updating files for release
diff --git a/CHANGES.txt b/CHANGES.txt
index eb53682..da0f0fc 100644
--- a/CHANGES.txt
+++ b/CHANGES.txt
@@ -50,21 +50,69 @@
   * Bugs and other issues can be posted on the project JIRA.
+Release Notes - BVal - Version 2.0.3
+    * [BVAL-170] - BVAL 2.x is very very slow
+    * [BVAL-172] - ConcurrentModificationException during validation
+    * [BVAL-176] - setAccessible handling is broken for multithreaded apps with SecurityManager
+    * [BVAL-174] - Return Parameter Validation Ignore void methods
+Release Notes - BVal - Version 2.0.2
+    * [BVAL-170] - BVAL 2.x is very very slow
+Release Notes - BVal - Version 2.0.1
+    * [BVAL-165] - Wrong classloader used to load user classes
+    * [BVAL-167] - ConstraintDeclarationException: Illegal strengthening: overridden [constraints] in inheritance hierarchy
+    * [BVAL-168] - CharSequence @NotEmpty validation not according to spec
+    * [BVAL-171] - Compatibility with hv benchmark
+    * [BVAL-166] - update OSGi bundle specification version
 Release Notes - BVal - Version 2.0.0
-** Bug
     * [BVAL-108] - Prefer Thread context classloader or framework-relative as appropriate to task - addresses resource loading complaints with OSGI
     * [BVAL-154] - avoid storing metamodel for unconstrained types using "negative cache"
     * [BVAL-157] - method named get() blows up with illegal param name
     * [BVAL-158] - ExecutableValidator invokes method if it looks like a getter
-** Improvement
     * [BVAL-118] - improve efficiency by associating bean metadata with the factory rather than the context
     * [BVAL-159] - Drop commons dependencies
     * [BVAL-160] - Implement Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380)
-** Task
     * [BVAL-161] - Redesign bean metadata model
     * [BVAL-162] - Convert remaining JUnit 3 tests to JUnit 4
     * [BVAL-163] - Remove Agimatech extensions