blob: 167d769f85c9aa127280162e60d265d1b04683fe [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.implicit;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.DynamicRecordType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeFactory;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeField;
import org.apache.calcite.runtime.PairList;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCharStringLiteral;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCollation;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlDynamicParam;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlIdentifier;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNodeList;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParseException;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParserPos;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParserUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeCoercionRule;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeFamily;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeMappingRule;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeName;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeUtil;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidator;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorNamespace;
import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorScope;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Pair;
import org.apache.calcite.util.Util;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static org.apache.calcite.sql.type.NonNullableAccessors.getCollation;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
* Base class for all the type coercion rules. If you want to have a custom type coercion rules,
* inheriting this class is not necessary, but would have some convenient tool methods.
* <p>We make tool methods: {@link #coerceOperandType}, {@link #coerceColumnType},
* {@link #needToCast}, {@link #updateInferredType}, {@link #updateInferredColumnType}
* all overridable by derived classes, you can define system specific type coercion logic.
* <p>Caution that these methods may modify the {@link SqlNode} tree, you should know what the
* effect is when using these methods to customize your type coercion rules.
* <p>This class also defines the default implementation of the type widening strategies, see
* {@link TypeCoercion} doc and methods: {@link #getTightestCommonType}, {@link #getWiderTypeFor},
* {@link #getWiderTypeForTwo}, {@link #getWiderTypeForDecimal},
* {@link #commonTypeForBinaryComparison} for the detail strategies.
public abstract class AbstractTypeCoercion implements TypeCoercion {
protected SqlValidator validator;
protected RelDataTypeFactory factory;
//~ Constructors -----------------------------------------------------------
AbstractTypeCoercion(RelDataTypeFactory typeFactory, SqlValidator validator) {
this.factory = requireNonNull(typeFactory, "typeFactory");
this.validator = requireNonNull(validator, "validator");
//~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
* Cast operand at index {@code index} to target type.
* we do this base on the fact that validate happens before type coercion.
protected boolean coerceOperandType(
@Nullable SqlValidatorScope scope,
SqlCall call,
int index,
RelDataType targetType) {
// Transform the JavaType to SQL type because the SqlDataTypeSpec
// does not support deriving JavaType yet.
if (RelDataTypeFactoryImpl.isJavaType(targetType)) {
targetType = ((JavaTypeFactory) factory).toSql(targetType);
SqlNode operand = call.getOperandList().get(index);
if (operand instanceof SqlDynamicParam) {
// Do not support implicit type coercion for dynamic param.
return false;
requireNonNull(scope, "scope");
RelDataType operandType = validator.deriveType(scope, operand);
if (coerceStringToArray(call, operand, index, operandType, targetType)) {
return true;
// Check it early.
if (!needToCast(scope, operand, targetType,
SqlTypeCoercionRule.lenientInstance())) {
return false;
// Fix up nullable attr.
RelDataType targetType1 = syncAttributes(operandType, targetType);
SqlNode desired = castTo(operand, targetType1);
call.setOperand(index, desired);
updateInferredType(desired, targetType1);
return true;
* Coerce all the operands to {@code commonType}.
* @param scope Validator scope
* @param call the call
* @param commonType common type to coerce to
protected boolean coerceOperandsType(
@Nullable SqlValidatorScope scope,
SqlCall call,
RelDataType commonType) {
boolean coerced = false;
for (int i = 0; i < call.operandCount(); i++) {
coerced = coerceOperandType(scope, call, i, commonType) || coerced;
return coerced;
* Cast column at index {@code index} to target type.
* @param scope Validator scope for the node list
* @param nodeList Column node list
* @param index Index of column
* @param targetType Target type to cast to
protected boolean coerceColumnType(
@Nullable SqlValidatorScope scope,
SqlNodeList nodeList,
int index,
RelDataType targetType) {
// Transform the JavaType to SQL type because the SqlDataTypeSpec
// does not support deriving JavaType yet.
if (RelDataTypeFactoryImpl.isJavaType(targetType)) {
targetType = ((JavaTypeFactory) factory).toSql(targetType);
// This will happen when there is a star/dynamic-star column in the select list,
// and the source is values expression, i.e. `select * from (values(1, 2, 3))`.
// There is no need to coerce the column type, only remark
// the inferred row type has changed, we will then add in type coercion
// when expanding star/dynamic-star.
// See SqlToRelConverter#convertSelectList for details.
if (index >= nodeList.size()) {
// Can only happen when there is a star(*) in the column,
// just return true.
return true;
final SqlNode node = nodeList.get(index);
if (node instanceof SqlDynamicParam) {
// Do not support implicit type coercion for dynamic param.
return false;
if (node instanceof SqlIdentifier) {
// Do not expand a star/dynamic table col.
SqlIdentifier node1 = (SqlIdentifier) node;
if (node1.isStar()) {
return true;
} else if (DynamicRecordType.isDynamicStarColName(Util.last(node1.names))) {
// Should support implicit cast for dynamic table.
return false;
requireNonNull(scope, "scope is needed for needToCast(scope, operand, targetType)");
if (node instanceof SqlCall) {
SqlCall node2 = (SqlCall) node;
if (node2.getOperator().kind == SqlKind.AS) {
final SqlNode operand = node2.operand(0);
if (!needToCast(scope, operand, targetType)) {
return false;
RelDataType targetType2 = syncAttributes(validator.deriveType(scope, operand), targetType);
final SqlNode casted = castTo(operand, targetType2);
node2.setOperand(0, casted);
updateInferredType(casted, targetType2);
return true;
if (!needToCast(scope, node, targetType)) {
return false;
RelDataType targetType3 = syncAttributes(validator.deriveType(scope, node), targetType);
final SqlNode node3 = castTo(node, targetType3);
nodeList.set(index, node3);
updateInferredType(node3, targetType3);
return true;
* Sync the data type additional attributes before casting,
* i.e. nullability, charset, collation.
RelDataType syncAttributes(
RelDataType fromType,
RelDataType toType) {
RelDataType syncedType = toType;
if (fromType != null) {
syncedType = factory.createTypeWithNullability(syncedType, fromType.isNullable());
if (SqlTypeUtil.inCharOrBinaryFamilies(fromType)
&& SqlTypeUtil.inCharOrBinaryFamilies(toType)) {
Charset charset = fromType.getCharset();
if (charset != null && SqlTypeUtil.inCharFamily(syncedType)) {
SqlCollation collation = getCollation(fromType);
syncedType =
factory.createTypeWithCharsetAndCollation(syncedType, charset,
return syncedType;
/** Returns whether a SqlNode should be cast to a target type.
* <p>The default implementation uses the scope's validator's type mapping
* rule to determine validity; a derived class can override this strategy. */
protected boolean needToCast(SqlValidatorScope scope, SqlNode node,
RelDataType toType) {
return needToCast(scope, node, toType,
/** Returns whether a SqlNode should be cast to a target type,
* using a type mapping rule to determine casting validity. */
protected boolean needToCast(SqlValidatorScope scope, SqlNode node,
RelDataType toType, SqlTypeMappingRule mappingRule) {
RelDataType fromType = validator.deriveType(scope, node);
// This depends on the fact that type validate happens before coercion.
// We do not have inferred type for some node, i.e. LOCALTIME.
if (fromType == null) {
return false;
// This prevents that we cast a JavaType to normal RelDataType.
if (fromType instanceof RelDataTypeFactoryImpl.JavaType
&& toType.getSqlTypeName() == fromType.getSqlTypeName()) {
return false;
// Do not make a cast when we don't know specific type (ANY) of the origin node.
if (toType.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.ANY
|| fromType.getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.ANY) {
return false;
// No need to cast between char and varchar.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(toType)
&& SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(fromType)) {
return false;
// No need to cast if the source type precedence list
// contains target type. i.e. do not cast from
// tinyint to int or int to bigint.
if (fromType.getPrecedenceList().containsType(toType)
&& SqlTypeUtil.isIntType(fromType)
&& SqlTypeUtil.isIntType(toType)) {
return false;
// No casts to binary except from strings
if (SqlTypeUtil.isBinary(fromType) && !SqlTypeUtil.isString(toType)) {
return false;
// No casts from binary except to strings
if (SqlTypeUtil.isBinary(toType) && !SqlTypeUtil.isString(fromType)) {
return false;
// Implicit type coercion does not handle nullability.
if (SqlTypeUtil.equalSansNullability(factory, fromType, toType)) {
return false;
// Should keep sync with rules in SqlTypeCoercionRule.
assert SqlTypeUtil.canCastFrom(toType, fromType, mappingRule);
return true;
/** It should not be used directly, because some other work should be done
* before cast operation, see {@link #coerceColumnType}, {@link #coerceOperandType}.
* <p>Ignore constant reduction which should happen in RexSimplify.
private static SqlNode castTo(SqlNode node, RelDataType type) {
return SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST.createCall(SqlParserPos.ZERO, node,
* Update inferred type for a SqlNode.
protected void updateInferredType(SqlNode node, RelDataType type) {
validator.setValidatedNodeType(node, type);
final SqlValidatorNamespace namespace = validator.getNamespace(node);
if (namespace != null) {
* Update inferred row type for a query, i.e. SqlCall that returns struct type
* or SqlSelect.
* @param scope Validator scope
* @param query Node to inferred type
* @param columnIndex Column index to update
* @param desiredType Desired column type
protected void updateInferredColumnType(
SqlValidatorScope scope,
SqlNode query,
int columnIndex,
RelDataType desiredType) {
final RelDataType rowType = validator.deriveType(scope, query);
assert rowType.isStruct();
assert columnIndex < rowType.getFieldList().size();
final PairList<String, RelDataType> fieldList = PairList.of();
for (int i = 0; i < rowType.getFieldCount(); i++) {
final RelDataTypeField field = rowType.getFieldList().get(i);
final String name = field.getName();
final RelDataType type = field.getType();
final RelDataType targetType = i == columnIndex ? desiredType : type;
fieldList.add(name, targetType);
updateInferredType(query, factory.createStructType(fieldList));
* Case1: type widening with no precision loss.
* Find the tightest common type of two types that might be used in binary expression.
* @return tightest common type, i.e. INTEGER + DECIMAL(10, 2) returns DECIMAL(10, 2)
@Override public @Nullable RelDataType getTightestCommonType(
@Nullable RelDataType type1, @Nullable RelDataType type2) {
if (type1 == null || type2 == null) {
return null;
// If only different with nullability, return type with be nullable true.
if (type1.equals(type2)
|| (type1.isNullable() != type2.isNullable()
&& factory.createTypeWithNullability(type1, type2.isNullable()).equals(type2))) {
return factory.createTypeWithNullability(type1,
type1.isNullable() || type2.isNullable());
// If one type is with Null type name: returns the other.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isNull(type1)) {
return type2;
if (SqlTypeUtil.isNull(type2)) {
return type1;
RelDataType resultType = null;
if (SqlTypeUtil.isString(type1)
&& SqlTypeUtil.isString(type2)) {
resultType = factory.leastRestrictive(ImmutableList.of(type1, type2));
// For numeric types: promote to highest type.
// i.e. MS-SQL/MYSQL supports numeric types cast from/to each other.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isNumeric(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isNumeric(type2)) {
// For fixed precision decimals casts from(to) each other or other numeric types,
// we let the operator decide the precision and scale of the result.
if (!SqlTypeUtil.isDecimal(type1) && !SqlTypeUtil.isDecimal(type2)) {
resultType = factory.leastRestrictive(ImmutableList.of(type1, type2));
// Date + Timestamp -> Timestamp.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isDate(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isTimestamp(type2)) {
resultType = type2;
if (SqlTypeUtil.isDate(type2) && SqlTypeUtil.isTimestamp(type1)) {
resultType = type1;
if (type1.isStruct() && type2.isStruct()) {
if (SqlTypeUtil.equalAsStructSansNullability(factory, type1, type2,
validator.getCatalogReader().nameMatcher())) {
// If two fields only differs with name case and/or nullability:
// - different names: use
// - different nullabilities: `nullable` is true if one of them is nullable.
List<RelDataType> fields = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> fieldNames = type1.getFieldNames();
for (Pair<RelDataTypeField, RelDataTypeField> pair
:, type2.getFieldList())) {
RelDataType leftType = pair.left.getType();
RelDataType rightType = pair.right.getType();
RelDataType dataType = getTightestCommonTypeOrThrow(leftType, rightType);
boolean isNullable = leftType.isNullable() || rightType.isNullable();
fields.add(factory.createTypeWithNullability(dataType, isNullable));
return factory.createStructType(type1.getStructKind(), fields, fieldNames);
if (SqlTypeUtil.isArray(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isArray(type2)) {
if (SqlTypeUtil.equalSansNullability(factory, type1, type2)) {
resultType =
type1.isNullable() || type2.isNullable());
if (SqlTypeUtil.isMap(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isMap(type2)) {
if (SqlTypeUtil.equalSansNullability(factory, type1, type2)) {
RelDataType keyType =
getTightestCommonTypeOrThrow(type1.getKeyType(), type2.getKeyType());
RelDataType valType =
getTightestCommonTypeOrThrow(type1.getValueType(), type2.getValueType());
resultType = factory.createMapType(keyType, valType);
return resultType;
private RelDataType getTightestCommonTypeOrThrow(
@Nullable RelDataType type1, @Nullable RelDataType type2) {
return requireNonNull(getTightestCommonType(type1, type2),
() -> "expected non-null getTightestCommonType for " + type1 + " and " + type2);
* Promote all the way to VARCHAR.
private @Nullable RelDataType promoteToVarChar(
@Nullable RelDataType type1, @Nullable RelDataType type2) {
RelDataType resultType = null;
if (type1 == null || type2 == null) {
return null;
// No promotion for char and varchar.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(type2)) {
return null;
// 1. Do not distinguish CHAR and VARCHAR, i.e. (INTEGER + CHAR(3))
// and (INTEGER + VARCHAR(5)) would both deduce VARCHAR type.
// 2. VARCHAR has 65536 as default precision.
// 3. Following MS-SQL: BINARY or BOOLEAN can be casted to VARCHAR.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isAtomic(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(type2)) {
resultType = factory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.VARCHAR);
if (SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isAtomic(type2)) {
resultType = factory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.VARCHAR);
return resultType;
* Determines common type for a comparison operator when one operand is String type and the
* other is not. For date + timestamp operands, use timestamp as common type,
* i.e. Timestamp(2017-01-01 00:00 ...) &gt; Date(2018) evaluates to be false.
@Override public @Nullable RelDataType commonTypeForBinaryComparison(
@Nullable RelDataType type1, @Nullable RelDataType type2) {
if (type1 == null || type2 == null) {
return null;
SqlTypeName typeName1 = type1.getSqlTypeName();
SqlTypeName typeName2 = type2.getSqlTypeName();
if (typeName1 == null || typeName2 == null) {
return null;
// REVIEW Danny 2019-09-23: There is some legacy redundant code in SqlToRelConverter
// that coerce Datetime and CHARACTER comparison.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isDatetime(type2)) {
return type2;
if (SqlTypeUtil.isDatetime(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(type2)) {
return type1;
if (SqlTypeUtil.isDate(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isTimestamp(type2)) {
return type2;
if (SqlTypeUtil.isDate(type2) && SqlTypeUtil.isTimestamp(type1)) {
return type1;
if (SqlTypeUtil.isString(type1) && typeName2 == SqlTypeName.NULL) {
return type1;
if (typeName1 == SqlTypeName.NULL && SqlTypeUtil.isString(type2)) {
return type2;
if (SqlTypeUtil.isDecimal(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(type2)
|| SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isDecimal(type2)) {
// There is no proper DECIMAL type for VARCHAR, using max precision/scale DECIMAL
// as the best we can do.
return SqlTypeUtil.getMaxPrecisionScaleDecimal(factory);
// Keep sync with MS-SQL:
// because of precision loss,
// 2. CHARACTER to TIMESTAMP need explicit cast because of TimeZone.
// Hive:
// 1. BINARY can not cast to any other types,
// 2. CHARACTER can only be coerced to DOUBLE/DECIMAL.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isBinary(type2) && SqlTypeUtil.isApproximateNumeric(type1)
|| SqlTypeUtil.isBinary(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isApproximateNumeric(type2)) {
return null;
// 1 > '1' will be coerced to 1 > 1.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isAtomic(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(type2)) {
if (SqlTypeUtil.isTimestamp(type1)) {
return null;
return type1;
if (SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isAtomic(type2)) {
if (SqlTypeUtil.isTimestamp(type2)) {
return null;
return type2;
if (validator.config().conformance().allowLenientCoercion()) {
if (SqlTypeUtil.isString(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isArray(type2)) {
return type2;
if (SqlTypeUtil.isString(type2) && SqlTypeUtil.isArray(type1)) {
return type1;
return null;
* Case2: type widening. The main difference with {@link #getTightestCommonType}
* is that we allow some precision loss when widening decimal to fractional,
* or promote fractional to string type.
@Override public @Nullable RelDataType getWiderTypeForTwo(
@Nullable RelDataType type1,
@Nullable RelDataType type2,
boolean stringPromotion) {
if (type1 == null || type2 == null) {
return null;
RelDataType resultType = getTightestCommonType(type1, type2);
if (null == resultType) {
resultType = getWiderTypeForDecimal(type1, type2);
if (null == resultType && stringPromotion) {
resultType = promoteToVarChar(type1, type2);
if (null == resultType) {
if (SqlTypeUtil.isArray(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isArray(type2)) {
RelDataType valType =
type2.getComponentType(), stringPromotion);
if (null != valType) {
resultType = factory.createArrayType(valType, -1);
return resultType;
* Finds a wider type when one or both types are decimal type.
* If the wider decimal type's precision/scale exceeds system limitation,
* this rule will truncate the decimal type to the max precision/scale.
* For decimal and fractional types, returns a decimal type
* which has the higher precision of the two.
* <p>The default implementation depends on the max precision/scale of the type system,
* you can override it based on the specific system requirement in
* {@link org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeSystem}.
@Override public @Nullable RelDataType getWiderTypeForDecimal(
@Nullable RelDataType type1, @Nullable RelDataType type2) {
if (type1 == null || type2 == null) {
return null;
if (!SqlTypeUtil.isDecimal(type1) && !SqlTypeUtil.isDecimal(type2)) {
return null;
// For Calcite `DECIMAL` default to have max allowed precision,
// so just return decimal type.
// This is based on the RelDataTypeSystem implementation,
// subclass should override it correctly.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isNumeric(type1) && SqlTypeUtil.isNumeric(type2)) {
return factory.leastRestrictive(ImmutableList.of(type1, type2));
return null;
* Similar to {@link #getWiderTypeForTwo}, but can handle
* sequence types. {@link #getWiderTypeForTwo} doesn't satisfy the associative law,
* i.e. (a op b) op c may not equal to a op (b op c). This is only a problem for STRING type or
* nested STRING type in collection type like ARRAY. Excluding these types,
* {@link #getWiderTypeForTwo} satisfies the associative law. For instance,
* (DATE, INTEGER, VARCHAR) should have VARCHAR as the wider common type.
@Override public @Nullable RelDataType getWiderTypeFor(List<RelDataType> typeList,
boolean stringPromotion) {
assert typeList.size() > 1;
RelDataType resultType = typeList.get(0);
List<RelDataType> target = stringPromotion ? partitionByCharacter(typeList) : typeList;
for (RelDataType tp : target) {
resultType = getWiderTypeForTwo(tp, resultType, stringPromotion);
if (null == resultType) {
return null;
return resultType;
private static List<RelDataType> partitionByCharacter(List<RelDataType> types) {
List<RelDataType> withCharacterTypes = new ArrayList<>();
List<RelDataType> nonCharacterTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (RelDataType tp : types) {
if (SqlTypeUtil.hasCharacter(tp)) {
} else {
List<RelDataType> partitioned = new ArrayList<>();
return partitioned;
* Checks if the types and families can have implicit type coercion.
* We will check the type one by one, that means the 1th type and 1th family,
* 2th type and 2th family, and the like.
* @param types Data type need to check
* @param families Desired type families list
boolean canImplicitTypeCast(List<RelDataType> types, List<SqlTypeFamily> families) {
boolean needed = false;
if (types.size() != families.size()) {
return false;
for (Pair<RelDataType, SqlTypeFamily> pair :, families)) {
RelDataType implicitType = implicitCast(pair.left, pair.right);
if (null == implicitType) {
return false;
needed = pair.left != implicitType || needed;
return needed;
* Type coercion based on the inferred type from passed in operand
* and the {@link SqlTypeFamily} defined in the checkers,
* e.g. the {@link org.apache.calcite.sql.type.FamilyOperandTypeChecker}.
* <p>Caution that we do not cast from NUMERIC to NUMERIC.
* See <a href="">CalciteImplicitCasts</a>
* for the details.
* @param in Inferred operand type
* @param expected Expected {@link SqlTypeFamily} of registered SqlFunction
* @return common type of implicit cast, null if we do not find any
public @Nullable RelDataType implicitCast(RelDataType in, SqlTypeFamily expected) {
List<SqlTypeFamily> numericFamilies =
ImmutableList.of(SqlTypeFamily.NUMERIC, SqlTypeFamily.DECIMAL,
List<SqlTypeFamily> dateTimeFamilies =
ImmutableList.of(SqlTypeFamily.DATE, SqlTypeFamily.TIME,
// If the expected type is already a parent of the input type, no need to cast.
if (expected.getTypeNames().contains(in.getSqlTypeName())) {
return in;
// Cast null type (usually from null literals) into target type.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isNull(in)) {
return expected.getDefaultConcreteType(factory);
if (SqlTypeUtil.isNumeric(in) && expected == SqlTypeFamily.DECIMAL) {
return factory.decimalOf(in);
if (SqlTypeUtil.isApproximateNumeric(in) && expected == SqlTypeFamily.EXACT_NUMERIC) {
return factory.decimalOf(in);
if (SqlTypeUtil.isDate(in) && expected == SqlTypeFamily.TIMESTAMP) {
return factory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.TIMESTAMP);
if (SqlTypeUtil.isTimestamp(in) && expected == SqlTypeFamily.DATE) {
return factory.createSqlType(SqlTypeName.DATE);
// If the function accepts any NUMERIC type and the input is a STRING,
// returns the expected type family's default type.
// REVIEW Danny 2018-05-22: same with MS-SQL and MYSQL.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(in) && numericFamilies.contains(expected)) {
return expected.getDefaultConcreteType(factory);
if (SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(in) && dateTimeFamilies.contains(expected)) {
return expected.getDefaultConcreteType(factory);
if (SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(in) && expected == SqlTypeFamily.BINARY) {
return expected.getDefaultConcreteType(factory);
// If we get here, `in` will never be STRING type.
if (SqlTypeUtil.isAtomic(in)
&& (expected == SqlTypeFamily.STRING
|| expected == SqlTypeFamily.CHARACTER)) {
return expected.getDefaultConcreteType(factory);
if (SqlTypeUtil.isCharacter(in) && expected == SqlTypeFamily.GEO) {
return expected.getDefaultConcreteType(factory);
return null;
* Coerce STRING type to ARRAY type.
protected Boolean coerceStringToArray(
SqlCall call,
SqlNode operand,
int index,
RelDataType fromType,
RelDataType targetType) {
if (validator.config().conformance().allowLenientCoercion()
&& SqlTypeUtil.isString(fromType)
&& SqlTypeUtil.isArray(targetType)
&& operand instanceof SqlCharStringLiteral) {
try {
SqlNode arrayValue =
((SqlCharStringLiteral) operand).getValueAs(String.class));
call.setOperand(index, arrayValue);
updateInferredType(arrayValue, targetType);
} catch (SqlParseException e) {
return false;
return true;
return false;