blob: 9fee555821113576cfb5641acd7de92438453a7f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.calcite.test;
import org.apache.calcite.adapter.enumerable.CallImplementor;
import org.apache.calcite.jdbc.CalciteConnection;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Ord;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.function.SemiStrict;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.Expressions;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.Types;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeFactory;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelProtoDataType;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.FunctionParameter;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.ImplementableFunction;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.ScalarFunction;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.SchemaPlus;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.impl.AbstractSchema;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.impl.ScalarFunctionImpl;
import org.apache.calcite.schema.impl.ViewTable;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeName;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Smalls;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Disabled;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import static;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
* Tests for user-defined functions;
* includes user-defined aggregate functions
* but user-defined table functions are in {@link TableFunctionTest}.
* @see Smalls
class UdfTest {
private CalciteAssert.AssertThat withUdf() {
final String model = "{\n"
+ " version: '1.0',\n"
+ " schemas: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'adhoc',\n"
+ " tables: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'EMPLOYEES',\n"
+ " type: 'custom',\n"
+ " factory: '"
+ JdbcTest.EmpDeptTableFactory.class.getName()
+ "',\n"
+ " operand: {'foo': true, 'bar': 345}\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ],\n"
+ " functions: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_PLUS',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.MyPlusFunction.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_DET_PLUS',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.MyDeterministicPlusFunction.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_LEFT',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.MyLeftFunction.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'ABCDE',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.MyAbcdeFunction.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_STR',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.MyToStringFunction.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_DOUBLE',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.MyDoubleFunction.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_EXCEPTION',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.MyExceptionFunction.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'COUNT_ARGS',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.CountArgs0Function.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'COUNT_ARGS',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.CountArgs1Function.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'COUNT_ARGS',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.CountArgs1NullableFunction.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'COUNT_ARGS',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.CountArgs2Function.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_ABS',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ java.lang.Math.class.getName()
+ "',\n"
+ " methodName: 'abs'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'NULL4',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.Null4Function.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'NULL8',\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.Null8Function.class.getName()
+ "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.MultipleFunction.class.getName()
+ "',\n"
+ " methodName: '*'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " className: '"
+ Smalls.AllTypesFunction.class.getName()
+ "',\n"
+ " methodName: '*'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}";
return CalciteAssert.model(model);
/** Tests a user-defined function that is defined in terms of a class with
* non-static methods. */
@Disabled("[CALCITE-1561] Intermittent test failures")
@Test void testUserDefinedFunction() {
final String sql = "select \"adhoc\".my_plus(\"deptno\", 100) as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES";
final AtomicInteger c = Smalls.MyPlusFunction.INSTANCE_COUNT.get();
final int before = c.get();
final int after = c.get();
assertThat(after, is(before + 4));
/** As {@link #testUserDefinedFunction()}, but checks that the class is
* instantiated exactly once, per
* <a href="">[CALCITE-1548]
* Instantiate function objects once per query</a>. */
@Test void testUserDefinedFunctionInstanceCount() {
final String sql = "select \"adhoc\".my_det_plus(\"deptno\", 100) as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES";
final AtomicInteger c = Smalls.MyDeterministicPlusFunction.INSTANCE_COUNT.get();
final int before = c.get();
final int after = c.get();
assertThat(after, is(before + 1));
@Test void testUserDefinedFunctionB() {
final String sql = "select \"adhoc\".my_double(\"deptno\") as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES";
final String expected = "P=20\n"
+ "P=40\n"
+ "P=20\n"
+ "P=20\n";
@Test void testUserDefinedFunctionWithNull() {
final String sql = "select \"adhoc\".my_det_plus(\"deptno\", 1 + null) as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES where 1 > 0 or nullif(null, 1) is null";
final AtomicInteger c = Smalls.MyDeterministicPlusFunction.INSTANCE_COUNT.get();
final int before = c.get();
final int after = c.get();
assertThat(after, is(before + 1));
/** Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-3195]
* Handle a UDF that throws checked exceptions in the Enumerable code generator</a>. */
@Test void testUserDefinedFunctionWithException() {
final String sql1 = "select \"adhoc\".my_exception(\"deptno\") as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES";
final String expected1 = "P=20\n"
+ "P=30\n"
+ "P=20\n"
+ "P=20\n";
final String sql2 = "select cast(\"adhoc\".my_exception(\"deptno\") as double) as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES";
final String expected2 = "P=20.0\n"
+ "P=30.0\n"
+ "P=20.0\n"
+ "P=20.0\n";
final String sql3 = "select \"adhoc\".my_exception(\"deptno\" * 2 + 11) as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES";
final String expected3 = "P=41\n"
+ "P=61\n"
+ "P=41\n"
+ "P=41\n";
/** Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-937]
* User-defined function within view</a>. */
@Test void testUserDefinedFunctionInView() throws Exception {
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:");
CalciteConnection calciteConnection =
SchemaPlus rootSchema = calciteConnection.getRootSchema();
rootSchema.add("hr", new ReflectiveSchema(new JdbcTest.HrSchema()));
SchemaPlus post = rootSchema.add("POST", new AbstractSchema());
ScalarFunctionImpl.create(Smalls.MyIncrement.class, "eval"));
final String viewSql = "select \"empid\" as EMPLOYEE_ID,\n"
+ " \"name\" || ' ' || \"name\" as EMPLOYEE_NAME,\n"
+ " \"salary\" as EMPLOYEE_SALARY,\n"
+ "from \"hr\".\"emps\"";
ViewTable.viewMacro(post, viewSql, ImmutableList.of(),
ImmutableList.of("POST", "V_EMP"), null));
final String result = ""
+ "EMPLOYEE_ID=150; EMPLOYEE_NAME=Sebastian Sebastian;"
+ "EMPLOYEE_ID=110; EMPLOYEE_NAME=Theodore Theodore;"
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(viewSql);
assertThat(CalciteAssert.toString(resultSet), is(result));
ResultSet viewResultSet =
statement.executeQuery("select * from \"POST\".\"V_EMP\"");
assertThat(CalciteAssert.toString(viewResultSet), is(result));
* Tests that IS NULL/IS NOT NULL is properly implemented for non-strict
* functions.
@Test void testNotNullImplementor() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
"select upper(\"adhoc\".my_str(\"name\")) as p from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES")
+ "P=<ERIC>\n"
+ "P=<THEODORE>\n");
with.query("select \"name\" as p from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n"
+ "where \"adhoc\".my_str(\"name\") is not null")
+ "P=Eric\n"
+ "P=Sebastian\n"
+ "P=Theodore\n");
with.query("select \"name\" as p from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n"
+ "where \"adhoc\".my_str(upper(\"name\")) is not null")
+ "P=Eric\n"
+ "P=Sebastian\n"
+ "P=Theodore\n");
with.query("select \"name\" as p from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n"
+ "where upper(\"adhoc\".my_str(\"name\")) is not null")
+ "P=Eric\n"
+ "P=Sebastian\n"
+ "P=Theodore\n");
with.query("select \"name\" as p from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n"
+ "where \"adhoc\".my_str(\"name\") is null")
with.query("select \"name\" as p from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n"
+ "where \"adhoc\".my_str(upper(\"adhoc\".my_str(\"name\")"
+ ")) ='8'")
/** Tests that we generate the appropriate checks for a "semi-strict"
* function.
* <p>The difference between "strict" and "semi-strict" functions is that a
* "semi-strict" function might return null even if none of its arguments
* are null. (Both always return null if one of their arguments is null.)
* Thus, a nasty function is more unpredictable.
* @see SemiStrict */
@Test void testSemiStrict() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
final String sql = "select\n"
+ " \"adhoc\".null4(upper(\"name\")) as p\n"
+ " from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES";
// my_str is non-strict; it must be called when args are null
final String sql2 = "select\n"
+ " \"adhoc\".my_str(upper(\"adhoc\".null4(\"name\"))) as p\n"
+ " from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES";
// null8 throws NPE if its argument is null,
// so we had better know that null4 might return null
final String sql3 = "select\n"
+ " \"adhoc\".null8(\"adhoc\".null4(\"name\")) as p\n"
+ " from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES";
/** Tests derived return type of user-defined function. */
@Test void testUdfDerivedReturnType() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
"select max(\"adhoc\".my_double(\"deptno\")) as p from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES")
with.query("select max(\"adhoc\".my_str(\"name\")) as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n"
+ "where \"adhoc\".my_str(\"name\") is null")
/** Tests a user-defined function that has multiple overloads. */
@Test void testUdfOverloaded() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".count_args(),\n"
+ " \"adhoc\".count_args(0),\n"
+ " \"adhoc\".count_args(0, 0))")
.returns("EXPR$0=0; EXPR$1=1; EXPR$2=2\n");
with.query("select max(\"adhoc\".count_args()) as p0,\n"
+ " min(\"adhoc\".count_args(0)) as p1,\n"
+ " max(\"adhoc\".count_args(0, 0)) as p2\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES limit 1")
.returns("P0=0; P1=1; P2=2\n");
@Test void testUdfOverloadedNullable() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".count_args(),\n"
+ " \"adhoc\".count_args(cast(null as smallint)),\n"
+ " \"adhoc\".count_args(0, 0))")
.returns("EXPR$0=0; EXPR$1=-1; EXPR$2=2\n");
/** Tests passing parameters to user-defined function by name. */
@Test void testUdfArgumentName() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
// arguments in physical order
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".my_left(\"s\" => 'hello', \"n\" => 3))")
// arguments in reverse order
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".my_left(\"n\" => 3, \"s\" => 'hello'))")
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".my_left(\"n\" => 1 + 2, \"s\" => 'hello'))")
// duplicate argument names
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".my_left(\"n\" => 3, \"n\" => 2, \"s\" => 'hello'))")
.throws_("Duplicate argument name 'n'");
// invalid argument names
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".my_left(\"n\" => 3, \"m\" => 2, \"s\" => 'h'))")
.throws_("No match found for function signature "
+ "MY_LEFT(n => <NUMERIC>, m => <NUMERIC>, s => <CHARACTER>)");
// missing arguments
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".my_left(\"n\" => 3))")
.throws_("No match found for function signature MY_LEFT(n => <NUMERIC>)");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".my_left(\"s\" => 'hello'))")
.throws_("No match found for function signature MY_LEFT(s => <CHARACTER>)");
// arguments of wrong type, will do implicitly type coercion.
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".my_left(\"n\" => 'hello', \"s\" => 'x'))")
.throws_("java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: \"hello\"");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".my_left(\"n\" => '1', \"s\" => 'x'))")
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".my_left(\"n\" => 1, \"s\" => 0))")
/** Tests calling a user-defined function some of whose parameters are
* optional. */
@Test void testUdfArgumentOptional() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(a=>1,b=>2,c=>3,d=>4,e=>5))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5}\n");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(1,2,3,4,CAST(NULL AS INTEGER)))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: null}\n");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(a=>1,b=>2,c=>3,d=>4))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: null}\n");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(a=>1,b=>2,c=>3))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: null, e: null}\n");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(a=>1,e=>5,c=>3))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: null, c: 3, d: null, e: 5}\n");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(1,2,3))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: null, e: null}\n");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(1,2,3,4))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: null}\n");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(1,2,3,4,5))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5}\n");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(1,2))")
.throws_("No match found for function signature ABCDE(<NUMERIC>, <NUMERIC>)");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(1,DEFAULT,3))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: null, c: 3, d: null, e: null}\n");
// implicit type coercion.
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(1,DEFAULT,'abcde'))")
.throws_("java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: \"abcde\"");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(1,DEFAULT,'123'))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: null, c: 123, d: null, e: null}\n");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(true))")
.throws_("No match found for function signature ABCDE(<BOOLEAN>)");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(true,DEFAULT))")
.throws_("No match found for function signature ABCDE(<BOOLEAN>, <ANY>)");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(1,DEFAULT,3,DEFAULT))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: null, c: 3, d: null, e: null}\n");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(1,2,DEFAULT))")
.throws_("DEFAULT is only allowed for optional parameters");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(a=>1,b=>2,c=>DEFAULT))")
.throws_("DEFAULT is only allowed for optional parameters");
with.query("values (\"adhoc\".abcde(a=>1,b=>DEFAULT,c=>3))")
.returns("EXPR$0={a: 1, b: null, c: 3, d: null, e: null}\n");
/** Test for
* {@link org.apache.calcite.runtime.CalciteResource#requireDefaultConstructor(String)}. */
@Test void testUserDefinedFunction2() {
String message = "Declaring class "
+ "'org.apache.calcite.util.Smalls$AwkwardFunction' of non-static "
+ "user-defined function must have a public constructor with zero "
+ "parameters";
/** Tests user-defined function, with multiple methods per class. */
@Test void testUserDefinedFunctionWithMethodName() {
// java.lang.Math has abs(int) and abs(double).
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
with.query("values abs(-4)").returnsValue("4");
with.query("values abs(-4.5)").returnsValue("4.5");
// 3 overloads of "fun1", another method "fun2", but method "nonStatic"
// cannot be used as a function
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"fun1\"(2)").returnsValue("4");
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"fun1\"(2, 3)").returnsValue("5");
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"fun1\"('Foo Bar')").returnsValue("foo bar");
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"fun2\"(10)").returnsValue("30");
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"nonStatic\"(2)")
.throws_("No match found for function signature nonStatic(<NUMERIC>)");
/** Tests user-defined aggregate function. */
@Test void testUserDefinedAggregateFunction() {
final String empDept = JdbcTest.EmpDeptTableFactory.class.getName();
final String sum = Smalls.MyStaticSumFunction.class.getName();
final String sum2 = Smalls.MySumFunction.class.getName();
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = CalciteAssert.model("{\n"
+ " version: '1.0',\n"
+ " schemas: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'adhoc',\n"
+ " tables: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'EMPLOYEES',\n"
+ " type: 'custom',\n"
+ " factory: '" + empDept + "',\n"
+ " operand: {'foo': true, 'bar': 345}\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ],\n"
+ " functions: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_SUM',\n"
+ " className: '" + sum + "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_SUM2',\n"
+ " className: '" + sum2 + "'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}")
"select \"adhoc\".my_sum(\"deptno\") as p from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n")
with.query("select my_sum(\"empid\"), \"deptno\" as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
"Expression 'deptno' is not being grouped");
with.query("select my_sum(\"deptno\") as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
// implicit type coercion.
with.query("select my_sum(\"name\") as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
.throws_("java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: \"Bill\"");
with.query("select my_sum(\"deptno\", 1) as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
"No match found for function signature MY_SUM(<NUMERIC>, <NUMERIC>)");
with.query("select my_sum() as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
"No match found for function signature MY_SUM()");
with.query("select \"deptno\", my_sum(\"deptno\") as p from EMPLOYEES\n"
+ "group by \"deptno\"")
"deptno=20; P=20",
"deptno=10; P=30");
with.query("select \"deptno\", my_sum2(\"deptno\") as p from EMPLOYEES\n"
+ "group by \"deptno\"")
.returnsUnordered("deptno=20; P=20", "deptno=10; P=30");
/** Tests user-defined aggregate function. */
@Test void testUserDefinedAggregateFunctionWithMultipleParameters() {
final String empDept = JdbcTest.EmpDeptTableFactory.class.getName();
final String sum21 = Smalls.MyTwoParamsSumFunctionFilter1.class.getName();
final String sum22 = Smalls.MyTwoParamsSumFunctionFilter2.class.getName();
final String sum31 = Smalls.MyThreeParamsSumFunctionWithFilter1.class.getName();
final String sum32 = Smalls.MyThreeParamsSumFunctionWithFilter2.class.getName();
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = CalciteAssert.model("{\n"
+ " version: '1.0',\n"
+ " schemas: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'adhoc',\n"
+ " tables: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'EMPLOYEES',\n"
+ " type: 'custom',\n"
+ " factory: '" + empDept + "',\n"
+ " operand: {'foo': true, 'bar': 345}\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ],\n"
+ " functions: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_SUM2',\n"
+ " className: '" + sum21 + "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_SUM2',\n"
+ " className: '" + sum22 + "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_SUM3',\n"
+ " className: '" + sum31 + "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_SUM3',\n"
+ " className: '" + sum32 + "'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}")
.query("select \"adhoc\".my_sum3(\"deptno\",\"name\",'Eric') as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n")
with.query("select \"adhoc\".my_sum3(\"empid\",\"deptno\",\"commission\") as p "
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n")
with.query("select \"adhoc\".my_sum3(\"empid\",\"deptno\",\"commission\"),\n"
+ " \"name\"\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n")
.throws_("Expression 'name' is not being grouped");
with.query("select \"name\",\n"
+ " \"adhoc\".my_sum3(\"empid\",\"deptno\",\"commission\") as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n"
+ "group by \"name\"")
.returnsUnordered("name=Theodore; P=0",
"name=Eric; P=220",
"name=Bill; P=110",
"name=Sebastian; P=0");
// implicit type coercion.
with.query("select \"adhoc\".my_sum3(\"empid\",\"deptno\",\"salary\") as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n");
with.query("select \"adhoc\".my_sum3(\"empid\",\"deptno\",\"name\") as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n");
with.query("select \"adhoc\".my_sum2(\"commission\",250) as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n")
// implicit type coercion.
with.query("select \"adhoc\".my_sum2(\"name\",250) as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n")
.throws_("java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: \"Bill\"");
// implicit type coercion.
with.query("select \"adhoc\".my_sum2(\"empid\",0.0) as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n")
/** Test for
* {@link org.apache.calcite.runtime.CalciteResource#firstParameterOfAdd(String)}. */
@Test void testUserDefinedAggregateFunction3() {
String message = "Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: In user-defined "
+ "aggregate class 'org.apache.calcite.util.Smalls$SumFunctionBadIAdd'"
+ ", first parameter to 'add' method must be the accumulator (the "
+ "return type of the 'init' method)";
/** Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-1434]
* AggregateFunctionImpl doesnt work if the class implements a generic
* interface</a>. */
@Test void testUserDefinedAggregateFunctionImplementsInterface() {
final String empDept = JdbcTest.EmpDeptTableFactory.class.getName();
final String mySum3 = Smalls.MySum3.class.getName();
final String model = "{\n"
+ " version: '1.0',\n"
+ " schemas: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'adhoc',\n"
+ " tables: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'EMPLOYEES',\n"
+ " type: 'custom',\n"
+ " factory: '" + empDept + "',\n"
+ " operand: {'foo': true, 'bar': 345}\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ],\n"
+ " functions: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_SUM3',\n"
+ " className: '" + mySum3 + "'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}";
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = CalciteAssert.model(model)
with.query("select my_sum3(\"deptno\") as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
.query("select \"adhoc\".my_sum3(\"deptno\") as p\n"
+ "from \"adhoc\".EMPLOYEES\n")
with.query("select my_sum3(\"empid\"), \"deptno\" as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
.throws_("Expression 'deptno' is not being grouped");
with.query("select my_sum3(\"deptno\") as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
// implicit type coercion.
with.query("select my_sum3(\"name\") as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
.throws_("java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: \"Bill\"");
with.query("select my_sum3(\"deptno\", 1) as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
.throws_("No match found for function signature "
with.query("select my_sum3() as p from EMPLOYEES\n")
.throws_("No match found for function signature MY_SUM3()");
with.query("select \"deptno\", my_sum3(\"deptno\") as p from EMPLOYEES\n"
+ "group by \"deptno\"")
.returnsUnordered("deptno=20; P=20",
"deptno=10; P=30");
private static CalciteAssert.AssertThat withBadUdf(Class<?> clazz) {
final String empDept = JdbcTest.EmpDeptTableFactory.class.getName();
final String className = clazz.getName();
return CalciteAssert.model("{\n"
+ " version: '1.0',\n"
+ " schemas: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'adhoc',\n"
+ " tables: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'EMPLOYEES',\n"
+ " type: 'custom',\n"
+ " factory: '" + empDept + "',\n"
+ " operand: {'foo': true, 'bar': 345}\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ],\n"
+ " functions: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'AWKWARD',\n"
+ " className: '" + className + "'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}")
/** Tests user-defined aggregate function with FILTER.
* <p>Also tests that we do not try to push ADAF to JDBC source. */
@Test void testUserDefinedAggregateFunctionWithFilter() {
final String sum = Smalls.MyStaticSumFunction.class.getName();
final String sum2 = Smalls.MySumFunction.class.getName();
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = CalciteAssert.model("{\n"
+ " version: '1.0',\n"
+ " schemas: [\n"
+ ",\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'adhoc',\n"
+ " functions: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_SUM',\n"
+ " className: '" + sum + "'\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_SUM2',\n"
+ " className: '" + sum2 + "'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}")
with.query("select deptno, \"adhoc\".my_sum(deptno) as p\n"
+ "from scott.emp\n"
+ "group by deptno\n")
"DEPTNO=20; P=100\n"
+ "DEPTNO=10; P=30\n"
+ "DEPTNO=30; P=180\n");
with.query("select deptno,\n"
+ " \"adhoc\".my_sum(deptno) filter (where job = 'CLERK') as c,\n"
+ " \"adhoc\".my_sum(deptno) filter (where job = 'XXX') as x\n"
+ "from scott.emp\n"
+ "group by deptno\n")
"DEPTNO=20; C=40; X=0\n"
+ "DEPTNO=10; C=10; X=0\n"
+ "DEPTNO=30; C=30; X=0\n");
/** Tests resolution of functions using schema paths. */
@Test void testPath() {
final String name = Smalls.MyPlusFunction.class.getName();
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = CalciteAssert.model("{\n"
+ " version: '1.0',\n"
+ " schemas: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'adhoc',\n"
+ " functions: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_PLUS',\n"
+ " className: '" + name + "'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'adhoc2',\n"
+ " functions: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_PLUS2',\n"
+ " className: '" + name + "'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " },\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'adhoc3',\n"
+ " path: ['adhoc2','adhoc3'],\n"
+ " functions: [\n"
+ " {\n"
+ " name: 'MY_PLUS3',\n"
+ " className: '" + name + "'\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " ]\n"
+ "}");
final String err = "No match found for function signature";
final String res = "EXPR$0=2\n";
// adhoc can see own function MY_PLUS but not adhoc2.MY_PLUS2 unless
// qualified
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat adhoc = with.withDefaultSchema("adhoc");
adhoc.query("values MY_PLUS(1, 1)").returns(res);
adhoc.query("values MY_PLUS2(1, 1)").throws_(err);
adhoc.query("values \"adhoc2\".MY_PLUS(1, 1)").throws_(err);
adhoc.query("values \"adhoc2\".MY_PLUS2(1, 1)").returns(res);
// adhoc2 can see own function MY_PLUS2 but not adhoc2.MY_PLUS unless
// qualified
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat adhoc2 = with.withDefaultSchema("adhoc2");
adhoc2.query("values MY_PLUS2(1, 1)").returns(res);
adhoc2.query("values MY_PLUS(1, 1)").throws_(err);
adhoc2.query("values \"adhoc\".MY_PLUS(1, 1)").returns(res);
// adhoc3 can see own adhoc2.MY_PLUS2 because in path, with or without
// qualification, but can only see adhoc.MY_PLUS with qualification
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat adhoc3 = with.withDefaultSchema("adhoc3");
adhoc3.query("values MY_PLUS2(1, 1)").returns(res);
adhoc3.query("values MY_PLUS(1, 1)").throws_(err);
adhoc3.query("values \"adhoc\".MY_PLUS(1, 1)").returns(res);
/** Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-986]
* User-defined function with Date or Timestamp parameters</a>. */
@Test void testDate() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"dateFun\"(DATE '1970-01-01')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"dateFun\"(DATE '1970-01-02')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"dateFun\"(cast(null as date))")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"timeFun\"(TIME '00:00:00')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"timeFun\"(TIME '00:01:30')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"timeFun\"(cast(null as time))")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"timestampFun\"(TIMESTAMP '1970-01-01 00:00:00')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"timestampFun\"(TIMESTAMP '1970-01-02 00:01:30')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"timestampFun\"(cast(null as timestamp))")
/** Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-1041]
* User-defined function returns DATE or TIMESTAMP value</a>. */
@Test void testReturnDate() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toDateFun\"(0)")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toDateFun\"(1)")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toDateFun\"(cast(null as bigint))")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toTimeFun\"(0)")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toTimeFun\"(90000)")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toTimeFun\"(cast(null as bigint))")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toTimestampFun\"(0)")
.returnsValue("1970-01-01 00:00:00");
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toTimestampFun\"(86490000)")
.returnsValue("1970-01-02 00:01:30");
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toTimestampFun\"(cast(null as bigint))")
/** Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-1881]
* Can't distinguish overloaded user-defined functions that have DATE and
* TIMESTAMP arguments</a>. */
@Test void testDateAndTimestamp() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toLong\"(DATE '1970-01-15')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toLong\"(DATE '2002-08-11')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toLong\"(DATE '2003-04-11')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toLong\"(TIMESTAMP '2003-04-11 00:00:00')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toLong\"(TIMESTAMP '2003-04-11 00:00:06')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toLong\"(TIMESTAMP '2003-04-18 01:20:00')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toLong\"(TIME '00:20:00')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toLong\"(TIME '00:20:10')")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toLong\"(TIME '01:20:00')")
/** Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-2053]
* Overloaded user-defined functions that have Double and BigDecimal arguments
* will goes wrong </a>. */
@Test void testBigDecimalAndLong() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toDouble\"(cast(1.0 as double))")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toDouble\"(cast(1.0 as decimal))")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toDouble\"(cast(1 as double))")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toDouble\"(cast(1 as decimal))")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toDouble\"(cast(1 as float))")
with.query("values \"adhoc\".\"toDouble\"(cast(1.0 as float))")
/** Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-1041]
* User-defined function returns DATE or TIMESTAMP value</a>. */
@Test void testReturnDate2() {
final CalciteAssert.AssertThat with = withUdf();
with.query("select * from (values 0) as t(c)\n"
+ "where \"adhoc\".\"toTimestampFun\"(c) in (\n"
+ " cast('1970-01-01 00:00:00' as timestamp),\n"
+ " cast('1997-02-01 00:00:00' as timestamp))")
with.query("select * from (values 0) as t(c)\n"
+ "where \"adhoc\".\"toTimestampFun\"(c) in (\n"
+ " timestamp '1970-01-01 00:00:00',\n"
+ " timestamp '1997-02-01 00:00:00')")
with.query("select * from (values 0) as t(c)\n"
+ "where \"adhoc\".\"toTimestampFun\"(c) in (\n"
+ " '1970-01-01 00:00:00',\n"
+ " '1997-02-01 00:00:00')")
* Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-1834]
* User-defined function for Arrays</a>.
@Test void testArrayUserDefinedFunction() throws Exception {
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:")) {
CalciteConnection calciteConnection =
SchemaPlus rootSchema = calciteConnection.getRootSchema();
rootSchema.add("hr", new ReflectiveSchema(new JdbcTest.HrSchema()));
SchemaPlus post = rootSchema.add("POST", new AbstractSchema());
post.add("ARRAY_APPEND", new ArrayAppendDoubleFunction());
post.add("ARRAY_APPEND", new ArrayAppendIntegerFunction());
final String sql = "select \"empid\" as EMPLOYEE_ID,\n"
+ " \"name\" || ' ' || \"name\" as EMPLOYEE_NAME,\n"
+ " \"salary\" as EMPLOYEE_SALARY,\n"
+ " POST.ARRAY_APPEND(ARRAY[1,2,3], \"deptno\") as DEPARTMENTS\n"
+ "from \"hr\".\"emps\"";
final String result = ""
+ " EMPLOYEE_SALARY=10000.0; DEPARTMENTS=[1, 2, 3, 10]\n"
+ " EMPLOYEE_SALARY=8000.0; DEPARTMENTS=[1, 2, 3, 20]\n"
+ "EMPLOYEE_ID=150; EMPLOYEE_NAME=Sebastian Sebastian;"
+ " EMPLOYEE_SALARY=7000.0; DEPARTMENTS=[1, 2, 3, 10]\n"
+ "EMPLOYEE_ID=110; EMPLOYEE_NAME=Theodore Theodore;"
+ " EMPLOYEE_SALARY=11500.0; DEPARTMENTS=[1, 2, 3, 10]\n";
try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql)) {
assertThat(CalciteAssert.toString(resultSet), is(result));
* Base class for functions that append arrays.
private abstract static class ArrayAppendScalarFunction
implements ScalarFunction, ImplementableFunction {
public List<FunctionParameter> getParameters() {
final List<FunctionParameter> parameters = new ArrayList<>();
for (final Ord<RelProtoDataType> type : {
new FunctionParameter() {
public int getOrdinal() {
return type.i;
public String getName() {
return "arg" + type.i;
public RelDataType getType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
return type.e.apply(typeFactory);
public boolean isOptional() {
return false;
return parameters;
protected abstract List<RelProtoDataType> getParams();
@Override public CallImplementor getImplementor() {
return (translator, call, nullAs) -> {
Method lookupMethod =
"arrayAppendFun", List.class, Integer.class);
translator.translateList(call.getOperands(), nullAs));
/** Function with signature "f(ARRAY OF INTEGER, INTEGER) returns ARRAY OF
* INTEGER". */
private static class ArrayAppendIntegerFunction
extends ArrayAppendScalarFunction {
@Override public RelDataType getReturnType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
return typeFactory.createArrayType(
typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.INTEGER), -1);
@Override public List<RelProtoDataType> getParams() {
return ImmutableList.of(
typeFactory -> typeFactory.createArrayType(
typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.INTEGER), -1),
typeFactory -> typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.INTEGER));
/** Function with signature "f(ARRAY OF DOUBLE, INTEGER) returns ARRAY OF
* DOUBLE". */
private static class ArrayAppendDoubleFunction
extends ArrayAppendScalarFunction {
public RelDataType getReturnType(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory) {
return typeFactory.createArrayType(
typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.DOUBLE), -1);
public List<RelProtoDataType> getParams() {
return ImmutableList.of(
typeFactory -> typeFactory.createArrayType(
typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.DOUBLE), -1),
typeFactory -> typeFactory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.INTEGER));