blob: 99bfcfb2819472352eaa88eed31991958f95b65e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.calcite.runtime;
import org.apache.calcite.DataContext;
import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.ByteString;
import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.DateTimeUtils;
import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.Spaces;
import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.TimeUnitRange;
import org.apache.calcite.interpreter.Row;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.AbstractEnumerable;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.CartesianProductEnumerator;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Enumerable;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Enumerator;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Linq4j;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Ord;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.function.Deterministic;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.function.Experimental;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.function.Function1;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.function.NonDeterministic;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.function.Predicate1;
import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.tree.Primitive;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.TimeFrame;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.TimeFrameSet;
import org.apache.calcite.runtime.FlatLists.ComparableList;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.util.NumberUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.util.TimeWithTimeZoneString;
import org.apache.calcite.util.TimestampWithTimeZoneString;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Unsafe;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Util;
import org.apache.calcite.util.format.FormatElement;
import org.apache.calcite.util.format.FormatModel;
import org.apache.calcite.util.format.FormatModels;
import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base32;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex;
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import org.apache.commons.codec.language.Soundex;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.CombinatoricsUtils;
import org.apache.commons.text.similarity.LevenshteinDistance;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.PolyNull;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.MathContext;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetDecoder;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZoneOffset;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
import java.time.format.SignStyle;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import static org.apache.calcite.config.CalciteSystemProperty.FUNCTION_LEVEL_CACHE_MAX_SIZE;
import static org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Nullness.castNonNull;
import static org.apache.calcite.util.Static.RESOURCE;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* Helper methods to implement SQL functions in generated code.
* <p>Not present: and, or, not (builtin operators are better, because they
* use lazy evaluation. Implementations do not check for null values; the
* calling code must do that.
* <p>Many of the functions do not check for null values. This is intentional.
* If null arguments are possible, the code-generation framework checks for
* nulls before calling the functions.
public class SqlFunctions {
private static final String COMMA_DELIMITER = ",";
private static final DecimalFormat DOUBLE_FORMAT =
private static final TimeZone LOCAL_TZ = TimeZone.getDefault();
private static final DateTimeFormatter ROOT_DAY_FORMAT =
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("EEEE", Locale.ROOT);
private static final DateTimeFormatter ROOT_MONTH_FORMAT =
DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MMMM", Locale.ROOT);
private static final Soundex SOUNDEX = new Soundex();
private static final int SOUNDEX_LENGTH = 4;
private static final LevenshteinDistance LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE =
private static final Pattern FROM_BASE64_REGEXP = Pattern.compile("[\\t\\n\\r\\s]");
private static final Base32 BASE_32 = new Base32();
// Some JVMs can't allocate arrays of length Integer.MAX_VALUE; actual max is somewhat smaller.
// Be conservative and lower this value a little.
// @see
// Note: this variable handling is inspired by Apache Spark
private static final int MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 15;
private static final Function1<List<Object>, Enumerable<Object>> LIST_AS_ENUMERABLE =
a0 -> a0 == null ? Linq4j.emptyEnumerable() : Linq4j.asEnumerable(a0);
private static final Function1<Object[], Enumerable<@Nullable Object[]>> ARRAY_CARTESIAN_PRODUCT =
lists -> {
final List<Enumerator<@Nullable Object>> enumerators = new ArrayList<>();
for (Object list : lists) {
enumerators.add(Linq4j.enumerator((List) list));
final Enumerator<List<@Nullable Object>> product = Linq4j.product(enumerators);
return new AbstractEnumerable<@Nullable Object[]>() {
@Override public Enumerator<@Nullable Object[]> enumerator() {
return Linq4j.transform(product, List::toArray);
/** Holds, for each thread, a map from sequence name to sequence current
* value.
* <p>This is a straw man of an implementation whose main goal is to prove
* that sequences can be parsed, validated and planned. A real application
* will want persistent values for sequences, shared among threads. */
private static final ThreadLocal<@Nullable Map<String, AtomicLong>> THREAD_SEQUENCES =
private static final Pattern PATTERN_0_STAR_E = Pattern.compile("0*E");
/** A byte string consisting of a single byte that is the ASCII space
* character (0x20). */
private static final ByteString SINGLE_SPACE_BYTE_STRING =
ByteString.of("20", 16);
// Date formatter for BigQuery's timestamp literals:
private static final DateTimeFormatter BIG_QUERY_TIMESTAMP_LITERAL_FORMATTER =
new DateTimeFormatterBuilder()
// Unlike ISO 8601, BQ only supports years between 1 - 9999,
// but can support single-digit month and day parts.
.appendValue(ChronoField.YEAR, 4)
.appendValue(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, 1, 2, SignStyle.NOT_NEGATIVE)
.appendValue(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1, 2, SignStyle.NOT_NEGATIVE)
// Everything after the date is optional. Optional sections can be nested.
// BQ accepts either a literal 'T' or a space to separate the date from the time,
// so make the 'T' optional but pad with 1 space if it's omitted.
.padNext(1, ' ')
// Unlike ISO 8601, BQ can support single-digit hour, minute, and second parts.
.appendValue(ChronoField.HOUR_OF_DAY, 1, 2, SignStyle.NOT_NEGATIVE)
.appendValue(ChronoField.MINUTE_OF_HOUR, 1, 2, SignStyle.NOT_NEGATIVE)
.appendValue(ChronoField.SECOND_OF_MINUTE, 1, 2, SignStyle.NOT_NEGATIVE)
// ISO 8601 supports up to nanosecond precision, but BQ only up to microsecond.
.appendFraction(ChronoField.MICRO_OF_SECOND, 0, 6, true)
/** Whether the current Java version is 8 (1.8). */
private static final boolean IS_JDK_8 =
private SqlFunctions() {
/** Internal THROW_UNLESS(condition, message) function.
* <p>The method is marked {@link NonDeterministic} to prevent the generator
* from storing its value as a constant. */
public static boolean throwUnless(boolean condition, String message) {
if (!condition) {
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
return condition;
/** SQL TO_BASE64(string) function. */
public static String toBase64(String string) {
return toBase64_(string.getBytes(UTF_8));
/** SQL TO_BASE64(string) function for binary string. */
public static String toBase64(ByteString string) {
return toBase64_(string.getBytes());
private static String toBase64_(byte[] bytes) {
String base64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bytes);
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(base64.length() + base64.length() / 76);
Splitter.fixedLength(76).split(base64).iterator().forEachRemaining(s -> {
return str.substring(0, str.length() - 1);
/** SQL FROM_BASE64(string) function. */
public static @Nullable ByteString fromBase64(String base64) {
try {
base64 = FROM_BASE64_REGEXP.matcher(base64).replaceAll("");
return new ByteString(Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return null;
/** SQL TO_BASE32(string) function. */
public static String toBase32(String string) {
return toBase32_(string.getBytes(UTF_8));
/** SQL TO_BASE32(string) function for binary string. */
public static String toBase32(ByteString string) {
return toBase32_(string.getBytes());
private static String toBase32_(byte[] bytes) {
return BASE_32.encodeToString(bytes);
/** SQL FROM_BASE32(string) function. */
public static ByteString fromBase32(String base32) {
return new ByteString(BASE_32.decode(base32));
/** SQL FROM_HEX(varchar) function. */
public static ByteString fromHex(String hex) {
try {
return new ByteString(Hex.decodeHex(hex));
} catch (DecoderException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Failed to decode hex string: %s", hex), e);
/** SQL TO_HEX(binary) function. */
public static String toHex(ByteString byteString) {
return Hex.encodeHexString(byteString.getBytes());
/** SQL MD5(string) function. */
public static String md5(String string) {
return DigestUtils.md5Hex(string.getBytes(UTF_8));
/** SQL MD5(string) function for binary string. */
public static String md5(ByteString string) {
return DigestUtils.md5Hex(string.getBytes());
/** SQL SHA1(string) function. */
public static String sha1(String string) {
return DigestUtils.sha1Hex(string.getBytes(UTF_8));
/** SQL SHA1(string) function for binary string. */
public static String sha1(ByteString string) {
return DigestUtils.sha1Hex(string.getBytes());
/** SQL SHA256(string) function. */
public static String sha256(String string) {
return DigestUtils.sha256Hex(string.getBytes(UTF_8));
/** SQL SHA256(string) function for binary string. */
public static String sha256(ByteString string) {
return DigestUtils.sha256Hex(string.getBytes());
/** SQL SHA512(string) function. */
public static String sha512(String string) {
return DigestUtils.sha512Hex(string.getBytes(UTF_8));
/** SQL SHA512(string) function for binary string. */
public static String sha512(ByteString string) {
return DigestUtils.sha512Hex(string.getBytes());
/** State for {@code REGEXP_CONTAINS}, {@code REGEXP_EXTRACT}, {@code REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL},
* {@code REGEXP_INSTR}, {@code REGEXP_REPLACE}, {@code RLIKE}.
* <p>Marked deterministic so that the code generator instantiates one once
* per query, not once per row. */
public static class RegexFunction {
/** Cache key. */
private static class Key extends Ord<String> {
Key(int flags, String regex) {
super(flags, regex);
Pattern toPattern() {
return Pattern.compile(e, i);
private final LoadingCache<Key, Pattern> cache =
private final LoadingCache<String, String> replacementStrCache =
/** Validate regex arguments in REGEXP_* fns, throws an exception
* for invalid regex patterns, else returns a Pattern object. */
private Pattern validateRegexPattern(String regex, String methodName) {
try {
// Uses java.util.regex as a standard for regex processing
// in Calcite instead of RE2 used by BigQuery/GoogleSQL
return cache.getUnchecked(new Key(0, regex));
} catch (UncheckedExecutionException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof PatternSyntaxException) {
throw RESOURCE.invalidRegexInputForRegexpFunctions(
requireNonNull(e.getCause().getMessage(), "message")
.replace(System.lineSeparator(), " "), methodName).ex();
throw e;
/** Checks for multiple capturing groups in regex arguments in REGEXP_*
* functions. Throws if the regex pattern has more than 1 capturing
* group. */
private static void checkMultipleCapturingGroupsInRegex(Matcher matcher,
String methodName) {
if (matcher.groupCount() > 1) {
throw RESOURCE.multipleCapturingGroupsForRegexpFunctions(
Integer.toString(matcher.groupCount()), methodName).ex();
/** Validates the value ranges for position and occurrence arguments in
* REGEXP_* functions. Functions not using the {@code occurrencePosition}
* parameter pass a default value of 0. Throws an exception or returns
* false if any arguments are beyond accepted range; returns true if all
* argument values are valid. */
private static boolean validatePosOccurrenceParamValues(int position,
int occurrence, int occurrencePosition, String value, String methodName) {
if (position <= 0) {
throw RESOURCE.invalidIntegerInputForRegexpFunctions(
Integer.toString(position), "position", methodName).ex();
if (occurrence <= 0) {
throw RESOURCE.invalidIntegerInputForRegexpFunctions(
Integer.toString(occurrence), "occurrence", methodName).ex();
if (occurrencePosition != 0 && occurrencePosition != 1) {
throw RESOURCE.invalidIntegerInputForRegexpFunctions(
Integer.toString(occurrencePosition), "occurrence_position",
return position <= value.length();
/** Preprocesses double-backslash-based indexing for capturing groups into
* $-based indices recognized by java regex, throws an error for invalid escapes. */
public static String replaceNonDollarIndexedString(String replacement) {
// Explicitly escaping any $ symbols coming from input
// to ignore them from being considered as capturing group index
String indexedReplacement =
replacement.replace("\\\\", "\\")
.replace("$", "\\$");
// Check each occurrence of escaped chars, convert '\<n>' integers into '$<n>' indices,
// keep occurrences of '\\' and '\$', throw an error for any other invalid escapes
int lastOccIdx = indexedReplacement.indexOf("\\");
while (lastOccIdx != -1 && lastOccIdx < indexedReplacement.length() - 1) {
// Fetch escaped symbol following the current '\' occurrence
final char escapedChar = indexedReplacement.charAt(lastOccIdx + 1);
// Replace '\<n>' with '$<n>' if escaped char is an integer
if (Character.isDigit(escapedChar)) {
indexedReplacement = indexedReplacement.replaceFirst("\\\\(\\d)", "\\$$1");
} else if (escapedChar != '\\' && escapedChar != '$') {
// Throw an error if escaped char is not an escaped '\' or an escaped '$'
throw RESOURCE.invalidReplacePatternForRegexpReplace(replacement).ex();
// Fetch next occurrence index after current escaped char
lastOccIdx = indexedReplacement.indexOf("\\", lastOccIdx + 2);
return indexedReplacement;
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_CONTAINS(value, regexp)} function.
* Throws a runtime exception for invalid regular expressions. */
public boolean regexpContains(String value, String regex) {
final Pattern pattern = validateRegexPattern(regex, "REGEXP_CONTAINS");
return pattern.matcher(value).find();
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_EXTRACT(value, regexp)} function.
* Returns NULL if there is no match. Returns an exception if regex is invalid.
* Uses position=1 and occurrence=1 as default values when not specified. */
public @Nullable String regexpExtract(String value, String regex) {
return regexpExtract(value, regex, 1, 1);
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_EXTRACT(value, regexp, position)} function.
* Returns NULL if there is no match, or if position is beyond range.
* Returns an exception if regex or position is invalid.
* Uses occurrence=1 as default value when not specified. */
public @Nullable String regexpExtract(String value, String regex, int position) {
return regexpExtract(value, regex, position, 1);
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_EXTRACT(value, regexp, position, occurrence)} function.
* Returns NULL if there is no match, or if position or occurrence are beyond range.
* Returns an exception if regex, position or occurrence are invalid. */
public @Nullable String regexpExtract(String value, String regex, int position,
int occurrence) {
// Uses java.util.regex as a standard for regex processing
// in Calcite instead of RE2 used by BigQuery/GoogleSQL
final String methodName = "REGEXP_EXTRACT";
final Pattern pattern = validateRegexPattern(regex, methodName);
if (!validatePosOccurrenceParamValues(position, occurrence, 0, value, methodName)) {
return null;
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value);
checkMultipleCapturingGroupsInRegex(matcher, methodName);
matcher.region(position - 1, value.length());
String match = null;
while (occurrence > 0) {
if (matcher.find()) {
match =;
} else {
return null;
return match;
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL(value, regexp)} function.
* Returns an empty array if there is no match, returns an exception if regex is invalid. */
public List<String> regexpExtractAll(String value, String regex) {
// Uses java.util.regex as a standard for regex processing
// in Calcite instead of RE2 used by BigQuery/GoogleSQL
final String methodName = "REGEXP_EXTRACT_ALL";
final Pattern regexp = validateRegexPattern(regex, methodName);
Matcher matcher = regexp.matcher(value);
checkMultipleCapturingGroupsInRegex(matcher, methodName);
ImmutableList.Builder<String> matches = ImmutableList.builder();
while (matcher.find()) {
String match =;
if (match != null) {
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_INSTR(value, regexp)} function.
* Returns 0 if there is no match or regex is empty. Returns an exception if regex is invalid.
* Uses position=1, occurrence=1, occurrencePosition=0 as default values if not specified. */
public int regexpInstr(String value, String regex) {
return regexpInstr(value, regex, 1, 1, 0);
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_INSTR(value, regexp, position)} function.
* Returns 0 if there is no match, regex is empty, or if position is beyond range.
* Returns an exception if regex or position is invalid.
* Uses occurrence=1, occurrencePosition=0 as default value when not specified. */
public int regexpInstr(String value, String regex, int position) {
return regexpInstr(value, regex, position, 1, 0);
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_INSTR(value, regexp, position, occurrence)} function.
* Returns 0 if there is no match, regex is empty, or if position or occurrence
* are beyond range. Returns an exception if regex, position or occurrence are invalid.
* Uses occurrencePosition=0 as default value when not specified. */
public int regexpInstr(String value, String regex, int position,
int occurrence) {
return regexpInstr(value, regex, position, occurrence, 0);
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_INSTR(value, regexp, position, occurrence, occurrencePosition)}
* function. Returns 0 if there is no match, regex is empty, or if position or occurrence
* are beyond range. Returns an exception if regex, position, occurrence
* or occurrencePosition are invalid. */
public int regexpInstr(String value, String regex, int position,
int occurrence, int occurrencePosition) {
// Uses java.util.regex as a standard for regex processing
// in Calcite instead of RE2 used by BigQuery/GoogleSQL
final String methodName = "REGEXP_INSTR";
final Pattern pattern = validateRegexPattern(regex, methodName);
if (regex.isEmpty()
|| !validatePosOccurrenceParamValues(position, occurrence,
occurrencePosition, value, methodName)) {
return 0;
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value);
checkMultipleCapturingGroupsInRegex(matcher, methodName);
matcher.region(position - 1, value.length());
int matchIndex = 0;
while (occurrence > 0) {
if (matcher.find()) {
if (occurrencePosition == 0) {
matchIndex = matcher.start(matcher.groupCount()) + 1;
} else {
matchIndex = matcher.end(matcher.groupCount()) + 1;
} else {
return 0;
return matchIndex;
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_REPLACE} function with 3 arguments. */
public String regexpReplace(String s, String regex,
String replacement) {
return regexpReplace(s, regex, replacement, 1, 0, null);
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_REPLACE} function with 4 arguments. */
public String regexpReplace(String s, String regex, String replacement,
int pos) {
return regexpReplace(s, regex, replacement, pos, 0, null);
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_REPLACE} function with 5 arguments. */
public String regexpReplace(String s, String regex, String replacement,
int pos, int occurrence) {
return regexpReplace(s, regex, replacement, pos, occurrence, null);
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_REPLACE} function with 6 arguments. */
public String regexpReplace(String s, String regex, String replacement,
int pos, int occurrence, @Nullable String matchType) {
if (pos < 1 || pos > s.length()) {
throw RESOURCE.invalidInputForRegexpReplace(Integer.toString(pos)).ex();
final int flags = matchType == null ? 0 : makeRegexpFlags(matchType);
final Pattern pattern = cache.getUnchecked(new Key(flags, regex));
return Unsafe.regexpReplace(s, pattern, replacement, pos, occurrence);
/** SQL {@code REGEXP_REPLACE} function with 3 arguments with
* {@code \\} based indexing for capturing groups. */
public String regexpReplaceNonDollarIndexed(String s, String regex,
String replacement) {
// Modify double-backslash capturing group indices in replacement argument,
// retrieved from cache when available.
String indexedReplacement;
try {
indexedReplacement = replacementStrCache.getUnchecked(replacement);
} catch (UncheckedExecutionException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof CalciteException) {
throw RESOURCE.invalidReplacePatternForRegexpReplace(replacement).ex();
throw e;
// Call generic regexp replace method with modified replacement pattern
return regexpReplace(s, regex, indexedReplacement, 1, 0, null);
private static int makeRegexpFlags(String stringFlags) {
int flags = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stringFlags.length(); ++i) {
switch (stringFlags.charAt(i)) {
case 'i':
flags |= Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE;
case 'c':
flags &= ~Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE;
case 'n':
flags |= Pattern.DOTALL;
case 'm':
flags |= Pattern.MULTILINE;
throw RESOURCE.invalidInputForRegexpReplace(stringFlags).ex();
return flags;
/** SQL {@code RLIKE} function. */
public boolean rlike(String s, String pattern) {
return cache.getUnchecked(new Key(0, pattern)).matcher(s).find();
/** SQL {@code LPAD(string, integer, string)} function. */
public static String lpad(String originalValue, int returnLength,
String pattern) {
if (returnLength < 0) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalNegativePadLength().ex();
if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalEmptyPadPattern().ex();
if (returnLength <= originalValue.length()) {
return originalValue.substring(0, returnLength);
int paddingLengthRequired = returnLength - originalValue.length();
int patternLength = pattern.length();
final StringBuilder paddedS = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < paddingLengthRequired; i++) {
char curChar = pattern.charAt(i % patternLength);
return paddedS.toString();
/** SQL {@code LPAD(string, integer)} function. */
public static String lpad(String originalValue, int returnLength) {
return lpad(originalValue, returnLength, " ");
/** SQL {@code LPAD(binary, integer, binary)} function. */
public static ByteString lpad(ByteString originalValue, int returnLength,
ByteString pattern) {
if (returnLength < 0) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalNegativePadLength().ex();
if (pattern.length() == 0) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalEmptyPadPattern().ex();
if (returnLength <= originalValue.length()) {
return originalValue.substring(0, returnLength);
int paddingLengthRequired = returnLength - originalValue.length();
int patternLength = pattern.length();
byte[] bytes = new byte[returnLength];
for (int i = 0; i < paddingLengthRequired; i++) {
byte curByte = pattern.byteAt(i % patternLength);
bytes[i] = curByte;
for (int i = paddingLengthRequired; i < returnLength; i++) {
bytes[i] = originalValue.byteAt(i - paddingLengthRequired);
return new ByteString(bytes);
/** SQL {@code LPAD(binary, integer, binary)} function. */
public static ByteString lpad(ByteString originalValue, int returnLength) {
// 0x20 is the hexadecimal character for space ' '
return lpad(originalValue, returnLength, SINGLE_SPACE_BYTE_STRING);
/** SQL {@code RPAD(string, integer, string)} function. */
public static String rpad(String originalValue, int returnLength,
String pattern) {
if (returnLength < 0) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalNegativePadLength().ex();
if (pattern.isEmpty()) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalEmptyPadPattern().ex();
if (returnLength <= originalValue.length()) {
return originalValue.substring(0, returnLength);
int paddingLengthRequired = returnLength - originalValue.length();
int patternLength = pattern.length();
final StringBuilder paddedS = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < paddingLengthRequired; i++) {
char curChar = pattern.charAt(i % patternLength);
return paddedS.toString();
/** SQL {@code RPAD(string, integer)} function. */
public static String rpad(String originalValue, int returnLength) {
return rpad(originalValue, returnLength, " ");
/** SQL {@code RPAD(binary, integer, binary)} function. */
public static ByteString rpad(ByteString originalValue, int returnLength,
ByteString pattern) {
if (returnLength < 0) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalNegativePadLength().ex();
if (pattern.length() == 0) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalEmptyPadPattern().ex();
int originalLength = originalValue.length();
if (returnLength <= originalLength) {
return originalValue.substring(0, returnLength);
int paddingLengthRequired = returnLength - originalLength;
int patternLength = pattern.length();
byte[] bytes = new byte[returnLength];
for (int i = 0; i < originalLength; i++) {
bytes[i] = originalValue.byteAt(i);
for (int i = returnLength - paddingLengthRequired; i < returnLength; i++) {
byte curByte = pattern.byteAt(i % patternLength);
bytes[i] = curByte;
return new ByteString(bytes);
/** SQL {@code RPAD(binary, integer)} function. */
public static ByteString rpad(ByteString originalValue, int returnLength) {
return rpad(originalValue, returnLength, SINGLE_SPACE_BYTE_STRING);
/** SQL {@code ENDS_WITH(string, string)} function. */
public static boolean endsWith(String s0, String s1) {
return s0.endsWith(s1);
/** SQL {@code ENDS_WITH(binary, binary)} function. */
public static boolean endsWith(ByteString s0, ByteString s1) {
return s0.endsWith(s1);
/** SQL {@code STARTS_WITH(string, string)} function. */
public static boolean startsWith(String s0, String s1) {
return s0.startsWith(s1);
/** SQL {@code STARTS_WITH(binary, binary)} function. */
public static boolean startsWith(ByteString s0, ByteString s1) {
return s0.startsWith(s1);
/** SQL {@code SPLIT(string, string)} function. */
public static List<String> split(String s, String delimiter) {
if (s.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
if (delimiter.isEmpty()) {
return ImmutableList.of(s); // prevent mischief
final ImmutableList.Builder<String> list = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 0;;) {
int j = s.indexOf(delimiter, i);
if (j < 0) {
list.add(s.substring(i, j));
i = j + delimiter.length();
/** SQL {@code SPLIT(string)} function. */
public static List<String> split(String s) {
return split(s, ",");
/** SQL {@code SPLIT(binary, binary)} function. */
public static List<ByteString> split(ByteString s, ByteString delimiter) {
if (s.length() == 0) {
return ImmutableList.of();
if (delimiter.length() == 0) {
return ImmutableList.of(s); // prevent mischief
final ImmutableList.Builder<ByteString> list = ImmutableList.builder();
for (int i = 0;;) {
int j = s.indexOf(delimiter, i);
if (j < 0) {
list.add(s.substring(i, j));
i = j + delimiter.length();
/** SQL <code>CONTAINS_SUBSTR(rows, substr)</code> operator. */
public static @Nullable Boolean containsSubstr(Object [] rows,
String substr) {
// If rows have null arguments, it should return TRUE if substr is found, otherwise NULL
boolean nullFlag = false;
for (Object row : rows) {
if (row == null) {
nullFlag = true;
} else if (row instanceof Object[]) {
return containsSubstr((Object[]) row, substr);
} else if (row instanceof ArrayList) {
return containsSubstr((List) row, substr);
} else if (normalize(row.toString()).contains(normalize(substr))) {
return true;
return nullFlag ? null : false;
/** SQL <code>CONTAINS_SUBSTR(arr, substr)</code> operator. */
public static @Nullable Boolean containsSubstr(List arr, String substr) {
// If array has null arguments, it should return TRUE if substr is found, otherwise NULL
boolean nullFlag = false;
for (Object item : arr) {
if (item == null) {
nullFlag = true;
if (item != null && containsSubstr(item, substr)) {
return true;
return nullFlag ? null : false;
/** SQL <code>CONTAINS_SUBSTR(jsonString, substr, json_scope&#61;&#62;jsonScope)</code>
* operator. */
public static boolean containsSubstr(String jsonString, String substr,
String jsonScope) {
LinkedHashMap<String, String> map =
(LinkedHashMap<String, String>) JsonFunctions.dejsonize(jsonString);
assert map != null;
Set<String> keys = map.keySet();
Collection<String> values = map.values();
try {
switch (JsonScope.valueOf(jsonScope)) {
return keys.contains(substr);
return keys.contains(substr) || values.contains(substr);
return values.contains(substr);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
// Happens when jsonScope is not one of the legal enum values
throw new IllegalArgumentException("json_scope argument must be one of: \"JSON_KEYS\", "
/** SQL <code>CONTAINS_SUBSTR(expr, substr)</code> operator. */
public static boolean containsSubstr(Object expr, String substr) {
expr = normalize(expr.toString());
substr = normalize(substr);
if (JsonFunctions.isJsonObject(expr.toString())) {
return containsSubstr(expr.toString(), substr, "JSON_VALUES");
return ((String) expr).contains(substr);
/** SQL <code>CONTAINS_SUBSTR(boolean, substr)</code> operator. */
public static boolean containsSubstr(boolean s, String substr) {
return containsSubstr(String.valueOf(s), substr);
/** SQL <code>CONTAINS_SUBSTR(int, substr)</code> operator. */
public static boolean containsSubstr(int s, String substr) {
return containsSubstr(String.valueOf(s), substr);
/** SQL <code>CONTAINS_SUBSTR(long, substr)</code> operator. */
public static boolean containsSubstr(long s, String substr) {
return containsSubstr(String.valueOf(s), substr);
/** Helper for CONTAINS_SUBSTR. */
private static String normalize(String s) {
// Before values are compared, should be case folded and normalized using NFKC normalization
s = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(s);
s = Normalizer.normalize(s, Normalizer.Form.NFKC);
s = lower(s);
return s;
/** SQL SUBSTRING(string FROM ...) function. */
public static String substring(String c, int s) {
if (s <= 1) {
return c;
if (s > c.length()) {
return "";
final int s0 = s - 1;
return c.substring(s0);
// Clamp very large long values to integer values.
// Used by the substring functions.
// Java strings do not support long indexes anyway,
// so this is most likely a safe approximation.
// But if a string has more than 2^31 characters
// the result of calling String.substring will be wrong anyway.
static int clamp(long s) {
if (s < Integer.MIN_VALUE) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
if (s > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return (int) s;
public static String substring(String c, long s) {
return substring(c, clamp(s));
/** SQL SUBSTRING(string FROM ... FOR ...) function. */
public static String substring(String c, int s, int l) {
int lc = c.length();
long e = (long) s + (long) l;
if (l < 0) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalNegativeSubstringLength().ex();
// Prevent overflow in addition
if (s > lc || e < 1L) {
return "";
final int s0 = Math.max(s - 1, 0);
final long e0 = Math.min(e - 1, (long) lc);
// We know that e0 cannot exceed Integer.MAX_VALUE, since it's smaller than lc
return c.substring(s0, (int) e0);
public static String substring(String c, int s, long l) {
return substring(c, s, clamp(l));
public static String substring(String c, long s, int l) {
return substring(c, clamp(s), l);
public static String substring(String c, long s, long l) {
return substring(c, clamp(s), clamp(l));
/** SQL SUBSTRING(binary FROM ...) function for binary. */
public static ByteString substring(ByteString c, int s) {
if (s <= 1) {
return c;
if (s > c.length()) {
return ByteString.EMPTY;
final int s0 = s - 1;
return c.substring(s0);
/** SQL SUBSTRING(binary FROM ... FOR ...) function for binary. */
public static ByteString substring(ByteString c, int s, int l) {
int lc = c.length();
int e = s + l;
if (l < 0) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalNegativeSubstringLength().ex();
if (s > lc || e < 1) {
return ByteString.EMPTY;
final int s0 = Math.max(s - 1, 0);
final int e0 = Math.min(e - 1, lc);
return c.substring(s0, e0);
/** SQL FORMAT_NUMBER(value, decimalOrFormat) function. */
public static String formatNumber(long value, int decimalVal) {
DecimalFormat numberFormat = getNumberFormat(decimalVal);
return numberFormat.format(value);
public static String formatNumber(double value, int decimalVal) {
DecimalFormat numberFormat = getNumberFormat(decimalVal);
return numberFormat.format(value);
public static String formatNumber(BigDecimal value, int decimalVal) {
DecimalFormat numberFormat = getNumberFormat(decimalVal);
return numberFormat.format(value);
public static String formatNumber(long value, String format) {
DecimalFormat numberFormat = getNumberFormat(format);
return numberFormat.format(value);
public static String formatNumber(double value, String format) {
DecimalFormat numberFormat = getNumberFormat(format);
return numberFormat.format(value);
public static String formatNumber(BigDecimal value, String format) {
DecimalFormat numberFormat = getNumberFormat(format);
return numberFormat.format(value);
public static String getFormatPattern(int decimalVal) {
StringBuilder pattern = new StringBuilder();
if (decimalVal > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < decimalVal; i++) {
return pattern.toString();
private static DecimalFormat getNumberFormat(String pattern) {
return NumberUtil.decimalFormat(pattern);
private static DecimalFormat getNumberFormat(int decimalVal) {
if (decimalVal < 0) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalNegativeDecimalValue().ex();
String pattern = getFormatPattern(decimalVal);
return getNumberFormat(pattern);
/** SQL UPPER(string) function. */
public static String upper(String s) {
return s.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
/** SQL LOWER(string) function. */
public static String lower(String s) {
return s.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
/** SQL INITCAP(string) function. */
public static String initcap(String s) {
// Assumes Alpha as [A-Za-z0-9]
// white space is treated as everything else.
final int len = s.length();
boolean start = true;
final StringBuilder newS = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char curCh = s.charAt(i);
final int c = (int) curCh;
if (start) { // curCh is whitespace or first character of word.
if (c > 47 && c < 58) { // 0-9
start = false;
} else if (c > 64 && c < 91) { // A-Z
start = false;
} else if (c > 96 && c < 123) { // a-z
start = false;
curCh = (char) (c - 32); // Uppercase this character
// else {} whitespace
} else { // Inside of a word or white space after end of word.
if (c > 47 && c < 58) { // 0-9
// noop
} else if (c > 64 && c < 91) { // A-Z
curCh = (char) (c + 32); // Lowercase this character
} else if (c > 96 && c < 123) { // a-z
// noop
} else { // whitespace
start = true;
} // for each character in s
return newS.toString();
/** SQL REVERSE(string) function. */
public static String reverse(String s) {
final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(s);
return buf.reverse().toString();
/** SQL LEVENSHTEIN(string1, string2) function. */
public static int levenshtein(String string1, String string2) {
return LEVENSHTEIN_DISTANCE.apply(string1, string2);
/** SQL FIND_IN_SET(matchStr, textStr) function.
* Returns the index (1-based) of the given matchStr
* in the comma-delimited list textStr. Returns 0,
* if the matchStr is not found or if the matchStr
* contains a comma. */
public static @Nullable Integer findInSet(
@Nullable String matchStr,
@Nullable String textStr) {
if (matchStr == null || textStr == null) {
return null;
if (matchStr.contains(COMMA_DELIMITER)) {
return 0;
String[] splits = textStr.split(COMMA_DELIMITER);
for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) {
if (matchStr.equals(splits[i])) {
return i + 1;
return 0;
/** SQL ASCII(string) function. */
public static int ascii(String s) {
return s.isEmpty()
? 0 : s.codePointAt(0);
/** SQL REPEAT(string, int) function. */
public static String repeat(String s, int n) {
if (n < 1) {
return "";
return Strings.repeat(s, n);
/** SQL SPACE(int) function. */
public static String space(int n) {
return repeat(" ", n);
/** SQL STRCMP(String,String) function. */
public static int strcmp(String s0, String s1) {
return (int) Math.signum(s1.compareTo(s0));
/** SQL SOUNDEX(string) function. */
public static String soundex(String s) {
return SOUNDEX.soundex(s);
/** SQL SOUNDEX(string) function but return original s when not mapped. */
public static String soundexSpark(String s) {
try {
return SOUNDEX.soundex(s);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ignore) {
return s;
/** SQL DIFFERENCE(string, string) function. */
public static int difference(String s0, String s1) {
String result0 = soundex(s0);
String result1 = soundex(s1);
for (int i = 0; i < SOUNDEX_LENGTH; i++) {
if (result0.charAt(i) != result1.charAt(i)) {
return i;
/** SQL LEFT(string, integer) function. */
public static String left(String s, int n) {
if (n <= 0) {
return "";
int len = s.length();
if (n >= len) {
return s;
return s.substring(0, n);
/** SQL LEFT(ByteString, integer) function. */
public static ByteString left(ByteString s, int n) {
if (n <= 0) {
return ByteString.EMPTY;
int len = s.length();
if (n >= len) {
return s;
return s.substring(0, n);
/** SQL RIGHT(string, integer) function. */
public static String right(String s, int n) {
if (n <= 0) {
return "";
int len = s.length();
if (n >= len) {
return s;
return s.substring(len - n);
/** SQL RIGHT(ByteString, integer) function. */
public static ByteString right(ByteString s, int n) {
if (n <= 0) {
return ByteString.EMPTY;
final int len = s.length();
if (n >= len) {
return s;
return s.substring(len - n);
/** SQL CHAR(integer) function, as in MySQL and Spark.
* <p>Returns the ASCII character of {@code n} modulo 256,
* or null if {@code n} &lt; 0. */
public static @Nullable String charFromAscii(int n) {
if (n < 0) {
return null;
return String.valueOf(Character.toChars(n % 256));
/** SQL CHR(integer) function, as in Oracle and Postgres.
* <p>Returns the UTF-8 character whose code is {@code n}. */
public static String charFromUtf8(int n) {
return String.valueOf(Character.toChars(n));
* SQL CODE_POINTS_TO_BYTES(list) function.
public static @Nullable ByteString codePointsToBytes(List codePoints) {
int length = codePoints.size();
byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
Object codePoint = codePoints.get(i);
if (codePoint == null) {
return null;
assert codePoint instanceof Number;
long cp = ((Number) codePoint).longValue();
if (cp < 0 || cp > 255) {
throw RESOURCE.inputArgumentsOfFunctionOutOfRange(
"CODE_POINTS_TO_BYTES", cp, "[0, 255]").ex();
bytes[i] = (byte) cp;
return new ByteString(bytes);
* SQL CODE_POINTS_TO_STRING(list) function.
public static @Nullable String codePointsToString(List codePoints) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Object codePoint : codePoints) {
if (codePoint == null) {
return null;
assert codePoint instanceof Number;
long cp = ((Number) codePoint).longValue();
// Each valid code point should fall within the range of [0, 0xD7FF] and [0xE000, 0x10FFFF]
if (cp >= 0 && cp <= 0xD7FF || cp >= 0xE000 && cp <= 0x10FFFF) {
sb.append(charFromUtf8((int) cp));
} else {
throw RESOURCE.inputArgumentsOfFunctionOutOfRange(
"CODE_POINTS_TO_STRING", cp, "[0, 0xD7FF] and [0xE000, 0x10FFFF]").ex();
return sb.toString();
* SQL TO_CODE_POINTS(string) function.
public static @Nullable List<Integer> toCodePoints(String s) {
if (s.length() == 0) {
return null;
final ImmutableList.Builder<Integer> builder = new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
final int length = s.length();
int i = 0;
while (i < length) {
int cp = s.codePointAt(i);
i += cp == s.charAt(i) ? 1 : 2;
* SQL TO_CODE_POINTS(string) function for binary string.
public static @Nullable List<Integer> toCodePoints(ByteString s) {
if (s.length() == 0) {
return null;
final ImmutableList.Builder<Integer> builder = new ImmutableList.Builder<>();
for (byte b : s.getBytes()) {
builder.add((int) b);
/** SQL OCTET_LENGTH(binary) function. */
public static int octetLength(ByteString s) {
return s.length();
/** SQL CHARACTER_LENGTH(string) function. */
public static int charLength(String s) {
return s.length();
/** SQL BIT_LENGTH(string) function. */
public static int bitLength(String s) {
return s.getBytes(UTF_8).length * 8;
/** SQL BIT_LENGTH(binary) function. */
public static int bitLength(ByteString s) {
return s.length() * 8;
/** SQL BIT_GET(value, position) function. */
public static byte bitGet(long value, int position) {
checkPosition(position, java.lang.Long.SIZE - 1);
return (byte) ((value >> position) & 1);
/** SQL BIT_GET(value, position) function. */
public static byte bitGet(int value, int position) {
checkPosition(position, java.lang.Integer.SIZE - 1);
return (byte) ((value >> position) & 1);
/** SQL BIT_GET(value, position) function. */
public static byte bitGet(short value, int position) {
checkPosition(position, java.lang.Short.SIZE - 1);
return (byte) ((value >> position) & 1);
/** SQL BIT_GET(value, position) function. */
public static byte bitGet(byte value, int position) {
checkPosition(position, java.lang.Byte.SIZE - 1);
return (byte) ((value >> position) & 1);
private static void checkPosition(int position, int limit) {
if (position < 0) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalNegativeBitGetPosition(position).ex();
if (limit < position) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalBitGetPositionExceedsLimit(position, limit).ex();
/** SQL {@code string || string} operator. */
public static String concat(String s0, String s1) {
return s0 + s1;
/** Concatenates two strings.
* Returns null only when both s0 and s1 are null,
* otherwise null is treated as empty string. */
public static @Nullable String concatWithNull(@Nullable String s0,
@Nullable String s1) {
if (s0 == null) {
return s1;
} else if (s1 == null) {
return s0;
} else {
return s0 + s1;
/** SQL {@code binary || binary} operator. */
public static ByteString concat(ByteString s0, ByteString s1) {
return s0.concat(s1);
/** SQL {@code CONCAT(arg0, arg1, arg2, ...)} function. */
public static String concatMulti(String... args) {
return String.join("", args);
/** SQL {@code CONCAT(arg0, ...)} function which can accept null
* but never return null. Always treats null as empty string. */
public static String concatMultiWithNull(String... args) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String arg : args) {
sb.append(arg == null ? "" : arg);
return sb.toString();
/** SQL {@code CONCAT_WS(sep, arg1, arg2, ...)} function;
* treats null arguments as empty strings. */
public static String concatMultiWithSeparator(String... args) {
// the separator arg could be null
final String sep = args[0] == null ? "" : args[0];
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i] != null) {
if (i < args.length - 1) {
} else {
// no separator after the last arg
return sb.toString();
/** SQL {@code CONVERT(s, src_charset, dest_charset)} function. */
public static String convertWithCharset(String s, String srcCharset,
String destCharset) {
final Charset src = SqlUtil.getCharset(srcCharset);
final Charset dest = SqlUtil.getCharset(destCharset);
byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(src);
final CharsetDecoder decoder = dest.newDecoder();
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
try {
return decoder.decode(buffer).toString();
} catch (CharacterCodingException ex) {
throw RESOURCE.charsetEncoding(s,;
/** SQL {@code TRANSLATE(s USING transcodingName)} function,
* also known as {@code CONVERT(s USING transcodingName)}. */
public static String translateWithCharset(String s, String transcodingName) {
final Charset charset = SqlUtil.getCharset(transcodingName);
byte[] bytes = s.getBytes(Charset.defaultCharset());
final CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder();
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);
try {
return decoder.decode(buffer).toString();
} catch (CharacterCodingException ex) {
throw RESOURCE.charsetEncoding(s,;
/** State for {@code PARSE_URL}. */
public static class ParseUrlFunction {
static Pattern keyToPattern(String keyToExtract) {
return Pattern.compile("(&|^)" + keyToExtract + "=([^&]*)");
private final LoadingCache<String, Pattern> cache =
/** SQL {@code PARSE_URL(urlStr, partToExtract, keyToExtract)} function. */
public @Nullable String parseUrl(String urlStr, String partToExtract,
String keyToExtract) {
if (!partToExtract.equals("QUERY")) {
return null;
String query = parseUrl(urlStr, partToExtract);
if (query == null) {
return null;
Pattern p = cache.getUnchecked(keyToExtract);
Matcher m = p.matcher(query);
return m.find() ? : null;
/** SQL {@code PARSE_URL(urlStr, partToExtract)} function. */
public @Nullable String parseUrl(String urlStr, String partToExtract) {
URI uri;
try {
uri = new URI(urlStr);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
PartToExtract part;
try {
part = PartToExtract.valueOf(partToExtract);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return null;
switch (part) {
case HOST:
return uri.getHost();
case PATH:
return uri.getRawPath();
case QUERY:
return uri.getRawQuery();
case REF:
return uri.getRawFragment();
return uri.getScheme();
case FILE:
if (uri.getRawQuery() != null) {
return uri.getRawPath() + "?" + uri.getRawQuery();
} else {
return uri.getRawPath();
return uri.getRawAuthority();
return uri.getRawUserInfo();
return null;
/** SQL {@code RTRIM} function applied to string. */
public static String rtrim(String s) {
return trim(false, true, " ", s);
/** SQL {@code LTRIM} function. */
public static String ltrim(String s) {
return trim(true, false, " ", s);
/** SQL {@code TRIM(... seek FROM s)} function. */
public static String trim(boolean left, boolean right, String seek,
String s) {
return trim(left, right, seek, s, true);
public static String trim(boolean left, boolean right, String seek,
String s, boolean strict) {
if (strict && seek.length() != 1) {
throw RESOURCE.trimError().ex();
int j = s.length();
if (right) {
for (;;) {
if (j == 0) {
return "";
if (seek.indexOf(s.charAt(j - 1)) < 0) {
int i = 0;
if (left) {
for (;;) {
if (i == j) {
return "";
if (seek.indexOf(s.charAt(i)) < 0) {
return s.substring(i, j);
/** SQL {@code TRIM} function applied to binary string. */
public static ByteString trim(ByteString s) {
return trim_(s, true, true);
/** Helper for CAST. */
public static ByteString rtrim(ByteString s) {
return trim_(s, false, true);
/** SQL {@code TRIM} function applied to binary string. */
private static ByteString trim_(ByteString s, boolean left, boolean right) {
int j = s.length();
if (right) {
for (;;) {
if (j == 0) {
return ByteString.EMPTY;
if (s.byteAt(j - 1) != 0) {
int i = 0;
if (left) {
for (;;) {
if (i == j) {
return ByteString.EMPTY;
if (s.byteAt(i) != 0) {
return s.substring(i, j);
/** SQL {@code OVERLAY} function. */
public static String overlay(String s, String r, int start) {
return s.substring(0, start - 1)
+ r
+ s.substring(start - 1 + r.length());
/** SQL {@code OVERLAY} function. */
public static String overlay(String s, String r, int start, int length) {
return s.substring(0, start - 1)
+ r
+ s.substring(start - 1 + length);
/** SQL {@code OVERLAY} function applied to binary strings. */
public static ByteString overlay(ByteString s, ByteString r, int start) {
return s.substring(0, start - 1)
.concat(s.substring(start - 1 + r.length()));
/** SQL {@code OVERLAY} function applied to binary strings. */
public static ByteString overlay(ByteString s, ByteString r, int start,
int length) {
return s.substring(0, start - 1)
.concat(s.substring(start - 1 + length));
/** State for {@code LIKE}, {@code ILIKE}. */
public static class LikeFunction {
/** Key for cache of compiled regular expressions. */
private static final class Key {
final String pattern;
final @Nullable String escape;
final int flags;
Key(String pattern, @Nullable String escape, int flags) {
this.pattern = pattern;
this.escape = escape;
this.flags = flags;
@Override public int hashCode() {
return pattern.hashCode()
^ (escape == null ? 0 : escape.hashCode())
^ flags;
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
return this == obj
|| obj instanceof Key
&& pattern.equals(((Key) obj).pattern)
&& Objects.equals(escape, ((Key) obj).escape)
&& flags == ((Key) obj).flags;
Pattern toPattern() {
String regex = Like.sqlToRegexLike(pattern, escape);
return Pattern.compile(regex, flags);
private final LoadingCache<Key, Pattern> cache =
/** SQL {@code LIKE} function. */
public boolean like(String s, String pattern) {
final Key key = new Key(pattern, null, 0);
return cache.getUnchecked(key).matcher(s).matches();
/** SQL {@code LIKE} function with escape. */
public boolean like(String s, String pattern, String escape) {
final Key key = new Key(pattern, escape, 0);
return cache.getUnchecked(key).matcher(s).matches();
/** SQL {@code ILIKE} function. */
public boolean ilike(String s, String pattern) {
final Key key = new Key(pattern, null, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
return cache.getUnchecked(key).matcher(s).matches();
/** SQL {@code ILIKE} function with escape. */
public boolean ilike(String s, String pattern, String escape) {
final Key key = new Key(pattern, escape, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
return cache.getUnchecked(key).matcher(s).matches();
/** State for {@code SIMILAR} function. */
public static class SimilarFunction {
private final LoadingCache<String, Pattern> cache =
CacheLoader.from(pattern ->
Pattern.compile(Like.sqlToRegexSimilar(pattern, null))));
/** SQL {@code SIMILAR} function. */
public boolean similar(String s, String pattern) {
return cache.getUnchecked(pattern).matcher(s).matches();
/** State for {@code SIMILAR} function with escape. */
public static class SimilarEscapeFunction {
/** Cache key. */
private static class Key extends MapEntry<String, String> {
Key(String formatModel, String format) {
super(formatModel, format);
Pattern toPattern() {
return Pattern.compile(Like.sqlToRegexSimilar(t, u));
private final LoadingCache<Key, Pattern> cache =
/** SQL {@code SIMILAR} function with escape. */
public boolean similar(String s, String pattern, String escape) {
return cache.getUnchecked(new Key(pattern, escape))
/** State for posix regex function. */
public static class PosixRegexFunction {
private final LoadingCache<Ord<String>, Pattern> cache =
CacheLoader.from(pattern ->
Like.posixRegexToPattern(pattern.e, pattern.i)));
boolean posixRegex(String s, String regex, int flags) {
final Ord<String> key = Ord.of(flags, regex);
return cache.getUnchecked(key).matcher(s).find();
/** Posix regex, case-insensitive. */
public boolean posixRegexInsensitive(String s, String regex) {
return posixRegex(s, regex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
/** Posix regex, case-sensitive. */
public boolean posixRegexSensitive(String s, String regex) {
return posixRegex(s, regex, 0);
// =
/** SQL <code>=</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values (neither may be
* null). */
public static boolean eq(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return b0.stripTrailingZeros().equals(b1.stripTrailingZeros());
/** SQL <code>=</code> operator applied to Object[] values (neither may be
* null). */
public static boolean eq(@Nullable Object @Nullable [] b0, @Nullable Object @Nullable [] b1) {
return Arrays.deepEquals(b0, b1);
/** SQL <code>=</code> operator applied to Object values (including String;
* neither side may be null). */
public static boolean eq(Object b0, Object b1) {
return b0.equals(b1);
/** SQL <code>=</code> operator applied to String values with a certain Comparator. */
public static boolean eq(String s0, String s1, Comparator<String> comparator) {
return, s1) == 0;
/** SQL <code>=</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one operand
* has ANY type; neither may be null). */
public static boolean eqAny(Object b0, Object b1) {
if (b0.getClass().equals(b1.getClass())) {
// The result of SqlFunctions.eq(BigDecimal, BigDecimal) makes more sense
// than BigDecimal.equals(BigDecimal). So if both of types are BigDecimal,
// we just use SqlFunctions.eq(BigDecimal, BigDecimal).
if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(b0)) {
return eq((BigDecimal) b0, (BigDecimal) b1);
} else {
return b0.equals(b1);
} else if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) {
return eq(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1));
// We shouldn't rely on implementation even though overridden equals can
// handle other types which may create worse result: for example,
// a.equals(b) != b.equals(a)
return false;
/** Returns whether two objects can both be assigned to a given class. */
private static boolean allAssignable(Class clazz, Object o0, Object o1) {
return clazz.isInstance(o0) && clazz.isInstance(o1);
// <>
/** SQL <code>&lt;gt;</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static boolean ne(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) != 0;
/** SQL <code>&lt;gt;</code> operator applied to Object values (including
* String; neither side may be null). */
public static boolean ne(Object b0, Object b1) {
return !eq(b0, b1);
/** SQL <code>&lt;gt;</code> operator applied to OString values with a certain Comparator. */
public static boolean ne(String s0, String s1, Comparator<String> comparator) {
return !eq(s0, s1, comparator);
/** SQL <code>&lt;gt;</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one
* operand has ANY type, including String; neither may be null). */
public static boolean neAny(Object b0, Object b1) {
return !eqAny(b0, b1);
// <
/** SQL <code>&lt;</code> operator applied to boolean values. */
public static boolean lt(boolean b0, boolean b1) {
return, b1) < 0;
/** SQL <code>&lt;</code> operator applied to String values. */
public static boolean lt(String b0, String b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) < 0;
/** SQL <code>&lt;</code> operator applied to String values. */
public static boolean lt(String b0, String b1, Comparator<String> comparator) {
return, b1) < 0;
/** SQL <code>&lt;</code> operator applied to ByteString values. */
public static boolean lt(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) < 0;
/** SQL <code>&lt;</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static boolean lt(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) < 0;
/** Returns whether {@code b0} is less than {@code b1}
* (or {@code b1} is null). Helper for {@code ARG_MIN}. */
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> boolean ltNullable(T b0, T b1) {
return b1 == null || b0 != null && b0.compareTo(b1) < 0;
public static boolean lt(byte b0, byte b1) {
return b0 < b1;
public static boolean lt(char b0, char b1) {
return b0 < b1;
public static boolean lt(short b0, short b1) {
return b0 < b1;
public static boolean lt(int b0, int b1) {
return b0 < b1;
public static boolean lt(long b0, long b1) {
return b0 < b1;
public static boolean lt(float b0, float b1) {
return b0 < b1;
public static boolean lt(double b0, double b1) {
return b0 < b1;
/** SQL <code>&lt;</code> operator applied to Object values. */
public static boolean ltAny(Object b0, Object b1) {
if (b0.getClass().equals(b1.getClass())
&& b0 instanceof Comparable) {
//noinspection unchecked
return ((Comparable) b0).compareTo(b1) < 0;
} else if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) {
return lt(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1));
throw notComparable("<", b0, b1);
// <=
/** SQL <code>&le;</code> operator applied to boolean values. */
public static boolean le(boolean b0, boolean b1) {
return, b1) <= 0;
/** SQL <code>&le;</code> operator applied to String values. */
public static boolean le(String b0, String b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) <= 0;
/** SQL <code>&le;</code> operator applied to String values. */
public static boolean le(String b0, String b1, Comparator<String> comparator) {
return, b1) <= 0;
/** SQL <code>&le;</code> operator applied to ByteString values. */
public static boolean le(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) <= 0;
/** SQL <code>&le;</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static boolean le(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) <= 0;
/** SQL <code>&le;</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one
* operand has ANY type; neither may be null). */
public static boolean leAny(Object b0, Object b1) {
if (b0.getClass().equals(b1.getClass())
&& b0 instanceof Comparable) {
//noinspection unchecked
return ((Comparable) b0).compareTo(b1) <= 0;
} else if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) {
return le(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1));
throw notComparable("<=", b0, b1);
// >
/** SQL <code>&gt;</code> operator applied to boolean values. */
public static boolean gt(boolean b0, boolean b1) {
return, b1) > 0;
/** SQL <code>&gt;</code> operator applied to String values. */
public static boolean gt(String b0, String b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) > 0;
/** SQL <code>&gt;</code> operator applied to String values. */
public static boolean gt(String b0, String b1, Comparator<String> comparator) {
return, b1) > 0;
/** SQL <code>&gt;</code> operator applied to ByteString values. */
public static boolean gt(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) > 0;
/** SQL <code>&gt;</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static boolean gt(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) > 0;
/** Returns whether {@code b0} is greater than {@code b1}
* (or {@code b1} is null). Helper for {@code ARG_MAX}. */
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> boolean gtNullable(T b0, T b1) {
return b1 == null || b0 != null && b0.compareTo(b1) > 0;
public static boolean gt(byte b0, byte b1) {
return b0 > b1;
public static boolean gt(char b0, char b1) {
return b0 > b1;
public static boolean gt(short b0, short b1) {
return b0 > b1;
public static boolean gt(int b0, int b1) {
return b0 > b1;
public static boolean gt(long b0, long b1) {
return b0 > b1;
public static boolean gt(float b0, float b1) {
return b0 > b1;
public static boolean gt(double b0, double b1) {
return b0 > b1;
/** SQL <code>&gt;</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one
* operand has ANY type; neither may be null). */
public static boolean gtAny(Object b0, Object b1) {
if (b0.getClass().equals(b1.getClass())
&& b0 instanceof Comparable) {
//noinspection unchecked
return ((Comparable) b0).compareTo(b1) > 0;
} else if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) {
return gt(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1));
throw notComparable(">", b0, b1);
// >=
/** SQL <code>&ge;</code> operator applied to boolean values. */
public static boolean ge(boolean b0, boolean b1) {
return, b1) >= 0;
/** SQL <code>&ge;</code> operator applied to String values. */
public static boolean ge(String b0, String b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) >= 0;
/** SQL <code>&ge;</code> operator applied to String values. */
public static boolean ge(String b0, String b1, Comparator<String> comparator) {
return, b1) >= 0;
/** SQL <code>&ge;</code> operator applied to ByteString values. */
public static boolean ge(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) >= 0;
/** SQL <code>&ge;</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static boolean ge(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return b0.compareTo(b1) >= 0;
/** SQL <code>&ge;</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one
* operand has ANY type; neither may be null). */
public static boolean geAny(Object b0, Object b1) {
if (b0.getClass().equals(b1.getClass())
&& b0 instanceof Comparable) {
//noinspection unchecked
return ((Comparable) b0).compareTo(b1) >= 0;
} else if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) {
return ge(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1));
throw notComparable(">=", b0, b1);
// +
/** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int plus(int b0, int b1) {
return b0 + b1;
/** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to int values; left side may be
* null. */
public static @PolyNull Integer plus(@PolyNull Integer b0, int b1) {
return b0 == null ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 + b1);
/** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to int values; right side may be
* null. */
public static @PolyNull Integer plus(int b0, @PolyNull Integer b1) {
return b1 == null ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 + b1);
/** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to nullable int values. */
public static @PolyNull Integer plus(@PolyNull Integer b0, @PolyNull Integer b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 + b1);
/** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to nullable long and int values. */
public static @PolyNull Long plus(@PolyNull Long b0, @PolyNull Integer b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null)
? castNonNull(null)
: (b0.longValue() + b1.longValue());
/** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */
public static @PolyNull Long plus(@PolyNull Integer b0, @PolyNull Long b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null)
? castNonNull(null)
: (b0.longValue() + b1.longValue());
/** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static @PolyNull BigDecimal plus(@PolyNull BigDecimal b0,
@PolyNull BigDecimal b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? castNonNull(null) : b0.add(b1);
/** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one operand
* has ANY type; either may be null). */
public static @PolyNull Object plusAny(@PolyNull Object b0,
@PolyNull Object b1) {
if (b0 == null || b1 == null) {
return castNonNull(null);
if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) {
return plus(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1));
throw notArithmetic("+", b0, b1);
// -
/** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int minus(int b0, int b1) {
return b0 - b1;
/** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to int values; left side may be
* null. */
public static @PolyNull Integer minus(@PolyNull Integer b0, int b1) {
return b0 == null ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 - b1);
/** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to int values; right side may be
* null. */
public static @PolyNull Integer minus(int b0, @PolyNull Integer b1) {
return b1 == null ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 - b1);
/** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to nullable int values. */
public static @PolyNull Integer minus(@PolyNull Integer b0, @PolyNull Integer b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 - b1);
/** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to nullable long and int values. */
public static @PolyNull Long minus(@PolyNull Long b0, @PolyNull Integer b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null)
? castNonNull(null)
: (b0.longValue() - b1.longValue());
/** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */
public static @PolyNull Long minus(@PolyNull Integer b0, @PolyNull Long b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null)
? castNonNull(null)
: (b0.longValue() - b1.longValue());
/** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to nullable BigDecimal values. */
public static @PolyNull BigDecimal minus(@PolyNull BigDecimal b0,
@PolyNull BigDecimal b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? castNonNull(null) : b0.subtract(b1);
/** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one operand
* has ANY type; either may be null). */
public static @PolyNull Object minusAny(@PolyNull Object b0, @PolyNull Object b1) {
if (b0 == null || b1 == null) {
return castNonNull(null);
if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) {
return minus(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1));
throw notArithmetic("-", b0, b1);
// /
/** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int divide(int b0, int b1) {
return b0 / b1;
/** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to int values; left side may be
* null. */
public static @PolyNull Integer divide(@PolyNull Integer b0, int b1) {
return b0 == null ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 / b1);
/** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to int values; right side may be
* null. */
public static @PolyNull Integer divide(int b0, @PolyNull Integer b1) {
return b1 == null ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 / b1);
/** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to nullable int values. */
public static @PolyNull Integer divide(@PolyNull Integer b0,
@PolyNull Integer b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 / b1);
/** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to nullable long and int values. */
public static @PolyNull Long divide(Long b0, @PolyNull Integer b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null)
? castNonNull(null)
: (b0.longValue() / b1.longValue());
/** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */
public static @PolyNull Long divide(@PolyNull Integer b0, @PolyNull Long b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null)
? castNonNull(null)
: (b0.longValue() / b1.longValue());
/** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static @PolyNull BigDecimal divide(@PolyNull BigDecimal b0,
@PolyNull BigDecimal b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null)
? castNonNull(null)
: b0.divide(b1, MathContext.DECIMAL64);
/** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one operand
* has ANY type; either may be null). */
public static @PolyNull Object divideAny(@PolyNull Object b0,
@PolyNull Object b1) {
if (b0 == null || b1 == null) {
return castNonNull(null);
if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) {
return divide(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1));
throw notArithmetic("/", b0, b1);
public static int divide(int b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return BigDecimal.valueOf(b0)
.divide(b1, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN).intValue();
public static long divide(long b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return BigDecimal.valueOf(b0)
.divide(b1, RoundingMode.HALF_DOWN).longValue();
// *
/** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int multiply(int b0, int b1) {
return b0 * b1;
/** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to int values; left side may be
* null. */
public static @PolyNull Integer multiply(@PolyNull Integer b0, int b1) {
return b0 == null ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 * b1);
/** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to int values; right side may be
* null. */
public static @PolyNull Integer multiply(int b0, @PolyNull Integer b1) {
return b1 == null ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 * b1);
/** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to nullable int values. */
public static @PolyNull Integer multiply(@PolyNull Integer b0,
@PolyNull Integer b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? castNonNull(null) : (b0 * b1);
/** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to nullable long and int values. */
public static @PolyNull Long multiply(@PolyNull Long b0, @PolyNull Integer b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null)
? castNonNull(null)
: (b0.longValue() * b1.longValue());
/** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */
public static @PolyNull Long multiply(@PolyNull Integer b0, @PolyNull Long b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null)
? castNonNull(null)
: (b0.longValue() * b1.longValue());
/** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to nullable BigDecimal values. */
public static @PolyNull BigDecimal multiply(@PolyNull BigDecimal b0,
@PolyNull BigDecimal b1) {
return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? castNonNull(null) : b0.multiply(b1);
/** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to Object values (at least one operand
* has ANY type; either may be null). */
public static @PolyNull Object multiplyAny(@PolyNull Object b0,
@PolyNull Object b1) {
if (b0 == null || b1 == null) {
return castNonNull(null);
if (allAssignable(Number.class, b0, b1)) {
return multiply(toBigDecimal((Number) b0), toBigDecimal((Number) b1));
throw notArithmetic("*", b0, b1);
/** SQL <code>SAFE_ADD</code> function applied to long values. */
public static @Nullable Long safeAdd(long b0, long b1) {
try {
return Math.addExact(b0, b1);
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
return null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_ADD</code> function applied to long and BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeAdd(long b0, BigDecimal b1) {
BigDecimal ans = BigDecimal.valueOf(b0).add(b1);
return safeDecimal(ans) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_ADD</code> function applied to BigDecimal and long values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeAdd(BigDecimal b0, long b1) {
return safeAdd(b1, b0);
/** SQL <code>SAFE_ADD</code> function applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeAdd(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
BigDecimal ans = b0.add(b1);
return safeDecimal(ans) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_ADD</code> function applied to double and long values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeAdd(double b0, long b1) {
double ans = b0 + b1;
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b0) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_ADD</code> function applied to long and double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeAdd(long b0, double b1) {
return safeAdd(b1, b0);
/** SQL <code>SAFE_ADD</code> function applied to double and BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeAdd(double b0, BigDecimal b1) {
double ans = b0 + b1.doubleValue();
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b0) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_ADD</code> function applied to BigDecimal and double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeAdd(BigDecimal b0, double b1) {
return safeAdd(b1, b0);
/** SQL <code>SAFE_ADD</code> function applied to double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeAdd(double b0, double b1) {
double ans = b0 + b1;
boolean isFinite = Double.isFinite(b0) && Double.isFinite(b1);
return safeDouble(ans) || !isFinite ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_MULTIPLY</code> function applied to long values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeDivide(long b0, long b1) {
double ans = (double) b0 / b1;
return safeDouble(ans) && b1 != 0 ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_DIVIDE</code> function applied to long and BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeDivide(long b0, BigDecimal b1) {
try {
BigDecimal ans = BigDecimal.valueOf(b0).divide(b1);
return safeDecimal(ans) ? ans : null;
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
return null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_DIVIDE</code> function applied to BigDecimal and long values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeDivide(BigDecimal b0, long b1) {
try {
BigDecimal ans = b0.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(b1));
return safeDecimal(ans) ? ans : null;
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
return null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_DIVIDE</code> function applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeDivide(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
try {
BigDecimal ans = b0.divide(b1);
return safeDecimal(ans) ? ans : null;
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
return null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_DIVIDE</code> function applied to double and long values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeDivide(double b0, long b1) {
double ans = b0 / b1;
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b0) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_DIVIDE</code> function applied to long and double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeDivide(long b0, double b1) {
double ans = b0 / b1;
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b1) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_DIVIDE</code> function applied to double and BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeDivide(double b0, BigDecimal b1) {
double ans = b0 / b1.doubleValue();
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b0) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_DIVIDE</code> function applied to BigDecimal and double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeDivide(BigDecimal b0, double b1) {
double ans = b0.doubleValue() / b1;
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b1) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_DIVIDE</code> function applied to double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeDivide(double b0, double b1) {
double ans = b0 / b1;
boolean isFinite = Double.isFinite(b0) && Double.isFinite(b1);
return safeDouble(ans) || !isFinite ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_MULTIPLY</code> function applied to long values. */
public static @Nullable Long safeMultiply(long b0, long b1) {
try {
return Math.multiplyExact(b0, b1);
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
return null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_MULTIPLY</code> function applied to long and BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeMultiply(long b0, BigDecimal b1) {
BigDecimal ans = BigDecimal.valueOf(b0).multiply(b1);
return safeDecimal(ans) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_MULTIPLY</code> function applied to BigDecimal and long values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeMultiply(BigDecimal b0, long b1) {
return safeMultiply(b1, b0);
/** SQL <code>SAFE_MULTIPLY</code> function applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeMultiply(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
BigDecimal ans = b0.multiply(b1);
return safeDecimal(ans) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_MULTIPLY</code> function applied to double and long values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeMultiply(double b0, long b1) {
double ans = b0 * b1;
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b0) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_MULTIPLY</code> function applied to long and double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeMultiply(long b0, double b1) {
return safeMultiply(b1, b0);
/** SQL <code>SAFE_MULTIPLY</code> function applied to double and BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeMultiply(double b0, BigDecimal b1) {
double ans = b0 * b1.doubleValue();
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b0) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_MULTIPLY</code> function applied to BigDecimal and double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeMultiply(BigDecimal b0, double b1) {
return safeMultiply(b1, b0);
/** SQL <code>SAFE_MULTIPLY</code> function applied to double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeMultiply(double b0, double b1) {
double ans = b0 * b1;
boolean isFinite = Double.isFinite(b0) && Double.isFinite(b1);
return safeDouble(ans) || !isFinite ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_SUBTRACT</code> function applied to long values. */
public static @Nullable Long safeSubtract(long b0, long b1) {
try {
return Math.subtractExact(b0, b1);
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
return null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_SUBTRACT</code> function applied to long and BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeSubtract(long b0, BigDecimal b1) {
BigDecimal ans = BigDecimal.valueOf(b0).subtract(b1);
return safeDecimal(ans) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_SUBTRACT</code> function applied to BigDecimal and long values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeSubtract(BigDecimal b0, long b1) {
BigDecimal ans = b0.subtract(BigDecimal.valueOf(b1));
return safeDecimal(ans) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_SUBTRACT</code> function applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable BigDecimal safeSubtract(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
BigDecimal ans = b0.subtract(b1);
return safeDecimal(ans) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_SUBTRACT</code> function applied to double and long values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeSubtract(double b0, long b1) {
double ans = b0 - b1;
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b0) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_SUBTRACT</code> function applied to long and double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeSubtract(long b0, double b1) {
double ans = b0 - b1;
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b1) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_SUBTRACT</code> function applied to double and BigDecimal values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeSubtract(double b0, BigDecimal b1) {
double ans = b0 - b1.doubleValue();
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b0) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_SUBTRACT</code> function applied to BigDecimal and double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeSubtract(BigDecimal b0, double b1) {
double ans = b0.doubleValue() - b1;
return safeDouble(ans) || !Double.isFinite(b1) ? ans : null;
/** SQL <code>SAFE_SUBTRACT</code> function applied to double values. */
public static @Nullable Double safeSubtract(double b0, double b1) {
double ans = b0 - b1;
boolean isFinite = Double.isFinite(b0) && Double.isFinite(b1);
return safeDouble(ans) || !isFinite ? ans : null;
/** Returns whether a BigDecimal value is safe (that is, has not overflowed).
* According to BigQuery, BigDecimal overflow occurs if the precision is greater
* than 76 or the scale is greater than 38. */
private static boolean safeDecimal(BigDecimal b) {
return b.scale() <= 38 && b.precision() <= 76;
/** Returns whether a double value is safe (that is, has not overflowed). */
private static boolean safeDouble(double d) {
// If the double is positive and falls between the MIN and MAX double values,
// overflow has not occurred. If the double is negative and falls between the
// negated MIN and MAX double values, overflow has not occurred. Otherwise,
// overflow has occurred. Important to note that 'Double.MIN_VALUE' refers to
// minimum positive value.
return Math.abs(d) > Double.MIN_VALUE && Math.abs(d) < Double.MAX_VALUE || d == 0;
private static RuntimeException notArithmetic(String op, Object b0,
Object b1) {
return RESOURCE.invalidTypesForArithmetic(b0.getClass().toString(),
op, b1.getClass().toString()).ex();
private static RuntimeException notComparable(String op, Object b0,
Object b1) {
return RESOURCE.invalidTypesForComparison(b0.getClass().toString(),
op, b1.getClass().toString()).ex();
/** Bitwise function <code>BIT_AND</code> applied to integer values. */
public static long bitAnd(long b0, long b1) {
return b0 & b1;
/** Bitwise function <code>BIT_AND</code> applied to binary values. */
public static ByteString bitAnd(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) {
return binaryOperator(b0, b1, (x, y) -> (byte) (x & y));
/** Bitwise function <code>BIT_OR</code> applied to integer values. */
public static long bitOr(long b0, long b1) {
return b0 | b1;
/** Bitwise function <code>BIT_OR</code> applied to binary values. */
public static ByteString bitOr(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) {
return binaryOperator(b0, b1, (x, y) -> (byte) (x | y));
/** Bitwise function <code>BIT_XOR</code> applied to integer values. */
public static long bitXor(long b0, long b1) {
return b0 ^ b1;
/** Bitwise function <code>BIT_XOR</code> applied to binary values. */
public static ByteString bitXor(ByteString b0, ByteString b1) {
return binaryOperator(b0, b1, (x, y) -> (byte) (x ^ y));
* Utility for bitwise function applied to two byteString values.
* @param b0 The first byteString value operand of bitwise function.
* @param b1 The second byteString value operand of bitwise function.
* @param bitOp BitWise binary operator.
* @return ByteString after bitwise operation.
private static ByteString binaryOperator(
ByteString b0, ByteString b1, BinaryOperator<Byte> bitOp) {
if (b0.length() == 0) {
return b1;
if (b1.length() == 0) {
return b0;
if (b0.length() != b1.length()) {
throw RESOURCE.differentLengthForBitwiseOperands(
b0.length(), b1.length()).ex();
final byte[] result = new byte[b0.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < b0.length(); i++) {
result[i] = bitOp.apply(b0.byteAt(i), b1.byteAt(i));
return new ByteString(result);
// EXP
/** SQL <code>EXP</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double exp(double b0) {
return Math.exp(b0);
public static double exp(BigDecimal b0) {
return Math.exp(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>POWER</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double power(double b0, double b1) {
return Math.pow(b0, b1);
public static double power(double b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return Math.pow(b0, b1.doubleValue());
public static double power(BigDecimal b0, double b1) {
return Math.pow(b0.doubleValue(), b1);
public static double power(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return Math.pow(b0.doubleValue(), b1.doubleValue());
// LN, LOG, LOG10
/** SQL {@code LOG(number, number2)} function applied to double values. */
public static double log(double d0, double d1) {
return Math.log(d0) / Math.log(d1);
/** SQL {@code LOG(number, number2)} function applied to
* double and BigDecimal values. */
public static double log(double d0, BigDecimal d1) {
return Math.log(d0) / Math.log(d1.doubleValue());
/** SQL {@code LOG(number, number2)} function applied to
* BigDecimal and double values. */
public static double log(BigDecimal d0, double d1) {
return Math.log(d0.doubleValue()) / Math.log(d1);
/** SQL {@code LOG(number, number2)} function applied to double values. */
public static double log(BigDecimal d0, BigDecimal d1) {
return Math.log(d0.doubleValue()) / Math.log(d1.doubleValue());
// MOD
/** SQL <code>MOD</code> operator applied to byte values. */
public static byte mod(byte b0, byte b1) {
return (byte) (b0 % b1);
/** SQL <code>MOD</code> operator applied to short values. */
public static short mod(short b0, short b1) {
return (short) (b0 % b1);
/** SQL <code>MOD</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int mod(int b0, int b1) {
return b0 % b1;
/** SQL <code>MOD</code> operator applied to long values. */
public static long mod(long b0, long b1) {
return b0 % b1;
// temporary
public static BigDecimal mod(BigDecimal b0, int b1) {
return mod(b0, BigDecimal.valueOf(b1));
// temporary
public static BigDecimal mod(int b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return mod(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1);
public static BigDecimal mod(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
final BigDecimal[] bigDecimals = b0.divideAndRemainder(b1);
return bigDecimals[1];
public static double floor(double b0) {
return Math.floor(b0);
public static float floor(float b0) {
return (float) Math.floor(b0);
public static BigDecimal floor(BigDecimal b0) {
return b0.setScale(0, RoundingMode.FLOOR);
/** SQL <code>FLOOR</code> operator applied to byte values. */
public static byte floor(byte b0, byte b1) {
return (byte) floor((int) b0, (int) b1);
/** SQL <code>FLOOR</code> operator applied to short values. */
public static short floor(short b0, short b1) {
return (short) floor((int) b0, (int) b1);
/** SQL <code>FLOOR</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int floor(int b0, int b1) {
int r = b0 % b1;
if (r < 0) {
r += b1;
return b0 - r;
/** SQL <code>FLOOR</code> operator applied to long values. */
public static long floor(long b0, long b1) {
long r = b0 % b1;
if (r < 0) {
r += b1;
return b0 - r;
// temporary
public static BigDecimal floor(BigDecimal b0, int b1) {
return floor(b0, BigDecimal.valueOf(b1));
// temporary
public static int floor(int b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return floor(b0, b1.intValue());
public static BigDecimal floor(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
final BigDecimal[] bigDecimals = b0.divideAndRemainder(b1);
BigDecimal r = bigDecimals[1];
if (r.signum() < 0) {
r = r.add(b1);
return b0.subtract(r);
public static double ceil(double b0) {
return Math.ceil(b0);
public static float ceil(float b0) {
return (float) Math.ceil(b0);
public static BigDecimal ceil(BigDecimal b0) {
return b0.setScale(0, RoundingMode.CEILING);
/** SQL <code>CEIL</code> operator applied to byte values. */
public static byte ceil(byte b0, byte b1) {
return floor((byte) (b0 + b1 - 1), b1);
/** SQL <code>CEIL</code> operator applied to short values. */
public static short ceil(short b0, short b1) {
return floor((short) (b0 + b1 - 1), b1);
/** SQL <code>CEIL</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int ceil(int b0, int b1) {
int r = b0 % b1;
if (r > 0) {
r -= b1;
return b0 - r;
/** SQL <code>CEIL</code> operator applied to long values. */
public static long ceil(long b0, long b1) {
return floor(b0 + b1 - 1, b1);
// temporary
public static BigDecimal ceil(BigDecimal b0, int b1) {
return ceil(b0, BigDecimal.valueOf(b1));
// temporary
public static int ceil(int b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return ceil(b0, b1.intValue());
public static BigDecimal ceil(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
final BigDecimal[] bigDecimals = b0.divideAndRemainder(b1);
BigDecimal r = bigDecimals[1];
if (r.signum() > 0) {
r = r.subtract(b1);
return b0.subtract(r);
// ABS
/** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to byte values. */
public static byte abs(byte b0) {
return (byte) Math.abs(b0);
/** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to short values. */
public static short abs(short b0) {
return (short) Math.abs(b0);
/** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int abs(int b0) {
return Math.abs(b0);
/** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to long values. */
public static long abs(long b0) {
return Math.abs(b0);
/** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to float values. */
public static float abs(float b0) {
return Math.abs(b0);
/** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double abs(double b0) {
return Math.abs(b0);
/** SQL <code>ABS</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static BigDecimal abs(BigDecimal b0) {
return b0.abs();
/** SQL <code>ACOS</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double acos(BigDecimal b0) {
return Math.acos(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>ACOS</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double acos(double b0) {
return Math.acos(b0);
/** SQL <code>ACOSH</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double acosh(BigDecimal b0) {
return acosh(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>ACOSH</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double acosh(double b0) {
if (b0 < 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input parameter of acosh cannot be less than 1!");
return Math.log(Math.sqrt(b0 * b0 - 1.0d) + b0);
/** SQL <code>ASIN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double asin(BigDecimal b0) {
return Math.asin(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>ASIN</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double asin(double b0) {
return Math.asin(b0);
/** SQL <code>ASINH</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double asinh(BigDecimal b0) {
return asinh(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>ASINH</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double asinh(double b0) {
final double sign;
// check the sign bit of the raw representation to handle -0.
if (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(b0) < 0) {
b0 = Math.abs(b0);
sign = -1.0d;
} else {
sign = 1.0d;
return sign * Math.log(Math.sqrt(b0 * b0 + 1.0d) + b0);
/** SQL <code>ATAN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double atan(BigDecimal b0) {
return Math.atan(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>ATAN</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double atan(double b0) {
return Math.atan(b0);
// ATAN2
/** SQL <code>ATAN2</code> operator applied to double/BigDecimal values. */
public static double atan2(double b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return Math.atan2(b0, b1.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>ATAN2</code> operator applied to BigDecimal/double values. */
public static double atan2(BigDecimal b0, double b1) {
return Math.atan2(b0.doubleValue(), b1);
/** SQL <code>ATAN2</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double atan2(BigDecimal b0, BigDecimal b1) {
return Math.atan2(b0.doubleValue(), b1.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>ATAN2</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double atan2(double b0, double b1) {
return Math.atan2(b0, b1);
/** SQL <code>ATANH</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double atanh(BigDecimal b) {
return atanh(b.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>ATANH</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double atanh(double b) {
if (Math.abs(b) >= 1) {
throw RESOURCE.inputArgumentsOfFunctionOutOfRange("ATANH", b, "(-1, 1)").ex();
final double mult;
// check the sign bit of the raw representation to handle -0.
if (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(b) < 0) {
b = Math.abs(b);
mult = -0.5d;
} else {
mult = 0.5d;
return mult * Math.log((1.0d + b) / (1.0d - b));
/** SQL <code>CBRT</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double cbrt(BigDecimal b) {
return cbrt(b.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>CBRT</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double cbrt(double b) {
return Math.cbrt(b);
// COS
/** SQL <code>COS</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double cos(BigDecimal b0) {
return Math.cos(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>COS</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double cos(double b0) {
return Math.cos(b0);
/** SQL <code>COSH</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double cosh(BigDecimal b) {
return cosh(b.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>COSH</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double cosh(double b) {
return Math.cosh(b);
// COT
/** SQL <code>COT</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double cot(BigDecimal b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.tan(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>COT</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double cot(double b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.tan(b0);
/** SQL <code>COTH</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double coth(BigDecimal b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.tanh(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>COTH</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double coth(double b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.tanh(b0);
/** SQL <code>CSCH</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double csch(BigDecimal b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.sinh(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>CSCH</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double csch(double b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.sinh(b0);
/** SQL <code>DEGREES</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double degrees(BigDecimal b0) {
return Math.toDegrees(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>DEGREES</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double degrees(double b0) {
return Math.toDegrees(b0);
/** SQL <code>FACTORIAL</code> operator. */
public static @Nullable Long factorial(int b0) {
if (b0 < 0 || b0 > 20) {
return null;
return CombinatoricsUtils.factorial(b0);
/** SQL <code>IS_INF</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static boolean isInf(BigDecimal b0) {
return Double.isInfinite(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>IS_INF</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static boolean isInf(double b0) {
return Double.isInfinite(b0);
/** SQL <code>IS_INF</code> operator applied to float values. */
public static boolean isInf(float b0) {
return Float.isInfinite(b0);
/** SQL <code>IS_NAN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static boolean isNaN(BigDecimal b0) {
return Double.isNaN(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>IS_NAN</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static boolean isNaN(double b0) {
return Double.isNaN(b0);
/** SQL <code>IS_NAN</code> operator applied to float values. */
public static boolean isNaN(float b0) {
return Float.isNaN(b0);
/** SQL <code>RADIANS</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double radians(BigDecimal b0) {
return Math.toRadians(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>RADIANS</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double radians(double b0) {
return Math.toRadians(b0);
/** SQL <code>SECH</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double sech(BigDecimal b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.cosh(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>SECH</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double sech(double b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.cosh(b0);
/** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int sround(int b0) {
return sround(b0, 0);
/** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int sround(int b0, int b1) {
return sround(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).intValue();
/** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to long values. */
public static long sround(long b0) {
return sround(b0, 0);
/** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to long values. */
public static long sround(long b0, int b1) {
return sround(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).longValue();
/** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static BigDecimal sround(BigDecimal b0) {
return sround(b0, 0);
/** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static BigDecimal sround(BigDecimal b0, int b1) {
return b0.movePointRight(b1)
.setScale(0, RoundingMode.HALF_UP).movePointLeft(b1);
/** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double sround(double b0) {
return sround(b0, 0);
/** SQL <code>ROUND</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double sround(double b0, int b1) {
return sround(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).doubleValue();
/** SQL <code>TRUNCATE</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int struncate(int b0) {
return struncate(b0, 0);
public static int struncate(int b0, int b1) {
return struncate(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).intValue();
/** SQL <code>TRUNCATE</code> operator applied to long values. */
public static long struncate(long b0) {
return struncate(b0, 0);
public static long struncate(long b0, int b1) {
return struncate(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).longValue();
/** SQL <code>TRUNCATE</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static BigDecimal struncate(BigDecimal b0) {
return struncate(b0, 0);
public static BigDecimal struncate(BigDecimal b0, int b1) {
return b0.movePointRight(b1)
.setScale(0, RoundingMode.DOWN).movePointLeft(b1);
/** SQL <code>TRUNCATE</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double struncate(double b0) {
return struncate(b0, 0);
public static double struncate(double b0, int b1) {
return struncate(BigDecimal.valueOf(b0), b1).doubleValue();
/** SQL <code>SIGN</code> operator applied to int values. */
public static int sign(int b0) {
return Integer.signum(b0);
/** SQL <code>SIGN</code> operator applied to long values. */
public static long sign(long b0) {
return Long.signum(b0);
/** SQL <code>SIGN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static BigDecimal sign(BigDecimal b0) {
return BigDecimal.valueOf(b0.signum());
/** SQL <code>SIGN</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double sign(double b0) {
return Math.signum(b0);
// SIN
/** SQL <code>SIN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double sin(BigDecimal b0) {
return Math.sin(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>SIN</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double sin(double b0) {
return Math.sin(b0);
/** SQL <code>SINH</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double sinh(BigDecimal b) {
return sinh(b.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>SINH</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double sinh(double b) {
return Math.sinh(b);
// TAN
/** SQL <code>TAN</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double tan(BigDecimal b0) {
return Math.tan(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>TAN</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double tan(double b0) {
return Math.tan(b0);
/** SQL <code>TANH</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double tanh(BigDecimal b) {
return tanh(b.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>TANH</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double tanh(double b) {
return Math.tanh(b);
// CSC
/** SQL <code>CSC</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double csc(BigDecimal b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.sin(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>CSC</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double csc(double b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.sin(b0);
// SEC
/** SQL <code>SEC</code> operator applied to BigDecimal values. */
public static double sec(BigDecimal b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.cos(b0.doubleValue());
/** SQL <code>SEC</code> operator applied to double values. */
public static double sec(double b0) {
return 1.0d / Math.cos(b0);
// Helpers
/** Helper for implementing MIN. Somewhat similar to LEAST operator. */
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T lesser(T b0, T b1) {
return b0 == null || b0.compareTo(b1) > 0 ? b1 : b0;
/** LEAST operator. */
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T least(T b0, T b1) {
return b0 == null || b1 != null && b0.compareTo(b1) > 0 ? b1 : b0;
public static boolean greater(boolean b0, boolean b1) {
return b0 || b1;
public static boolean lesser(boolean b0, boolean b1) {
return b0 && b1;
public static byte greater(byte b0, byte b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1;
public static byte lesser(byte b0, byte b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0;
public static char greater(char b0, char b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1;
public static char lesser(char b0, char b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0;
public static short greater(short b0, short b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1;
public static short lesser(short b0, short b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0;
public static int greater(int b0, int b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1;
public static int lesser(int b0, int b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0;
public static long greater(long b0, long b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1;
public static long lesser(long b0, long b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0;
public static float greater(float b0, float b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1;
public static float lesser(float b0, float b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0;
public static double greater(double b0, double b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b0 : b1;
public static double lesser(double b0, double b1) {
return b0 > b1 ? b1 : b0;
/** Helper for implementing MAX. Somewhat similar to GREATEST operator. */
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T greater(T b0, T b1) {
return b0 == null || b0.compareTo(b1) < 0 ? b1 : b0;
/** GREATEST operator. */
public static <T extends Comparable<T>> T greatest(T b0, T b1) {
return b0 == null || b1 != null && b0.compareTo(b1) < 0 ? b1 : b0;
public static String toString(float x) {
if (x == 0) {
return "0E0";
BigDecimal bigDecimal =
new BigDecimal(x, MathContext.DECIMAL32).stripTrailingZeros();
final String s = bigDecimal.toString();
return PATTERN_0_STAR_E.matcher(s).replaceAll("E").replace("E+", "E");
public static String toString(double x) {
if (x == 0) {
return "0E0";
BigDecimal bigDecimal =
new BigDecimal(x, MathContext.DECIMAL64).stripTrailingZeros();
final String s = bigDecimal.toString();
return PATTERN_0_STAR_E.matcher(s).replaceAll("E").replace("E+", "E");
public static String toString(BigDecimal x) {
final String s = x.toString();
if (s.equals("0")) {
return s;
} else if (s.startsWith("0.")) {
// we want ".1" not "0.1"
return s.substring(1);
} else if (s.startsWith("-0.")) {
// we want "-.1" not "-0.1"
return "-" + s.substring(2);
} else {
return s;
public static String toString(boolean x) {
// Boolean.toString returns lower case -- no good.
return x ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
private static Object cannotConvert(Object o, Class toType) {
throw RESOURCE.cannotConvert(String.valueOf(o), toType.toString()).ex();
public static boolean toBoolean(String s) {
s = trim(true, true, " ", s);
if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("TRUE")) {
return true;
} else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("FALSE")) {
return false;
} else {
throw RESOURCE.invalidCharacterForCast(s).ex();
public static boolean toBoolean(Number number) {
return !number.equals(0);
public static boolean toBoolean(Object o) {
return o instanceof Boolean ? (Boolean) o
: o instanceof Number ? toBoolean((Number) o)
: o instanceof String ? toBoolean((String) o)
: (Boolean) cannotConvert(o, boolean.class);
// Don't need parseByte etc. - Byte.parseByte is sufficient.
public static byte toByte(Object o) {
return o instanceof Byte ? (Byte) o
: o instanceof Number ? toByte((Number) o)
: Byte.parseByte(o.toString());
public static byte toByte(Number number) {
return number.byteValue();
public static char toChar(String s) {
return s.charAt(0);
public static Character toCharBoxed(String s) {
return s.charAt(0);
public static short toShort(String s) {
return Short.parseShort(s.trim());
public static short toShort(Number number) {
return number.shortValue();
public static short toShort(Object o) {
return o instanceof Short ? (Short) o
: o instanceof Number ? toShort((Number) o)
: o instanceof String ? toShort((String) o)
: (Short) cannotConvert(o, short.class);
* Converts a SQL DATE value from the Java type
* ({@link java.sql.Date}) to the internal representation type
* (number of days since January 1st, 1970 as {@code int})
* in the local time zone.
* <p>Since a time zone is not available, the date is converted to represent
* the same date as a Unix date in UTC as the {@link java.sql.Date} value in
* the local time zone.
* @see #toInt(java.sql.Date, TimeZone)
* @see #internalToDate(int) converse method
public static int toInt(java.sql.Date v) {
return toInt(v, LOCAL_TZ);
* Converts a SQL DATE value from the Java type
* ({@link java.sql.Date}) to the internal representation type
* (number of days since January 1st, 1970 as {@code int}).
* <p>The {@link java.sql.Date} class uses the standard Gregorian calendar
* which switches from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in
* October 1582. For compatibility with ISO-8601, the internal representation
* is converted to use the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
* <p>If the date contains a partial day, it will be rounded to a full day
* depending on the milliseconds value. If the milliseconds value is positive,
* it will be rounded down to the closest full day. If the milliseconds value
* is negative, it will be rounded up to the closest full day.
public static int toInt(java.sql.Date v, TimeZone timeZone) {
return DateTimeUtils.sqlDateToUnixDate(v, timeZone);
* Converts a nullable SQL DATE value from the Java type
* ({@link java.sql.Date}) to the internal representation type
* (number of days since January 1st, 1970 as {@link Integer})
* in the local time zone.
* <p>Since a time zone is not available, the date is converted to represent
* the same date as a Unix date in UTC as the {@link java.sql.Date} value in
* the local time zone.
* @see #toInt(java.sql.Date, TimeZone)
* @see #internalToDate(Integer) converse method
public static @PolyNull Integer toIntOptional(java.sql.@PolyNull Date v) {
return v == null
? castNonNull(null)
: toInt(v);
* Converts a nullable SQL DATE value from the Java type
* ({@link java.sql.Date}) to the internal representation type
* (number of days since January 1st, 1970 as {@link Integer}).
* @see #toInt(java.sql.Date, TimeZone)
public static @PolyNull Integer toIntOptional(java.sql.@PolyNull Date v,
TimeZone timeZone) {
return v == null
? castNonNull(null)
: toInt(v, timeZone);
* Converts a SQL TIME value from the Java type
* ({@link java.sql.Time}) to the internal representation type
* (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 as {@code int})
* in the local time zone.
* @see #toIntOptional(java.sql.Time)
* @see #internalToTime(int) converse method
public static int toInt(java.sql.Time v) {
return DateTimeUtils.sqlTimeToUnixTime(v, LOCAL_TZ);
* Converts a nullable SQL TIME value from the Java type
* ({@link java.sql.Time}) to the internal representation type
* (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 as {@link Integer}).
* @see #toInt(java.sql.Time)
* @see #internalToTime(Integer) converse method
public static @PolyNull Integer toIntOptional(java.sql.@PolyNull Time v) {
return v == null ? castNonNull(null) : toInt(v);
public static int toInt(String s) {
return Integer.parseInt(s.trim());
public static int toInt(Number number) {
return number.intValue();
public static int toInt(Object o) {
return o instanceof Integer ? (Integer) o
: o instanceof Number ? toInt((Number) o)
: o instanceof String ? toInt((String) o)
: o instanceof java.sql.Date ? toInt((java.sql.Date) o)
: o instanceof java.sql.Time ? toInt((java.sql.Time) o)
: (Integer) cannotConvert(o, int.class);
public static @PolyNull Integer toIntOptional(@PolyNull Object o) {
return o == null ? castNonNull(null) : toInt(o);
* Converts a SQL TIMESTAMP value from the Java type
* ({@link java.util.Date}) to the internal representation type
* (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 as {@code long}).
* <p>Since a time zone is not available, converts the timestamp to represent
* the same date and time as a Unix timestamp in UTC as the
* {@link java.util.Date} value in the local time zone.
* <p>The {@link java.util.Date} class uses the standard Gregorian calendar
* which switches from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in
* October 1582. For compatibility with ISO-8601, converts the internal
* representation to use the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
public static long toLong(java.util.Date v) {
return DateTimeUtils.utilDateToUnixTimestamp(v, LOCAL_TZ);
* Converts a SQL TIMESTAMP value from the Java type
* ({@link Timestamp}) to the internal representation type
* (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 as {@code long}).
* <p>Since a time zone is not available, converts the timestamp to represent
* the same date and time as a Unix timestamp in UTC as the
* {@link Timestamp} value in the local time zone.
* @see #toLong(Timestamp, TimeZone)
* @see #internalToTimestamp(Long) converse method
public static long toLong(Timestamp v) {
return toLong(v, LOCAL_TZ);
* Converts a SQL TIMESTAMP value from the Java type
* ({@link Timestamp}) to the internal representation type
* (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 as {@code long}).
* <p>For backwards compatibility, time zone offsets are calculated in
* relation to the local time zone instead of UTC. Providing the default time
* zone or {@code null} will return the timestamp unmodified.
* <p>The {@link Timestamp} class uses the standard Gregorian calendar which
* switches from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in
* October 1582. For compatibility with ISO-8601, the internal representation
* is converted to use the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
public static long toLong(Timestamp v, TimeZone timeZone) {
return DateTimeUtils.sqlTimestampToUnixTimestamp(v, timeZone);
* Converts a nullable SQL TIMESTAMP value from the Java type
* ({@link Timestamp}) to the internal representation type
* (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 as {@link Long})
* in the local time zone.
* @see #toLong(Timestamp, TimeZone)
* @see #internalToTimestamp(Long) converse method
public static @PolyNull Long toLongOptional(@PolyNull Timestamp v) {
return v == null ? castNonNull(null) : toLong(v, LOCAL_TZ);
* Converts a nullable SQL TIMESTAMP value from the Java type
* ({@link Timestamp}) to the internal representation type
* (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970 as {@link Long}).
* @see #toLong(Timestamp, TimeZone)
public static @PolyNull Long toLongOptional(@PolyNull Timestamp v,
TimeZone timeZone) {
if (v == null) {
return castNonNull(null);
return toLong(v, timeZone);
public static long toLong(String s) {
if (s.startsWith("199") && s.contains(":")) {
return Timestamp.valueOf(s).getTime();
return Long.parseLong(s.trim());
public static long toLong(Number number) {
return number.longValue();
public static long toLong(Object o) {
return o instanceof Long ? (Long) o
: o instanceof Number ? toLong((Number) o)
: o instanceof String ? toLong((String) o)
: o instanceof java.sql.Date ? toInt((java.sql.Date) o)
: o instanceof java.sql.Time ? toInt((java.sql.Time) o)
: o instanceof java.sql.Timestamp ? toLong((java.sql.Timestamp) o)
: o instanceof java.util.Date ? toLong((java.util.Date) o)
: (Long) cannotConvert(o, long.class);
public static @PolyNull Long toLongOptional(@PolyNull Object o) {
return o == null ? castNonNull(null) : toLong(o);
public static float toFloat(String s) {
return Float.parseFloat(s.trim());
public static float toFloat(Number number) {
return number.floatValue();
public static float toFloat(Object o) {
return o instanceof Float ? (Float) o
: o instanceof Number ? toFloat((Number) o)
: o instanceof String ? toFloat((String) o)
: (Float) cannotConvert(o, float.class);
public static double toDouble(String s) {
return Double.parseDouble(s.trim());
public static double toDouble(Number number) {
return number.doubleValue();
public static double toDouble(Object o) {
return o instanceof Double ? (Double) o
: o instanceof Number ? toDouble((Number) o)
: o instanceof String ? toDouble((String) o)
: (Double) cannotConvert(o, double.class);
public static BigDecimal toBigDecimal(String s) {
return new BigDecimal(s.trim());
public static BigDecimal toBigDecimal(Number number) {
// There are some values of "long" that cannot be represented as "double".
// Not so "int". If it isn't a long, go straight to double.
return number instanceof BigDecimal ? (BigDecimal) number
: number instanceof BigInteger ? new BigDecimal((BigInteger) number)
: number instanceof Long ? new BigDecimal(number.longValue())
: new BigDecimal(number.doubleValue());
public static BigDecimal toBigDecimal(Object o) {
return o instanceof Number ? toBigDecimal((Number) o)
: toBigDecimal(o.toString());
* Converts a SQL DATE value from the internal representation type
* (number of days since January 1st, 1970) to the Java type
* ({@link java.sql.Date}).
* <p>Since a time zone is not available, converts the date to represent the
* same date as a {@link java.sql.Date} in the local time zone as the Unix
* date in UTC.
* <p>The Unix date should be the number of days since January 1st, 1970
* using the proleptic Gregorian calendar as defined by ISO-8601. The
* returned {@link java.sql.Date} object will use the standard Gregorian
* calendar which switches from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar
* in October 1582.
* @see #internalToDate(Integer)
* @see #toInt(java.sql.Date) converse method
public static java.sql.Date internalToDate(int v) {
final LocalDate date = LocalDate.ofEpochDay(v);
return java.sql.Date.valueOf(date);
* Converts a nullable SQL DATE value from the internal representation type
* (number of days since January 1st, 1970) to the Java type
* ({@link java.sql.Date}).
* @see #internalToDate(int)
* @see #toIntOptional(java.sql.Date) converse method
public static java.sql.@PolyNull Date internalToDate(@PolyNull Integer v) {
return v == null ? castNonNull(null) : internalToDate(v.intValue());
* Converts a SQL TIME value from the internal representation type
* (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970) to the Java type
* ({@link java.sql.Time}).
* @see #internalToTime(Integer)
* @see #toInt(java.sql.Time) converse method
public static java.sql.Time internalToTime(int v) {
return new java.sql.Time(v - LOCAL_TZ.getOffset(v));
* Converts a nullable SQL TIME value from the internal representation type
* (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970) to the Java type
* ({@link java.sql.Time}).
* @see #internalToTime(Integer)
* @see #toIntOptional(java.sql.Time) converse method
public static java.sql.@PolyNull Time internalToTime(@PolyNull Integer v) {
return v == null ? castNonNull(null) : internalToTime(v.intValue());
public static @PolyNull Integer toTimeWithLocalTimeZone(@PolyNull String v) {
if (v == null) {
return castNonNull(null);
return new TimeWithTimeZoneString(v)
public static @PolyNull Integer toTimeWithLocalTimeZone(@PolyNull String v,
TimeZone timeZone) {
if (v == null) {
return castNonNull(null);
return new TimeWithTimeZoneString(v + " " + timeZone.getID())
public static int timeWithLocalTimeZoneToTime(int v, TimeZone timeZone) {
return TimeWithTimeZoneString.fromMillisOfDay(v)
public static long timeWithLocalTimeZoneToTimestamp(String date, int v, TimeZone timeZone) {
final TimeWithTimeZoneString tTZ = TimeWithTimeZoneString.fromMillisOfDay(v)
return new TimestampWithTimeZoneString(date + " " + tTZ.toString())
public static long timeWithLocalTimeZoneToTimestampWithLocalTimeZone(String date, int v) {
final TimeWithTimeZoneString tTZ = TimeWithTimeZoneString.fromMillisOfDay(v)
return new TimestampWithTimeZoneString(date + " " + tTZ.toString())
public static String timeWithLocalTimeZoneToString(int v, TimeZone timeZone) {
return TimeWithTimeZoneString.fromMillisOfDay(v)
/** State for {@code FORMAT_DATE}, {@code FORMAT_TIMESTAMP},
* {@code FORMAT_DATETIME}, {@code FORMAT_TIME}, {@code TO_CHAR} functions. */
public static class DateFormatFunction {
/** Work space for various functions. Clear it before you use it. */
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
/** Cache key. */
private static class Key extends MapEntry<FormatModel, String> {
Key(FormatModel formatModel, String format) {
super(formatModel, format);
private final LoadingCache<Key, List<FormatElement>> formatCache =
.build(CacheLoader.from(key -> key.t.parseNoCache(key.u)));
/** Given a format string and a format model, calls an action with the
* list of elements obtained by parsing that format string. */
protected final void withElements(FormatModel formatModel, String format,
Consumer<List<FormatElement>> consumer) {
List<FormatElement> elements =
formatCache.getUnchecked(new Key(formatModel, format));
private String internalFormatDatetime(String fmtString,
java.util.Date date) {
withElements(FormatModels.BIG_QUERY, fmtString, elements ->
elements.forEach(element -> element.format(sb, date)));
return sb.toString();
public String formatTimestamp(DataContext ctx, String fmtString,
long timestamp) {
return internalFormatDatetime(fmtString, internalToTimestamp(timestamp));
public String toChar(long timestamp, String pattern) {
final Timestamp sqlTimestamp = internalToTimestamp(timestamp);
withElements(FormatModels.POSTGRESQL, pattern, elements ->
elements.forEach(element -> element.format(sb, sqlTimestamp)));
return sb.toString().trim();
public String formatDate(DataContext ctx, String fmtString, int date) {
return internalFormatDatetime(fmtString, internalToDate(date));
public String formatTime(DataContext ctx, String fmtString, int time) {
return internalFormatDatetime(fmtString, internalToTime(time));
/** State for {@code PARSE_DATE}, {@code PARSE_TIMESTAMP},
* {@code PARSE_DATETIME}, {@code PARSE_TIME} functions. */
public static class DateParseFunction {
/** Use a {@link DateFormatFunction} for its cache of parsed
* format strings. */
final DateFormatFunction f = new DateFormatFunction();
private final LoadingCache<Key, DateFormat> cache =
.build(CacheLoader.from(key -> key.toDateFormat(f)));
private <T> T withParser(String fmt, String timeZone,
Function<DateFormat, T> action) {
final DateFormat dateFormat = cache.getUnchecked(new Key(fmt, timeZone));
return action.apply(dateFormat);
private long internalParseDatetime(String fmtString, String datetime) {
return internalParseDatetime(fmtString, datetime,
private long internalParseDatetime(String fmt, String datetime,
String timeZone) {
final ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(0);
Date parsed =
withParser(fmt, timeZone, parser -> parser.parse(datetime, pos));
// Throw if either the parse was unsuccessful, or the format string did
// not contain enough elements to parse the datetime string completely.
if (pos.getErrorIndex() >= 0 || pos.getIndex() != datetime.length()) {
SQLException e =
new SQLException(
"Invalid format: '%s' for datetime string: '%s'.", fmt,
throw Util.toUnchecked(e);
// Suppress the Errorprone warning "[JavaUtilDate] Date has a bad API that
// leads to bugs; prefer java.time.Instant or LocalDate" because we know
// what we're doing.
final long millisSinceEpoch = parsed.getTime();
return millisSinceEpoch;
public int parseDate(String fmtString, String date) {
final long millisSinceEpoch = internalParseDatetime(fmtString, date);
return toInt(new java.sql.Date(millisSinceEpoch));
public long parseDatetime(String fmtString, String datetime) {
final long millisSinceEpoch = internalParseDatetime(fmtString, datetime);
return toLong(new Timestamp(millisSinceEpoch));
public int parseTime(String fmtString, String time) {
final long millisSinceEpoch = internalParseDatetime(fmtString, time);
return toInt(new Time(millisSinceEpoch));
public long parseTimestamp(String fmtString, String timestamp) {
return parseTimestamp(fmtString, timestamp, "UTC");
public long parseTimestamp(String fmtString, String timestamp,
String timeZone) {
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone);
final long millisSinceEpoch =
internalParseDatetime(fmtString, timestamp, timeZone);
return toLong(new java.sql.Timestamp(millisSinceEpoch), tz);
/** Key for cache of parsed format strings. */
private static final class Key {
final String fmt;
final String timeZone;
Key(String fmt, String timeZone) {
this.fmt = fmt;
this.timeZone = timeZone;
@Override public int hashCode() {
return fmt.hashCode()
+ timeZone.hashCode() * 37;
@Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
return this == obj
|| obj instanceof Key
&& fmt.equals(((Key) obj).fmt)
&& timeZone.equals(((Key) obj).timeZone);
DateFormat toDateFormat(DateFormatFunction f) {;
f.withElements(FormatModels.BIG_QUERY, fmt, elements ->
elements.forEach(ele -> ele.toPattern(;
final String javaFmt =;
// TODO: make Locale configurable. ENGLISH set for weekday
// parsing (e.g. Thursday, Friday).
final DateFormat parser =
new SimpleDateFormat(javaFmt, Locale.ENGLISH);
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZone);
parser.setCalendar(Calendar.getInstance(tz, Locale.ROOT));
return parser;
* Converts a SQL TIMESTAMP value from the internal representation type
* (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970) to the Java Type
* ({@link Timestamp})
* in the local time zone.
* <p>Since a time zone is not available, the timestamp is converted to
* represent the same timestamp as a {@link Timestamp} in the local time zone
* as the Unix timestamp in UTC.
* <p>The Unix timestamp should be the number of milliseconds since
* January 1st, 1970 using the proleptic Gregorian calendar as defined by
* ISO-8601. The returned {@link Timestamp} object will use the standard
* Gregorian calendar which switches from the Julian calendar to the
* Gregorian calendar in October 1582.
* @see #internalToTimestamp(Long)
* @see #toLong(Timestamp, TimeZone)
* @see #toLongOptional(Timestamp)
* @see #toLongOptional(Timestamp, TimeZone)
* @see #toLong(Timestamp) converse method
public static java.sql.Timestamp internalToTimestamp(long v) {
final LocalDateTime dateTime =
Math.floorDiv(v, DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_SECOND),
(int) (Math.floorMod(v, DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_SECOND)
* DateTimeUtils.NANOS_PER_MILLI),
return java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(dateTime);
* Converts a nullable SQL TIMESTAMP value from the internal representation
* type (number of milliseconds since January 1st, 1970) to the Java Type
* ({@link Timestamp})
* in the local time zone.
* @see #internalToTimestamp(long)
* @see #toLong(Timestamp)
* @see #toLong(Timestamp, TimeZone)
* @see #toLongOptional(Timestamp, TimeZone)
* @see #toLongOptional(Timestamp) converse method
public static java.sql.@PolyNull Timestamp internalToTimestamp(@PolyNull Long v) {
return v == null ? castNonNull(null) : internalToTimestamp(v.longValue());
public static int timestampWithLocalTimeZoneToDate(long v, TimeZone timeZone) {
return TimestampWithTimeZoneString.fromMillisSinceEpoch(v)
public static int timestampWithLocalTimeZoneToTime(long v, TimeZone timeZone) {
return TimestampWithTimeZoneString.fromMillisSinceEpoch(v)
public static long timestampWithLocalTimeZoneToTimestamp(long v, TimeZone timeZone) {
return TimestampWithTimeZoneString.fromMillisSinceEpoch(v)
public static String timestampWithLocalTimeZoneToString(long v, TimeZone timeZone) {
return TimestampWithTimeZoneString.fromMillisSinceEpoch(v)
public static int timestampWithLocalTimeZoneToTimeWithLocalTimeZone(long v) {
return TimestampWithTimeZoneString.fromMillisSinceEpoch(v)
/** For {@link SqlLibraryOperators#TIMESTAMP_SECONDS}. */
public static long timestampSeconds(long v) {
return v * 1000;
/** For {@link SqlLibraryOperators#TIMESTAMP_MILLIS}. */
public static long timestampMillis(long v) {
// translation is trivial, because Calcite represents TIMESTAMP values as
// millis since epoch
return v;
/** For {@link SqlLibraryOperators#TIMESTAMP_MICROS}. */
public static long timestampMicros(long v) {
return v / 1000;
/** For {@link SqlLibraryOperators#UNIX_SECONDS}. */
public static long unixSeconds(long v) {
return v / 1000;
/** For {@link SqlLibraryOperators#UNIX_MILLIS}. */
public static long unixMillis(long v) {
// translation is trivial, because Calcite represents TIMESTAMP values as
// millis since epoch
return v;
/** For {@link SqlLibraryOperators#UNIX_MICROS}. */
public static long unixMicros(long v) {
return v * 1000;
/** For {@link SqlLibraryOperators#DATE_FROM_UNIX_DATE}. */
public static int dateFromUnixDate(int v) {
// translation is trivial, because Calcite represents dates as Unix integers
return v;
/** For {@link SqlLibraryOperators#UNIX_DATE}. */
public static int unixDate(int v) {
// translation is trivial, because Calcite represents dates as Unix integers
return v;
/** SQL {@code DATE(year, month, day)} function. */
public static int date(int year, int month, int day) {
// Calcite represents dates as Unix integers (days since epoch).
return (int) LocalDate.of(year, month, day).toEpochDay();
/** SQL {@code DATE(TIMESTAMP)} and
* {@code DATE(TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE)} functions. */
public static int date(long timestampMillis) {
// Calcite represents dates as Unix integers (days since epoch).
// Unix time ignores leap seconds; every day has the exact same number of
// milliseconds. BigQuery TIMESTAMP and DATETIME values (Calcite TIMESTAMP
// WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP, respectively) are represented
// internally as milliseconds since epoch (or epoch UTC).
return (int) (timestampMillis / DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY);
/** SQL {@code DATE(TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME, timeZone)} function. */
public static int date(long timestampMillis, String timeZone) {
// Calcite represents dates as Unix integers (days since epoch).
return (int) OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(timestampMillis),
/** SQL {@code DATETIME(<year>, <month>, <day>, <hour>, <minute>, <second>)}
* function. */
public static long datetime(int year, int month, int day, int hour,
int minute, int second) {
// BigQuery's DATETIME function returns a Calcite TIMESTAMP,
// represented internally as milliseconds since epoch UTC.
return LocalDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
/** SQL {@code DATETIME(DATE)} function; returns a Calcite TIMESTAMP. */
public static long datetime(int daysSinceEpoch) {
// BigQuery's DATETIME function returns a Calcite TIMESTAMP,
// represented internally as milliseconds since epoch.
return daysSinceEpoch * DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY;
/** SQL {@code DATETIME(DATE, TIME)} function; returns a Calcite TIMESTAMP. */
public static long datetime(int daysSinceEpoch, int millisSinceMidnight) {
// BigQuery's DATETIME function returns a Calcite TIMESTAMP,
// represented internally as milliseconds since epoch UTC.
return daysSinceEpoch * DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY + millisSinceMidnight;
* returns a Calcite TIMESTAMP. */
public static long datetime(long millisSinceEpoch) {
// ZONE and TIMESTAMP, respectively) are represented internally as
// milliseconds since epoch (or epoch UTC).
return millisSinceEpoch;
/** SQL {@code DATETIME(TIMESTAMP, timeZone)} function;
* returns a Calcite TIMESTAMP. */
public static long datetime(long millisSinceEpoch, String timeZone) {
// ZONE and TIMESTAMP, respectively) are represented internally as
// milliseconds since epoch (or epoch UTC).
return OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(millisSinceEpoch),
/** SQL {@code TIMESTAMP(<string>)} function. */
public static long timestamp(String expression) {
// Calcite represents TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE as Unix integers
// (milliseconds since epoch).
return parseBigQueryTimestampLiteral(expression).toInstant().toEpochMilli();
/** SQL {@code TIMESTAMP(<string>, <timeZone>)} function. */
public static long timestamp(String expression, String timeZone) {
// Calcite represents TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE as Unix integers
// (milliseconds since epoch).
return parseBigQueryTimestampLiteral(expression)
private static OffsetDateTime parseBigQueryTimestampLiteral(String expression) {
// First try to parse with an offset, otherwise parse as a local and assume
// UTC ("no offset").
try {
return OffsetDateTime.parse(expression,
} catch (DateTimeParseException e) {
// ignore
if (IS_JDK_8
&& expression.matches(".*[+-][0-9][0-9]$")) {
// JDK 8 has a bug that prevents matching offsets like "+00" but can
// match "+00:00".
try {
expression += ":00";
return OffsetDateTime.parse(expression,
} catch (DateTimeParseException e) {
// ignore
try {
return LocalDateTime
} catch (DateTimeParseException e2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Could not parse BigQuery timestamp literal: %s", expression),
/** SQL {@code TIMESTAMP(<date>)} function. */
public static long timestamp(int days) {
// Calcite represents TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE as Unix integers
// (milliseconds since epoch). Unix time ignores leap seconds; every day
// has the same number of milliseconds.
return ((long) days) * DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY;
/** SQL {@code TIMESTAMP(<date>, <timeZone>)} function. */
public static long timestamp(int days, String timeZone) {
// Calcite represents TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE as Unix integers
// (milliseconds since epoch).
final LocalDateTime localDateTime =
LocalDateTime.of(LocalDate.ofEpochDay(days), LocalTime.MIDNIGHT);
final ZoneOffset zoneOffset =
return OffsetDateTime.of(localDateTime, zoneOffset)
/** SQL {@code TIMESTAMP(<timestamp>)} function; returns a TIMESTAMP WITH
public static long timestamp(long millisSinceEpoch) {
// TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP, respectively) are represented internally as
// milliseconds since epoch UTC and epoch.
return millisSinceEpoch;
/** SQL {@code TIMESTAMP(<timestamp>, <timeZone>)} function; returns a
public static long timestamp(long millisSinceEpoch, String timeZone) {
// TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP, respectively) are represented internally as
// milliseconds since epoch UTC and epoch.
final Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(millisSinceEpoch);
final ZoneId utcZone = ZoneId.of("UTC");
return OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(instant, utcZone)
/** SQL {@code TIME(<hour>, <minute>, <second>)} function. */
public static int time(int hour, int minute, int second) {
// Calcite represents time as Unix integers (milliseconds since midnight).
return (int) (LocalTime.of(hour, minute, second).toSecondOfDay()
/** SQL {@code TIME(<timestamp>)} and {@code TIME(<timestampLtz>)}
* functions. */
public static int time(long timestampMillis) {
// Calcite represents time as Unix integers (milliseconds since midnight).
// Unix time ignores leap seconds; every day has the same number of
// milliseconds.
// TIME ZONE and TIMESTAMP, respectively) are represented internally as
// milliseconds since epoch UTC and epoch.
return (int) (timestampMillis % DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY);
/** SQL {@code TIME(<timestampLtz>, <timeZone>)} function. */
public static int time(long timestampMillis, String timeZone) {
// Calcite represents time as Unix integers (milliseconds since midnight).
// Unix time ignores leap seconds; every day has the same number of
// milliseconds.
final Instant instant = Instant.ofEpochMilli(timestampMillis);
final ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of(timeZone);
return (int) (OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(instant, zoneId)
/ (1000L * 1000L)); // milli > micro > nano
public static @PolyNull Long toTimestampWithLocalTimeZone(@PolyNull String v) {
if (v == null) {
return castNonNull(null);
return new TimestampWithTimeZoneString(v)
public static @PolyNull Long toTimestampWithLocalTimeZone(@PolyNull String v,
TimeZone timeZone) {
if (v == null) {
return castNonNull(null);
return new TimestampWithTimeZoneString(v + " " + timeZone.getID())
// Don't need shortValueOf etc. - Short.valueOf is sufficient.
/** Helper for CAST(... AS VARCHAR(maxLength)). */
public static @PolyNull String truncate(@PolyNull String s, int maxLength) {
if (s == null) {
return s;
} else if (s.length() > maxLength) {
return s.substring(0, maxLength);
} else {
return s;
/** Helper for CAST(... AS CHAR(maxLength)). */
public static @PolyNull String truncateOrPad(@PolyNull String s, int maxLength) {
if (s == null) {
return s;
} else {
final int length = s.length();
if (length > maxLength) {
return s.substring(0, maxLength);
} else {
return length < maxLength ? Spaces.padRight(s, maxLength) : s;
/** Helper for CAST(... AS VARBINARY(maxLength)). */
public static @PolyNull ByteString truncate(@PolyNull ByteString s, int maxLength) {
if (s == null) {
return s;
} else if (s.length() > maxLength) {
return s.substring(0, maxLength);
} else {
return s;
/** Helper for CAST(... AS BINARY(maxLength)). */
public static @PolyNull ByteString truncateOrPad(@PolyNull ByteString s, int maxLength) {
if (s == null) {
return s;
} else {
final int length = s.length();
if (length > maxLength) {
return s.substring(0, maxLength);
} else if (length < maxLength) {
return s.concat(new ByteString(new byte[maxLength - length]));
} else {
return s;
/** SQL {@code POSITION(seek IN string)} function. */
public static int position(String seek, String s) {
return s.indexOf(seek) + 1;
/** SQL {@code POSITION(seek IN string)} function for byte strings. */
public static int position(ByteString seek, ByteString s) {
return s.indexOf(seek) + 1;
/** SQL {@code POSITION(seek IN string FROM integer)} function. */
public static int position(String seek, String s, int from) {
if (from == 0) {
throw RESOURCE.fromNotZero().ex();
if (from > 0) {
return positionForwards(seek, s, from);
} else {
from += s.length(); // convert negative position to positive index
return positionBackwards(seek, s, from);
/** SQL {@code POSITION(seek IN string FROM integer)} function for byte
* strings. */
public static int position(ByteString seek, ByteString s, int from) {
if (from == 0) {
throw RESOURCE.fromNotZero().ex();
if (from > 0) {
return positionForwards(seek, s, from);
} else {
from += s.length(); // convert negative position to 0-based index
return positionBackwards(seek, s, from);
/** Returns the position (1-based) of {@code seek} in string {@code s}
* seeking forwards from {@code from} (1-based). */
private static int positionForwards(String seek, String s, int from) {
final int from0 = from - 1; // 0-based
if (from0 >= s.length()) {
return 0;
} else {
return s.indexOf(seek, from0) + 1;
/** Returns the position (1-based) of {@code seek} in byte string {@code s}
* seeking forwards from {@code from} (1-based). */
private static int positionForwards(ByteString seek, ByteString s,
int from) {
final int from0 = from - 1; // 0-based
if (from0 >= s.length()) {
return 0;
} else {
return s.indexOf(seek, from0) + 1;
/** Returns the position (1-based) of {@code seek} in string {@code s}
* seeking backwards from {@code rightIndex} (0-based). */
private static int positionBackwards(String seek, String s, int rightIndex) {
if (rightIndex <= 0) {
return 0;
int lastIndex = s.lastIndexOf(seek) + 1;
while (lastIndex > rightIndex + 1) {
lastIndex = s.substring(0, lastIndex - 1).lastIndexOf(seek) + 1;
if (lastIndex == 0) {
return 0;
return lastIndex;
/** Returns the position (1-based) of {@code seek} in byte string {@code s}
* seeking backwards from {@code rightIndex} (0-based). */
private static int positionBackwards(ByteString seek, ByteString s,
int rightIndex) {
if (rightIndex <= 0) {
return 0;
int lastIndex = 0;
while (lastIndex < rightIndex) {
// NOTE: When [CALCITE-5682] is fixed, use ByteString.lastIndexOf
int indexOf = s.substring(lastIndex).indexOf(seek) + 1;
if (indexOf == 0 || lastIndex + indexOf > rightIndex + 1) {
lastIndex += indexOf;
return lastIndex;
/** SQL {@code POSITION(seek, string, from, occurrence)} function. */
public static int position(String seek, String s, int from, int occurrence) {
if (from == 0) {
throw RESOURCE.fromNotZero().ex();
if (occurrence == 0) {
throw RESOURCE.occurrenceNotZero().ex();
if (from > 0) {
// Forwards
--from; // compensate for the '++from' 2 lines down
for (int i = 0; i < occurrence; i++) {
++from; // move on to next occurrence
from = positionForwards(seek, s, from);
if (from == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
// Backwards
from += s.length() + 1; // convert negative position to positive index
++from; // compensate for the '--from' 2 lines down
for (int i = 0; i < occurrence; i++) {
--from; // move on to next occurrence
from = positionBackwards(seek, s, from - 1);
if (from == 0) {
return 0;
return from;
/** SQL {@code POSITION(seek, string, from, occurrence)} function for byte
* strings. */
public static int position(ByteString seek, ByteString s, int from,
int occurrence) {
if (from == 0) {
throw RESOURCE.fromNotZero().ex();
if (occurrence == 0) {
throw RESOURCE.occurrenceNotZero().ex();
if (from > 0) {
// Forwards
--from; // compensate for the '++from' 2 lines down
for (int i = 0; i < occurrence; i++) {
++from; // move on to next occurrence
from = positionForwards(seek, s, from);
if (from == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
// Backwards
from += s.length() + 1; // convert negative position to positive index
++from; // compensate for the '--from' 2 lines down
for (int i = 0; i < occurrence; i++) {
--from; // move on to next occurrence
from = positionBackwards(seek, s, from - 1);
if (from == 0) {
return 0;
return from;
/** Helper for rounding. Truncate(12345, 1000) returns 12000. */
public static long round(long v, long x) {
return truncate(v + x / 2, x);
/** Helper for rounding. Truncate(12345, 1000) returns 12000. */
public static long truncate(long v, long x) {
long remainder = v % x;
if (remainder < 0) {
remainder += x;
return v - remainder;
/** Helper for rounding. Truncate(12345, 1000) returns 12000. */
public static int round(int v, int x) {
return truncate(v + x / 2, x);
/** Helper for rounding. Truncate(12345, 1000) returns 12000. */
public static int truncate(int v, int x) {
int remainder = v % x;
if (remainder < 0) {
remainder += x;
return v - remainder;
* SQL {@code DAYNAME} function, applied to a TIMESTAMP argument.
* @param timestamp Milliseconds from epoch
* @param locale Locale
* @return Name of the weekday in the given locale
public static String dayNameWithTimestamp(long timestamp, Locale locale) {
return timeStampToLocalDate(timestamp)
* SQL {@code DAYNAME} function, applied to a DATE argument.
* @param date Days since epoch
* @param locale Locale
* @return Name of the weekday in the given locale
public static String dayNameWithDate(int date, Locale locale) {
return dateToLocalDate(date)
* SQL {@code MONTHNAME} function, applied to a TIMESTAMP argument.
* @param timestamp Milliseconds from epoch
* @param locale Locale
* @return Name of the month in the given locale
public static String monthNameWithTimestamp(long timestamp, Locale locale) {
return timeStampToLocalDate(timestamp)
* SQL {@code MONTHNAME} function, applied to a DATE argument.
* @param date Days from epoch
* @param locale Locale
* @return Name of the month in the given locale
public static String monthNameWithDate(int date, Locale locale) {
return dateToLocalDate(date)
* Converts a date (days since epoch) to a {@link LocalDate}.
* @param date days since epoch
* @return localDate
private static LocalDate dateToLocalDate(int date) {
int y0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.unixDateExtract(TimeUnitRange.YEAR, date);
int m0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.unixDateExtract(TimeUnitRange.MONTH, date);
int d0 = (int) DateTimeUtils.unixDateExtract(TimeUnitRange.DAY, date);
return LocalDate.of(y0, m0, d0);
* Converts a timestamp (milliseconds since epoch) to a {@link LocalDate}.
* @param timestamp milliseconds from epoch
* @return localDate
private static LocalDate timeStampToLocalDate(long timestamp) {
int date = timestampToDate(timestamp);
return dateToLocalDate(date);
/** Converts a timestamp (milliseconds since epoch)
* to a date (days since epoch). */
public static int timestampToDate(long timestamp) {
return (int) (timestamp / DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY);
/** Converts a timestamp (milliseconds since epoch)
* to a time (milliseconds since midnight). */
public static int timestampToTime(long timestamp) {
return (int) (timestamp % DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY);
/** SQL {@code CURRENT_TIMESTAMP} function. */
public static long currentTimestamp(DataContext root) {
return DataContext.Variable.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.get(root);
/** SQL {@code CURRENT_TIME} function. */
public static int currentTime(DataContext root) {
int time = timestampToTime(currentTimestamp(root));
if (time < 0) {
time = (int) (time + DateTimeUtils.MILLIS_PER_DAY);
return time;
/** SQL {@code CURRENT_DATE} function. */
public static int currentDate(DataContext root) {
final long timestamp = currentTimestamp(root);
int date = timestampToDate(timestamp);
final int time = timestampToTime(timestamp);
if (time < 0) {
return date;
/** SQL {@code CURRENT_DATETIME} function. */
public static Long currentDatetime(DataContext root) {
final long timestamp = DataContext.Variable.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.get(root);
return datetime(timestamp);
/** SQL {@code CURRENT_DATETIME} function with a specified timezone. */
public static @Nullable Long currentDatetime(DataContext root, @Nullable String timezone) {
if (timezone == null) {
return null;
final long timestamp = DataContext.Variable.UTC_TIMESTAMP.get(root);
return datetime(timestamp, timezone);
/** SQL {@code LOCAL_TIMESTAMP} function. */
public static long localTimestamp(DataContext root) {
return DataContext.Variable.LOCAL_TIMESTAMP.get(root);
/** SQL {@code LOCAL_TIME} function. */
public static int localTime(DataContext root) {
return timestampToTime(localTimestamp(root));
public static TimeZone timeZone(DataContext root) {
return DataContext.Variable.TIME_ZONE.get(root);
/** SQL {@code USER} function. */
public static String user(DataContext root) {
return requireNonNull(DataContext.Variable.USER.get(root));
/** SQL {@code SYSTEM_USER} function. */
public static String systemUser(DataContext root) {
return requireNonNull(DataContext.Variable.SYSTEM_USER.get(root));
public static Locale locale(DataContext root) {
return DataContext.Variable.LOCALE.get(root);
/** SQL {@code DATEADD} function applied to a custom time frame.
* <p>Custom time frames are created as part of a {@link TimeFrameSet}.
* This method retrieves the session's time frame set from the
* {@link DataContext.Variable#TIME_FRAME_SET} variable, then looks up the
* time frame by name. */
public static int customDateAdd(DataContext root,
String timeFrameName, int interval, int date) {
final TimeFrameSet timeFrameSet =
final TimeFrame timeFrame = timeFrameSet.get(timeFrameName);
return timeFrameSet.addDate(date, interval, timeFrame);
/** SQL {@code TIMESTAMPADD} function applied to a custom time frame.
* <p>Custom time frames are created and accessed as described in
* {@link #customDateAdd}. */
public static long customTimestampAdd(DataContext root,
String timeFrameName, long interval, long timestamp) {
final TimeFrameSet timeFrameSet =
final TimeFrame timeFrame = timeFrameSet.get(timeFrameName);
return timeFrameSet.addTimestamp(timestamp, interval, timeFrame);
/** SQL {@code DATEDIFF} function applied to a custom time frame.
* <p>Custom time frames are created and accessed as described in
* {@link #customDateAdd}. */
public static int customDateDiff(DataContext root,
String timeFrameName, int date, int date2) {
final TimeFrameSet timeFrameSet =
final TimeFrame timeFrame = timeFrameSet.get(timeFrameName);
return timeFrameSet.diffDate(date, date2, timeFrame);
/** SQL {@code TIMESTAMPDIFF} function applied to a custom time frame.
* <p>Custom time frames are created and accessed as described in
* {@link #customDateAdd}. */
public static long customTimestampDiff(DataContext root,
String timeFrameName, long timestamp, long timestamp2) {
final TimeFrameSet timeFrameSet =
final TimeFrame timeFrame = timeFrameSet.get(timeFrameName);
return timeFrameSet.diffTimestamp(timestamp, timestamp2, timeFrame);
/** SQL {@code FLOOR} function applied to a {@code DATE} value
* and a custom time frame.
* <p>Custom time frames are created and accessed as described in
* {@link #customDateAdd}. */
public static int customDateFloor(DataContext root,
String timeFrameName, int date) {
final TimeFrameSet timeFrameSet =
final TimeFrame timeFrame = timeFrameSet.get(timeFrameName);
return timeFrameSet.floorDate(date, timeFrame);
/** SQL {@code CEIL} function applied to a {@code DATE} value
* and a custom time frame.
* <p>Custom time frames are created and accessed as described in
* {@link #customDateAdd}. */
public static int customDateCeil(DataContext root,
String timeFrameName, int date) {
final TimeFrameSet timeFrameSet =
final TimeFrame timeFrame = timeFrameSet.get(timeFrameName);
return timeFrameSet.ceilDate(date, timeFrame);
/** SQL {@code FLOOR} function applied to a {@code TIMESTAMP} value
* and a custom time frame.
* <p>Custom time frames are created and accessed as described in
* {@link #customDateAdd}. */
public static long customTimestampFloor(DataContext root,
String timeFrameName, long timestamp) {
final TimeFrameSet timeFrameSet =
final TimeFrame timeFrame = timeFrameSet.get(timeFrameName);
return timeFrameSet.floorTimestamp(timestamp, timeFrame);
/** SQL {@code CEIL} function applied to a {@code TIMESTAMP} value
* and a custom time frame.
* <p>Custom time frames are created and accessed as described in
* {@link #customDateAdd}. */
public static long customTimestampCeil(DataContext root,
String timeFrameName, long timestamp) {
final TimeFrameSet timeFrameSet =
final TimeFrame timeFrame = timeFrameSet.get(timeFrameName);
return timeFrameSet.ceilTimestamp(timestamp, timeFrame);
/** SQL {@code TRANSLATE(string, search_chars, replacement_chars)}
* function. */
public static String translate3(String s, String search, String replacement) {
return org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.replaceChars(s, search, replacement);
/** SQL {@code REPLACE(string, search, replacement)} function. */
public static String replace(String s, String search, String replacement) {
return s.replace(search, replacement);
/** Helper for "array element reference". Caller has already ensured that
* array and index are not null.
* <p>Index may be 0- or 1-based depending on which array subscript operator
* is being used. {@code ITEM}, {@code ORDINAL}, and {@code SAFE_ORDINAL}
* are 1-based, while {@code OFFSET} and {@code SAFE_OFFSET} are 0-based.
* <p>The {@code ITEM}, {@code SAFE_OFFSET}, and {@code SAFE_ORDINAL}
* operators return null if the index is out of bounds, while the others
* throw an error. */
public static @Nullable Object arrayItem(List list, int item, int offset,
boolean safe) {
if (item < offset || item > list.size() + 1 - offset) {
if (safe) {
return null;
} else {
throw RESOURCE.arrayIndexOutOfBounds(item).ex();
return list.get(item - offset);
/** Helper for "map element reference". Caller has already ensured that
* array and index are not null. Index is 1-based, per SQL. */
public static @Nullable Object mapItem(Map map, Object item) {
return map.get(item);
/** Implements the {@code [ ... ]} operator on an object whose type is not
* known until runtime.
public static @Nullable Object item(Object object, Object index) {
if (object instanceof Map) {
return mapItem((Map) object, index);
if (object instanceof List && index instanceof Number) {
return arrayItem((List) object, ((Number) index).intValue(), 1, true);
if (index instanceof Number) {
return structAccess(object, ((Number) index).intValue() - 1, null); // 1 indexed
if (index instanceof String) {
return structAccess(object, -1, index.toString());
return null;
/** As {@link #arrayItem} method, but allows array to be nullable. */
public static @Nullable Object arrayItemOptional(@Nullable List list,
int item, int offset, boolean safe) {
if (list == null) {
return null;
return arrayItem(list, item, offset, safe);
/** As {@link #mapItem} method, but allows map to be nullable. */
public static @Nullable Object mapItemOptional(@Nullable Map map,
Object item) {
if (map == null) {
return null;
return mapItem(map, item);
/** As {@link #item} method, but allows object to be nullable. */
public static @Nullable Object itemOptional(@Nullable Object object,
Object index) {
if (object == null) {
return null;
return item(object, index);
/** NULL &rarr; FALSE, FALSE &rarr; FALSE, TRUE &rarr; TRUE. */
public static boolean isTrue(@Nullable Boolean b) {
return b != null && b;
/** NULL &rarr; FALSE, FALSE &rarr; TRUE, TRUE &rarr; FALSE. */
public static boolean isFalse(@Nullable Boolean b) {
return b != null && !b;
/** NULL &rarr; TRUE, FALSE &rarr; TRUE, TRUE &rarr; FALSE. */
public static boolean isNotTrue(@Nullable Boolean b) {
return b == null || !b;
/** NULL &rarr; TRUE, FALSE &rarr; FALSE, TRUE &rarr; TRUE. */
public static boolean isNotFalse(@Nullable Boolean b) {
return b == null || b;
/** NULL &rarr; NULL, FALSE &rarr; TRUE, TRUE &rarr; FALSE. */
public static @PolyNull Boolean not(@PolyNull Boolean b) {
return b == null ? castNonNull(null) : !b;
/** Converts a JDBC array to a list. */
public static @PolyNull List arrayToList(final java.sql.@PolyNull Array a) {
if (a == null) {
return castNonNull(null);
try {
return Primitive.asList(a.getArray());
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw Util.toUnchecked(e);
/** Support the {@code CURRENT VALUE OF sequence} operator. */
public static long sequenceCurrentValue(String key) {
return getAtomicLong(key).get();
/** Support the {@code NEXT VALUE OF sequence} operator. */
public static long sequenceNextValue(String key) {
return getAtomicLong(key).incrementAndGet();
private static AtomicLong getAtomicLong(String key) {
final Map<String, AtomicLong> map =
requireNonNull(THREAD_SEQUENCES.get(), "THREAD_SEQUENCES.get()");
AtomicLong atomic = map.get(key);
if (atomic == null) {
atomic = new AtomicLong();
map.put(key, atomic);
return atomic;
/** Support the ARRAYS_OVERLAP function. */
public static @Nullable Boolean arraysOverlap(List list1, List list2) {
if (list1.size() > list2.size()) {
return arraysOverlap(list2, list1);
final List smaller = list1;
final List bigger = list2;
boolean hasNull = false;
if (smaller.size() > 0 && bigger.size() > 0) {
final Set smallestSet = new HashSet(smaller);
hasNull = smallestSet.remove(null);
for (Object element : bigger) {
if (element == null) {
hasNull = true;
} else if (smallestSet.contains(element)) {
return true;
if (hasNull) {
return null;
} else {
return false;
/** Support the ARRAYS_ZIP function. */
public static List arraysZip(List... lists) {
final int biggestCardinality = lists.length == 0
? 0
final List result = new ArrayList(biggestCardinality);
for (int i = 0; i < biggestCardinality; i++) {
List<Object> row = new ArrayList<>();
Object value;
for (List list : lists) {
if (i < list.size() && list.get(i) != null) {
value = list.get(i);
} else {
value = null;
return result;
/** Support the ARRAY_COMPACT function. */
public static List compact(List list) {
final List result = new ArrayList();
for (Object element : list) {
if (element != null) {
return result;
/** Support the ARRAY_APPEND function. */
public static List arrayAppend(List list, Object element) {
final List result = new ArrayList(list.size() + 1);
return result;
/** Support the ARRAY_DISTINCT function.
* <p>Note: If the list does not contain null,
* {@link Util#distinctList(List)} is probably faster. */
public static List distinct(List list) {
Set result = new LinkedHashSet<>(list);
return new ArrayList<>(result);
/** Support the ARRAY_MAX function. */
public static @Nullable <T extends Object & Comparable<? super T>> T arrayMax(
List<? extends T> list) {
T max = null;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
T item = list.get(i);
if (item != null && (max == null || item.compareTo(max) > 0)) {
max = item;
return max;
/** Support the ARRAY_MIN function. */
public static @Nullable <T extends Object & Comparable<? super T>> T arrayMin(
List<? extends T> list) {
T min = null;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
T item = list.get(i);
if (item != null && (min == null || item.compareTo(min) < 0)) {
min = item;
return min;
/** Support the ARRAY_PREPEND function. */
public static List arrayPrepend(List list, Object element) {
final List result = new ArrayList(list.size() + 1);
return result;
/** Support the ARRAY_POSITION function. */
public static Long arrayPosition(List list, Object element) {
final int index = list.indexOf(element);
if (index != -1) {
return Long.valueOf(index + 1L);
return 0L;
/** Support the ARRAY_REMOVE function. */
public static List arrayRemove(List list, Object element) {
final List result = new ArrayList();
for (Object obj : list) {
if (obj == null || !obj.equals(element)) {
return result;
/** Support the ARRAY_REPEAT function. */
public static @Nullable List<Object> repeat(Object element, Object count) {
if (count == null) {
return null;
int numberOfElement = (int) count;
if (numberOfElement < 0) {
numberOfElement = 0;
return Collections.nCopies(numberOfElement, element);
/** Support the ARRAY_EXCEPT function. */
public static List arrayExcept(List list1, List list2) {
final Set result = new LinkedHashSet<>(list1);
return new ArrayList<>(result);
/** Support the ARRAY_INSERT function. */
public static @Nullable List arrayInsert(List baselist, Object pos, Object val) {
if (baselist == null || pos == null) {
return null;
int posInt = (int) pos;
Object[] baseArray = baselist.toArray();
if (posInt == 0 || posInt >= MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH || posInt <= -MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The index 0 is invalid. "
+ "An index shall be either < 0 or > 0 (the first element has index 1) "
+ "and not exceeds the allowed limit.");
boolean usePositivePos = posInt > 0;
if (usePositivePos) {
int newArrayLength = Math.max(baseArray.length + 1, posInt);
if (newArrayLength > MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
String.format(Locale.ROOT, "The new array length %s exceeds the allowed limit.",
Object[] newArray = new Object[newArrayLength];
int posIndex = posInt - 1;
if (posIndex < baseArray.length) {
System.arraycopy(baseArray, 0, newArray, 0, posIndex);
newArray[posIndex] = val;
System.arraycopy(baseArray, posIndex, newArray, posIndex + 1, baseArray.length - posIndex);
} else {
System.arraycopy(baseArray, 0, newArray, 0, baseArray.length);
newArray[posIndex] = val;
return Arrays.asList(newArray);
} else {
int posIndex = posInt;
boolean newPosExtendsArrayLeft = baseArray.length + posIndex < 0;
if (newPosExtendsArrayLeft) {
// special case, if the new position is negative but larger than the current array size
// place the new item at start of array, place the current array contents at the end
// and fill the newly created array elements in middle with a null
int newArrayLength = -posIndex + 1;
if (newArrayLength > MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
String.format(Locale.ROOT, "The new array length %s exceeds the allowed limit.",
Object[] newArray = new Object[newArrayLength];
System.arraycopy(baseArray, 0, newArray, Math.abs(posIndex + baseArray.length) + 1,
newArray[0] = val;
return Arrays.asList(newArray);
} else {
posIndex = posIndex + baseArray.length;
int newArrayLength = Math.max(baseArray.length + 1, posIndex + 1);
if (newArrayLength > MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
String.format(Locale.ROOT, "The new array length %s exceeds the allowed limit.",
Object[] newArray = new Object[newArrayLength];
if (posIndex < baseArray.length) {
System.arraycopy(baseArray, 0, newArray, 0, posIndex);
newArray[posIndex] = val;
System.arraycopy(baseArray, posIndex, newArray, posIndex + 1,
baseArray.length - posIndex);
} else {
System.arraycopy(baseArray, 0, newArray, 0, baseArray.length);
newArray[posIndex] = val;
return Arrays.asList(newArray);
/** Support the ARRAY_INTERSECT function. */
public static List arrayIntersect(List list1, List list2) {
final Set result = new LinkedHashSet<>(list1);
return new ArrayList<>(result);
/** Support the ARRAY_UNION function. */
public static List arrayUnion(List list1, List list2) {
final Set result = new LinkedHashSet<>();
return new ArrayList<>(result);
/** Support the SORT_ARRAY function. */
public static List sortArray(List list, boolean ascending) {
Comparator comparator = ascending
? Comparator.nullsFirst(Comparator.naturalOrder())
: Comparator.nullsLast(Comparator.reverseOrder());
return list;
/** Support the EXISTS(list, function1) function. */
public static @Nullable Boolean exists(List list, Function1<Object, Boolean> function1) {
return nullableExists(list, function1);
/** Support the EXISTS(list, predicate1) function. */
public static Boolean exists(List list, Predicate1 predicate1) {
for (Object element : list) {
boolean ret = predicate1.apply(element);
if (ret) {
return true;
return false;
/** Support the MAP_CONCAT function. */
public static Map mapConcat(Map... maps) {
final Map result = new LinkedHashMap();;
return result;
/** Support the MAP_ENTRIES function. */
public static List mapEntries(Map<Object, Object> map) {
final List result = new ArrayList(map.size());
for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) {
result.add(Arrays.asList(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
return result;
/** Support the MAP_KEYS function. */
public static List mapKeys(Map map) {
return new ArrayList<>(map.keySet());
/** Support the MAP_VALUES function. */
public static List mapValues(Map map) {
return new ArrayList<>(map.values());
/** Support the MAP_FROM_ARRAYS function. */
public static Map mapFromArrays(List keysArray, List valuesArray) {
if (keysArray.size() != valuesArray.size()) {
throw RESOURCE.illegalArgumentsInMapFromArraysFunc(keysArray.size(), valuesArray.size()).ex();
final Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < keysArray.size(); i++) {
map.put(keysArray.get(i), valuesArray.get(i));
return map;
/** Support the MAP_FROM_ENTRIES function. */
public static @Nullable Map mapFromEntries(List entries) {
final Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Object entry : entries) {
if (entry == null) {
return null;
map.put(structAccess(entry, 0, null), structAccess(entry, 1, null));
return map;
/** Support the MAP function.
* <p>odd-indexed elements are keys and even-indexed elements are values.
public static Map map(Object... args) {
final Map map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) {
Object key = args[i];
Object value = args[i + 1];
map.put(key, value);
return map;
/** Support the STR_TO_MAP function. */
public static Map strToMap(String string, String stringDelimiter, String keyValueDelimiter) {
final Map map = new LinkedHashMap();
final String[] keyValues = string.split(stringDelimiter, -1);
for (String s : keyValues) {
String[] keyValueArray = s.split(keyValueDelimiter, 2);
String key = keyValueArray[0];
String value = keyValueArray.length < 2
? null
: keyValueArray[1];
map.put(key, value);
return map;
/** Support the SLICE function. */
public static List slice(List list) {
List result = new ArrayList(list.size());
for (Object e : list) {
result.add(structAccess(e, 0, null));
return result;
/** Support the ELEMENT function. */
public static @Nullable Object element(List list) {
switch (list.size()) {
case 0:
return null;
case 1:
return list.get(0);
throw RESOURCE.moreThanOneValueInList(list.toString()).ex();
/** Support the MEMBER OF function. */
public static boolean memberOf(@Nullable Object object, Collection collection) {
return collection.contains(object);
/** Support the MULTISET INTERSECT DISTINCT function. */
public static <E> Collection<E> multisetIntersectDistinct(Collection<E> c1,
Collection<E> c2) {
final Set<E> result = new HashSet<>(c1);
return new ArrayList<>(result);
/** Support the MULTISET INTERSECT ALL function. */
public static <E> Collection<E> multisetIntersectAll(Collection<E> c1,
Collection<E> c2) {
final List<E> result = new ArrayList<>(c1.size());
final List<E> c2Copy = new ArrayList<>(c2);
for (E e : c1) {
if (c2Copy.remove(e)) {
return result;
/** Support the MULTISET EXCEPT ALL function. */
public static <E> Collection<E> multisetExceptAll(Collection<E> c1,
Collection<E> c2) {
// TOOD: use Multisets?
final List<E> result = new LinkedList<>(c1);
for (E e : c2) {
return result;
/** Support the MULTISET EXCEPT DISTINCT function. */
public static <E> Collection<E> multisetExceptDistinct(Collection<E> c1,
Collection<E> c2) {
final Set<E> result = new HashSet<>(c1);
return new ArrayList<>(result);
/** Support the IS A SET function. */
public static boolean isASet(Collection collection) {
if (collection instanceof Set) {
return true;
// capacity calculation is in the same way like for new HashSet(Collection)
// however return immediately in case of duplicates
Set set = new HashSet(Math.max((int) (collection.size() / .75f) + 1, 16));
for (Object e : collection) {
if (!set.add(e)) {
return false;
return true;
/** Support the SUBMULTISET OF function. */
public static boolean submultisetOf(Collection possibleSubMultiset,
Collection multiset) {
if (possibleSubMultiset.size() > multiset.size()) {
return false;
// TODO: use Multisets?
Collection multisetLocal = new LinkedList(multiset);
for (Object e : possibleSubMultiset) {
if (!multisetLocal.remove(e)) {
return false;
return true;
/** Support the MULTISET UNION function. */
public static Collection multisetUnionDistinct(Collection collection1,
Collection collection2) {
// capacity calculation is in the same way like for new HashSet(Collection)
Set resultCollection =
new HashSet(Math.max((int) ((collection1.size() + collection2.size()) / .75f) + 1, 16));
return new ArrayList(resultCollection);
/** Support the MULTISET UNION ALL function. */
public static Collection multisetUnionAll(Collection collection1,
Collection collection2) {
List resultCollection = new ArrayList(collection1.size() + collection2.size());
return resultCollection;
/** Support the ARRAY_REVERSE function. */
public static List reverse(List list) {
return list;
/** SQL {@code ARRAY_TO_STRING(array, delimiter)} function. */
public static String arrayToString(List list, String delimiter) {
return arrayToString(list, delimiter, null);
/** SQL {@code ARRAY_TO_STRING(array, delimiter, nullText)} function. */
public static String arrayToString(List list, String delimiter, @Nullable String nullText) {
// Note that the SQL function ARRAY_TO_STRING that we implement will return
// 'NULL' when the nullText argument is NULL. However, that is handled by
// the nullPolicy of the RexToLixTranslator. So here a NULL value
// for the nullText argument can only come from the above 2-argument version.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean isFirst = true;
for (Object item : list) {
String str;
if (item == null) {
if (nullText == null) {
} else {
str = nullText;
} else if (item instanceof String) {
str = (String) item;
} else if (item instanceof ByteString) {
str = item.toString();
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"arrayToString supports only String or ByteString, but got "
+ item.getClass().getName());
if (!isFirst) {
isFirst = false;
return sb.toString();
* Function that, given a certain List containing single-item structs (i.e. arrays / lists with
* a single item), builds an Enumerable that returns those single items inside the structs.
public static Function1<List<Object>, Enumerable<Object>> flatList() {
return inputList -> Linq4j.asEnumerable(inputList).select(v -> structAccess(v, 0, null));
public static Function1<Object, Enumerable<ComparableList<Comparable>>> flatProduct(
final int[] fieldCounts, final boolean withOrdinality,
final FlatProductInputType[] inputTypes) {
if (fieldCounts.length == 1) {
if (!withOrdinality && inputTypes[0] == FlatProductInputType.SCALAR) {
//noinspection unchecked
return (Function1) LIST_AS_ENUMERABLE;
} else {
return row -> p2(new Object[] { row }, fieldCounts, withOrdinality,
return lists -> p2((Object[]) lists, fieldCounts, withOrdinality,
private static Enumerable<FlatLists.ComparableList<Comparable>> p2(
Object[] lists, int[] fieldCounts, boolean withOrdinality,
FlatProductInputType[] inputTypes) {
final List<Enumerator<List<Comparable>>> enumerators = new ArrayList<>();
int totalFieldCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
int fieldCount = fieldCounts[i];
FlatProductInputType inputType = inputTypes[i];
Object inputObject = lists[i];
switch (inputType) {
case SCALAR:
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Comparable> list =
(List<Comparable>) inputObject;
Linq4j.enumerator(list), FlatLists::of));
case LIST:
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<List<Comparable>> listList =
(List<List<Comparable>>) inputObject;
case MAP:
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<Comparable, Comparable> map =
(Map<Comparable, Comparable>) inputObject;
Enumerator<Map.Entry<Comparable, Comparable>> enumerator =
Enumerator<List<Comparable>> transformed =
e -> FlatLists.of(e.getKey(), e.getValue()));
if (fieldCount < 0) {
} else {
totalFieldCount += fieldCount;
if (withOrdinality) {
return product(enumerators, totalFieldCount, withOrdinality);
public static Object[] array(Object... args) {
return args;
* Returns whether there is an element in {@code list} for which {@code predicate} is true.
* Also, if {@code predicate} returns null for any element of {@code list}
* and does not return {@code true} for any element of {@code list},
* the result will be {@code null}, not {@code false}.
public static @Nullable <E> Boolean nullableExists(List<? extends E> list,
Function1<E, Boolean> predicate) {
boolean nullExists = false;
for (E e : list) {
Boolean res = predicate.apply(e);
if (res == null) {
nullExists = true;
} else if (res) {
return true;
return nullExists ? null : false;
* Returns whether {@code predicate} is true for all elements of {@code list}.
* Also, if {@code predicate} returns null for any element of {@code list}
* and does not return {@code false} for any element,
* the result will be {@code null}, not {@code true}.
public static @Nullable <E> Boolean nullableAll(List<? extends E> list,
Function1<E, Boolean> predicate) {
boolean nullExists = false;
for (E e : list) {
Boolean res = predicate.apply(e);
if (res == null) {
nullExists = true;
} else if (!res) {
return false;
return nullExists ? null : true;
/** Similar to {@link Linq4j#product(Iterable)} but each resulting list
* implements {@link FlatLists.ComparableList}. */
public static <E extends Comparable> Enumerable<FlatLists.ComparableList<E>> product(
final List<Enumerator<List<E>>> enumerators, final int fieldCount,
final boolean withOrdinality) {
return new AbstractEnumerable<FlatLists.ComparableList<E>>() {
@Override public Enumerator<FlatLists.ComparableList<E>> enumerator() {
return new ProductComparableListEnumerator<>(enumerators, fieldCount,
* Implements the {@code .} (field access) operator on an object
* whose type is not known until runtime.
* <p>A struct object can be represented in various ways by the
* runtime and depends on the
* {@link org.apache.calcite.adapter.enumerable.JavaRowFormat}.
public static @Nullable Object structAccess(@Nullable Object structObject, int index,
@Nullable String fieldName) {
if (structObject == null) {
return null;
if (structObject instanceof Object[]) {
return ((Object[]) structObject)[index];
} else if (structObject instanceof List) {
return ((List) structObject).get(index);
} else if (structObject instanceof Row) {
return ((Row) structObject).getObject(index);
} else {
Class<?> beanClass = structObject.getClass();
try {
if (fieldName == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Field name cannot be null for struct field access");
Field structField = beanClass.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
return structField.get(structObject);
} catch (NoSuchFieldException | IllegalAccessException ex) {
throw RESOURCE.failedToAccessField(fieldName, index, beanClass.getName()).ex(ex);
/** Enumerates over the cartesian product of the given lists, returning
* a comparable list for each row.
* @param <E> element type */
private static class ProductComparableListEnumerator<E extends Comparable>
extends CartesianProductEnumerator<List<E>, FlatLists.ComparableList<E>> {
final Object[] flatElements;
final List<Object> list;
private final boolean withOrdinality;
private int ordinality;
ProductComparableListEnumerator(List<Enumerator<List<E>>> enumerators,
int fieldCount, boolean withOrdinality) {
this.withOrdinality = withOrdinality;
flatElements = new Object[fieldCount];
list = Arrays.asList(flatElements);
@Override public boolean moveNext() {
boolean hasNext = super.moveNext();
if (hasNext && withOrdinality) {
return hasNext;
@Override public FlatLists.ComparableList<E> current() {
int i = 0;
for (Object element : (Object[]) elements) {
Object[] a;
if (element.getClass().isArray()) {
a = (Object[]) element;
} else {
final List list2 = (List) element;
a = list2.toArray();
System.arraycopy(a, 0, flatElements, i, a.length);
i += a.length;
if (withOrdinality) {
flatElements[i] = ordinality;
//noinspection unchecked
return (FlatLists.ComparableList) FlatLists.of(list);
@Override public void reset() {
if (withOrdinality) {
ordinality = 0;
/** Specifies scope to search for {@code #containsSubstr}. */
public enum JsonScope {
/** Type of argument passed into {@link #flatProduct}. */
public enum FlatProductInputType {
/** Type of part to extract passed into {@link ParseUrlFunction#parseUrl}. */
private enum PartToExtract {