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<h1>Developing Avatica</h1>
<p>Want to help add a feature or fix a bug?</p>
<ul id="markdown-toc">
<li><a href="#source-code" id="markdown-toc-source-code">Source code</a></li>
<li><a href="#download-source-build-and-run-tests" id="markdown-toc-download-source-build-and-run-tests">Download source, build, and run tests</a></li>
<li><a href="#contributing" id="markdown-toc-contributing">Contributing</a></li>
<li><a href="#continuous-integration-testing" id="markdown-toc-continuous-integration-testing">Continuous Integration Testing</a></li>
<li><a href="#getting-started" id="markdown-toc-getting-started">Getting started</a></li>
<h2 id="source-code">Source code</h2>
<p>You can get the source code by
<a href="/avatica/downloads">downloading a release</a>
or from source control.</p>
<p>Calcite uses git for version control. The canonical source is in
<a href="">Apache</a>,
but most people find the
<a href="">GitHub mirror</a> more
<h2 id="download-source-build-and-run-tests">Download source, build, and run tests</h2>
<p>Prerequisites are git, maven (3.2.1 or later) and Java (JDK 1.8 or
later, 1.9 preferred) on your path.</p>
<p>Create a local copy of the git repository, <code class="highlighter-rouge">cd</code> to its root directory,
then build using maven:</p>
<figure class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-bash" data-lang="bash"><span class="nv">$ </span>git clone git:// avatica
<span class="nv">$ </span><span class="nb">cd </span>calcite-avatica
<span class="nv">$ </span>./gradlew build</code></pre></figure>
<p>The HOWTO describes how to
<a href="/avatica/docs/howto.html#building-from-a-source-distribution">build from a source distribution</a>,
<a href="/avatica/docs/howto.html#running-tests">run more or fewer tests</a> and
<a href="/avatica/docs/howto.html#running-integration-tests">run integration tests</a>.</p>
<h2 id="contributing">Contributing</h2>
<p>We welcome contributions.</p>
<p>If you are planning to make a large contribution, talk to us first! It
helps to agree on the general approach. Log a
<a href="">JIRA case</a> for your
proposed feature or start a discussion on the dev list.</p>
<p>Fork the github repository, and create a branch for your feature.</p>
<p>Develop your feature and test cases, and make sure that
<code class="highlighter-rouge">./gradlew build</code> succeeds. (Run extra tests if your change warrants it.)</p>
<p>Commit your change to your branch, and use a comment that starts with
the JIRA case number, like this:</p>
<figure class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-text" data-lang="text">[CALCITE-345] AssertionError in RexToLixTranslator comparing to date literal</code></pre></figure>
<p>If your change had multiple commits, use <code class="highlighter-rouge">git rebase -i master</code> to
squash them into a single commit, and to bring your code up to date
with the latest on the main line.</p>
<p>Then push your commit(s) to github, and create a pull request from
your branch to the calcite master branch. Update the JIRA case
to reference your pull request, and a committer will review your
<h2 id="continuous-integration-testing">Continuous Integration Testing</h2>
<p>Calcite has a collection of Jenkins jobs on ASF-hosted infrastructure.
They are all organized in a single view and available at
<a href=""></a>.</p>
<h2 id="getting-started">Getting started</h2>
<p>Calcite is a community, so the first step to joining the project is to introduce yourself.
Join the <a href="">developers list</a>
and send an email.</p>
<p>If you have the chance to attend a <a href="">meetup</a>,
or meet <a href="">members of the community</a>
at a conference, that’s also great.</p>
<p>Choose an initial task to work on. It should be something really simple,
such as a bug fix or a <a href="">Jira task that we have labeled
Follow the <a href="#contributing">contributing guidelines</a> to get your change committed.</p>
<p>After you have made several useful contributions we may
<a href="">invite you to become a committer</a>.
We value all contributions that help to build a vibrant community, not just code.
You can contribute by testing the code, helping verify a release,
writing documentation or the web site,
or just by answering questions on the list.</p>
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<p>The contents of this website are &copy;&nbsp;2020
<a href="">Apache Software Foundation</a>
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