blob: f406da26521e462228f892e3bc979758117d2e38 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package net.hydromatic.avatica;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
/** Implementation of {@link ConnectionConfig}. */
public class ConnectionConfigImpl implements ConnectionConfig {
protected final Properties properties;
public ConnectionConfigImpl(Properties properties) { = properties;
public String schema() {
return BuiltInConnectionProperty.SCHEMA.wrap(properties).getString();
public String timeZone() {
return BuiltInConnectionProperty.TIMEZONE.wrap(properties).getString();
/** Converts a {@link Properties} object containing (name, value)
* pairs into a map whose keys are
* {@link net.hydromatic.avatica.InternalProperty} objects.
* <p>Matching is case-insensitive. Throws if a property is not known.
* If a property occurs more than once, takes the last occurrence.</p>
* @param properties Properties
* @return Map
* @throws RuntimeException if a property is not known
public static Map<ConnectionProperty, String> parse(Properties properties,
Map<String, ? extends ConnectionProperty> nameToProps) {
final Map<ConnectionProperty, String> map =
new LinkedHashMap<ConnectionProperty, String>();
for (String name : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
final ConnectionProperty connectionProperty =
if (connectionProperty == null) {
// For now, don't throw. It messes up sub-projects.
//throw new RuntimeException("Unknown property '" + name + "'");
map.put(connectionProperty, properties.getProperty(name));
return map;
/** The combination of a property definition and a map of property values. */
public static class PropEnv {
final Map<? extends ConnectionProperty, String> map;
private final ConnectionProperty property;
public PropEnv(Map<? extends ConnectionProperty, String> map,
ConnectionProperty property) { = map; = property;
private <T> T get_(Converter<T> converter, String defaultValue) {
final String s = map.get(property);
if (s != null) {
return converter.apply(property, s);
return converter.apply(property, defaultValue);
/** Returns the string value of this property, or null if not specified and
* no default. */
public String getString() {
return getString((String) property.defaultValue());
/** Returns the string value of this property, or null if not specified and
* no default. */
public String getString(String defaultValue) {
assert property.type() == ConnectionProperty.Type.STRING;
return get_(IDENTITY_CONVERTER, defaultValue);
/** Returns the boolean value of this property. Throws if not set and no
* default. */
public boolean getBoolean() {
return getBoolean((Boolean) property.defaultValue());
/** Returns the boolean value of this property. Throws if not set and no
* default. */
public boolean getBoolean(boolean defaultValue) {
assert property.type() == ConnectionProperty.Type.BOOLEAN;
return get_(BOOLEAN_CONVERTER, Boolean.toString(defaultValue));
/** Returns the enum value of this property. Throws if not set and no
* default. */
public <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnum(Class<E> enumClass) {
//noinspection unchecked
return getEnum(enumClass, (E) property.defaultValue());
/** Returns the enum value of this property. Throws if not set and no
* default. */
public <E extends Enum<E>> E getEnum(Class<E> enumClass, E defaultValue) {
assert property.type() == ConnectionProperty.Type.ENUM;
//noinspection unchecked
return get_(enumConverter(enumClass),;
/** Returns an instance of a plugin.
* <p>Throws if not set and no default.
* Also throws if the class does not implement the required interface,
* or if it does not have a public default constructor or an public static
* field called {@code #INSTANCE}. */
public <T> T getPlugin(Class<T> pluginClass, T defaultInstance) {
return getPlugin(pluginClass, (String) property.defaultValue(),
/** Returns an instance of a plugin, using a given class name if none is
* set.
* <p>Throws if not set and no default.
* Also throws if the class does not implement the required interface,
* or if it does not have a public default constructor or an public static
* field called {@code #INSTANCE}. */
public <T> T getPlugin(Class<T> pluginClass, String defaultClassName,
T defaultInstance) {
assert property.type() == ConnectionProperty.Type.PLUGIN;
return get_(pluginConverter(pluginClass, defaultInstance),
/** Callback to parse a property from string to its native type. */
public interface Converter<T> {
T apply(ConnectionProperty connectionProperty, String s);
public static final Converter<Boolean> BOOLEAN_CONVERTER =
new Converter<Boolean>() {
public Boolean apply(ConnectionProperty connectionProperty, String s) {
if (s == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Required property '"
+ connectionProperty.camelName() + "' not specified");
return Boolean.parseBoolean(s);
public static final Converter<String> IDENTITY_CONVERTER =
new Converter<String>() {
public String apply(ConnectionProperty connectionProperty, String s) {
return s;
public static <E extends Enum> Converter<E> enumConverter(
final Class<E> enumClass) {
return new Converter<E>() {
public E apply(ConnectionProperty connectionProperty, String s) {
if (s == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Required property '"
+ connectionProperty.camelName() + "' not specified");
try {
return (E) Enum.valueOf(enumClass, s);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Property '" + s + "' not valid for enum "
+ enumClass.getName());
public static <T> Converter<T> pluginConverter(final Class<T> pluginClass,
final T defaultInstance) {
return new Converter<T>() {
public T apply(ConnectionProperty connectionProperty, String s) {
if (s == null) {
if (defaultInstance != null) {
return defaultInstance;
throw new RuntimeException("Required property '"
+ connectionProperty.camelName() + "' not specified");
// First look for a C.INSTANCE field, then do new C().
try {
//noinspection unchecked
final Class<T> clazz = (Class) Class.forName(s);
assert pluginClass.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
try {
// We assume that if there is an INSTANCE field it is static and
// has the right type.
final Field field = clazz.getField("INSTANCE");
return pluginClass.cast(field.get(null));
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
// ignore
return clazz.newInstance();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Property '" + s
+ "' not valid for plugin type " + pluginClass.getName(), e);
// End