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<h1 title="Package" class="title">Package&nbsp;org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano</h1>
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<div class="block">Optimizes relational expressions.<p>&nbsp;</p>
<p>A <dfn>planner</dfn> (also known as an <dfn>optimizer</dfn>) finds the
most efficient implementation of a
<a href="../../rel/RelNode.html" title="interface in org.apache.calcite.rel"><code>relational expression</code></a>.</p>
<p>Interface <a href="../RelOptPlanner.html" title="interface in org.apache.calcite.plan"><code>RelOptPlanner</code></a> defines a planner,
and class <a href="VolcanoPlanner.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano"><code>VolcanoPlanner</code></a> is an
implementation which uses a dynamic programming technique. It is based upon
the Volcano optimizer [<a href="#graefe93">1</a>].</p>
<p>Interface <a href="../RelOptCost.html" title="interface in org.apache.calcite.plan"><code>RelOptCost</code></a> defines a cost
model; class <code>VolcanoCost</code> is
the implementation for a <code>VolcanoPlanner</code>.</p>
<p>A <code>RelSet</code> is a set of equivalent
relational expressions. They are equivalent because they will produce the
same result for any set of input data. It is an equivalence class: two
expressions are in the same set if and only if they are in the same
<p>One of the unique features of the optimizer is that expressions can take
on a variety of physical traits. Each relational expression has a set of
traits. Each trait is described by an implementation of
<a href="../RelTraitDef.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan"><code>RelTraitDef</code></a>. Manifestations of the trait
implement <a href="../RelTrait.html" title="interface in org.apache.calcite.plan"><code>RelTrait</code></a>. The most common example
of a trait is calling convention: the protocol used to receive and transmit
data. <a href="../ConventionTraitDef.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan"><code>ConventionTraitDef</code></a> defines the trait
and <a href="../Convention.html" title="interface in org.apache.calcite.plan"><code>Convention</code></a> enumerates the
protocols. Every relational expression has a single calling convention by
which it returns its results. Some examples:</p>
<li><a href="../../adapter/jdbc/JdbcConvention.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.adapter.jdbc"><code>JdbcConvention</code></a> is a fairly
conventional convention; the results are rows from a
<a href="" title="class or interface in java.sql" class="externalLink"><code>JDBC result set</code></a>.
<li><a href="../Convention.html#NONE"><code>Convention.NONE</code></a> means that a
expression cannot be implemented; typically there are rules which can
transform it to equivalent, implementable expressions.
<li><a href="../../adapter/enumerable/EnumerableConvention.html" title="enum in org.apache.calcite.adapter.enumerable"><code>EnumerableConvention</code></a>
implements the expression by
generating Java code. The code places the current row in a Java
variable, then
calls the piece of code which implements the consuming relational
For example, a Java array reader of the <code>names</code> array
would generate the following code:
<pre>String[] names;
for (int i = 0; i &lt; names.length; i++) {
String name = names[i];
// ... code for consuming relational expression ...
<p>New traits are added to the planner in one of two ways:</p>
<li>If the new trait is integral to Calcite, then each and every
implementation of <a href="../../rel/RelNode.html" title="interface in org.apache.calcite.rel"><code>RelNode</code></a> should include
its manifestation of the trait as part of the
<a href="../RelTraitSet.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan"><code>RelTraitSet</code></a> passed to
<a href="../../rel/AbstractRelNode.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.rel"><code>AbstractRelNode</code></a>'s constructor. It may be
useful to provide alternate <code>AbstractRelNode</code> constructors
if most relational expressions use a single manifestation of the
<li>If the new trait describes some aspect of a Farrago extension, then
the RelNodes passed to
<a href="VolcanoPlanner.html#setRoot(org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode)"><code>VolcanoPlanner.setRoot(org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode)</code></a>
should have their trait sets expanded before the
<code>setRoot(RelNode)</code> call.</li>
<p>The second trait extension mechanism requires that implementations of
<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang" class="externalLink"><code>Object.clone()</code></a> must not assume the
type and quantity of traits in their trait set. In either case, the new
<code>RelTraitDef</code> implementation must be
<a href="VolcanoPlanner.html#addRelTraitDef(org.apache.calcite.plan.RelTraitDef)"><code>VolcanoPlanner.addRelTraitDef(org.apache.calcite.plan.RelTraitDef)</code></a>
registered with the planner.</p>
<p>A <a href="RelSubset.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano"><code>RelSubset</code></a> is a subset of a
<code>RelSet</code> containing expressions which are equivalent and which
have the same <code>Convention</code>. Like <code>RelSet</code>, it is an
equivalence class.</p>
<h2>Related packages</h2>
<li><code>&lt;a href="../rel/package-summary.html"&gt;org.apache.calcite.rel&lt;/a&gt;</code>
defines <a href="../../rel/RelNode.html" title="interface in org.apache.calcite.rel"><code>relational expressions</code></a>.
<p>Sets merge when the result of a rule already exists in another set. This
implies that all of the expressions are equivalent. The RelSets are
merged, and so are the contained RelSubsets.</p>
<p>Expression registration.</p>
<li>Expression is added to a set. We may find that an equivalent
expression already exists. Otherwise, this is the moment when an
expression becomes public, and fixed. Its digest is assigned, which
allows us to quickly find identical expressions.</li>
<li>We match operands, figure out which rules are applicable, and
generate rule calls. The rule calls are placed on a queue, and the
important ones are called later.</li>
<li>RuleCalls allow us to defer the invocation of rules. When an
expression is registered </li>
<p>To optimize a relational expression R:</p>
<p>1. Register R.</p>
<p>2. Create rule-calls for all applicable rules.</p>
<p>3. Rank the rule calls by importance.</p>
<p>4. Call the most important rule</p>
<p>5. Repeat.</p>
<p><b>Importance</b>. A rule-call is important if it is likely to produce
better implementation of a relexp on the plan's critical path. Hence (a)
it produces a member of an important RelSubset, (b) its children are
<p>Conversion. Conversions are difficult because we have to work backwards
from the goal.</p>
<p><b>Rule triggering</b></p>
<p>The rules are:</p>
<li><code>PushFilterThroughProjectRule</code>. Operands:
<li><code>CombineProjectsRule</code>. Operands:
<p>A rule can be triggered by a change to any of its operands. Consider the
rule to combine two filters into one. It would have operands [Filter
[Filter]]. If I register a new Filter, it will trigger the rule in 2
places. Consider:</p>
<pre>Project (deptno) [exp 1, subset A]
Filter (gender='F') [exp 2, subset B]
Project (deptno, gender, empno) [exp 3, subset C]
Project (deptno, gender, empno, salary) [exp 4, subset D]
TableScan (emp) [exp 0, subset X]</pre>
<p>Apply <code>PushFilterThroughProjectRule</code> to [exp 2, exp 3]:</p>
<pre>Project (deptno) [exp 1, subset A]
Project (deptno, gender, empno) [exp 5, subset B]
Filter (gender='F') [exp 6, subset E]
Project (deptno, gender, empno, salary) [exp 4, subset D]
TableScan (emp) [exp 0, subset X]</pre>
<p>Two new expressions are created. Expression 5 is in subset B (because it
is equivalent to expression 2), and expression 6 is in a new equivalence
class, subset E.</p>
<p>The products of a applying a rule can trigger a cascade of rules. Even in
this simple system (2 rules and 4 initial expressions), two more rules
are triggered:</p>
<li>Registering exp 5 triggers <code>CombineProjectsRule</code>(exp 1,
exp 5), which creates
<pre>Project (deptno) [exp 7, subset A]
Filter (gender='F') [exp 6, subset E]
Project (deptno, gender, empno, salary) [exp 4, subset D]
TableScan (emp) [exp 0, subset X]</pre>
<li>Registering exp 6 triggers
<code>PushFilterThroughProjectRule</code>(exp 6, exp 4), which
<pre>Project (deptno) [exp 1, subset A]
Project (deptno, gender, empno) [exp 5, subset B]
Project (deptno, gender, empno, salary) [exp 8, subset E]
Filter (gender='F') [exp 9, subset F]
TableScan (emp) [exp 0, subset X]</pre>
<p>Each rule application adds additional members to existing subsets. The
non-singleton subsets are now A {1, 7}, B {2, 5} and E {6, 8}, and new
combinations are possible. For example,
<code>CombineProjectsRule</code>(exp 7, exp 8) further reduces the depth
of the tree to:</p>
<pre>Project (deptno) [exp 10, subset A]
Filter (gender='F') [exp 9, subset F]
TableScan (emp) [exp 0, subset X]</pre>
<p>Todo: show how rules can cause subsets to merge.</p>
<li>A rule can be triggered by any of its operands.</li>
<li>If a subset is a child of more than one parent, it can trigger rule
matches for any of its parents.
<li>Registering one relexp can trigger several rules (and even the same
rule several times).</li>
<li>Firing rules can cause subsets to merge.</li>
<p>1. <a id="graefe93" href="">The
Volcano Optimizer
Generator: Extensibility and Efficient Search - Goetz Graefe, William J.
<section class="summary">
<ul class="blockList">
<li class="blockList">
<div class="typeSummary">
<caption><span>Interface Summary</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
<th class="colFirst" scope="col">Interface</th>
<th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
<tr class="altColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><a href="AbstractConverter.ExpandConversionRule.Config.html" title="interface in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano">AbstractConverter.ExpandConversionRule.Config</a></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Rule configuration.</div>
<li class="blockList">
<div class="typeSummary">
<caption><span>Class Summary</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
<th class="colFirst" scope="col">Class</th>
<th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
<tr class="altColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><a href="AbstractConverter.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano">AbstractConverter</a></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Converts a relational expression to any given output convention.</div>
<tr class="rowColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><a href="AbstractConverter.ExpandConversionRule.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano">AbstractConverter.ExpandConversionRule</a></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Rule that converts an <a href="AbstractConverter.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano"><code>AbstractConverter</code></a> into a chain of
converters from the source relation to the target traits.</div>
<tr class="altColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><a href="RelSubset.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano">RelSubset</a></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Subset of an equivalence class where all relational expressions have the
same physical properties.</div>
<tr class="rowColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><a href="RuleQueue.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano">RuleQueue</a></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">A data structure that manages rule matches for RuleDriver.</div>
<tr class="altColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><a href="VolcanoPlanner.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano">VolcanoPlanner</a></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">VolcanoPlanner optimizes queries by transforming expressions selectively
according to a dynamic programming algorithm.</div>
<tr class="rowColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><a href="VolcanoRelMetadataProvider.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano">VolcanoRelMetadataProvider</a></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">VolcanoRelMetadataProvider implements the <a href="../../rel/metadata/RelMetadataProvider.html" title="interface in org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata"><code>RelMetadataProvider</code></a>
interface by combining metadata from the rels making up an equivalence class.</div>
<tr class="altColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><a href="VolcanoRuleCall.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano">VolcanoRuleCall</a></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block"><code>VolcanoRuleCall</code> implements the <a href="../RelOptRuleCall.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan"><code>RelOptRuleCall</code></a> interface
for VolcanoPlanner.</div>
<li class="blockList">
<div class="typeSummary">
<caption><span>Exception Summary</span><span class="tabEnd">&nbsp;</span></caption>
<th class="colFirst" scope="col">Exception</th>
<th class="colLast" scope="col">Description</th>
<tr class="altColor">
<th class="colFirst" scope="row"><a href="VolcanoTimeoutException.html" title="class in org.apache.calcite.plan.volcano">VolcanoTimeoutException</a></th>
<td class="colLast">
<div class="block">Indicates that planning timed out.</div>
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