blob: ce0ac2ac178b65be1f8e33f305dbbe0f625c5e3e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.calcite.test;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.implicit.TypeCoercion;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
* Test cases for implicit type coercion converter. see {@link TypeCoercion} doc
* or <a href="">CalciteImplicitCasts</a>
* for conversion details.
class TypeCoercionConverterTest extends SqlToRelTestBase {
@Override protected DiffRepository getDiffRepos() {
return DiffRepository.lookup(TypeCoercionConverterTest.class);
@Override protected Tester createTester() {
return super.createTester()
new TypeCoercionTest().getCatalogReaderFactory());
/** Test case for {@link TypeCoercion#commonTypeForBinaryComparison}. */
@Test void testBinaryComparison() {
// for constant cast, there is reduce rule
+ "1<'1' as f0,\n"
+ "1<='1' as f1,\n"
+ "1>'1' as f2,\n"
+ "1>='1' as f3,\n"
+ "1='1' as f4,\n"
+ "t1_date > t1_timestamp as f5,\n"
+ "'2' is not distinct from 2 as f6,\n"
+ "'2019-09-23' between t1_date and t1_timestamp as f7,\n"
+ "cast('2019-09-23' as date) between t1_date and t1_timestamp as f8\n"
+ "from t1");
/** Test cases for {@link TypeCoercion#inOperationCoercion}. */
@Test void testInOperation() {
+ "1 in ('1', '2', '3') as f0,\n"
+ "(1, 2) in (('1', '2')) as f1,\n"
+ "(1, 2) in (('1', '2'), ('3', '4')) as f2\n"
+ "from (values (true, true, true))");
@Test void testNotInOperation() {
+ "1 not in ('1', '2', '3') as f0,\n"
+ "(1, 2) not in (('1', '2')) as f1,\n"
+ "(1, 2) not in (('1', '2'), ('3', '4')) as f2\n"
+ "from (values (false, false, false))");
/** Test cases for {@link TypeCoercion#inOperationCoercion}. */
@Test void testInDateTimestamp() {
checkPlanEquals("select (t1_timestamp, t1_date)\n"
+ "in ((DATE '2020-04-16', TIMESTAMP '2020-04-16 11:40:53'))\n"
+ "from t1");
/** Test case for
* {@link org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.implicit.TypeCoercionImpl}.{@code booleanEquality}. */
@Test void testBooleanEquality() {
// REVIEW Danny 2018-05-16: Now we do not support cast between numeric <-> boolean for
// Calcite execution runtime, but we still add cast in the plan so other systems
// using Calcite can rewrite Cast operator implementation.
// for this case, we replace the boolean literal with numeric 1.
+ "1=true as f0,\n"
+ "1.0=true as f1,\n"
+ "0.0=true=true as f2,\n"
+ "1.23=t1_boolean as f3,\n"
+ "t1_smallint=t1_boolean as f4,\n"
+ "10000000000=true as f5\n"
+ "from t1");
@Test void testCaseWhen() {
checkPlanEquals("select case when 1 > 0 then t2_bigint else t2_decimal end from t2");
@Test void testBuiltinFunctionCoercion() {
checkPlanEquals("select 1||'a' from (values true)");
@Test void testStarImplicitTypeCoercion() {
checkPlanEquals("select * from (values(1, '3')) union select * from (values('2', 4))");
@Test void testSetOperation() {
// int decimal smallint double
// char decimal float bigint
// char decimal float double
// char decimal smallint double
final String sql = "select t1_int, t1_decimal, t1_smallint, t1_double from t1 "
+ "union select t2_varchar20, t2_decimal, t2_float, t2_bigint from t2 "
+ "union select t1_varchar20, t1_decimal, t1_float, t1_double from t1 "
+ "union select t2_varchar20, t2_decimal, t2_smallint, t2_double from t2";
@Test void testInsertQuerySourceCoercion() {
final String sql = "insert into t1 select t2_smallint, t2_int, t2_bigint, t2_float,\n"
+ "t2_double, t2_decimal, t2_int, t2_date, t2_timestamp, t2_varchar20, t2_int from t2";
@Test void testUpdateQuerySourceCoercion() {
final String sql = "update t1 set t1_varchar20=123, "
+ "t1_date=TIMESTAMP '2020-01-03 10:14:34', t1_int=12.3";
private void checkPlanEquals(String sql) {
tester.assertConvertsTo(sql, "${plan}");