno, pqr
* FROM t
* abc, def</pre></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>FOLD</td>
* <td><pre>
* SELECT abc, def, ghi,
* jkl, mno, pqr
* FROM t
* GROUP BY abc, def</pre></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>CHOP</td>
* <td><pre>
* abc,
* def,
* ghi,
* jkl,
* mno,
* pqr
* FROM t
* GROUP BY abc, def</pre></td>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <td>TALL</td>
* <td><pre>
* abc,
* def,
* ghi,
* jkl,
* mno,
* pqr
* FROM t
* abc,
* def</pre></td>
* </tr>
* </table>
enum LineFolding {
/** Do not wrap. Items are on the same line, regardless of length. */
/** As {@link #WIDE} but start a new line if {@link #clauseEndsLine()}. */
/** Wrap if long. Items are on the same line, but if the line's length
* exceeds {@link #foldLength()}, move items to the next line. */
/** Chop down if long. Items are on the same line, but if the line grows
* longer than {@link #foldLength()}, put all items on separate lines. */
/** Wrap always. Items are on separate lines. */
* Create a default SqlWriterConfig object.
* @return The config.
static SqlWriterConfig of() {
return ImmutableSqlWriterConfig.of();