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<h1>Docker Images</h1>
<h2 id="docker-images-for-avatica">Docker Images for Avatica</h2>
<p><a href="">Docker</a> is a popular piece of
software that enables other software to run “anywhere”. In the context of Avatica,
we can use Docker to enable a run-anywhere Avatica server. These Docker containers
can be used to easily create a server for the development of custom Avatica clients
or encapsulating database access for testing software that uses Avatica.</p>
<h3 id="base-avatica-server-docker-image">Base “avatica-server” Docker Image</h3>
<p>Avatica provides a number of Docker
containers. Each of these images is based on a “parent” “avatica-server” Docker image.</p>
<p>This Docker image has no bindings to a specific database (it has not database-specific
JDBC driver included). It only contains a Java runtime and the Avatica Standalone Server
jar (which contains all the necessary dependencies of the Avatica server). This docker
image is not directly useful for end users; it is useful for those who want to use Avatica
with a database of their choosing.</p>
<p>This Docker image is deployed to the <a href="">Apache Docker Hub account</a>
and is updated for each release of Avatica.</p>
<h3 id="database-specific-docker-images">Database-specific Docker Images</h3>
<p>To make the lives of end-users who want to use a specific database easier, some Docker
images are provided for some common databases. The current databases include:</p>
<li><a href="">HyperSQL</a> (2.3.1)</li>
<li><a href="">MySQL</a> (Client 5.1.41, supports MySQL server 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7)</li>
<li><a href="">PostgreSQL</a> (Client 42.0.0, supports PostgreSQL servers &gt;=8.3)</li>
<p>These images are not deployed as the licensing on each database driver is varied. Please
understand and accept the license of each before using in any software project.</p>
<p>Each of these images include a <code class="highlighter-rouge"></code> script which will build the docker image using
the latest <code class="highlighter-rouge">avatica-server</code> Docker image. The resulting Docker image will be named according
to the following format: <code class="highlighter-rouge">avatica-&lt;database&gt;-server</code>. For example, <code class="highlighter-rouge">avatica-hsqldb-server</code>,
<code class="highlighter-rouge">avatica-mysql-server</code>, and <code class="highlighter-rouge">avatica-postgresql-server</code>.</p>
<p>Additionally, <a href="">Docker Compose</a> configuration files for the above
databases (sans HyperSQL) are provided which configure the database’s standard Docker image
and then connect Avatica to that Docker container. For example, the PostgreSQL docker-compose configuration
file will start an instance of PostgreSQL and an instance of the Avatica server, each in their own container,
exposing an Avatica server configured against a “real” PostgreSQL database.</p>
<p>All of the <code class="highlighter-rouge">Dockerfile</code> and <code class="highlighter-rouge">docker-compose.yml</code> files are conveniently provided in an archive for
each release. Here is the layout for release 1.17.0:</p>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>avatica-docker-1.17.0/
<h4 id="running">Running</h4>
<p>Each of the provided database-specific Docker images set an <code class="highlighter-rouge">ENTRYPOINT</code> which
encapsulate most of the Java command. The following options are available to specify:</p>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>Usage: &lt;main class&gt; [options]
-h, -help, --help
Print the help message
Default: false
-p, --port
Port the server should bind
Default: 0
-s, --serialization
Serialization method to use
Possible Values: [JSON, PROTOBUF]
* -u, --url
JDBC driver url for the server
<p>For example, to connect to a MySQL server, the following could be used:</p>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>$ ./avatica-docker-*/mysql/
$ docker run --rm -it avatica-mysql-server \
-u jdbc:mysql://&lt;fqdn&gt;:3306/my_database
<p>To debug these docker images, the <code class="highlighter-rouge">ENTRYPOINT</code> can be overriden to launch a shell</p>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>$ docker run --rm --entrypoint='' -it avatica-mysql-server /bin/sh
<h3 id="running-docker-containers-for-custom-databases">Running Docker containers for custom databases</h3>
<p>The provided <code class="highlighter-rouge">avatica-server</code> Docker image is designed to be generally reusable
for developers that want to expose a database of their choosing. A custom Dockerfile
can be created by copying what the <code class="highlighter-rouge">avatica-mysql-server</code> or <code class="highlighter-rouge">avatica-postgresql-server</code>
do, but this is also achievable via the Docker volumes.</p>
<p>For example, consider we have a JAR with a JDBC driver for our database on our local
machine <code class="highlighter-rouge">/home/user/my-database-jars/my-database-jdbc-1.0.jar</code>. We can run the following command to
launch a custom Avatica server against our database with this JDBC driver.</p>
<div class="highlighter-rouge"><div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight"><code>$ docker run --rm -p 8765:8765 \
-v /home/user/my-database-jars/:/my-database-jars --entrypoint="" -it avatica-server \
/usr/bin/java -cp "/home/avatica/classpath/*:/my-database-jars/*" \
org.apache.calcite.avatica.standalone.StandaloneServer -p 8765 \
-u "jdbc:my_jdbc_url"
<p>This command does the following:</p>
<li>Exposes the internal port 8765 on the local machine as 8765</li>
<li>Maps the local directory “home/user/my-database-jars” to the Docker container at “/my-database-jars” using the Docker volumes feature</li>
<li>Adds that mapped directory to the Java classpath</li>
<li>Sets the correct JDBC URL for the database</li>
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