Update releasing documentation
1 file changed
tree: 61b20bbcef115e73ab12addfa7f480d4b41c0bc0
  1. errors/
  2. generic/
  3. hsqldb/
  4. internal/
  5. message/
  6. phoenix/
  7. site/
  8. test-fixtures/
  9. .gitignore
  10. .travis.yml
  11. adapter.go
  12. class_mappings.go
  13. compat.go
  14. compat_go18.go
  15. connection.go
  16. connection_go18.go
  17. docker-compose.yml
  18. Dockerfile
  19. driver.go
  20. driver_go18_hsqldb_test.go
  21. driver_go18_phoenix_test.go
  22. driver_go18_test.go
  23. driver_hsqldb_test.go
  24. driver_phoenix_test.go
  25. driver_test.go
  26. dsn.go
  27. dsn_test.go
  28. gen-protobuf.bat
  29. gen-protobuf.sh
  30. Gopkg.lock
  31. Gopkg.toml
  32. http_client.go
  34. make-release-artifacts.sh
  35. moby.yml
  36. NOTICE
  37. README.md
  38. result.go
  39. rows.go
  40. rows_go18.go
  41. statement.go
  42. statement_go18.go
  43. transaction.go

Apache Avatica/Phoenix SQL Driver

GoDoc Build Status

Apache Calcite's Avatica Go is a Go database/sql driver for the Avatica server.

Avatica is a sub-project of Apache Calcite.

Quick Start

Install using your dependency management tool (we recommend dep!):

$ dep ensure -add github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go

The Phoenix/Avatica driver implements Go's database/sql/driver interface, so, import the database/sql package and the driver:

import "database/sql"
import _ "github.com/apache/calcite-avatica-go"

db, err := sql.Open("avatica", "http://localhost:8765")

Then simply use the database connection to query some data, for example:

rows := db.Query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test")

For more details, see the home page.

Release notes for all published versions are available on the history page.