tree: 7f9ee8959431f061ebcb4f31cf31db28d571af99 [path history] [tgz]
  1. errors/
  2. generic/
  3. hsqldb/
  4. internal/
  5. message/
  6. phoenix/
  7. site/
  8. test-fixtures/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .travis.yml
  11. adapter.go
  12. class_mappings.go
  13. compat.go
  14. compat_go18.go
  15. connection.go
  16. connection_go18.go
  17. docker-compose.yml
  19. driver.go
  20. driver_go18_hsqldb_test.go
  21. driver_go18_phoenix_test.go
  22. driver_go18_test.go
  23. driver_hsqldb_test.go
  24. driver_phoenix_test.go
  25. driver_test.go
  26. dsn.go
  27. dsn_test.go
  28. go.mod
  29. go.sum
  30. Gopkg.lock
  31. Gopkg.toml
  32. http_client.go
  34. NOTICE
  36. result.go
  37. rows.go
  38. rows_go18.go
  39. statement.go
  40. statement_go18.go
  41. transaction.go

Apache Avatica/Phoenix SQL Driver

GoDoc Build Status

Apache Calcite's Avatica Go is a Go database/sql driver for the Avatica server.

Avatica is a sub-project of Apache Calcite.

Quick Start

If you are using Go 1.10 and below, install using dep:

$ dep ensure -add

If you are using Go 1.11 and above, install using Go modules:

$ go get

The Phoenix/Avatica driver implements Go's database/sql/driver interface, so, import the database/sql package and the driver:

import "database/sql"
import _ ""

db, err := sql.Open("avatica", "http://localhost:8765")

Then simply use the database connection to query some data, for example:

rows := db.Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test")

For more details, see the home page.

Release notes for all published versions are available on the history page.


We do not use Github to file issues. Please create an issue on Calcite's JIRA and select avatica-go as the component.